Big Manga

Chapter 864: 2 Songs

"Hmm..." At night, Meng Huo sat in the room thinking hard, "What song should I choose?"

On his desk, there are scores of several songs, but what song to use as Euphemia's character song is a question that needs to be carefully considered-first of all, it must be good-sounding, and it must be able to express Yuffie. Mia's image characteristics, suitable songs are rare.

"I don't know if this is possible."

Meng Huo looked at the first music score on the table. The words on the musical note read "The Day I Shot Your Lover". It was the name of the song. Firmia's character song - but it's not an official character song.

"The Day I Shot My Lover" is the work of an orchestra named "", which first appeared in the work "", and was later included in the collection "" and "楽园へのPrelude" twice.

It has nothing to do with any animation, because it was used by netizens who love rebellion and orchestras as the background music of the mad animation "Lelouch of the Rebellion", which caused a lot of repercussions, and was gradually misrepresented as Yufimi Ya's character song.

In fact, this is a very beautiful song, and it is widely recognized because it is beautiful. And its lyrics and sense of sadness have certain similarities with Euphemia's death, which brings more misunderstandings.

But "The Day I Shot My Lover" really has nothing to do with "Lelouch the Rebellion". The lyrics and feelings can bring out Euphemia's feelings, but this is only a superficial phenomenon, as long as you carefully appreciate the meaning of the lyrics. You will find that there is a big contradiction between "The Day You Shoot Your Lover" and Euphemia's deeds.

As far as the name is concerned, the name of "The Day I Shot Your Lover" is to shoot your lover, and "Lelouch the Rebellion" does have rumors that Lelouch and Euphemia are each other's first love - but in the two When they grew up, there was no feeling of lovers between them, and the person who killed Euphemia was Lelouch, so the premise of the name did not exist.

Meng Huo thought about making "The Day I Shot My Lover" Euphemia's character song, so he had to make some changes to the name and lyrics. To try to make it fit Euphemia's settings. But after he did this, he found that the more he changed, the worse he got.

This is originally a song that expresses the "elegy of love". What can you change the theme to? brother and sister? friend? Or something else? ——In any case, it is not as attractive as "The Day I Shot Your Lover". If it is changed forcibly, the charm of this song will also be greatly reduced.

So in the end, Meng Huo gave up the idea. In addition to "The Day You Shoot Your Lover", the animation of "Rebellious Lelouch" also has many classic songs without special meaning, and these songs can also be used.

Meng Huo thought of a way.

He shuffled and arranged the music scores in his hands randomly, and then put them into the file bag—then put the file bag in front of Qin Ya and the painters when he returned to Su Hua.

"what is this?"

Qin Ya asked on behalf of other painters.

"The bags are full of songs, including songs that have been aired in "Rebellious Lelouch" and new songs that haven't been aired yet... Help me choose a character that can represent Euphemia Songs." Meng Huo frowned and said, he was still a little tired from the journey when he just came back.

"Euphemia's character song?" Qin Ya opened the file bag. She handed the music scores to the painters around who knew how to read them, looked at one of them herself, and asked, "Why do you want this thing all of a sudden?"

Meng Huo simply stated Alice's request. Of course—he didn't say that he promised Alice to sing. He didn't intend to inform anyone about this matter, not even the people from the seiyuu agency.

Serious song recording cannot avoid seiyuu firms, but Meng Huo did not say that he would sing very formally, so even if he recorded a song casually with his mobile phone at home, it can be said that he fulfilled his promise to Alice .

And Qin Ya and the others didn't suspect that after listening to the explanation, Phoenix Company was raving about "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu". It is also normal to decide to release character songs to attract attention.

However, after the artists passed on the score, everyone discussed it for a long time. It seems that there are also disputes - to Meng Huo's surprise, "The Day I Shot Your Lover" was also recognized by many painters without his interference.

As the debate continues, the approval of "The Day You Shoot Your Lovers" seems to be growing.

"Could it be that "The Day You Shoot Your Lover" is more appropriate than I thought?"

Meng Huo thought to himself, he poured a glass of water and watched by the side, letting the painters argue and wait calmly. If "The Day I Shot My Lover" can be recognized by an absolute majority of artists, then it's not impossible to release it as Euphemia's official character song.

The debate among the artists was also a process in which one song after another was denied. After about half an hour, only two of the stack of scores prepared by Meng Huo remained. Among these two scores, just when Meng Huo felt that "The Day I Shot My Lover" was about to win, another song surpassed "The Day I Shot My Lover" by a narrow margin of two votes.

The song is called "days", which means "the age of innocence", and it is an episode that will be broadcast in the next episode of "Rebellious Lelouch" "Blooded Yuffie". It is a simple and ethereal song. Girl* sings.

"Why did you choose this song?"

After getting this result, Meng Huo was very surprised. "Days" is one of the classic songs of "Lelouch the Rebellion". It is only natural that it is welcomed by the artists, but it should not have much to do with the role of Euphemia. Contact—Why did the artists choose "days" as Euphemia's character song?

"I think this song is very suitable!" Qin Ya replied: "In the age of innocence, this song fits Euphemia's mind. For Lu Luxiu, she is a memory of innocence when she was a child, and I think ...In the eyes of the audience, Euphemia is also the most innocent character in "The Rebellious Lelouch."

Then she paused. Seems wrong, and added: "Of course Lelouch's younger sister Nunnally is also very innocent, but I personally feel that Euphemia's heart is more like a pure child - Nunnally is more mature than her. "

Meng Huo shook his head and smiled wryly. Is Euphemia more innocent than Nunnally? Although he does not admire this point of view, it seems that he cannot deny it. Meng Huo turned his attention to other painters: "Do you have the same idea?"

The illustrators naturally had different ideas, but most of the illustrators chose to nod. A female illustrator who was satisfied with "days" even described the role of Euphemia as a pure representative of the entire animation.

"Teacher, your script forced Lu Luxiu to kill Euphemia himself. This is the sister he also likes. With this experience... Lu Luxiu will only have one way to go to the dark in the future and continue to resist alone. Britannia is gone."

"From these plots, Euphemia and her idea of ​​making Lelouchu give up fighting will also become the most innocent plot in the "Rebellious Lelouchu" animation."

The female artist's analysis is more involved than Qin Ya's. Meng Huo glanced at her in surprise, but after being explained in this way, he no longer had any doubts about using "days" as Euphemia's character song.

"Then choose this." Meng Huo happily made a decision, thinking that it was indeed more nerve-wracking than being alone. It is better to discuss and compare the results together.

But just when he wanted to put away all the scores, many painters also regretted that "The Day I Shot My Lover" was not selected. This is also an excellent song, and they really don't want to see Meng Huo give it up.

"Don't worry, it will be useful."

Meng Huo said affirmatively to the painters, but despite his affirmation, he didn't know what to use it for - at least the song "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu" was already very complete, and it should not be used in "The Future" The day the lovers were shot" is the song.

And since he didn't know, Meng Huo didn't bother to plan. "The day I shot my lover" is originally a song that has nothing to do with any animation, so it's better to hand it over to Alice.

After returning to Ninghai again, Meng Huo handed over the score to Alice immediately.

"Is this the song?"

Alice took over the score of "days" and looked at it seriously. While looking at the score, she described the ups and downs of the movement in her heart, and soon she studied the song "days" clearly.

"Nice song, and very fitting for real!"

After watching it, Alice praised with a little joy. The tune of "days" is simple and beautiful. It is very suitable as Euphemia's character song. Moreover, its song atmosphere and voice requirements are also quite close to Xia Chuan's truth.

"And this one." Seeing that Alice had finished reading "days", Meng Huo handed her "The Day I Shot My Lover" to her: "This is Euphemia's spare character song. But now that I have chosen "days", then this song is useless, you should find a suitable opportunity to use it."

"The Day I Shot My Lover"?" Alice frowned after reading the title, and then carefully read the score. After reading, her frowning relaxed again, revealing a puzzled look on her face. Expression: "This song is also very good, why not choose this one?"

In her eyes, there was no winner between the two songs. Meng Huo told her the "process" of song selection, and Alice couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

"So you didn't choose it..." She picked up two sheet music with both hands, and looked at "The Day I Shot My Lover" for a while, and "Days" for a while, but it turned out that there was no way to make a choice—in this case , then it is more appropriate to choose "days" with more people.

"I will send down the sheet music and arrange for her to sing..."

Alice put away "days", but Meng Huo added another sentence: "Don't be so troublesome, "days" is an episode of the next episode of "Rebellious Luluxiu". In fact, she already has the score and is recording it... When the animation airs, we will just note that "days" is Euphemia's character song."

Alice was taken aback: "Then what kind of publicity is there?"

"Huh?" Meng Huo was also surprised: "Didn't you just want one character song? Why is there no publicity effect?"

"It's not like that..." Alice shook her head, and then explained that what she wanted was indeed a character song, but the main purpose was to increase the popularity of "Lelouch the Rebel". And "days", as Euphemia's character song, appeared in the animation without publicity at the beginning, and the effect will not be too great.

Alice's idea is to use Xia Chuan's real popularity or stage performance to leak the "accidental" of "days" in advance, first attracting attention and part of the hype, and then appearing in the animation at an appropriate time to further increase popularity.

And Meng Huo said that the song "days" will appear in next week's animation, and it basically does not give Alice time to hype in the early stage.

"That's it..." Meng Huo also felt a bit embarrassed when he heard it. The latest episode of "The Rebellious Lelouchi" has almost been produced, and without "days", the effect will not be so good-it is impossible to modify it up.

"Then it's better to choose "The Day You Shot Your Lover"."

He changed his mind. If "The Day You Shot Your Lover" is more suitable for hype, then "The Day You Shot Your Lover" should be hyped first.

However, Alice thought for a few minutes, but finally shook her head: "No, I chose "days" and it was "days". Although there is not enough time, it is not completely impossible..."

The corners of her mouth curled up, and she smiled suddenly: "Speaking of which, Meng Huo, didn't you ask me to find a suitable opportunity to use the song "The Day You Shoot Your Lover"? Then I will use it this week. How did you use it?"

Meng Huo nodded: "I have no objection, as long as you think the time is right."

"This time will definitely be suitable." Alice nodded, and then said: "But this time I have a special request, if I release "The Day I Shot Lovers" under the name of a new composer , would you mind?"

"New composer?"

Meng Huo was puzzled, how could Alice have such an idea.

"Yes, but this is only a composer in name." Alice slowly explained: "I don't want to give the song "The Day I Shoot Your Lover" to others, but when the song is released. Use a new composer pseudonym, ownership of which remains with you."

Her words are actually easy to understand, that is, instead of releasing "The Day I Shot Your Lover" as "He Xi" or "Meng Huo", she made up a new stage name for Meng Huo and released the song under this stage name.

"I have nothing to say."

Meng Huo said after thinking about it.

Although he wondered why Alice would suddenly bring up this idea, but out of trust, he had no objection to her approach.

"That's good." Alice breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile, "You wait for a few days... In a few days, I will bring you a surprise." (To be continued)

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