Big Manga

Chapter 1024: Invitation

"The three are guests from Huaxia?"

"Yes, we are here to travel."

"Welcome to London."

In the foggy city of London, Shen Jie, holding three passports, spoke a few words with the staff in unfamiliar English, and quickly completed the exit procedures.

As the only superpower with nearly half of the world's population, Huaxia passports are used throughout the world, especially after the high-speed rail network is popularized, as long as you hold a passport, you can travel around the world without complicated procedures.

Meng Huo had a feeling of the American Empire in his previous life. He remembered that the people of the American Empire in the previous life could travel freely around the world-but even so, it was definitely not as convenient as the Chinese people in this world.

The trip of the three of Meng Huo can be said to be smooth sailing. In addition to their abundant financial reserves, their English is not bad. Not to mention Meng Huo, who has a cheating device against the sky. The blond and blue-eyed Alice has regarded English as a subject and object since she was a child. Shen Jie, the worst of the three, has never been to college, but her spoken English is at the top of Huaxia Key High School. Ninghai No. 1 Middle School can also be ranked in the top three. After traveling for several months, daily conversations are basically not a problem.

In order to improve Shen Jie's oral English skills, Meng Huo and Alice entrusted her with a lot of work to communicate with outsiders - such as going through immigration procedures, contacting hotels and taxis, and so on. It was the same when they came to London this time. The three people who walked out of the station stopped the taxi, and Shen Jie chatted with the driver by the window.

"Are we really going to stay here for a while?" Alice looked at Shen Jie and gestured to tell the driver the name and direction of the hotel they booked, then turned to look at Meng Huo: "Is there anything special about this city?" ?”

This morning, before they arrived in London, Meng Huo suddenly told the two women that he decided to stay in London for a few weeks—this surprised Alice, their travel time was limited, and they were all in the same area except Beihai Short stay, never in any city for more than a few weeks.

"London has a lot of attractions to visit. We have traveled to several countries at once. I think you are tired too..." Meng Huo stretched out his hand to straighten Alice's messy collar, and said, " It's good to rest here for a while."

The number of countries on this earth is different from the previous life, and the number exceeds Meng Huo's expectation. Although the war has passed for a long time, the number of countries has not decreased but increased-after China gave up the threat of force to other countries. Many original national alliances have disintegrated, and now there are more than fifty countries in the Middle East and Europe alone.

In the first three months, Meng Huo and the others passed through an average of three countries every month. This is their eleventh country and the 23rd city after they left China.

"But in this case, we won't be able to finish Europe smoothly." Alice did not object to rest. But if they stay too long, they will not be able to visit many places.

"If it doesn't work this time, let's do it next time!" Meng Huo said with a smile, although he wanted to walk and see more, but the world is so big, they would not be able to cover the Eurasian continent in this trip, so it's better to slow down Enjoy the exotic.

"Besides, I have something else to do..."

He had another reason, but was interrupted by another voice.

"Stop chatting, hurry up and move your luggage, let's go!" At this time, Shen Jie had negotiated the price with the driver. She beckoned the two to help her carry the luggage, so Meng Huo and Alice stopped talking and put the suitcase into the car together.

When Shen Jie makes hotel reservations, she tries to avoid the top hotels in various places. Although she really wants to enjoy the best environment, there are often many Chinese tourists living in such hotels—it will be troublesome if they are seen.

Shen Jie had made this mistake before. After booking a top-notch hotel, she found that it was full of Chinese tourists. Huaxia currency is the currency with the highest market value in the world, and foreign travel is even cheaper than domestic ones, so most tourists who go abroad will choose good hotels without distress.

After gaining experience, Shen Jie usually chooses a second-tier hotel with a beautiful environment. The overall facilities of this type of hotel are not as good as top hotels. But the environment of the luxury suite is not bad at all. Of course, the three of them have never rented a single room, and they all directly choose the suite.

The hotel Shen Jie chose in London is located in the city center and the name is 'Violet'. The hotel is surrounded by green trees and has a beautiful environment. The suite is very clean. Computer, TV, washing machine and sofa are all available. The three of them are very satisfied.

They had just got off the high-speed train and put their salutes away. Both Alice and Shen Jie couldn't bear the sweat on their bodies, but they still wanted to give priority to the bathroom to Meng Huo.

"Meng Huo. You should take a shower first!", "Yes, you stayed with us last night, so go to bed later."

They were a little worried about Meng Huo's physical condition, but Meng Huo was not affected by the trip. He was in a good state of mind and didn't feel sleepy at all. On the contrary, Alice and Shen Jie didn't sleep well on the high-speed rail. There is still some tiredness on the face.

"You guys take a shower first, I'm not tired yet." Meng Huo wanted Alice and the two of them to wash first, as a matter of course - Alice and Alice were unwilling, and after arguing for a few minutes, Meng Huo saw the size of the bathroom. He took the two women in together.

No matter how big the bathroom is, it will be crowded if three people walk into it. Touching hands and feet is indispensable. They come and go, and the three of them are young people. They couldn't help but fight with their hearts, until the sudden doorbell interrupted. Their Yaxing.

"Oops, it's been an hour, maybe it's the meal delivery!" Shen Jie was the first to come out of the bathroom. She hurriedly dressed, tidied her hair, and then ran to open the door.

Meng Huo dressed Alice, whose legs were weak, in the bathroom. She blushed and complained, "You guys are crazy, this is the bathroom—what if other people see it?" ?”

"Aren't you the craziest?" Meng Huo teased, "You are the craziest every time."

Traveling together for so long, except for the first few weeks, the three of them were more reserved. From the second month onwards, they slowly acquiesced to the fact that the three of them slept together in the same bed - in fact, if there were two of them, Alice and Shen Jie would always spend a night alone.

However, despite the experience of sleeping in the same bed, Meng Huo is still the backbone. No matter how uncontrollable they are, the two women always have a bottom line in their hearts. They can't play together, and they usually fight on their own. Meng Huo bullied another person.

Every time the atmosphere was at its best, Alice would swear that she would help Meng Huo beat Shen Jie to the ground. However, every time it turned out that she got down first - not because of Alice's poor physical strength, but because she was the one who couldn't help herself.

Every time Meng Huo shot at Shen Jie. Alice on the other side looked dry, and then snatched Meng Huo away because of jealousy. The situation in the bathroom just now was the same. At the beginning, Meng Huo and Alice planned to teach Shen Jie a lesson, but it didn't take ten minutes. Alice couldn't help but dedicate herself to saving Shen Jie.

Shen Jie also enjoyed it, she didn't like being watched, it would make her nervous and sensitive. And if Alice fell asleep, she would be able to fight Meng Huo wantonly - that feeling made her feel like she had taken a stimulant.

When Meng Huo and Alice, who were dressed in the bathroom, came out, Shen Jie came back with a red invitation card in surprise.

"What's the matter? Isn't it lunch?" Alice still hasn't returned to normal. The sound is a bit crisp*soft.

"No, there's a man in black coming outside." Shen Jie handed the invitation to Meng Huo: "This is for you, I think you should know the owner of this invitation——I used to think that the invitation was from Huaxia." Some things, it turns out the West also has them.”

Meng Huo took the invitation card. Its style was no different from that of China's general invitation cards, and even the words inside were Chinese characters. As for the person who lived in London and who could send him invitations—of course there was only one person.

"Is it Duke Anthony?" Alice looked at Meng Huo: "He knows you're here?"

Meng Huo nodded. The owner of the invitation was Duke Anthony whom he had known many years ago. Shen Jie had visited him with him, and Alice was in charge of handing over the copyright of Meng Huo's comics to a company owned by Anthony—they all knew each other. Anthony.

"He not only knows that Meng Huo is here, but also knows about us!" Shen Jie interjected, "I read the invitation just now. It was an invitation for the three of us to attend a private dinner at his place. The time is tonight, and he arrived even when we arrived. The time is right!"

Alice frowned, but Meng Huo was calm after reading the invitation.

"Don't think too much about it. Europe is his sphere of influence. It's normal for him to know our whereabouts." He said to Alice. Meng Huo never thought that the three of them could pass through Europe under Anthony's nose. It was discovered that it was too unrealistic.

Duke Anthony has a very high status in Europe, especially in the political and business circles of the United Kingdom. His news and eyes and ears can even invade China. Back then, he was able to find Meng Huo so quickly and understand his affairs - that was on his own territory . That's even less of a problem.

"Actually, he contacted me in the morning and asked me if I needed to provide security and housing, but I declined." Meng Huo said, "Let's go once for this invitation, as I happen to have something to ask him."

"What's the matter?" Alice remembered being outside the station. What Meng Huo didn't finish saying: "Is this also related to your stay in London?"

"Yes." Meng Huo said with a smile, "I want to ask him about a cartoonist."

"Cartoonist?" Of course Alice knew that Meng Huo was reading different comic magazines during the trip. In fact, she and Shen Jie had also read a lot of them. However, the quality of the comics here is not as good as Huaxia, and they are not used to reading English. The two of them, who were used to reading Meng Huo's comics, were not very interested in the comics here.

The only exception is the works of a female cartoonist, and the three of them occasionally chat about that female cartoonist.

"Could it be..."

Alice's heart skipped a beat. But then the doorbell rang again, and Shen Jie turned to open the door. It was lunch - they asked the Violet Hotel to prepare lunch before taking a bath. Shen Jie said, "Anything is fine", but the other party Prepared for a full hour.

Two full dining carts were pushed in, full of dishes and desserts, Shen Jie was dumbfounded.

"I... I just asked them to give me something..." She stammered, "Why are there so many? These ten people can't eat it!"

"Stupid, you can say whatever you want, it's no wonder they don't kill you." Alice smiled, the three of them lived in the best suite, and the hotel naturally knew that they were big customers—Shen Jie said casually, the other party prepared a The Man Han Banquet can't justify it either.

"I'll go find them to refund the meal!" Shen Jie walked outside.

Meng Huo grabbed her tightly: "Forget it, don't go - I think these things are very good, try it first, and eat all the delicious ones."

"But we can't finish it!" Shen Jie cried, the food in these two dining cars was piled up as high as hers, how could it be possible to finish it: "This hotel is too much, I said it casually , but there are only three of us!"

Meng Huo smiled: "Maybe they don't have any malicious intentions, but they don't know our tastes, so they deliberately prepared so many for us to choose from."

Facts have proved that he guessed right. Although the Violet Hotel is not a top-notch hotel, it will not deliberately provide so many choices in order to rip off customers. When Meng Huo and the others asked someone to clean up after dinner, he asked about the bill. , the hotel only counted what they ate.

Not only those untouched dishes, but even a little dessert, the hotel didn't count it in the account.

Shen Jie became happy again: "This hotel is really polite!" Then she felt a little guilty: "The rest of the things would have to be wasted... If I knew it was like this, I shouldn't say it casually."

Meng Huo knew that some of the remaining dishes would definitely be wasted, but the hotel didn't suffer. The room rate paid by the three of them included a high service fee that did not have much effect. Meeting their needs and making them happy is also an important task of the hotel. A little waste is nothing.

Of course, from the perspective of food, they did waste it—but Meng Huo also taught Shen Jie not to be so casual in the future.

"If you don't know what to eat, just order some Chinese food." Alice gave Shen Jie an idea. In the big cities with names all over the world, hotels above three stars will definitely provide Chinese food—this is China's ubiquitous Proof of influence.

Shen Jie doesn't like the Chinese food outside. She feels that the Chinese food in other countries is fake, so it's better to eat the local food. But after this incident, she will never say the word 'casual' to the hotel again.

The three of them ate and drank enough, and slept for another afternoon. It was evening soon, and in order to attend Duke Anthony's private dinner, Alice forced Meng Huo to put on formal clothes, and she and Shen Jie also dressed up brilliantly.

"No matter what that Duke Anthony invites us to do, we can't afford to be inferior in dressing up." (To be continued.)

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