Big Manga

Chapter 1022: Qin Ya


Late at night, Beihai Airport. network

"Meng Huo!" Shen Jie, who had just got off the plane, threw off the suitcase and excitedly ran to Meng Huo and hugged him: "Thank you for coming to pick me up!"

On the side of the road not far from them, some men in black looked at Shen Jie helplessly—the old lady wanted to stop Shen Jie at the airport again, but after Meng Huo and Alice arrived, these men in black Don't dare to do anything more.

"Why did the old lady stop you?" Alice asked curiously while lifting Shen Jie's box.

Shen Jie let go of Meng Huo, and said with a smile: "She said she would give you two more weeks of alone time, so I don't want it! Alice, you don't blame me for interrupting your honeymoon with Meng Huo, do you?"

Of course Alice would not blame her. Although it was a pity that the relationship with Meng Huo ended, after two weeks, she clearly understood the physical gap between herself and Meng Huo - she couldn't handle it alone, and one more Shen Huo could not handle it. Clean is better.

"Okay, it's too cold here, let's get in the car!" Meng Huo opened the car door, and the temperature in Beihai was as cold as winter in the middle of the night. He let Alice and Shen Jie get into the car, and then took them back to the hotel. Food was prepared as ordered.

Shen Jie, who had been hungry for a long time, gorged herself on the dining table, while Alice poured water for her, while Meng Huo felt his heart warm up watching this scene.

"You just came here. Let's rest here for a few days before we set off." Meng Huo told Shen Jie about the itinerary. In the past few days, he and Alice would take Shen Jie to wander around Beihai before leaving Huaxia.

"I'm fine." After eating and drinking, Shen Jie patted her stomach and said, "Why don't we buy a car, don't take high-speed trains and planes, buy a car and travel freely, it's also convenient to arrange and salute!"

Meng Huo also had this idea at first, but now he can't use it any more: "That's no good, driving is too slow... And in order to protect Alice, we still have to choose a safer way."

"Alice?" Shen Jie looked strangely at Alice who came over to hand her water: "Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, I'm fucked. Try to choose a faster way of transportation." Alice said and handed the water to Shen Jie. Shen Jie almost didn't catch the water glass. She looked at Alice in a daze: " **? Succeeded so quickly?"

Meng Huo found that although Shen Jie's reaction was surprising, it was not as surprised as he had imagined. He frowned: "Shen Jie, what do you mean by that? Did you know that Alice was going to commit suicide? Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

Shen Jie showed a 'terrible' expression,

She laughed twice: "Didn't I make an agreement with Alice!"

Of course she knew what Alice was thinking, and the reason why she got Meng Huo for the first time was that Alice talked to her about it. One of the two married Meng Huo first, and the other had a husband and a child.

Shen Jie thought she didn't mind about it, but after hearing that Alice had successfully divorced, she was still a little complicated.

"That's're going to fuck so soon..." Alice and Meng Huo looked at each other. They had already guessed that Shen Jie would be lost, so they made some preparations.

"Shen Jie, after this child was born, Meng Huo and I discussed it, and you will come up with his name." Alice said to Shen Jie: "He is the child of the three of us, and I will call you mother from now on. "

Shen Jie's eyes widened. She looked at Meng Huo, and Meng Huo nodded to her: "We are together, if you promise, your child will also be named after Alice in the future."

He still doesn't know how to maintain a complicated family in the future, but Meng Huo is looking for the answer, and all he knows now is to strengthen the bond between the three of them—this is the case for this trip, and so is the name of the child.

Alice and Shen Jie named each other's children, although it was a small thing, it made them feel connected to each other.

"Would you like to name this child?" Alice asked Shen Jie.

"Yes!" The loss in Shen Jie's heart disappeared, and she suddenly felt extremely at ease—she was with Meng Huo and Alice. The three of them are linked, and Alice's child will be her child.

"Meng Huo, I agree. Our children are together, and I want to protect Alice's belly!" Shen Jie became happy. She wanted to protect Alice and that child. This was taken care of by three people during the trip The child will definitely become the strongest bond between them.

"But will Aunt Qin agree?" Shen Jie was a little worried again. She knew that Li Qin had prepared many names for the child.

"I haven't told her about it yet, but she will agree." Meng Huo said, "She has never stopped what I want to do."

Shen Jie is right when she thinks about it. Li Qin usually dotes on Meng Huo too much, and she is also very concerned about the relationship between the three of them. It is a good thing for Shen Jie to name Alice's child. Li Qin will definitely agree with a smile. .

"Alice, I can't think of a good name now, can you give me some time?" Shen Jie asked.

Alice chuckled: "Why are you in a hurry, he won't come out for a long time, you have enough time to think about it."

"Doctor over there, tell me, how long does it take for a woman to be born? Ten months?" Shen Jie excitedly turned her head and spoke to Meng Huo. Meng Huo was taken aback by her address, nodded and said, "It's ten months , but generally it may not take so long.”

Now he can predict the time when Alice will go back to work. After knowing her mother, he can calculate the approximate delivery date and confinement time, and it is easy to predict when Alice will go back to work.

But this is not the time for them to travel. When Alice's belly becomes too big to travel, Meng Huo will have to take her home - so he and Shen Jie will go back to work much earlier than Alice.

But he doesn't know exactly when, it depends on Alice's specific situation.

The physical changes of women after puberty are not exactly the same. If Alice does not belong to the kind of person whose stomach grows quickly, Meng Huo estimates that they can travel for four to five months, which is close to half a year. During this period, just pay attention to Alice's However, with him and Shen Jie by my side, there would be no problem.

"It's better not to go to remote places..."

Meng Huo decided to only go to places with convenient transportation.

A few days later, Manga Island in Suhua City

"This year's carnival will not be held?" In the restaurant, Qin Ya heard a news that surprised her. Because of He Xi and Alice's departure, Phoenix Company canceled the annual carnival.

Qin Ya was surprised because the Phoenix Company had been preparing for the carnival in the past few months. Although affected by He Xi's departure, the scale of this year's carnival will be smaller than in the past, but it has not been said that it will be cancelled.

"No way. Mr. Xu ordered that it be cancelled." He Qian was eating with Qin Ya, and she also had regrets on her face. The production of the new version of "Pokemon" game has come to an end, and it was supposed to be released at the carnival. . It's now also cancelled.

Every year, "Pokemon" is released in advance of the carnival. There are many senior players and fans who come to the carnival. Through their trial play and evaluation, "Pokemon" can gather a lot of enthusiasm before the official release. All had to be re-planned.

"Miss Alice is really too. Why do you have to go home to visit relatives at such a time." He Qian complained: "If she is still in the company, the carnival will not be cancelled."

The main reason why the Phoenix Company canceled the annual carnival was because of Alice's absence. And Xu Jing alone is busy enough, and Zhou Qian, who is in charge of specific affairs, is also busy with Phoenix Plaza and the stage in Yanjing at this time, so this year's carnival can only be cancelled.

"It's not Miss Alice's fault, she didn't want to leave..." Qin Ya's face was a little ugly, and her misunderstanding was still unsolved. I thought it was all Meng Huo's fault. If he hadn't hurt Alice, how could Alice leave at such a critical moment?

Qin Ya has always admired Alice. She saw Alice's dedication to work and her help to Meng Huo. Looking at it over the past few years, I know that the main contributor to Phoenix Company's success and Meng Huo's ability to devote himself to the work is Alice.

But Qin Ya never thought that Meng Huo would be so cruel, not to mention hurting Alice, and not even the slightest bit of sadness or regret after she left!

"I really misunderstood the teacher!" She thought so, and it didn't change after several weeks, especially Meng Huo's attitude irritated her. She originally thought that Meng Huo should come to explain to herself, or at least appease her anger, but he didn't say anything, just patted his butt and left.

Meng Huo had been away for two weeks, but Qin Ya's annoyance towards him still did not diminish.

"Have you heard the news, when will Miss Alice come back?" Qin Ya asked, holding back her anger.

"I heard that the time has been decided." He Qian frowned and said, "Alice said yesterday that she would take a year off. No wonder adding the previous time, there are still about eleven months left... What a long vacation!"

Qin Ya sneered: "This relative has been visiting for a long time."

She is now completely sure of her guess, how can anyone visit relatives for such a long year! Meng Huo has only been traveling for a few months, and Alice is such a dedicated person. How could she leave her job for a year because of things like visiting relatives, and the day lily was cold for a year.

"Alice is suffering..." Qin Ya thought to herself, "She must have gone to treat her heartache, and maybe she won't come back in a year."

"I also find it strange that it takes so long to visit relatives." He Qian didn't pay attention to Qin Ya's thoughts, and said, "This time is enough to have a baby, hehe...Maybe Miss Alice found a boyfriend. She ran away secretly." Going on honeymoon."

This is her unintentional talk, but it is the closest to **. If Qin Ya had no prejudice in her heart, she might be able to guess the truth at this time - unfortunately, if there is no if, she did not take He Qian's words to heart.

Alice has been on leave for too long, left earlier than Meng Huo, and will come back later than him, and there is also a photo of her boarding the plane. Now few people will link the actions of the two of them together, but Qin Ya guessed It was the day Shen Jie left.

"Let's not talk about Alice, it's impossible for her to quit work because of private matters... I think Shen Jie is more likely to go on honeymoon, she disappeared so suddenly!" She snorted coldly: "Obviously Alice and Teacher He Xi They all left, just when the company needed people, she also ran away!"

He Qian could hear the dissatisfaction in her tone.

"Didn't Shen Jie go to training?" She asked strangely, "This is not considered a run away. I heard about it and came back after a few months."

"That's... and it must be back with Teacher He Xi!" Qin Ya was thinking furiously, she didn't believe that Shen Jie would go to the training, although no one doubted it, but she got a news that Shen Jie left behind for a while The animation dubbing has been recorded.

Shen Jie left very suddenly, so suddenly that Qin Ya felt wrong. And before she left, she had prepared all animation recordings such as "Steins;Gate" and put them all in the seiyuu office. She said that she would train seriously and would not accept a new job for a few months.

There was a seamless excuse and evidence, but Qin Ya guessed her relationship with Meng Huo correctly, knowing that Shen Jie must be with Meng Huo now.

This made Qin Ya even more annoyed. Meng Huo originally said to go out to relax, but no one objected. But what's going on now, it's obviously a distraction, Shen Jie, why did you go with her - isn't this turning into a honeymoon for the two of you?

The honeymoon is fine, but don't you think about Alice's feelings? She was just injured and left, and you forgot about her in a blink of an eye, and went on a trip happily.

"This vixen..." Qin Ya gritted her teeth secretly. Originally, Meng Huo had disappointed her enough, but she didn't expect Shen Jie to be such a ruthless person. She didn't think about Alice's feelings at all. If Alice knew the two of them If she goes on a trip, can she come back?

"If I were Alice, I'd kill them all with a knife!"

Qin Ya's face turned blue and white, and He Qian who was looking at her was very strange.

"Qin Ya, what's wrong with you?" He Qian frowned and asked, "Is your health not good?"

"I'm fine, I'm in good health." Qin Ya picked up her bag and stood up: "Sorry, I'm going to work, I'm very busy today."

"But you haven't finished your meal yet!"

"No more!"

Qin Ya turned around and walked out of the restaurant. He Qian looked at her back, and for some reason, she felt that the curtain was ending.

"What's going on?" He Qian wondered. She had never seen Qin Ya like this before. She should be more active and happy at ordinary times. She was always full of vivaciousness——but no matter how you look at it these two weeks, it seems like she has suffered a major blow. .

"Could it be lovelorn?" She thought so, but felt that it was impossible, Qin Ya had no scandals, and she had never seen her have sex with other men.

"Sure enough, it's still a physical problem... I hope she can get better soon..."

He Qian sighed, the morale of the Phoenix Company has been low recently, and there must be no situation for important people to happen now. (To be continued.)

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