Big Manga

Chapter 860: Neglected animation

The scenes seen at the concert brought Meng Huo and Alice unexpected surprises. On the second day after the concert, Meng Huo and Alice immediately conducted investigations on the situation of "The Rebellious Lelouchu".

Meng Huo collected various data through Manga Island's animation department and TV station, while Alice analyzed the influence of "Lelouch the Rebellion" through other channels. Meng Huo was the first to get the report, and both he and Alice were very surprised by the data in his hand.

"Strange, nothing bright?"

Alice expressed her views on the data. "Rebellious Lelouch" has a high ratings, but it is still far away from "Mobile Suit Gundam 00". Among all the animations produced before Meng Huo, its ratings are actually at the top of the list. Medium level.

Even though Meng Huo's mid-level has been linked with China's "top animation ratings", mid-level is mid-level, which means that the audience of "Rebellious Lelouch" has not made a big breakthrough in the definition of "what a pity".

However, these data made Meng Huo puzzled, why is this so? If "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu" really had no special features, the number of people it influenced at Qingfengmingyue's concert shouldn't have reached that level.

"The ratings may not represent everything..." After thinking for a long time, Alice suddenly said: "We have been staring at the ratings data of "Lelouch the Rebellion" before. Didn't we make a fatal mistake?"

She asked Meng Huo: "The effect of animation cannot be judged from the ratings data, and the ratings data is not necessarily real data. Maybe we haven't done proper development on "Rebellious Lelouchu" before we let it Its numbers are mediocre."

Meng Huo frowned: "What do you mean?"

"It means that we have taken the publicity lightly..." Alice shook her head: "Didn't there be a lot of publicity after the animation was broadcast? Maybe it's because of this that its data performance is not as good as the actual performance...Look at the singing There will be so many fans present. It can be seen that "The Rebellious Lelouch" should be very popular."

Before the launch of "The Rebellious Lelouch", Phoenix Company did some publicity activities. But after the broadcast, because of "ad", "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" and the preparation of two new companies, they did not provide greater publicity for "Rebellious Lelouch".

From the perspective of the finance department, this matter is quite natural, because when "Rebellious Lelouch" was launched, it was actually the time when Phoenix Company was spending a lot of money. The animation "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" and "ad", The formation and budget of the new company - they naturally ignored "Lelouch the Rebellion".

Moreover, the key figures of the Phoenix Company did not ask for this,

Xu Jing is already very satisfied with the income. And Alice forgot the necessity of publicity for "Lelouchu the Rebellious" because of a special reason - Lelouchu's voice actor is Meng Huo, which in itself is the best advertisement.

Alice firmly believes that Meng Huo is the voice of Lu Luxiu. This howl is the biggest publicity, enough to attract fans to come and watch. But now she suddenly thought, is the effect of this propaganda really that big?

Although it is true that Meng Huo is Lu Luxiu's dubbing, but not all fans will come here for this reason? Or only a small part? ——After all, it wasn't long after "The Rebellious Lelouch" aired. "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" is already very popular, and the latter also has Meng Huo as the voice actor.

I'm not a die-hard fan. It seems that there is no need to pay attention to Meng Huo's performance in the two animations at the same time. His dubbing was very popular in "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" before that. Some people will naturally lean towards Gundam.

Of course, this is not the key point. The key point is that the vast majority of people who are interested in "Lelouchi's voice actor" are female audiences, and many male audiences don't like this. They are more concerned about the performance of female voice actors.

The combination of these factors led to an effect-that is, Alice thought that "the promotion of Meng Huo as a voice actor is enough", but in fact it was not enough. Its effect is greatly reduced, and the publicity of "Rebellious Lelouch" is quite insufficient.

On the matter of publicity, Meng Huo was even more lax. He didn't even pay attention to whether the first part of "The Rebellious Lelouchi" was publicized enough, and it tended to let it fend for itself. Because he put the key points of the promotion of "The Rebellious Lelouchu" in the second part, which is the essence of the whole animation, and Meng Huo is very confident about it...

In other words, Meng Huo's confidence in the second part of "The Rebellious Lelouchi" made him ignore the situation of the first part. In his eyes, the effect of the first part is good no matter what. Anyway, after the second part is broadcast, this animation will definitely become popular.

However, on the other hand, this confidence may have become Meng Huo's biggest mistake. The second part of "The Rebellious Lelouch" is indeed very good. But this is not the reason for him to ignore the first part. His taking it for granted is likely to shatter the effect that "Lelouch of the Rebellion" could have achieved.

When Alice reminded him, Meng Huo broke out in a cold sweat.

Although this is just Alice's existing guess, what if it is really the case? If "The Rebellious Luluxiu" could have been more popular, but its brilliance was artificially overshadowed because of their neglect, then for Meng Huo - wouldn't his "Rebellious Luluxiu" be the original work? Ruined?

The animation quality isn't ruined, but the treatment and impact are. You must know that in the world of Meng Huo's previous life, "Lu Luxiu of the Rebellion" surpassed "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" in terms of popularity, influence, and even popularity awards. A representative work of .

But now, the influence of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" and "AD" has surpassed Meng Huo's expectations, and it has reached a status that Meng Huo could not achieve in his previous life. Meng Huo was delighted by this, but under this joy, he actually buried "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu"?

"No way……"

Meng Huo was a little unwilling to accept this conjecture, or rather. He hoped that he did not 'treat "The Rebellious Lelouchu" badly.

Alice wasn't entirely sure if her idea was right. If she was right, it wasn't just a strategic mistake by Meng Huo, but also by her and the entire Phoenix Company—they were attracted by other animations. Instead of seeing the "truth of "The Rebellious Lelouchu".

But fortunately, the way to prove the truth of this stock is very simple-whether it is true or not, they only need to add advertisements for "Lelouch the Rebellion" and see the effect of these advertisements.

If the publicity is really insufficient, the ratings of "The Rebellious Lelouch" should increase rapidly with the promotion of the advertisement...

"I want to give it a try." Alice immediately told Meng Huo her idea. The Phoenix Company was not short of money at all, so as long as there was an idea, it was necessary to try it—and Meng Huo had no reason to refuse.

Phoenix then called a new meeting. The promotion of "Rebellious Lelouch" was raised to the same height as "Mobile Suit Gundam 00", and the promotion was implemented in a few days.

Both Meng Huo and Alice thought that it would take at least a few weeks to see the effect of these publicity. However, what they didn't expect was that when the various data of the new episode of "Lelouch the Rebellious" came out just a few days after the large-scale promotion, they had already undergone very obvious changes.

If you look at the ratings data. Connecting the ratings of "The Rebellious Lelouch" from the first episode to the present, the increase in this week is obviously much larger than that in the previous weeks. Of course, in the same animation, the increase in growth rate can be regarded as the inevitable result of publicity. If you want to know the real effect, you must compare it with other animations.

After comparing this week's data with Meng Huo's previous animations, Alice was surprised to find that the increase in "Rebellious Lelouch" due to the addition of advertisements exceeded the standards of all animations in the past, even in China. Under the same promotion scale, there are few such big changes.

This proves from the side that Alice's conjecture is not wrong-the potential of "The Rebellious Lelouch" has not been fully realized, and many audiences have not correctly recognized it because of insufficient publicity.

Other types of statistical data have also proved this point. The increase in media attention, online public opinion, audience feedback, etc. within a week is also quite obvious, just like a new animation, and the results are quite gratifying.

"This time the miscalculation is too big. The potential of "Lelouch the Rebellion" is not inferior to that of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00"..." During Alice's report meeting, Xu Jing was also shocked by this incident. Phoenix Company He actually made such a big mistake, the performance of "Rebellious Lelouch" this week made him seem to see the scene before the end of the first part of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00".

But he looked at the data in his hand, and one of them made him change his mind: "No, maybe "Rebellious Lelouch" can be more popular than "Mobile Suit Gundam 00"."

This is a survey data from the "He Xi's House" forum. The survey is a comparison of the popular characters in "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" and "Lelouch the Rebellion". The most popular ranking is of course the actor Setsuna from "Mobile Suit Gundam 00". He has thousands of votes higher than the protagonist Lu Luxiu in "The Rebellious Lelouch".

However, this is not the point. The point is that there is still a small category in this survey: the audience who follow two animations at the same time. Lelouch's votes surpassed Setsuna's - that is to say, although the popularity of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" overwhelmingly surpassed that of "Lelouch of the Rebellion", among the people who watched the two animations, "Rebellious" The Lelouch of "Lelouch" seems to be more popular than "Mobile Suit Gundam 00".

There are also a lot of other data that vaguely prove this point. The scene that Alice and Meng Huo saw when they participated in the concert has a new explanation-the audience loyalty and obsession of "Rebellious Lelouch" is higher than that of "Maneuvering". Fighter Gundam 00" is higher.

This result has had an earthquake-like impact on the top management of the Phoenix Company now that everyone's eyes are on "Mobile Suit Gundam 00".

"Could it be that we really ignored "Lelouch of the Rebellion"?", "It has more potential than "Mobile Suit Gundam 00"?", "So, "Lelouch of the Rebellion" is what we should do now. Animations to strengthen operations?"

The executives who participated in the meeting were annoyed and delighted at the same time—annoyed that they had neglected "The Rebellious Lelouch" for so long, and delighted that if "The Rebellious Lelouch" had such a huge impact* great potential. Then it became the best choice to suppress "Blue Love Song".

The popularity of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" has been difficult to increase, and it is facing the end. It is very difficult to use it to prevent "Blue Love Song" from becoming a leader. It won't last long either. But this is not the case with "Lelouch the Rebellion". It is also an animation that will be serialized for a year, and the first part has not yet been completed.

"The Rebellious Lelouch" still has a very long serialization time, and it can take on the big responsibility!

However, when everyone was overjoyed, Alice calmed down: "Everyone, don't be too happy, we really ignored "Lelouch of the Rebellion" too much, but can it surpass "Mobile Suit Gundam 00"? "There is another premise..."

She looked at Meng Huo: "Is the audience of this animation really that big?"

The conference hall immediately fell silent. Audience - Hearing this word, it seems like a bucket of cold water has been thrown on everyone's head. The passion is gone again. Alice was very thoughtful, and the publicity effect of "Lelouch the Rebellion" was great, but it didn't mean that its upper limit of popularity could be compared with that of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00".

The upper limit of popularity of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" is its upper limit of audience, and the upper limit of audience of the Gundam series in the animation industry is very, very high. Under Menghuo's dig, it's one of the hottest categories in its own right.

If the audience of "Rebellious Lelouch" is not as good as that of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00", then no matter how much it promotes, the final popularity will not surpass "Mobile Suit Gundam 00". However, even the latter has to be very worried about "Blue Love Song", which has a higher audience limit than "Mobile Suit Gundam 00".

All TV series fans and romance lovers of "Blue Love Song" are potential audiences of the animated version of "Blue Love Song". This TV series has no extreme elements, so there is no pressure from the audience.

"Meng Huo..." Xu Jing looked at Meng Huo: "Do you think "The Rebellious Lu Lu Xiu" is qualified to become a popular animation that everyone likes? I don't mean big popularity, but super popularity... "

Every animation of He Xi can be regarded as a popular animation. However, the meaning of super-popular animation is different. Apart from the quality of itself, the biggest feature of super-popular animation is that everyone can accept it. There is no audience pressure.

Meng Huo fell silent for a moment, Xu Jing's question carried a lot of weight. If he said 'qualified', then the Phoenix Company will definitely go all out to make "Lelouch the Rebellious" popular among the top three super popular animations in China. This requires huge resources and energy, but it failed The repercussions will also be great.

And if Meng Huo said 'not qualified', Phoenix Company would not ignore it now after realizing the situation of "Lelouchu the Rebellion". They'll still have a rich promotional campaign for it, but not as a counter to "Blue Love Song" -- and will continue to think of other ways.

In the short run. "Not qualified" is the best answer, "The Rebellious Lelouchu" can get proper publicity without too much pressure. However, this choice will not make the pressure of "Blue Love Song" disappear-Meng Huo will have to face this animation in other ways sooner or later.

He decided to take a gamble.

"I think it can become a super-popular animation." Meng Huo replied, knowing that these words might bring "Rebellious Lelouchi" greater achievements. But whether it can become a super popular animation, in fact, according to Meng Huo's thinking - the answer is no.

"Rebellious Lelouch" has the elements of super popular animation, but its theme of "rebellion and evil" is the biggest limitation. Although it is not as absolute as "Wine of Eternal Life", it is also more extreme, so it is destined to have some Audiences hate it.

But Meng Huo still nodded. After realizing that he had neglected "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu", he felt regret and apology in his heart. He decided to believe in "The Rebellious Lelouch" and in Qin Ya and the others. Under the unity of the people, this animation will definitely surpass the limitation of the theme, and become a super popular animation with the attitude of "not suitable for everyone".

It’s not impossible—didn’t Gundam Animation teach Meng Huo a lesson? This theme was very popular in the previous life, but it is not considered a super theme, but in this world it has become a cutting-edge animation theme that all animation fans can adapt to.

Since Meng Huo can change the audience of Gundam, why can't he change the audience of "The Rebellious Lelouchu"?

"Very good." Hearing Meng Huo's confident answer, Xu Jing was relieved, and he looked at Alice: "Then make "The Rebellious Lelouch" the focus of our animation for the past few months, no matter what we use In such a way, we will make it famous with all our strength.”

He handed over the job to Alice, which also became Alice's first key job after she was promoted to vice president - to increase the popularity of "Rebellious Lelouch" to the same level as "Fire Boy" and "Detective Sherlock". "Equal status.

Alice turned her head and glanced at Meng Huo, then nodded in agreement, but Meng Huo didn't know that she had already set her mind on him.

After the meeting, that night, Meng Huo received a call from Qin Ya from Manga Island—she heard that the company was going to change the positioning of "Lelouch the Rebellion", and her voice became happy.

"Actually, I have long felt that Lu Luxiu was too wronged. It could have become more popular... Teacher, your answer today is great!" Qin Ya said excitedly on the phone: "Everyone in the animation department is very excited, We will work overtime this week, and we must help to complete the poster!" (To be continued)

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