Big Manga

Chapter 865: The matter of the forum

However, a few days later, instead of being surprised, Meng Huo got a surprise.

This surprise came from Qin Ya's phone call on Saturday morning, her voice was particularly dissatisfied on the phone: "Mr. Ya's character song? Why is it suddenly changed to "The Day I Shot My Lover"?"

Meng Huo's head was full of *not sure about the situation: "It hasn't changed, Euphemia's character song is still """

Although he mentioned the idea of ​​changing the character song, Alice has already rejected it, so Meng Huo did not remind Qin Ya and the artists to make the change. The latest episode of "The Rebellious Lu The name in "Lu Xiu" is also specially added with the addition of "Euphemia's character song".

"Why not!" However, Qin Ya didn't believe Meng Huo at all: "Teacher, "The Day I Shot Your Lover" has been announced on the forum, and it's about Euphemia's character song... If it wasn't for your permission Now, who dares to do that?"

"Online?" Meng Huo was stunned. This is impossible—how could "The Day You Shoot Your Lover" be published on the forum? Could this be Alice's so-called surprise?

"I really don't know about this matter. It might be done by someone else. Don't be impatient." Meng Huo calmed down and said to Qin Ya: "I'll go and find out the situation first, and when I know what's going on I'll tell you again."

"Okay." Qin Ya's voice also softened: "Then we don't have to recall the animation of "Lelouch the Rebellion", right? doesn't matter if you change Euphemia's character song, I'm mainly nervous about the animation. Revise."

The animation of "Rebellious Lelouch" has been handed over to the TV station. It has to be aired the day after tomorrow. And now it's the holidays again. Whether it is an emergency recall or modification, it is quite troublesome.

"Not for now." But Meng Huo couldn't give a definite answer. He didn't know the situation either, so he could only ask Qin Ya to wait, and after hanging up the phone, he called Alice immediately.

But Alice's phone showed that she was on a call, and Meng Huo put away her phone. After Alice's promotion, her phone was often on a call, which he was used to. And as long as he made a call, Alice saw the missed call record after ending the call. Will call back too.

Taking advantage of this waiting time, Meng Huo turned on his computer and logged into the He Xi's Home Forum—the forum Qin Ya mentioned just now must be referring to this forum.

Meng Huo didn't spend much time looking for the so-called "The Day I Shot My Lover" post that Qin Ya said. In fact, he saw a post in the popular post at the first glance on the ** forum. title--

"Euphemia's Character Song - "The Day I Shot My Lover" sheet music, with a singing version. "

"Huh?" Meng Huo was surprised when he saw this post: "This is not official news!"

This post was not released through official channels, because if Phoenix Company had something to announce, or the management posts of the administrators, the title would be in red font, which was very conspicuous, but the title of this post was in ordinary black font.

This font was a post from an ordinary member, and Meng Huo clicked on it to have a look. The host id who posted the post is also very strange, it turned out to be an anonymous id. Anonymous posting is also a capability of the new version of He Xi's Home Forum. But not everyone can post anything anonymously. This method of posting must be reviewed by the administrator. Generally, either the subject is correct or the identity of the poster is very high, so the post itself will have a sense of authority and influence. .

"So it's like this...Qin Ya saw this post."

Meng Huo understood a little bit. Qin Ya must have felt that this post was sent by an internal executive of Phoenix Company - and things would definitely be as she imagined, but the difference was that this matter was not directed by Meng Huo.

The content of the post is very simple, there is no nonsense except for the title, the whole article is the score of "The Day You Shoot Your Lover", and there is a music player at the end.

Meng Huo frowned slightly. He saw that the composer and singer were not filled in on the sheet music—obviously, he was basically sure that this matter was done by Alice. Although he didn't understand why she didn't fill in the name of the new composer, but She's clearly doing something with "The Day You Shot Lovers."

Just then, Meng Huo's cell phone rang.

He looked at the flashing Alice's profile picture on the screen, swiped his finger, and put the phone to his ear: "What did you do online?"

"Uh..." Alice was taken aback when she heard his question, and then laughed: "I just posted the post this morning, and you don't usually pay attention to the forum, how did you find out so quickly?"

"Qin Ya called me just now." Meng Huo was a little helpless: ""Euphemia's character song - "The Day I Shot Your Lover" sheet music, with a singing version.", this post - are you Want to lure members in the forum?"

The effect of this post can be easily understood at a glance. The attractive title and authoritative way of posting are obviously aimed at making fans in the forum believe that "The Day You Shoot Lovers" is the real Yuffie. Mia's character song.

Alice also admitted this purpose frankly, but after she admitted, Meng Huo couldn't understand it even more: "Why? Is it meaningful for you to do this? "" will be broadcast in two days!"

Once "Rebellious Lelouch" is played next Monday, it will be clear which song Euphemia's character song is. Meng Huo really can't imagine the reason for Alice's actions at this moment.

"I know, but I just need them to believe that "The Day I Shoot Lovers" is Euphemia's character song within two days." Alice smiled, as if she didn't mind deceiving fans at all—in fact, she There is no deceit either. The posts on the forum are published anonymously, which looks very authoritative, but in fact there is room for it. Even if fans know that "The Day I Shoot Your Lover" is not a character song, they will not feel that they have been deceived by Phoenix .

Because this is an anonymous post, although it is authoritative, it is not necessarily 100% true news from Phoenix Company.

"You want to use the title of 'Euphemia's character song' to promote "The Day You Shot Your Lover"?" Meng Huo guessed Alice's plan.

"More than that, I told you I'd give you a surprise, right?" But Alice had bigger ideas: "The Day I Shot Your Lover" is Euphemia's character song—it's not a lie, I Let everyone recognize it within two days, even after "" airs."

Meng Huo was taken aback. Alice's idea was too exaggerated—she might want to turn "The Day I Shot Lovers" into a character that coexists with "" and is another Euphemia in the sense of popularity. Song?

It's not impossible for this to happen, and if it did, the benefits would be countless.

First of all, "The Day You Shoot Your Lover" itself is a kind of hype. Its appearance and dissemination can become a promotional activity for "Lelouch the Rebellion" on the Internet. And when the fans were all attracted by this song, the official "" was released, and the dramatic collision of the two songs brought a rapid increase in attention and reports.

In this way, Alice created a conflicting advertisement for "Lelouch the Rebellious" through artificial means, and at the same time elevated the status of the two songs at the same time, and she even took the opportunity to use "Shoot Lovers to Kill" The Day" created a highly popular composer.

But—the premise of all this is that "The Day I Shot My Lover" must be good enough, it must be so good that it can become popular in two days, and it must be so good that after Meng Huo's official role song of "" comes out, "Will "The Day Lovers Shot" could stand up to it.

From Meng Huo's point of view, this very unlikely.

Both "The Day I Shot Your Lover" and "" are excellent songs. They can be said to be about the same, but Meng Huo feels that "" is slightly higher. And after he instilled the name of "official designation", if "The Day You Shot Your Lover" wants to maintain its confrontational popularity, it must ensure that it is more beautiful than "".

The two songs are almost the same, one song is officially recognized, and the source of the other song is unknown, and this song of unknown origin even fooled the fans two days ago-there is no quality difference between the two, "Shoot Your Lover" "Day of Killing" can't compete with "" at all.

But how could "The Day You Shoot Your Lovers" surpass in quality

"What are you thinking..." Meng Huo told Alice his question, how would she continue playing such a risky game?

And Alice's answer was even simpler: "The success of this game does not depend on me, but on the singer... The singer of "The Day I Shot My Lover" is more capable than the singer of ""."

Meng Huo was taken aback: "Shen Jie?"

"Well, yes, it's her...I let her adopt a brand new voice, you can try listening to "The Day You Shot Your Lover", I believe it will be difficult for you to recognize that it is her voice." Allie Si said: "She has the opportunity to make the popularity of "The Day I Shot My Lovers" soaring...and, it is easy to produce some additional effects."

The merits of her last sentence were vague, but Meng Huo didn't care, or from the moment Alice heard Shen Jie's name, his psychology became complicated because of another question: "Damn it, Alice Are you and Shen Jie reconciled?"

Is Alice and Shen Jie together again? This answer troubled Meng Huo more than any other song. In fact, after a few months of their conflict, compared to the two women who are so close After spending time together, he found that it was more comfortable to let them separate. (To be continued...) R1292

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