Big Manga

Chapter 1020: Difficult to deal with


"Why did you come out so soon?"

Seeing Meng Huo coming out of the coffee shop, Alice quickly opened the car door and asked. (Baidu search website updates the fastest and most stable)

"I don't think there's much hope of persuading her, so forget it." Meng Huo got into the car and said, "Besides, you're waiting outside. I can't make you wait too long, can I?"

Alice was very happy to hear this, she stretched out her arms to hug Meng Huo, and said, "Then let's have lunch now, go boating in the afternoon, and in the evening..."

She blushed a little and didn't continue in the second half of the sentence, but Meng Huo understood what she meant, and became eager in his heart.

Since Alice was persuaded by Meng Huo last time, the worries in her heart disappeared, and her body has always been tickling like eager to try. She also specially made up for her homework. She had already made full preparations to go to Suhua, but unexpectedly, she was delayed by an accident for two more weeks.

But now she didn't want to procrastinate any longer.

After lunch, Meng Huo and Alice went boating.

"How do you think of playing this?" He asked curiously. Beihai Lake is a freshwater lake protected by the state. Only a small area allows boating and commercial operations, and the asking price is high. Considering the weather problem, this is really not a big deal good idea.

It is approaching summer in June, although Suhua and other places have obvious heat, but it is still spring when the ice and snow melt in the North Sea-sitting on a boat, you can clearly feel the coldness of the wind blowing over the lake.

"Paddling a small boat in the North Sea to enjoy the scenery along the way is a very famous activity for couples. I wanted to try it after I came here." Alice explained to Meng Huo, but after floating on the lake for a while, she also felt that her whole body Coldly: "It's a pity that the time is wrong. It will be fine in another two months."

Meng Huo looked at her with a smile: "Then let's leave early. Don't catch a cold." Alice still wanted to persevere. But within a few minutes, she was still shivering and rowed back to the shore with Meng Huo, giving up the plan.

"Let's go to the movies," said Alice.

But Meng Huo stopped her: "I don't want to go, take me to where you live."

Alice looked at him, stared at by his burning gaze, feeling as if her body was heating up.

"Then...well..." The residence arranged by the Meng family for Alice was on the outskirts of Beihai City, surrounded by coniferous forests, and the environment was quiet. The guards were tight, and Meng Huo never saw a car drive past after passing a sentry post.

"This area belongs to the Meng family?" Meng Huo asked in surprise.

"I don't understand this." Alice replied, "But there are no outsiders here, and there are all kinds of facilities. We can stay here and wait for Shen Jie to come over."

After getting off the car, a huge villa appeared in front of Meng Huo. This villa gave him the feeling of a European building. There was a garden outside the main entrance. Now it was the time when the flowers were in full bloom, and it looked very beautiful.

"Welcome young master, welcome young mistress!"

main entrance. The maids and guards standing in two rows bowed down to salute Meng Huo.

Meng Huo was taken aback, then frowned. He doesn't like this, it's just like the feudal era. But he turned his head to look at Alice again, but she seemed to have gotten used to this scene, and naturally ordered his servants to help Meng Huo carry the salute inside.

"Come on, let's go in, I'm going to take you to a good place." After Alice gave orders, she turned her head and said to Meng Huo with a smile.

Meng Huo suppressed the discomfort in his heart, and walked in after Alice. Everyone in the apartment seemed to know Meng Huo's identity, and they would respectfully step aside when they saw him on the road, but their conversation behind the scenes was not entirely a good thing.

"The rumors are true. Teacher He Xi is our young master."

"The old lady is so low-key, but the young master is a big star, it's unbelievable!"

"Maybe the young master became a star because of the old lady's help..."

"Really? Let me tell you, no wonder he develops so fast!"

Meng Huo felt a little unhappy in his heart. Those conversations with servants would only start when Meng Huo was far away, and the voice was very low, so Alice couldn't hear them. But this extremely smart woman knew Meng Huo had something to say when she saw Meng Huo's expression.

"You don't like it here?" she asked.

"Yes." Meng Huo nodded: "I can arrange other places."

"I can also arrange..." Alice smiled. She likes this place very much, but she won't be nostalgic: "If you don't like it, we will leave here tomorrow, but today you have to spend the night with me here."

Meng Huo became curious. He knew that there must be something good here, otherwise Alice would not have said such a thing—last time she only needed a hotel.

Alice led Meng Huo out of a room: "This is my room."

Meng Huo walked in, and then his eyes lit up. The design of this villa is clearly European style, but this room is full of the beauty of Jiangnan Water Town. The entire room was over a hundred square meters and decorated with many realistic plants. Apart from the prerequisites for a five-star bedroom, Meng Huo smelled a strange smell.

"Where is...the hot spring?" Meng Huo looked at the place where the breath came from. It was a place separated by glass, like a bathroom, but it was filled with mist, and he immediately knew it was a hot spring.

"How did you guess it?" Alice wanted to make a fool of herself, but Meng Huo didn't expect Meng Huo to say it right away. She wondered how he could tell. When she first came here, she saw the hot spring and thought it was just the servants who had prepared hot water for her.

"I can smell the smell of hot springs." Meng Huo had stayed in many hot spring restaurants during his travels in the Far East. Although the design was different from here, the smell of hot springs could not be hidden from his nose.

"Is this the good place you said?" Meng Huo said, "It's actually nothing!"

Although hot springs are relatively rare, they are not very rare. You can find one or two such hot spring rooms in many places in China, and the environment is not particularly outstanding.

"I think this place is good, not only because of the hot spring." Alice walked to the side, sat on the ancient wooden carved bed, and said, "I like this bed too."

Whether it's tables, chairs, or tea sets, the furniture in this room is very old-fashioned. And the vermilion big bed is the biggest highlight. The veil covering the window is also red-full of joy. Just like a wedding window.

Meng Huo understood that Alice wanted to use this window to end their current relationship.

"Don't you think it's very festive?" Alice asked.

Meng Huo nodded, Alice smiled, then stood up and walked to the bathroom: "I got cold from rowing just now, go wash up!"

She walked to the door of the bathroom, then turned around and said, "You come too."

"That's what you said..." Meng Huo thought to himself, he was already a man who had sex before, so of course he wouldn't refuse now. Alice just stepped in. He walked in on the back foot, and Alice threw him a bath towel with a reddish face, pointing to the hot spring: "You go in first."


"I don't want you to see me changing clothes." Alice shyly said, "What if you can't help it?"

"I can't help it, I can't help it... Isn't that why you brought me to your room?"

Meng Huo felt that it was difficult to guess what she was thinking, so he let him in but didn't let him see it. Wasn't this torturing himself on purpose? But he still listened to Alice, untied the clothes on his upper body, and then took off his outer pants. When there was only the last one left, he looked at Alice.

" continue..."

Alice turned around in a panic.

Meng Huo returned the last one. Then I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked slowly down the hot spring.

"I'm going to take off. You can't turn around." Alice said, Meng Huo heard the rustling sound of undressing from behind, he resisted the urge to turn his head and waited for two minutes, Alice Wrapped in a towel all over, she walked down beside him.

"Why is your bath towel so big?" Meng Huo had no eyesight and was a little annoyed. His bath towel was only big enough to cover the bottom, while Alice was wrapped all over her body.

"Men and women are different." Alice said with a flushed face.

Meng Huo looked at her, and reached out to touch her under the water. Alice trembled, and then held him with his hand: " not the time, or I won't be able to get up for dinner later, and I will be found out."

She didn't intend to whet Meng Huo's appetite. In fact, her body was too hot, but if she couldn't go out for dinner at night, wouldn't she be spotted by the servants? What a shame!

"Do you think they can't find out now?" Meng Huo leaned his head and blew in Alice's ear: "You called me into the room, and now you want me to stop? Is this too much? "

Alice was a little flustered, and swallowed: "Then...then let me help you solve it with my hands?"

Meng Huo watched her chest rise and fall quickly, and said with a smile, "I think I'll help you solve it with my hands."

He hugged Alice in his arms, and Alice exclaimed, but before she could react, Meng Huo put his arms around her, one hand passed down through the towel, and slowly reached into her center.

Alice's body began to soften, and her nose gasped.

"How about it?"

"...It's different from usual...don't ask me..."

"Do you usually do this kind of thing?"

"Occasionally, I also have normal needs." Alice said, and then whispered, her whole body trembled: "Why did you put it in suddenly..."

"I want to see the difference between you and Shen Jie." Meng Huo teased at the petals, exploring the warmth inside. He watched Alice's expression gradually widen his fingers, and whispered in Alice's ear. : "Relax, don't be afraid, leave everything to me..."

Alice bit her lip, her eyes were foggy, she was speechless, she just hummed softly.

"If I knew this feeling earlier, why would I run away..." She thought to herself, this feeling was completely different from what she did, if she had known how happy she was, she would never have let Shen Jie take the lead.

Alice touched back with one hand and caught Meng Huo's words. She exclaimed in her heart, "It's so big—it's completely different from what it was back then. She had seen it before, but now it's completely different." thing.

Alice's mouth was dry, she held the mouth and rubbed it gently.

"Don't make me angry..." Meng Huo's voice suddenly became thicker, and the movements of his hands increased, and Alice's panting in the room became faster and faster. She gritted her teeth and licked* her lips: "Meng Huo, I'm dying, how about you post it for me?"

"Stick it?"

"That's it." Alice clenched the thing in her hand: "Close it to me, be careful not to go in."

Meng Huo was dumbfounded, and the movements of his hands stopped, but Alice suddenly let go of her bath towel, which fell into the hot spring with a clatter.

The white ketone body appeared in front of his eyes, and Meng Huo suddenly became angry. He hugged Alice tightly with his left hand, and pulled his right hand around his waist, and the words were exposed.

"You messed with me!"

As Meng Huo spoke, Alice's words pierced into the bend of her leg amid Alice's exclamation. Alice felt the warmth, her legs softened, and she almost sank. Fortunately, Meng Huo was in time. hold her back.

The bodies of the two collided violently. Although they didn't go in, the passing of the gun from the outside shocked the hearts of both of them.

Alice stood on her toes, felt the hardness below, and felt her heart was about to jump out.

Meng Huo couldn't bear it anymore, he grabbed Alice's waist and began to stick her up.

"1, 2, 1, 2..."

Alice covered her mouth, counting in her head, she felt like she was going crazy. Meng Huo didn't destroy her words, but as if deliberately teasing her, he scraped lightly once and rubbed heavily once. She tensed her feet and stepped on the soft stone with her toes. She had never felt so uncomfortable in her life.

Every time the words were worn down heavily, it was like a fire burned on it. Alice only felt that the thing below was getting hotter and hotter. Her petals were scorching hot, and they had already bloomed, but the condensed happiness couldn't burst out.

"Hold me back." She couldn't take it anymore, she cried and said, "You are a nightmare, take me to bed."

"Aren't you waiting until night?"

"I can't wait."

"But if we don't go to eat, what will the servants do?"

"These people dare not speak, leave them alone!"

Alice gritted her teeth, feeling that her *legs were getting weaker and weaker. She really wanted to relax, but if this continued, she would have to confess herself in the hot spring!

Meng Huo almost couldn't stop, but he knew that Alice couldn't be done here anymore, so he resisted the impulse, reached out and hugged her, walked out of the hot spring to the bedroom.

"Meng Huo, give me a kiss..." Alice was completely emotional, and after the thing between her legs disappeared, her heart was empty, so she didn't forget to raise her head when being hugged by Meng Huo, and kissed him passionately—she The burst of enthusiasm is no less than that of Shen Jie.

Panting, Meng Huo wiped her and himself dry, then walked to the bed and threw Alice on it.

"Wait, I'll take something." Meng Huo pulled away suddenly and said, "Put the wallet in."

"Don't..." Alice grabbed him with one hand, dragged him to the bed, and panted, "Don't take that... I'm safe today, I'm fine."

Meng Huo stared at her blankly, Alice's longing eyes were a bit more than he expected, and he was a little dizzy in his heart. Could this be a guy who is more difficult to deal with than Shen Jie?

But he can't control so much now! (to be continued...)

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