Big Manga

Chapter 1018: Leave

Sure enough, Qin Ya arrived at Jiayuan community one step ahead of Meng Huo, but it was not so much that she walked fast, it was better to say that Meng Huo deliberately delayed his return home by taking the bus. Please search ()! The fastest updated novel ∈ ↗,

When he arrived at home, Qin Ya was talking about comics with his assistants as if nothing had happened, and Li Qin quietly gestured to Meng Huo, indicating that she had concealed the call according to his words.

"What's going on today? How did you say you're leaving tomorrow and today?" Before dinner, Li Qin blocked Meng Huo in the bathroom, and asked with a stinky face, "Where is Alice? Isn't she planning to go tonight?" Was it with you?"

Li Qin was so happy when she received the first phone call in the afternoon. She was planning to prepare some nourishing soup for Meng Huo tomorrow morning. Unexpectedly, a few hours later, Meng Huo called again to tell her to change her mind—she was so happy It's been a game.

Meng Huo told Li Qin what happened today.

"So that's how it is..." Li Qin's complexion was good, it was not Meng Huo's fault, he and Alice were also progressing smoothly, she had no reason to blame him.

"This Qin Ya is really too. If I knew she was following you, I should have stopped her." Li Qin had a little opinion on Qin Ya, but she was more worried about Meng Huo and the others: "Then you all have to be careful in the future, don't worry about it." It's too obvious, if you don't want to expose it, don't expose it."

His son has two daughters-in-law, and Li Qin also knows that this is not something suitable for people to know, especially since the identities of the three of them are not simple, and if they are found out, many people will definitely scold them.

Meng Huo is also aware of this, he has long been mentally prepared to deal with the worst scenario, even if it is exposed. He will also do his best to protect Alice and Shen Jie—but if he is psychologically prepared, it is psychologically prepared. If this kind of thing can not be exposed. Of course, it is better not to expose it for the rest of your life.

"Maybe I should ask the old lady about her experience..."

Such thoughts flashed through Meng Huo's mind, and he remembered that the old lady said that Jiang Tianshi's father had several wives, but they never revealed it. How to hide this kind of thing, maybe there is a set of special methods in those families.

After dinner, Meng Huo took Qin Ya on the high-speed train back to Manga Island.

"Qin Ya, what did you bring home today?" On the high-speed rail, Meng Huo found that Qin Ya had been watching him, so he decided to preemptively strike.

Qin Ya was taken aback by his question. Wiping off his sweat, he said, "There's nothing there, I remembered it wrong... After I went back, I found out that I had taken Su Hua with me last time."

Being beaten by Meng Huo like this,

She worried about whether her lie would be seen through, and her desire to test Meng Huo disappeared.

The two returned to Manga Island safe and sound, and then started to work normally—this time Meng Huo learned to be smart, and he paid more attention to Qin Ya's small actions than usual, and did not give her any chance to doubt herself.

After a few days, Qin Ya's gossip finally subsided, and her state returned to her usual state. However, a few days later. Something happened that shocked the entire Phoenix Company and even the entire industry—Alice announced her temporary resignation due to personal reasons.

As soon as the news came out, countless media newspapers were shocked. The Phoenix Building in Ninghai was surrounded by reporters for several days.

"Phoenix Company's vice president announced his resignation!" "Phoenix Company lost a pillar!"——Many media put this matter on the front page, and the news far surpassed Shen Jie, Xia Chuanzhen and Takashima Xiangzilong The concert where Xue and others all appeared together.

"I didn't expect that I would be able to enjoy this kind of treatment one day." Alice joked with Meng Huo on the phone. Alice, who has always been low-key and likes to stay behind the scenes, has received unprecedented attention this time. Readers who hadn't noticed her are only now suddenly discovering that the Phoenix Company has such an important and beautiful vice president.

However, this phenomenon is not a good thing. There are too many topics about Alice. As long as she digs a little bit, her whole experience of being an agent, director of Meng Huo's responsible editorial office, and even the vice president of Phoenix Company will be exposed. And any experience can be described in a special book, causing great repercussions.

If this flame is not extinguished quickly, Alice will become a big celebrity in a short time, with a large number of fans, and maybe someone will create a biography for her—and this is not a good thing for Meng Huo and Alice. It's fine with the old Shen Jie, Alice can't become another Shen Jie.

The high level of attention involved in the incident also involved Meng Huo. Someone was waiting on Manga Island for several days, so Alice had to postpone her plan to come to Meng Huo. She went to Meng's house and lived there temporarily.

But just when Meng Huo felt that the situation was difficult, the old lady made a move.

As soon as she made a move, Alice's enthusiasm stopped abruptly, and after only two days, the reports in the newspapers basically disappeared. The only thing that can be reported is the photo of Alice flying abroad. Of course, this is fake news, she is not really going abroad.

The photo was taken by a very professional reporter. In the scene where Liz walked onto the plane with a suitcase alone, her profile face and body were all included, which could not be faked—in fact, from the photo itself, this is also Not a fake photo.

Alice did get on the plane to go abroad, but she will be arranged by the Meng family to return to the country immediately after she arrives, without being discovered by anyone.

"Simply flawless..."

After the speech, Meng Huo lamented the terrifying power of the Meng family. Their influence on the media was beyond his imagination. If he wanted to gain this influence by himself, he might not be able to do so in decades.

The news about Alice has calmed down, but the impact of this shock on the comics industry has not disappeared—except for Phoenix Company, the stock prices of almost all listed animation companies have increased. Pay attention to.

When she left alone, all investors judged that the operation of Phoenix Company would be risky, if not risky, at least in terms of efficiency, it would definitely not be as good as before, and this was a great opportunity for other companies to make great strides.

Considering that He Xi will also be traveling soon, small and large companies in the animation industry may have a rare golden opportunity.

The Phoenix company was also shaken by Alice's resignation, and the anxiety spread to almost everyone. Fortunately, Alice's resignation was only temporary. The reason was to go abroad to find relatives - so the anxiety did not turn into panic.

However, Qin Ya's doubts that she had just dropped arose again. Her suspicion returned to her original guess—Alice and Meng Huo had a deadlock.

"Is it really just looking for relatives? Or is Miss Alice not coming back?" she thought. I suspect that the last time I saw Meng Huo and Alice being intimate together was actually Meng Huo's last gift to Alice.

Two people who have been emotionally entangled for several years, when they finally parted, the guilty man gave the woman a chance for a sweet date. This kind of sad plot is often seen in romance TV dramas and novels—even Qin Ya once wrote something similar love story.

She felt that the scene she saw last time must be Meng Huo's last gift to Alice.

"The teacher really chose Shen Jie." Qin Ya felt sad for Alice, especially the photo of her boarding the plane with a suitcase, which looked more and more like the lovelorn supporting actress in the TV series. It is impossible for Alice to come back in the future.

But Meng Huo still went to work calmly, and Ya was very angry.

Finally, one day, Qin Ya couldn't bear it any longer. She took out the newspaper from her bag and threw it on the painting table, saying, "Teacher, don't you feel anything from the report?"

"No, how do I feel?" Meng Huo asked calmly.

"You... Teacher, I really didn't expect you to be such a cold person!" Qin Ya was disappointed. She had never been so disappointed today, and she always respected Teacher He Xi. Why are you indifferent to Alice's departure?

He didn't even show his sadness—Qin Ya felt strange to Meng Huo, was he really the teacher He Xi she was familiar with? Could it be because she chose Shen Jie? He just abandoned Alice's friendship with him for many years?

Under the anger, Qin Ya's attitude towards Meng Huo became indifferent, and she was no longer so close to him at work, and there was basically no dialogue at other times.

The change in their clear relationship has been noticed by the manga assistants of Island Studio, and even many other employees—but even if she is as close as Bai Han, she can't get the reason from Qin Ya. Not someone who says things that shouldn't be said.

It was even more impossible for Meng Huo to tell the truth. He knew why Qin Ya's attitude changed, but he couldn't explain it to her. This kind of thing is getting darker and darker. Even if Qin Ya returns to her usual appearance, on the other hand, she will be more confused about Meng Huo's matter, and it will be more troublesome in the future.

So he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​explaining, thinking that time would smooth everything out, Qin Ya was angry for a while, and sooner or later he would return to normal.

And Meng Huo still liked this change in his heart. Qin Ya began to stay away from him, and sometimes took his assistants away when painting, but she was not negligent in her work-in this way, Meng Huo avoided being continued by Qin Ya. Doubt does not affect work, isn't it good?

Except for Qin Ya, He Qian, Zhou Qian and the others were not affected, and Shen Jie just called to inquire about the situation, and she was relieved when she knew it was all right. The only one who was more sad was Xu Jing, who took over the work he had finally put down, which made him uncomfortable for a while.

Fortunately, Meng Huo had already arranged his work after the trip, and he took the time to help Xu Jing through this transitional period before leaving. Two weeks later, Meng Huo was ready to leave. Many people from Phoenix Company came to see him off, but Qin Ya was not there—Meng Huo didn't expect her to be angry for two weeks, but he didn't have time to comfort her.

"Teacher He Xi, have a good trip!"

Amid the sound of farewell from everyone, Meng Huo left Manga Island by car. He first went to Meng's house, and then went directly to Alice. Shen Jie won't be leaving until two weeks later. She avoids the time, and the Meng family helped her find a substitute. Even if she leaves, people will find Shen Jie from time to time in the future, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

On the way, Meng Huo received a call from Dong Ding. He had been informed of his departure and asked when he would return.

"I don't have any plans yet, I'll come back naturally when I want to come back..." Meng Huo said.

"Then what about Phoenix Company?" Dong Ding asked solemnly, "Isn't Alice gone before? When will she go back? If the two of you are absent for a long time, Phoenix will become a fat chicken waiting to be slaughtered."

Compared with Meng Huo, Dong Ding seems to be more worried about the situation of Phoenix Company——

"Don't worry, I will keep the information flowing outside. If something happens, I will come back as soon as possible." Meng Huo explained, but with the protection of the old lady, he thinks that there will be no accidents in Phoenix Company .

Dong Ding was much relieved when he got his answer: "That's it, you still have this mobile phone number when you travel, right?"

"Of course, I will also keep in touch."

"That's very good. I can inform you as soon as there is any situation here." Dong Ding was most afraid that he would not be able to contact Meng Huo. After hearing his assurance, he let go of his last heart and wished Meng Huo a pleasant trip. The call ended.

When Meng Huo came to Mrs. Meng's family, Li Qin also came to see him off.

"Take good care of your health outside, don't go to any remote places, and call me every few days..." Li Qin had a lot of advice, and the old lady's words were much simpler and clearer in comparison.

"You are a man, you must protect them well, and don't go to any dangerous countries and regions."

Meng Huo chose to travel outside of China this time. He wanted to go west along Siberia to Europe, and then return - but because of the relationship between Alice and Shen Jie, he didn't plan to go to any remote places, mainly in the Safe city and scenic stops.

After eating with the two elders, Meng Huo left at night.

The Meng family arranged for him to go to Alice. Alice is now in Beihai. Meng Huo will meet her there and stay there for two weeks. Shen Jie will also be arranged to go there after two weeks, and then the three will leave together .

"There is the Meng family's property in Beihai. When you go there, tell them directly if you need anything, and they will meet all your requirements." The old lady reminded: "But you and Alice had better not just go to crowded places." place, after all, it is still China's territory, and it will be difficult to deal with it if it is discovered by reporters."

Meng Huo nodded: "I know, Shen Jie will leave it to you."

"Don't worry." The old lady smiled and said, "In two weeks, I will give you a white and fat Shen Jie."

However, saying so, the old lady thought that two weeks was too short, and she might be suspected. After Meng Huo left, she planned to suppress Shen Jie for a while, so that Meng Huo and Alice could spend more time together in Beihai. (To be continued..)

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