Big Manga

Chapter 1029: Mother is dispatched


In November, Yanjing. network

Before breakfast, Zhao Meng picked up the newspaper as usual, glanced at the headlines on each front page, and then couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Haha, He Xi didn't come back today!"

Every day when he saw the news of He Xi's return, he would feel happy, but this made his wife laugh for a while: "Isn't he just a cartoonist? Do you need to stare at his news every day?"

"He's not just a cartoonist, he's a trouble maker." Zhao Meng snorted coldly, for some reason, he just didn't like He Xi. Perhaps it was the businessman's intuition, he felt that He Xi would be a troublemaker in the entertainment industry for decades to come.

Since the end of May, He Xi has been away from Huaxia for more than five months. This is the time when Zhao Meng sleeps most peacefully. He wishes He Xi could stay outside forever.

"Without He Xi, Phoenix Company is much weaker and can't cause trouble." Zhao Meng said: "They have invested so much in Yanjing to establish a comic business circle. Don't you think it is almost a joke now?"

Before He Xi left, Phoenix Company bought a large piece of commercial real estate in Yanjing, which made Zhao Meng and others wary for a while. However, after He Xi left, the development of that area was not as smooth as imagined, and it is still tepid so far.

"You mean the Phoenix Square?" Zhao Meng's wife was puzzled by her husband's words: "It's not as bad as you say, is it? I heard that Xia Chuanzhen held a concert next to the square last time. Too many vehicles, blocking traffic!"

"That doesn't count, it's just the impact of the concert."

Zhao Meng said, but thinking back on that concert, he also had to admit that Xia Chuan had become a voice actor with terrifying influence.

After He Xi left, there was no dubbing of He Xi's new animation for a long time. Even if most of the voice actors of the Phoenix Company have not fallen, they have entered the bottleneck period of popularity, with only a few exceptions - Xia Chuanzhen is the most terrifying person among them. She seems to have escaped the influence of He Xi's work, and her popularity has remained high.

"That Xia Chuan is real. I always feel that she doesn't look like a seiyuu anymore." His wife said: "Recently, many people talk about her. They are all talking about her singing voice—she doesn't only sing animation songs now, does she?"

Zhao Meng nodded: "Her vocal range has become wider. In recent months, some well-known composers have been hired to make special songs for her. Strictly speaking, she is not much different from the artists in our company."

"Then why don't you poach her here?" The wife asked curiously, "She is so popular now,

Maybe she can become another sign of the star dream. "

"Of course it will be a signboard!" - Zhao Meng thought to himself, Xia Chuan is really young and beautiful, and all kinds of reputation are also very good, he has infinite potential!

There is no younger, hotter, and more powerful artist in China than Xia Chuanzhen, and now her popularity is on par with Mo Ming. With a little more training, she can become a national idol, an idol of a generation.


"Do you think I haven't poached her?" Zhao Meng sighed to his wife, "I have sent people to look for her no less than five times, and I promised her the highest treatment from the company—but she just didn't move, I really don't care. Know what cake He Xi gave her!"

In fact, it's not just a star's dream. The top ten star companies in China have all sent people to contact Xia Chuanzhen, and all of them have failed.

"Dongfangxing has also dug out, and it really guaranteed to Xia Chuan that as long as she can jump over, she can use Dongfangxing's resources at will. Xia Chuan really can go to any stage she wants, and the first-line stars have to give way to her. Even the shareholders' meeting is willing to give her some shares."

Zhao Meng shook his head and said, "Is this condition tempting enough? It's almost like serving Xia Chuanzhen as a grandma."

"But she still doesn't agree?"

"Of course I don't agree." Zhao Meng said, "What do you think about Xia Chuan's real head? She has come to this day and is nowhere to be found in the Phoenix Company. What else can they give her? Why is she so dead-headed? Where are you staying?"

The wife laughed and said, "Maybe she likes He Xi, but she just doesn't want to leave Phoenix Company!"

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart. Zhao Meng's heart skipped a beat, yes. Women are all emotional creatures——Xia Chuan really clings to Phoenix Company, maybe it is because she has an inseparable existence in it.

This woman was discovered, excavated and cultivated by He Xi, and He Xi is such a beautiful young man, it is totally reasonable for her to like him.

"You're right, this matter can be investigated." Zhao Meng felt happy: "If this is really the reason, then wait for Xia Chuan to really break up in love, and then win her over."

His wife stared at him strangely: "Broken love? How do you know that she will be broken in love? Maybe He Xi will like her?"

"I don't think it's possible..." Zhao Meng shook his head. Xia Chuanzhen is indeed a very good woman, but there are never any other good women around He Xi, and he knows that He Xi and Xia Chuanzhen don't get in touch every year. More, the possibility of sparking is very small.

"If I were a man, I would definitely like Xia Chuanzhen." The wife objected.

"Then you are just an ordinary man, and He Xi is not an ordinary man." Zhao Meng laughed and said, "Don't forget that He Xi's achievements in all aspects are no less than Xia Chuanzhen's. Li is just an ordinary person—if I were him, I would definitely like the vice president of the Phoenix Company."

"The vice president who disappeared for half a year?" The wife said thoughtfully, "When you say that, I suddenly feel that she and Teacher He Xi both disappeared too completely, and the time is also very similar. Could it be that the two of them really have a relationship?" leg?"

Zhao Meng's smile stopped, and he looked at his wife in amazement, why she always said such shocking words.

The rumor that He Xi and Alice went on a trip together had been guessed by the media before, but for some reason it disappeared soon. Zhao Meng was not interested in the relationship between He Xi and Alice. But if this matter is really connected with Xia Chuan, then its importance is different.

Zhao Meng suddenly wants He Xi to come back, assuming things are as his wife said, can Xia Chuan really remain loyal to Phoenix?

At the same time, in Jiayuan Community, Li Qin started to pack her luggage.

Another half month passed in a blink of an eye, and the old lady sent two groups of people over. But Meng Huo and the others still didn't come back—she couldn't stay any longer, since Meng Huo was indifferent, she would go over and bring him back in person.

"I don't believe that child dares to resist!" Li Qin said angrily while stuffing his clothes, "He is too shameful. After I pass this time, I must beat his ass hard."

Tomato, who was helping to clean up, immediately had the scene of Meng Huo being spanked in his head. His heart moved, and then he moved his feet secretly, and said to Hua Meng beside him, "I said Hua Meng, why don't we go there too? Teacher He Xi was spanked, this can't be missed!"

"Come on, you!" Hua Meng gave him a blank look: "Sister Qin is just talking, do you think she really knows how to fight?"

She knew that Li Qin loved Meng Huo the most, and as soon as she saw him outside, her attitude would soften immediately. Even if you are really angry. She would definitely not teach Meng Huo a lesson in front of outsiders - that would be too embarrassing.

Tomato had a look of pity, he really wanted to see the embarrassing side of that omnipotent teacher.

"I said, Aunt Qin, why are there so many children's clothes here?" Wang Yanmeng picked up a small sweater that had just been knitted, and asked strangely, "Isn't this just knitted?"

Li Qin glanced back: "It was just woven last month, and I plan to keep it for my grandson."

"Grandson?" Tomato was stunned: "Mr. He Xi is not married yet, right?"

"Sister Qin is preparing for the future. She knitted some a few years ago." Hua Meng didn't think it was strange, and said with a smile: "The bear kid in our family is wearing a sweater with sunflowers on it, and that is the sweater knitted by Sister Qin." from."

Li Qin didn't tell them about Alice's pregnancy. In fact, Meng Huo didn't say anything about the confirmed relationship between Meng Huo and Alice, although the assistants were skeptical. But no one imagined that they had progressed very far.

But even so, Li Qin can still knit sweaters for her grandson openly at home. The main reason is that she is too free. She started knitting some sweaters piecemeal a few years ago, and Hua Meng doesn't find it strange.

"It turns out that Sister Qin knitted that one..." Tomato suddenly realized: "No wonder, I just said that it looks better than other sweaters!"

Hua Meng frowned. He stretched out his hand and twisted Tomato's ears: "You mean I'm ugly?"

Wang Yanmeng snickered, but the sweater Li Qin knitted was indeed very beautiful: "Aunt Qin, why are you knitting so well? These patterns are so cute, they are almost the same as those bought in the store. Have you learned where to knit?" ?”

"No. I don't have that spirit." Li Qin replied lightly: "I didn't have any money back then. I made Meng Huo's sweaters and shoes when he was a child. Practice makes perfect. If you practice more, you can knit better than me in the future. .”

Although she spoke calmly, Wang Yanmeng knew the poor life Li Qin and Meng Huo lived in the past, and thought that she really asked a question that shouldn't be asked. Now Wang Yanmeng is also a mother. She has just become a mother not long ago, knowing the exhaustion of being a mother, she admires Li Qin more and more in her heart.

"Do you like that sweater very much?" Seeing Wang Yanmeng staring at the sweater and not putting it down, Li Qin said, "If you like it, take it back. You can take a few more, your daughter can use it."

Wang Yanmeng looked surprised: "Is it possible?"

"Of course, Hua Meng also took some at that time." Li Qin smiled. Most of the sweaters she knitted in the past were given to a few assistants. They all had newborn babies in the past few years. Hua Meng and Tomato got married. Needless to say afterwards, even Xi Wenlin couldn't bear the instigation of others and let his wife give birth to one more child.

Now that Wang Yanmeng is also a mother, Li Qin can't be too partial, although Alice is more important-but Li Qin has plenty of time, and she has enough time to prepare clothes for her grandson.

Wang Yanmeng happily picked up the sweater.

And Li Qin quickly packed up the salute. She took out a bunch of keys from the room and handed it to Hua Meng: "After I leave, I will trouble you to take a look at this house. Just clean it up for me every Sunday."

Hua Meng was stunned: "Sister Qin, are you going to be away for a long time?"

"After I call Meng Huo back, I will live in Suhua for a while." Li Qin nodded and said, "I may not be at home for half a year."

Li Qin and the old lady had already discussed, and when Alice came back, they would arrange her in the Meng family's yard. The yard was big enough and safe enough, and the environment was good. Li Qin accompanied Alice to give birth to the child before thinking about going home.

Hua Meng and Wang Yanmeng didn't know what Li Qin was thinking, and they were very sad to hear that she would not be able to come back for half a year.

"Sister Qin, you won't move to Suhua in the future, will you?"

"Yes, Aunt Qin, you won't abandon us, will you? If you leave, how boring this place will be!"

They are used to being with Li Qin. In Jiayuan Community, Li Qin's home is a special place that connects all cartoonists, but once Li Qin leaves, this home seems to lose its meaning.

"What are you thinking about!" Li Qin said with a smile: "I'm just staying outside for a while, and I'll come back occasionally to have a look - don't worry, I'll come back after this period is over."

"Maybe I'll surprise you when I come back..." Li Qin thought, if her grandson was born, she would bring him back. There are so many children here, and there is no shortage of playmates.

Of course, this matter depends on the thoughts of Alice and others, and Li Qin cannot make decisions alone. After receiving Li Qin's explanation, Hua Meng and Wang Yanmeng felt at ease. Hua Meng took the key and promised to clean up the house.

Li Qin went out with his luggage, and Tomato was still a little worried: "Why don't I go with you... Sister Qin, you don't like to take a car, and the plane may not be comfortable. Teacher He Xi is in such a far place, all the way, there is no How can someone take care of you?"

When Hua Meng heard it, she felt that what her husband said made sense: "Sister Qin, let Tomato accompany you."

"No need, you just love to worry about it." Li Qin smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have a companion."

The old lady arranged enough bodyguards for her at Ninghai Airport, and as long as she drove there, those bodyguards would help her handle everything - and besides these bodyguards, Xu Jing also asked his wife to follow after hearing the news go.

He was worried that Li Qin could persuade Meng Huo, but not Alice, so he asked Alice's mother to go and bring her daughter back.

Li Qin saw the blond woman at the airport. Although it was not the first time they had met, they were not familiar with each other. Because her son was on two boats, Li Qin was a little worried when they met, but the woman was obviously more open than her.

She has been tormented by her daughter's stubbornness for several years, and she has accepted that Alice is single, but now seeing Alice and Meng Huo together... Although it is a bit problematic, it is more reassuring than before.

And Meng Huo is not an ordinary child, she believes that he can make her daughter happy. (to be continued...)

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