Big Manga

Chapter 861: Thoughts

After Li Qin left, Meng Huo turned to the last page of the calendar on the desk, and it was December.

The end of 2018 came so quickly, but Meng Huo was not in the mood to look back on the various roads he had traveled this year. As soon as December arrived, he was faced with a big event - "Mobile Suit" The first part of Gundam 00 is over.

The ending time of this animation was already within his expectation, but what Meng Huo didn't expect was that he never thought that the ending scene of the animation would be so enthusiastic. Since the launch of the twenty-third episode two weeks ago, relying on the death of Lockon and the popularity of the ending animation, the performance of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" in the last two weeks shocked the world twice in a row.

The twenty-fourth episode of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00", the number of viewers increased by ten percent, reaching a new record after the animation was broadcast. As for the ending episode of the twenty-fifth episode, the number of viewers of TV TOKYO exceeded 2 million people——unbelievable statistic!

This statistic is the highest in TV Tokyo's history. Although many reporters explained that it was a normal nepotism effect brought about by He Xi's growing fans, Meng Huo didn't think so...

His popularity is indeed growing every year, but there are too many of his animations on the TV station now, and these animations will interfere with each other: viewers who watch "Little Fairy" on Monday will not watch "Rebellious Lelouch", " The audience of "Rebellious Luluxiu" will not pay attention to "Mobile Suit Gundam 00", and the audience of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" will not watch "ad" for the first time...

He Xi has many fans, but these fans will allocate different days to watch different animations for their own hobbies. In this way, although the total number of viewers for each animation is large, it is difficult to increase the number of viewers in a single day.

The ratings of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" skyrocketed on TV Tokyo. But on the same day, the ratings of animations such as "Rebellious Lelouch" and "ad" did not drop significantly. Therefore, the success of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" can only be attributed to one reason - it has attracted many new audiences!

Most of these new viewers are curious people brought by the news. They created the record data of the twenty-fourth episode of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00", but it should have calmed down or declined. But unexpectedly in the twenty-fifth episode to a higher level.

From this, Meng Huo can be sure that new audiences will like "Mobile Suit Gundam 00". I didn't discard it just because I watched an episode to satisfy my curiosity. The popularity of this animation far exceeded Meng Huo's expectations, which surprised and delighted him.

"It seems that the second part must be slow..." He thought this way, the more popular the animation is, the sooner it should be released. Since the first part of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" is so popular, for greater effect, Phoenix Company should keep it. Take some time to let the hot situation of this animation fully ferment.

The second part cannot be released immediately.

If the second part is released next week, the audience won't have much to look forward to—Meng Huo wants to whet their appetites and make them want to watch the next episode even more, so that the second part will be able to reap huge rewards after it airs. popularity.

But the trouble is that Meng Huo has already said in advance that the second part will be broadcast after the first one, and he cannot insert other animation works between the first and second part. This is going back on promises and easily dissatisfies the audience.

"What do you think I should do better?"

Meng Huo had an idea in his mind, but he still told Qin Ya about it at work, hoping to hear other people's opinions.

"Isn't that simple?" Qin Ya didn't think so, and said, "Just give the animation department in Tokyo a two-week vacation, and then announce to the outside world that the second part of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" will be aired at the end of the month."

With two weeks of vacation and one week of production time, the premiere of the second part of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" was postponed to the end of December. There is no interval of one month in between, neither will it make readers dissatisfied. It can also arouse their sense of anticipation.

"Teacher, you didn't say that the second part will be made right after the first part, right? So why worry?" Qin Ya continued, Meng Huo did not say that the two "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" broadcasts will be seamlessly connected. So as long as no new animations are launched during the period. No one thought that Meng Huo's words were nothing.

After an animation, the studio takes a two-week break, which is completely normal.

"Also..." Meng Huo nodded. In fact, he had the same idea as Qin Ya, and the time should not be delayed too long. The second part of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" should be released within a month. The expectations of the audience were just right.

But what he thought more deeply than Qin Ya was that Meng Huo also planned to hold some activities to enhance the momentum of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00". The event can not only celebrate the end of the first part, but also build momentum for the premiere of the second part.

"I should have Zhou Qian and Alice prepare earlier..." Meng Huo thought that Zhou Qian could hold some activities in Manga Island. Alice can ask the voice actors to hold some celebratory performances.

"By the way... Alice is not in charge of the office anymore." Then Meng Huo suddenly remembered that the voice actor's work arrangement no longer needs to go through Alice. Alice is still learning from Xu Jing in Ninghai. Such a trivial matter He can go directly to Dong Li, the new manager of the firm.

Thinking of doing it, at noon that day, Meng Huo took out his mobile phone and wanted to notify the secretary to tell Zhou Qian and Dong Li, but found that the secretary had gone out to help him socialize.

"I forgot again..." Meng Huo shook his head. He almost forgot that his secretary was also very busy now, and had to serve as his 'representative for entertainment'. These days, he often went out to help Meng Huo socialize around.

Meng Huo had no choice but to call Zhou Qian and Dong Li by himself, and they agreed to go to his office to discuss after get off work. After finishing the call, Meng Huo called Shen Jie again, asking if she would like to participate in the "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" concert.

This is what Meng Huo wanted Dong Li to prepare for. He wanted to hold a concert to celebrate the end of the animation, and planned to focus on Shen Jie, Xia Chuanzhen and Long Xue. There are some things to do, and Meng Huo doesn't want to force her.

"The concert is held by TV Tokyo. They mentioned this idea to me before. Now that the animation is over, the time is good." Meng Huo said, "But it's okay if you don't want to participate, I respect your choice."

Shen Jie considered for a while, but finally agreed: "I will participate in this concert."

Although she is very busy, she is not refusing to be a voice actress. The concert of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" that just ended will definitely be very lively. This is also a big temptation for her, and she has no reason to refuse... …

Shen Jie agreed, and Meng Huo was very happy. He didn't ask Xia Chuanzhen and Long Xue any more. The schedule of these two voice actors was arranged by the agency, and he didn't need to inform them.

After get off work, Zhou Qian and Dong Li came to Meng Huo's office on time. After half an hour of discussion, they gave Meng Huo a satisfactory answer. Meng Huo then called TV Tokyo, and the TV station immediately expressed its full support, and a concert was decided in this way.

Along with this concert, Zhou Qian will also launch a series of peripheral activities at the same time, and these activities can add up to keep "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" extremely popular before the second broadcast.

"Teacher, will you attend the concert?" Before leaving, Dong Li asked, "And how big are we going to make the event?"

Meng Huo shook his head: "I won't attend, as for the can just figure it out..."

He didn't have time to participate. In fact, he just came up with an idea. The activities of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" were organized by Dong Li and Zhou Qian. The most important thing about the concert is that TV Tokyo will help. With the popularity of Shen Jie and the three of them, the concert will be a great success without Meng Huo.

Dong Li and Zhou Qian looked at each other, and Meng Huo's answer made them feel a burst of pressure.

"Teacher, you should give me some data, right?" Zhou Qian asked. She didn't understand Meng Huo's standards. The animation has not been completely finished. How large-scale should she develop the peripherals of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" now, and the sales volume reached How much is considered a success.

Dong Li also feels that the goal is very vague. What exactly is the success of this concert?

"...I just gave a preliminary suggestion." Meng Huo looked at the two people helplessly: "How to implement it, can't you make a feasible goal yourself, and then hand over the plan to me?"

Zhou Qian frowned slightly: "However, when encountering such an important event before...Miss Alice will give us a frame in advance."

"Is she your nanny!?" Meng Huo was surprised, and then said angrily, "Could it be that without Alice, you can't make a suitable plan?"

This was the first time he had heard of this, but as a department head, Zhou Qian had to make her own plans at work, and it was impossible for someone else to give her a box and ask her to draw a picture in it.

"That's not true." Fortunately, Zhou Qian is not so bad that Meng Huo is worried: "It's just that there is no standard, and we will spend more time. The plan may have to go through many times of review by you, teacher... "

"If the teacher gives us a proper framework now, the accuracy of our plans will be much higher."

Zhou Qian replied, and Dong Li also nodded. What they didn't understand was Meng Huo's psychology. They didn't understand how important the event of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" was to him. funding.

On the surface, "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" is very popular, and the concert requires three female voice actors to participate. This event should be quite important. But Meng Huo didn't even plan to attend the concert, and he seemed to take it lightly in his words, not as important as they thought.

"I'll give you a budget tonight." Meng Huo understood that he had misunderstood, and explained, "You just need to make the most of these budgets." (To be continued)

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