Big Manga

Chapter 1023: 3 months

Time flies, and the time flies by.

In September, Manga Island is extremely hot in summer, and you can only feel a little cool under the shady trees.

"So hot……"

Han Xuan in business attire stepped off the crowded bus, feeling her back was soaking wet.

She walked quickly to the tree, but saw a familiar figure - Li Yu was holding a thick text in his hand, flipping through it, and walking slowly towards the Phoenix Building.

"Li Yu!" Han Xuan called out happily, then ran over and patted her on the shoulder: "Long time no see."

Li Yu was taken aback, turned around and saw that it was a familiar friend, and said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I saw you, Han Xuan, the last time I saw you was at the end of last semester, right?"

In the summer of this year, Phoenix Company canceled the carnival, and all the part-time college students in previous years went home. And Li Yu and Han Xuan received the employment notice from Phoenix Company at the end of the last semester. It has been two weeks since the start of school, and they are busy with their employment matters. Today is the first time they have seen each other.

"Are you still used to the girls' editorial department?" Han Xuan and Li Yu walked side by side, and said with some concern, "You are relatively introverted. If you encounter trouble or don't get along well with your colleagues, then you can't hide it from me."

"Thank you." Li Yu said gratefully: "You don't have to worry about me, the people in the editorial department are all nice, they even prepared a welcome party for me and the other two newcomers, it's like a small family there, I feel very happy... But what about you? I heard that the competition in the firm is fierce."

"There are a lot of people and the competition is fierce, but it's not as bad as I imagined." Han Xuan laughed. Phoenix's voice actor agency is actually a star agency in the eyes of many people. It is a single position in all departments. In the department with the most applicants and the fiercest competition, the candidates are basically high-achieving students, and they are also good-looking high-achieving students.

Han Xuan was also very nervous at the beginning, but after entering, the preparations she had made for this job in the past have paid off. Now she is among the top three performers among the newcomers. In two months, the office will give her official position.

"I'm still doing some work, and I'm still in the internship period." Han Xuan said happily: "But the minister* said, as long as my performance continues to be so good, I will be able to become a regular in a few months - no need to wait for graduation. "

Li Yu looked at her with a little envy: "Han Xuan, you are so will have a house after you become a regular?"

"Yeah." Han Xuan nodded: "I saw the staff dormitory of the firm, the single room, the environment is better than the dormitory of our school.

After I successfully become a full-timer, I'll just move there - saving me from being stuck in the bus all day. "

Li Yushen felt the same way. It was too hard to squeeze the bus on a hot day. Fortunately, the university town is not far from the comic island.

"Have you met Liu Yun and the others?" Li Yu asked again, "Have they joined the job now?"

"I haven't seen it, but Liu Yun is in the business department. It is said that she has gone to Yanjing now..." Han Xuan said with a smile: "I always think that she is eloquent and outgoing, and suitable for sales jobs. She is in the business department. Definitely a fish in water."

"Where's Liu Yi?"

"He entered the game department." Han Xuan said in surprise: "But I really didn't expect him to be able to enter. The technical content there is super high. Liu Yi himself didn't learn programming, but he was able to enter—it seems that I used to underestimate him. him."

"Maybe Meng Huo let him in!" Li Yu couldn't believe it.

"Probably not. After Meng Huo left, there was no news of him. Liu Yi's temperament must not dare to ask him for help. I guess he must have confidence. Next time I see him, I can ask him what's going on."

"Then let's find a chance to meet up together!"

"Okay, when Liu Yun comes back, let's go to He Xi's House together."

Han Xuan and Li Yu chatted happily, and when they reached a fork in the road, she said to Li Yu, "I'll go this way, see you next time."

"Come on, work!" Li Yu waved to her. After watching Han Xuan's back disappear, she cheered up secretly: "Han Xuan is so good, I can't lose to her!"

This is the beginning of the school season. Three months after Meng Huo left, what happened in Comic Island—several young people began to step into the society, and the development of Phoenix Company and Huaxia Comic Industry did not fall into a trap because of the departure of the three of Meng Huo. idle.

In terms of seiyuu, Takashima Koko has recovered from her injury, and her popularity has risen even more, even beginning to surpass Long Xue, one of the original three singers. Long Xue's age is too old, her popularity is close to saturation and it is difficult to grow, but relying on the image and experience she has cultivated over the years, her position is still stable, and she will not be provoked by people other than Takashima Koko.

Long Xue was not afraid of Takashima Koko's rise, she accepted the other's growth frankly - in fact, Long Xue's career had already reached its peak, she knew her limit, she could no longer work hard with young people , even if she leaves the seiyuu world, she will not regret it.

"I have obtained a lot of treasures in the past few years, but in the future, I will not hinder them from young people. If there is a second Takashima Koko, I will welcome her." In an interview, Long Xue replied The reporter's question about Takashima Koko was followed by a sentence: "When I was selected by Teacher He Xi, I thought so - he gave me a chance, how can I not give others a chance?"

Because of her past experience, Long Xue is more grateful to voice actors than anyone else, and likes this industry. She hopes that this industry can continue to develop. Even if the big waves wash the sand and eliminate herself, she has no regrets.

She is a senior and the oldest voice actor - she has the responsibility to pass on the good style. Because of this interview, Long Xue touched many fans. She did what ordinary artists couldn't do, and the entire seiyuu world looked at Long Xue with admiration.

When Takashima Koko rose strongly, Long Xue's popularity remained intact.

However, these two people are more real than Xia Chuan, that is another matter - after the powerful Shen Jie left, no one in Huaxia could compare with Xia Chuan's realness, and as she became more and more mature, her actual age was younger than Takashima Xiangzi To be young, the popularity growth hardly sees a peak.

Xia Chuanzhen's singing voice resounds in the streets and alleys, and he is like a national idol. Even among the crowd who don't know animation and voice actors, as long as they say the words "Xia Chuanzhen", there will always be someone who can say it clearly.

She is well-deserved as the most popular voice actor, and she is not even the only voice actor—although she still considers herself a voice actor, in the eyes of many people, her influence has surpassed the industry, and she is no different from a star or a singer.

Xia Chuan's real concert is already a first-line star's concert. The audience is not only voice actor fans, but also many fans.

She has already reached the pinnacle that ordinary voice actors can't even dream of, and she is still growing. After He Xi left, almost all the agencies in Huaxia sent invitations to Xia Chuanzhen, willing to let her change jobs with the best treatment.

Of course—these invitations were all rejected by Xia Chuanzhen without exception. No matter how good the temptation of other people was, no one knew that the thing she wanted most in her heart could only be obtained in Phoenix Company.

Not only Xia Chuanzhen, but also other voice actors have received many invitations these days, but few of them have actually left—even though He Xi has left, the dubbing business of Phoenix Company is still busy, and everyone knows Will come back, only where he is there is the opportunity to be a voice actor.

This is a voice actor, and in terms of animation, DreamWorks is still the most profitable department. The newly released "Little Fairy" theatrical version of the animation is a big hit at the box office, and it solved the financial shortage caused by the purchase of commercial real estate in one go. ——Xu Jing Happily closing his mouth from ear to ear, he gave out red envelopes to every employee of DreamWorks.

"Little Fairies" and "Detective Conan" are still on the air, and Bai Yan's "S.A Extraordinary Student" is also a great success. The most affected by He Xi's departure is the Island Studio. This department is ending "Fate" Stone Gate was temporarily disbanded after that.

Some of the artists in the island studio were assigned to other animation departments to do odd jobs, and some of the artists chose to take a break. As the core character, Qin Ya also left the manga island, took her assistants to find a new studio in Ninghai, and continued to paint "The Legend of the Galaxy Diva".

On the surface, Qin Ya has no problems, but a few people find that her enthusiasm for Phoenix Company seems to have disappeared—except for occasionally going to Suhua to help produce "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" and submitting the manuscript on time, she basically has no problems. Go to the company and turn around.

The manga progress of "Legend of the Galactic Diva" also accelerated, the plot conflicts became more and more intense, and the climaxes piled up, driving "Weekly Girls" to sell better every time.

Although this is a good thing, this situation also made some editors start to worry. Qin Ya obviously accelerated the progress. The manga that was originally scheduled to end in a few years now seems to be finished in a few months.

The editor-in-chief of the girls' editorial department specially visited Qin Ya's home for this matter. She found Qin Ya and wanted to talk, but it turned out that Qin Ya really planned to end "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" before November--the idea was decided, Cannot be changed.

The editor-in-chief left feeling uneasy. She didn't know what Qin Ya was thinking, but it seemed that even her parents couldn't convince her.

Some subtle changes have begun to appear. At this time, Meng Huo and the three of them took the high-speed train to London at night after three months of travel.

The carriage was very empty, and the passengers were sparsely sitting everywhere, but even so, the three of Meng Huo still didn't forget to use their clothes to disguise themselves—of course, compared to Huaxia, their disguise at this time was much simpler.

Meng Huo wore glasses on his face and had some long hair. He looked refined and his disguise was simple and effective. He was reading a European comic magazine when he suddenly felt something hit him. Looking back, it turned out that Alice was rummaging through the gift box.


"No... Shen Jie is asleep. I'll find a blanket for her to cover." Alice pointed to the opposite side, and Meng Huo looked up. Shen Jie, who was reading a book just now, had fallen asleep and was lying on the chair alone. superior.

"She hasn't finished the book yet!"

Meng Huo said kindly, Alice was giving a lecture to Shen Jie just now - this is Shen Jie's travel course, she said it was training as an excuse to the outside world, of course it is impossible to do nothing, Alice and Meng Huo gave her a lecture during the trip. Instilled a lot of management knowledge.

"Maybe she's tired, don't bother her..."

Alice got up and covered Alice with a blanket, and then took away the book in her hand. She cared about Shen Jie's actions a little dotingly, just like a real mother. Three months later, Alice's stomach began to change, but nothing could be seen after putting on the clothes. Meng Huo felt that they could continue walking for another two months--Alice did not object.

Although the three of them are a little homesick, traveling is indeed the activity that can increase mutual affection the most. They did not go to any dangerous places, but the hardships of the journey still exist when they are away from home. Alice has never believed the three of them so much. The relationship can last forever.

While visiting a scenic spot during the day, Alice was almost hit by other tourists, but Shen Jie reacted quickly and kicked the tourist away—she has been carefully protecting Alice these past few months, Alice It feels very warm.

They were family - all three began to realize that Alice wanted to go on this journey, which would be a treasure of her life.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" After Alice sat back beside Meng Huo, Meng Huo looked at her worriedly: "You go to sleep too, don't catch a cold and ruin your stomach."

Alice smiled: "Then I'll sleep."

"No problem, you go to sleep, I will watch." Meng Huo replied, his physical strength is the best among the three, and it will not affect him at all if he does not sleep for a few days, and he did not dare to sleep at this time, What to do in case of trouble.

Alice was not hypocritical, maybe she would have thought about it three months ago, but now she has learned to pin her safety on Meng Huo - this is the responsibility he must bear as a man.

Both Alice and Shen Jie were slowly becoming dependent on Meng Huo, but this was not a bad thing. Meng Huo had always hoped that they could give themselves to him with more confidence.

Alice fell asleep next to Meng Huo. Meng Huo was worried that her feet would be numb, so he got up and put Alice's feet on the seat, then covered her with a blanket, walked to the seat next to him and sat down.

The two most important women were sleeping beside them, Meng Huo took care not to let the blankets on them fall off, and picked up the comic magazine to continue reading—everywhere he went, he always looked for any comics to read.

After three months, he found a lot of surprises, especially after entering Europe, Meng Huo found a very familiar cartoonist.

"This is really interesting..." He flipped through the magazine, and was particularly interested in the mysterious cartoonist who ranked first in the magazine and was known as the king of European cartoons. Meng Huo had no idea that the rumored mirror moon was not Ji Dong people, but from Europe.

Although the pen name is different, her painting skills and style of work cannot deceive anyone—Meng Huo has seen the truth.

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