Big Manga

Chapter 1028: Familiarity and Reality


"Without Mr. He Xi, the world would be much deserted. Net hp://","

Back at Li Qin's house, Hua Meng took out the manuscript from the studio and handed it to the female editor, saying.

"Isn't it? When Teacher He Xi left, the company's cartoonists were very happy. Everyone thought that the comics would sell better after Teacher He Xi left. But now, the sales volume of the magazine has tightened..." the female editor Putting the manuscript carefully into the briefcase, he said with a smile: "The manga world is only lively when Mr. He Xi is around, and the enthusiasm of readers is not very high recently."

"I heard that other comic companies are also like this. They were very happy a few months ago, and now they are all eagerly waiting for Teacher He Xi to come back!"

Wang Yanmeng laughed out loud. Teacher He Xi's trip made the Huaxia comics world know his importance. Although he was powerful and compelling when he was there, he attracted too much attention. But when he was away, the entire manga market was deserted, animation ratings, manga sales, and manga newspapers and magazines everywhere became much lonely.

"Teacher He Xi has been gone for four or five months, when will he come back?" Hua Meng turned to Li Qin and asked, "Sister Qin, have you urged Teacher He Xi?"

"Of course I urged!" Li Qin's face became stinky when he heard this topic: "I urged him no less than ten times, that kid is playing like crazy, and he just refuses to come back!"

She was much more impatient than Huameng and the others. During an inadvertent video call a few weeks ago, she clearly saw that Alice's belly had protruded—she was surprised and delighted at the time, so she quickly asked Meng Huo to take her She came home, but he just wouldn't listen.

Because of this incident, Li Qin didn't sleep well for several weeks. Alice's stomach made her extremely nervous, and she also complained a lot to Meng Huo. Why is this child so disobedient? What if something happens to her precious grandson!

Alice's stomach is getting bigger and bigger every day, and Li Qin's heart is getting more and more tense every day. Su Hua's old lady was even more anxious than her. She had sent someone to call them home a few days ago.

Thinking of the old lady's actions, Li Qin felt relieved: "Don't worry, the child will be back soon."

The old lady sent someone over to remind him, Meng Huo can't continue playing now, can he? After receiving Li Qin's answer, the female editor left happily. Hua Meng and Wang Yanmeng sat in the living room for a while, and then they both said goodbye and went home to prepare lunch.

Li Qin got on the phone with the old lady immediately after seeing them off, but when she asked about it, the old lady was in a bad mood.

"Look at your good son, he's not coming back!"

"What's going on?" Li Qin's heart tightened.

"I sent someone to get them back, but he didn't listen at all." The old lady said angrily, "What can he do if he doesn't listen to those people? Who can snatch Alice back from him and Shen Jie? !"

"What, why is he so stubborn!"

Li Qin was furious, but the reason why the old lady was so angry was not only because Meng Huo was disobedient, but also because he thought the person she sent over was his bodyguard.

at the same time. In the Phoenix Building, it was still working hours, but Xu Jing's anger on the phone made the secrets outside the office tremble.

"Your mother and I are worried every day, why don't you feel a little nervous?" He said angrily, "I think you are really crazy, it's been a few months now, how many people will be like you, a little I don't even care about my body."

"You're just worrying about it, I have Meng Huo and Shen Jie!" Alice comforted her father on the phone: "We'll be back in a while. It's okay, don't I understand my own body? Of course not. question!"

"What's the use of the two of them. Don't be so willful, they are not gods, how can they protect you all the time!"

"Even if they can't, I just have a group of bodyguards here!" Alice suddenly laughed: "We were planning to go back, but suddenly a group of bodyguards came over, I think we can stay for a while."

The person the old lady of the Meng family sent to persuade them to come back was instead used by Alice and the others as bodyguards. The old lady was so angry when she knew this-these three young people were too capricious.

Xu Jing persuaded in every possible way, but Alice did not change her original intention. He sighed: "Alice, I thought you would be more rational."

"I'm very sensible, don't worry. If it doesn't feel right, I'll go back right away." Alice said, "You know I can't leave for several months, and now I want to walk more."

In fact, the reason why the three of them are still outside is mainly because of Alice's opinion. She knew that once she went back, the Meng family and Xu Jing would hold her up as a treasure, and would never let her go out again—especially Alice's status was quite special, and it was not appropriate to make public about her pregnancy. Before she was born, she would most likely be restricted in her range of movement and not be able to go out and walk around.

Thinking of that scene, Alice of course didn't want to go back too quickly now, she wanted to breathe more fresh air outside.

"But no matter what, you have to think about your children!?"

"One month...within one month we'll be back."

Alice assured that this made Xu Jing reluctantly feel at ease—even if he also realized that when Alice was pregnant with her second child, she would not be allowed to run out with Meng Huo again anyway, their hearts were too tight. wild.

Originally thought that Alice's pregnancy would make Meng Huo come back sooner, but looking at it now, he was determined to spend half a year outside.

However, apart from the troubled Xu Jing and the old lady, there are also a few young cartoonists who are troubled by another matter.

"What to do, who will go in and persuade the teacher?"

In an apartment in Ninghai City, several manga assistants leaned against the door and looked at Qin Ya who was playing with the computer inside, hesitating not to go in——Qin Ya has refused the visits of the editors for a long time, and now the editorial department The pressure was on her assistant.

"Then let's go together!" Bai Han gritted his teeth, suddenly reached out and pushed the door, and led the others in: "Teacher?"

"What's the matter?" Qin Ya looked back, with a very unhappy expression: "Didn't you see that I was watching a movie?"

"I...we're here to help you tidy up the room." The two female assistants were taken aback, and quickly bent down to help Qin Ya pick up the snack bags on the ground, and Bai Han picked them up angrily: "It's not this one." Something! Teacher, why didn't you see the editor again today!"

After moving back to Ninghai, Qin Ya stayed at home for a while, but she still felt troubled at home, so she went outside and rented an apartment as a studio, and moved her own bedroom here, and her assistants followed suit. By her side, they have basically lived together these few months.

"Those editors are so annoying." Qin Ya paused the movie on the computer, and said, "The Legend of the Galaxy Diva is my comic, I can do whatever I want, why should I listen to their instructions?"

Bai Han frowned: "But the editors didn't tell you what to do, they just wanted you to change to a better ending, what's wrong with that?"

"That's pointing fingers!" Qin Ya dissatisfied: "Bai Han, why are you on the side with them!"

She looked at the other assistants again: "You don't want "The Legend of the Galaxy Diva" to end so early, do you? Are you worried that you won't have a job after the manga ends? Isn't there still animation? If you don’t feel at ease in 2019, I’ll send you there.”

The assistants hurriedly explained: "We are not worried about this.", "Teacher, don't get me wrong.", "We just hope that "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" can have a better ending."

Qin Ya's expression improved a little: "Is this ending not good? I have explained everything that needs to be explained. Isn't it a normal ending?"

"That's not right!" Bai Han took a deep breath: "Teacher, your love for the heroine has disappeared, can you stop venting the shock you encountered in reality?"

Qin Ya was taken aback, her face darkened, and she stared at Bai Han coldly: "What do you mean?"

"Teacher, who is the diva you wrote about?" Bai Han was a little terrified of being stared at by her, but she insisted: "You chose this ending because you don't love the heroine? You gave her this The ending, what is it for venting?"

"The Legend of the Galactic Diva, whose story is it writing?"

The two assistants didn't dare to speak anymore, they heard something in Bai Han's words.

Qin Ya calmed down: "The image of the singer in "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" comes from Shen Jie—but it's not a secret, I don't like Shen Jie now, and I don't like this character, but so what? What do you think? Let me fall in love with her again?"

The material for the heroine in "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" comes from a seiyuu firm. In order to write a good career as a "diva", Qin Ya has studied many seiyuu, especially Shen Jie and Xia Chuanzhen. But she prefers Shen Jie, and has watched Shen Jie's concert several times, and many readers can see Shen Jie's shadow in it.

"I don't know why the teacher hates Shen Jie." Bai Han didn't give up, she hesitated for a while, and said, "But you didn't draw Shen Jie."

Qin Ya smiled: "It's not Shen Jie, could it be me?"

"No, it's not you, Teacher..." Bai Han shook his head: "Everyone knows that the prototype of the heroine is Shen Jie, but is that really Shen Jie? The heroine of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" has never been discouraged by failure. , she always pursues her dream desperately, and brings happiness to the surroundings with her singing. But with all due respect... Teacher, she is very similar to Shen Jie, but Shen Jie can put down the stage for her own ideas, but she cannot."

Bai Han said: "If the heroine of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" was Shen Jie, she would not choose the stage between the hero and the stage. Teacher, you should change this ending - but you don't want to change it, you just borrowed it. Shen Jie's material, the real image of the heroine is someone else, isn't there?"

She stared at Qin Ya, watching the proud princess's complexion turn sour, she knew she was right—maybe the heroine of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" was not a specific target at the beginning, but today, she Qin Ya has already described him as another person she is familiar with.

It is precisely because of familiarity that it is true, and "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" can become the number one girl comic in China. (To be continued..)

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