Big Manga

Chapter 1021: Pregnancy

"Get us something to eat."

Late at night, Meng Huo had someone prepare some meals, and then brought them back to Alice's room himself.

In the bathroom, a tall figure was wiping his body. Meng Huo put the food on the table. Not long after, Alice came out wearing a bath towel. Her walking posture was a little weak, but her face was ruddy and satisfied.

"Did you change the bill?" Meng Huo asked.

"Just asked the maid outside to change." Alice sat down next to her, stretched out her hand and squeezed Meng Huo's hand: "You didn't see the maid's expression, maybe she thought we were pouring water on the bed. "

"Isn't that pouring water? You've drank water three times!" Meng Huo stuffed a dumpling into Alice's mouth: "Today I understand why some people say women are made of water."

"It's not that you are a grinder. I have lived in vain in my previous life, and now I have to live more." Alice chewed the dumplings and said, "Do you think I am more suitable for you than Shen Jie's body?"

Meng Huo's men stopped, this question was not easy to answer.

Shen Jie's body made him feel like a group of fierce horses, sexy and exciting. And Alice's body seems to be more compatible with him. Without any cheating, Meng Huo and her fit seamlessly, and both parties can be satisfied.

Alice obviously felt it too, and became much more confident. But if he used psionic energy, Meng Huo felt that Shen Jie could bring him greater stimulation.

"You two have your own characteristics." Meng Huo said, "But I like being with you the most." He liked Alice's mature body very much. When she hugged him, that body would give him an extremely warm feeling. Inclusiveness.

Meng Huo turned his head to look at Alice's body under the towel, and felt his body heat up again.

"Do you want to continue later?" He couldn't help asking.

"No, I'll be played to death by you if it goes on like this." Alice said, but soon after eating, when Meng Huo began to take off his clothes to go to bed, Alice felt that she couldn't help it again.

She pulled the towel and it fell to the ground. Meng Huo immediately responded.

"Didn't you say you can't come?"

"That was just now. I've changed my mind now." Alice walked up to Meng Huo and kissed him, then panted, turned her back to Meng Huo and walked to the side, then brushed her hair aside.

Put your hands on the edge of your chest: "Come on, I want to try this position."

She separated her snow-like feet and exposed the baby, Meng Huo felt his mouth dry: "Where did you learn these things?"

"In movies, isn't that very common?"

Alice turned her head and gave Meng Huo a look. Meng Huo immediately walked over and hugged her. The object of ** touched Alice's butt, and she couldn't help licking her lips because of the heat: "Put this demon in quickly."

"Then you have to go higher."

"It would be great if you were shorter..." Alice smiled and stood on tiptoe, and soon felt the scorching thing slowly move towards her.

Her chest became heavier suddenly, and the nerves in her body became tense: "Don't do this, hurry up..."

She was ready to face the storm, and Meng Huo began to exert strength after a simple test.

"Yes, that's it... don't worry about me..." Alice stood on tiptoe vigorously, her breasts trembling with the swing of her body, and her toes were a little hard. But standing on tiptoe like this seemed to have activated her joyful nerves, she tensed her body, accepting every impact with all her might.

"Meng Huo, if you treat me like this every day, I won't want anything in my life!"

Alice yelled, and she didn't stop all night after the switch was turned on.

The next day, she was exhausted and left the villa by Meng Huo. The servants around her looked at them strangely, and Alice pretended to be asleep shyly. Then I feel that my face is so hot that I can't hide it from others. She simply opened her eyes, put her arms around Meng Huo, and put all her attention on him.

"Where are we going?" After getting into the car, Alice was still sitting in Meng Huo's arms.

"I've found a new place to live." Meng Huo stroked her blond hair: "We'll wait for Shen Jie there."

Alice nodded. Then he continued to listen to Meng Huo's heartbeat, which seemed to give her a home.

"She's mine now..." Meng Huo looked down at Alice and thought that she had never shown such an expression of dependence on him. Although it was only temporary, after a few days, Alice would return to her normal state—but he Still very happy.

"The human body is inconceivable." Alice said suddenly, "It's obviously just a simple and rough act. There is no sense of beauty, but why can it produce such intense and unforgettable happiness?"

"Stupid, this is the instinct of living beings." Meng Huo replied that in order to continue the offspring, living things must like to combine. If there is no happiness in combining, the earth would have turned into a dead star long ago.

"I like this instinct." Alice giggled, but it wasn't just the joy of instinct. After marrying Meng Huo, she felt that her world had changed. Many things that she couldn't figure out in the past can now be completely figured out.

"Shen Jie told me that as long as I did it with you, I wouldn't be afraid anymore—she was right." Alice kissed Meng Huo on the face: "I can feel our bond now, and now I know you are mine."

Meng Huo blushed, and he felt the same way. After eating Alice and Shen Jie, he was not afraid of anything now. He is not afraid of being alone, nor is he afraid of Alice and Shen Jie leaving him - he can understand their hearts.

On the day when he married Shen Jie a few months ago, Meng Huo dreamed of her and felt her heart. And in Alice, he also saw the same situation, he saw a lot of her memories.

Whether it is Shen Jie or Alice, they all gave him pure love. And similarly, Meng Huo also gave his heart to them.

He now understands why he was able to enter the dreams of Shen Jie and Alice. It was the resonance caused by the air mass in his brain when they were connected with each other—it elicited the deepest emotions of Shen Jie and Alice, and then He gave them to Meng Huo.

But Meng Huo endured it unreservedly. In the process, his emotions would be leaked out, and Shen Jie and Alice were not unconscious. Even though they may never understand exactly what happened, they can feel Meng Huo's mood and feel that he raped them.

It was also because of this that Shen Jie and Alice were always very attached to Meng Huo after their marriage, not only physically, but also psychologically—Meng Huo would also be affected, but as the master of the air mass, it was easier for him to keep calm.

"As long as the three of us are together, no one in this world can hurt us." Meng Huo grabbed Alice's hand: "I will make you happy."

"I believe... I never doubted you..." Alice said with bright eyes, "But you not only want to make me and Shen Jie happy, maybe there are three of us now."

"I will also make my mother happy."

"Including your mother, that's four people."

"My grandma?"

"That's five people."

Meng Huo was stunned, he looked at Alice: "What do you mean?"

Alice left Meng Huo's arms. Sit down next to him: "I was in a dangerous period yesterday, you played so crazy, you didn't give me a rest all night, and there were no safety measures, do you think nothing will happen?"

"You... aren't you safe?"

"That's a lie to you." Alice gave Meng Huo a blank look. As a doctor, he can't even tell such a simple lie, so he has studied medicine for so long.

Meng Huo was dumbfounded, he was fooled - but he was not ready to be a father at all.

"Ha, it's so easy to win the bid, don't scare me." Meng Huo was a little nervous, saying so, but these words couldn't even comfort him. In fact, the chance of winning the bid during the dangerous period is still the highest, and he played crazy with Alice last night.

"I heard from Sister Qin that your health has always been very good." Alice looked at Meng Huo with a smile: "It just so happens that my health is also good. If you think it is impossible to win the bid, just wait - I can make a bet with you once." .”

She made very good preparations yesterday. With Meng Huo's physical fitness, Alice believes that her chances of getting pregnant are very high.

"Alice!" Meng Huo felt a fire in his heart, "We are going on a trip, what if you are really pregnant!"

"Isn't it going to take some time to see it?" Alice is not worried at all. It will take a while to verify whether she is really pregnant, and the first few months of pregnancy have little effect on travel, and later on It's time to come back.

Li Qin was very worried that Meng Huo had been away for too long. In fact, Alice also felt that his time was set too long. A trip of three or four months would be very long, and half a year away would be too long.

"But don't forget that there is still a company!" Meng Huo was annoyed in his heart, but more because of his inattention: "If you are pregnant, how will you work when you come back?"

"Then I won't work, and my dad agrees with me." Alice is already mentally prepared to not work for a long time. As long as she can get pregnant, she won't bother with Phoenix Company. It's okay to wait until the baby is born before going out to work.

In fact, she had already leaked the truth to her parents before leaving, saying that she would definitely be pregnant during the trip, and she might not be able to work when she came back—Xu Jing also agreed, he was very happy that Alice had this idea, and even hoped from the bottom of his heart She could have twins.

Alice seized the first opportunity to give Meng Huo a little trick, which was actually very thoughtful. If she can succeed, she may return to the company sooner in the future.

"If you don't like it, at worst, I'll kill it." Looking at Meng Huo's unhappy face, Alice pretended to be pitiful and said, "It's just that abortion is bad for your body..."

"Come on." Meng Huo hurriedly stopped her, how could he not know that abortion may cause serious harm to a woman's body: "I know, you win, you can conceive as much as you like, but don't go for any abortion. "

He didn't want to hurt Alice, and Alice had already guessed this. She knew that as long as she was pregnant, Meng Huo would definitely not ignore it.

But when Meng Huo really said this, Alice was still very moved in her heart. She hugged Meng Huo's hand and said, "I knew you would say that. I'm sorry, Meng Huo...but I really want to go sooner." If you want a child, you know my age..."

"I know." Meng Huo knew what Alice was thinking a few years ago: "But you should tell me in advance, this is too sudden..."

"Aren't I worried that you will refuse?" Alice said: "I can't wait any longer. I heard that after a woman is twenty-five years old, it will be difficult to keep in shape after giving birth. I am over the age. If I don't act What if I become fat in the future? Do you like fat people?"

"It doesn't matter if you're fat." Meng Huo didn't mind what Alice or Shen Jie would become in the future, not to mention what Alice said was impossible at all. Even if it's not good to have children when you're old, it's not bad. to that extent.

Meng Huo had enough financial resources to ensure the safety of Alice's childbirth. Besides, if Alice wanted to give birth, it would definitely be something that would shock the Meng family. It couldn't be easier for the Meng family to ensure that Alice gave birth to the child safely and kept her in shape.

Now, if she is really pregnant, it will be quite inconvenient for Meng Huo to travel with her. But that was the end of the matter, and he didn't have anything else to say - it was just that after arriving at the new residence, Meng Huo gave Alice a small revenge, and he made her unable to go out for three days.

Their new residence was a hotel, and Meng Huo didn't want to stay in the villa surrounded by servants. Instead, the environment of the hotel was more suitable for him. Alice was also happy because she could not worry about other people's eyes.

For two consecutive weeks, Alice and Meng Huo spent time in the hotel. Except for the occasional disguise to go out on dates and enjoy the scenery, they spent most of their time making humans—Meng Huo also completely let go.

One morning two weeks later, Shen Jie called Meng Huo and informed her that she was going to Beihai immediately. Meng Huo and Alice's honeymoon is over, but Alice is not only not disappointed when she hears the news, but is ecstatic. She can't stand it anymore, and Shen Jie came to share the pressure for her.

"When is she coming?" Alice asked Meng Huo after she just came out of the bathroom.

"We went to the airport to pick her up in the middle of the night. She said that the old lady seemed to want to delay her for a while, but she ran away..." Meng Huo stood up and said, "She was worried that someone would take her away after getting off the plane. pick her up."

He reached out to Alice again: "Bring it, today should be reliable."

Alice blushed, and then handed the test paper instrument to Meng Huo. Meng Huo took a look and felt that the trip was a big trouble.

"Congratulations..." Alice said with a smile, "It's been like this for several days in a row. It shouldn't be wrong. I'll just say you can do it!"

She was pregnant, just as she expected, but Meng Huo and Shen Jie had more things to do in the future. The two of them wanted to protect a pregnant woman! (To be continued.)

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