Big Manga

Chapter 863: Request

In the last week of April, Alice came to the office where Meng Huo was working on "Wine of Eternal Life".

When she walked in, she still had a smile on her face. The painters were all fascinated by this smile, and they all raised their eyes to peek at her. But Meng Huo didn't feel happy at all, his eyelids twitched suddenly, as if he had a premonition that a troublesome thing was about to come.

"Meng Huo, I have something to ask for your help." Sure enough, Alice said so immediately after coming to him. She wanted Meng Huo to help with something, but she was so capable, what kind of things would she ask him for? help?

According to the previous practice, Meng Huo had a bad feeling.

"What's the matter?" He seemed to have vaguely guessed Alice's purpose, which should be directly related to her recent work, but it would not be so good if this guess came true.

"The promotion of "The Rebellious Lelouch" has reached a bottleneck." Unfortunately, God doesn't seem to be attached to Meng Huo, and Alice said what he guessed: "We plan to hold some seiyuu activities, it's time for you Here we go!"

The promotion of "Lelouch of the Rebellion" led by Alice is progressing smoothly, and it's time to go further. After the initial promotion, further publicity should make full use of the value of the voice actors, and Meng Huo played the role of dubbing the protagonist in "The Rebellious Lelouchi", so his appearance is also a matter of course.

"I knew it……"

After listening to Alice's words, Meng Huo felt his head hurt again, and he guessed that Alice would make this request. In fact, looking back on the past year, apart from private matters, there was only one thing Alice asked Meng Huo for help at work-the matter of the voice actor.

This help was no exception. And the reasons and foreshadowing are too good. It made Meng Huo even less likely to refuse.

"Can I not do it?" He tried his best to seek a compromise—although Meng Huo also knew that Alice could not compromise.

"No!" It was like typing a draft in advance. Alice didn't even think about it after Meng Huo asked, and said 'no' directly. And after rejecting Meng Huo's pleading, she added: "The decision to fully promote "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu" is based on your judgment on this animation. Now, how do you evade responsibility?"

Making "The Rebellious Lelouch" into a super-popular animation - this is the conclusion of Phoenix Company's internal discussion, but when making this conclusion, the key is what Meng Huo said for "The Rebellious Lelouch". Bottom line: it has no audience restrictions.

It was because of this sentence that Phoenix Company promoted "Lelouchu the Rebellious" on a large scale during this period. Including Alice, Comic Magazine Department, Peripheral Affairs Department, Voice Actor Agency, etc.—even including Qin Ya from Comic Island, everyone has worked hard in this promotional campaign, and the results have been remarkable.

And it is precisely because of these reasons that it is even more difficult for Meng Huo, the director, script writer, and actor voice actor of "The Rebellious Lelouchi", to escape. No matter which identity he looks at, he must contribute to "Lelouchu the Rebellion".

"What do you want me to do?" After talking with Alice for five minutes, Meng Huo found that he could not persuade her to give up—Alice was determined to put him in the propaganda war, no matter what Meng Huo said , she is soft and hard.

Meng Huo compromised before Alice, and he was a bit wrong about this matter, so he really didn't have the confidence to refuse Alice.

"I'll give you two choices." Alice prevailed. Get excited: "The first one is that our company will soon hold an exclusive fan meeting for "Lelouch the Rebellion", and all voice actors will appear. You must also appear, and as the voice of Lelouch, you must be protagonist of the event."

Meng Huo frowned: "When?"

"May 7." Alice looked at Meng Huo expectantly: "You agreed?"

"On the 7th..." Meng Huo calculated the time and found that it was the time when he was going back to Yanjing to work, and it was very likely that he would not be able to spare time: "This time is not good,

What about the second option? what is it "

In fact, he didn't want to hold any exclusive fan meeting, that kind of event was super annoying, especially as the protagonist of the event, he couldn't imagine how troublesome it would be.

"The second one is easier." Alice's expectation disappeared a lot, but her eyes did not dim, and they were still as bright as before: "The second choice is, you have to write for "Lelouch the Rebellious" "The hero Lu Luxiu wrote a song, and you will sing it yourself."

Meng Huo was taken aback: "Lelouchi's song?"

"Yes, the character song." Alice nodded. Lelouch is the most outstanding character in "Lelouch of the Rebellion", not only because he is the protagonist of the animation, but also because he embodies the soul of the animation, but this character There are still no character songs, which makes the audience regretful.

Character song, this term was very rare in the past, and the first time it was known to fans in the comic industry circle was in the text adventure game - of course, this is also what Meng Huo did, he brought the text adventure game to this world, And character songs are a common thing in text adventure games.

However, after the emergence of text adventure games, the influence of "character songs" did not expand rapidly. It was only popular in the game industry. One by one, they put on songs - but few of these songs became famous.

The real popularity of "character songs" came after "Magic Girl Madoka Magica". The character songs that suddenly appeared when Saya and Kyoko died caused a great sensation. In the following time, many animation manufacturers in China They have also learned to release exclusive songs for blockbuster characters.

Benefiting from the wide spread of animation, "character songs" are not a new thing now, and the number of "character songs" of other Huaxia animation companies is no less than that of Phoenix Company.

Even relatively speaking, the number of "character songs" released by Meng Huo is unusual, and his release speed is very conservative. Fortunately, his quality is far superior to other companies, so he has always been expected by the audience.

Alice suddenly made this request, and Meng Huo was stunned for a long time. Actually, if it’s just a character song. He will definitely say yes. But the problem is to give the audience a more realistic feeling. The character song is usually sung by the voice actor of the animated character—of course Meng Huo will sing the character song of Lu Luxiu.

And Alice has already made it very clear that it is impossible for him to change people.

"..." This made Meng Huo feel troublesome: "I can't sing!"

"Do you think I will believe you?" Alice rolled his eyes at him: "The dubbing is so good, you can't sing to deceive anyone? Even if you can't sing, judging from your talent in voice acting , it’s not too difficult to learn a song, right?”

She paused, then added: "Besides, I didn't want you to sing like a star..."

Does cartoonist He Xi need to be good at singing? No, of course he doesn't need it - as long as he can have a slightly better singing voice than ordinary people, just like the few Maiba in every ktv box, he can actually get the audience's joy up.

He Xi has countless halos on her body. He no longer needs to add an aura, so being able to sing songs according to the rhythm is already very sufficient. Based on Alice's understanding of Meng Huo, making him do this is as easy as eating, so she won't be fooled by him.

Meng Huo was helpless, he shook his head: "I still can't... Although what you said is correct, don't forget my current situation." He pointed to the "Wine of Eternal Life" posted on the wall behind him. poster, saying: "Someone is still staring at me."

Alice was dumbfounded, she almost forgot that there is still such a thing as 'Star Dream'.

The pressure of public opinion on "Wine of Eternal Life" from "Star Dream" has not diminished. Why do they continue to pay attention to "Wine of Eternal Life" without much success? Neither Alice nor Meng Huo knew about this - but that didn't mean Zhao Meng was an idiot.

Alice knew better than Meng Huo how cunning the helm of the "Star Dream" was. Therefore, Meng Huo's reason at this moment is reasonable. He can't sing, no matter whether he sings well or badly, as long as he sings, it is easy to further stimulate the other party.

In fact, "He Xi singing" has always been a tacit taboo, and now does not seem to be the best opportunity to break it...

"I have a suggestion." Seeing that Alice hesitated, Meng Huo immediately hit the railroad: "Besides Lu Luxiu, isn't it also possible to sing songs for other characters? We have Shen Jie and Zhen Zhen, as well as Bai Xue and Qingfeng Mingyue. As long as the song is handed over to them, the popularity of "Rebellious Lelouch" can be greatly increased."

Alice slowly frowned. She didn't want to admit Meng Huo's words, but if he was forced to come out, in case something unexpected happened, it would be her mistake—whether it was "Dream of a Star" or letting Meng Huo Standing up and singing is closely related to her.

"Looks like it's not the time yet..." Alice thought in her heart, she has always wanted Meng Huo to go further, but now is not the time, she wants to find a more suitable opportunity for him to come out, but at the moment she can only give up ——It's strange!

"I can agree to your suggestion..." Alice suddenly smiled and said, "You can create a character song for another character, but you still have to do the two choices I gave you, or else—you can also help Lulu Xiu create a character song, sing it and give it to me, I will never let it out.”

Meng Huo thought for a moment, and finally nodded slowly. He did not object this time.

Although Alice obviously wanted to use this incident to test his singing ability, but the test was just a test. Anyway, she also had objections to this aspect of Meng Huo, so it's okay to let her know the real situation.

As long as the song is not leaked, it is the same as if there is no such thing, and Meng Huo trusts Alice, and he believes that she will not make a mistake in the custody of Lelouchi's character song-this is based on the fact that Alice has been working with him for many years. A sense of trust gathered in the heart.

But if it really leaked, maybe this matter is also a good opportunity for Meng Huo in terms of personal issues.

Alice didn't know Meng Huo's inner thoughts. After getting the answer, her heart was beating with joy, and it took a while to calm down. She asked Meng Huo what character's song the "public character song" was about to prepare.

Meng Huo had no doubts about this: "Euphemia Britannia."

Euphemia Britannia, this is a main character in "Lelouch the Rebellion", the third princess of the Britannia Empire. Because Clovis, the third prince who caused the Shinjuku Massacre and the former governor of the 11th district, died tragically at the hands of Lelouch, and he and the second princess Cornelia came to the 11th district as the deputy governor. In fact, they have no real power.

This is a person with a perfect character that is rare in "The Rebellious Lelouch". She is kind, upright, unsophisticated, and not polluted by the ugliness of the Britannian royal family. This kind and gentle image has been richly portrayed in "The Rebellious Lelouch" in recent weeks. Even last week, Lelouch, who vowed to avenge the Brittalia royal family, began to waver and began to think Give up revenge.

Therefore, many viewers also regard her as the ultimate character of the first season of "Lelouch the Rebellion", who will change the atmosphere of the animation from revenge to a peaceful ending-of course, Meng Huo knows that these viewers will be disappointed soon.

"The Rebellious Lelouch" will not have such a beautiful story. Because of Euphemia's kindness, she is destined to be a person who sacrificed for the whole story, a tragic tragedy—— In Zhou's "The Rebellious Lelouchu", Euphemia's death will be quite miserable.

She may be the most heart-wrenching character who has died since the animation started, but of course Meng Huo can't sympathize. Euphemia's death is a perfect driving force for the follow-up story of "Rebellious Lelouch" , Its impact on the story ** the entire animation, if you sympathize with Euphemia, "Rebellious Lelouch" will be over.

"Blooded Yuffie" - this is the title of the next episode of "The Rebellious Lelouch". Of course, Alice standing in front of Meng Huo would not know what this episode will be about, so after hearing Meng Huo After the choice, Alice feels very satisfied.

"Euphemia's voice actor is the real little girl. She will be very happy to hear that you are going to compose Euphemia's character song." She said this, but Meng Huo thought that Xia Chuanzhen would not scold him. Well, after next week, this character will disappear - it doesn't matter if there is a character song or not.

And in fact, this character song is not a real character song, because Euphemia does not have a character song in the original book-she is one of the few people who is the main character of "Rebellious Lelouch" and does not have a character song.

From this point of view, Euphemia was really at a loss. Not only did she die miserably, but she didn't even have a song.

Meng Huo intends to make up for this role in this world... (To be continued...) R1292

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