Big Manga

Chapter 866: Doubt

Fortunately, under Meng Huo's questioning, Alice did not give an answer that she had reconciled with Shen Jie.

Although it was Alice's idea to hand over "The Day You Shoot Your Lover" to Shen Jie, she sent someone to handle this matter, and Alice and Shen Jie had no direct contact. Moreover, as the two well-known voice actors of the Phoenix Company, Shen Jie and Xia Chuanzhen can often "fight songs". This time, "The Day I Shoot Lovers" was handed over to Shen Jie, and Shen Jie accepted it immediately.

For a song without a real title, if its popularity can skyrocket and match the official one, the song "The Day You Shoot Your Lover" will undoubtedly add a lot of credit to Shen Jie's face.

After finishing the fairy tale with Alice, Meng Huo then told Qin Ya the real situation, telling her not to worry.

After Qin Ya's worries disappeared, Meng Huo moved the mouse to the music player of the forum post and pressed the 'play' button. Then, the singing of "The Day I Shot My Lover" rang out in the room.

...the fire that is shot out when the bow is drawn, the night sky is frozen...the desolate and blue farewell song, and the lover (you) is shot down..."If this ending is destined, at least let the person you love the most do it "...

"The Day I Shot Your Lover" is not an ordinary song, it is a narrative style song, this kind of song has strong storytelling, rich in various sound effects and narration. A piece of music usually tells a whole story, in fact (this is also the characteristic of the group's songs.

The song on the post was very nice, beyond Meng Huo's expectations—Shen Jie not only sang the song "The Day I Shot Your Lover" in style, but also expressed the narration in the song very well. Mature.

"As expected of her..."

Meng Huo smiled. It is really a wise choice to give "The Day You Shoot Your Lover" to Shen Jie and "" to Xia Chuan. If you change the choice. Two songs wouldn't be so good - although I haven't heard Xia Chuan's real songs, Meng Huo believes that "" is definitely a good song for her to show her strength.

"But I really can't hear it."

He turned his attention to "The Day I Shot My Lover". Shen Jie's performance in this song was not only excellent, but she also used a brand-new girly voice. If Alice hadn't explained in advance, Meng Huo would have really It's hard to find that this is Shen Jie's song.

It's hard to find him who is familiar with Shen Jie's style, and it's even more impossible for other fans.

"Is this also Alice's plan?"

Just when Meng Huo was thinking this way, what he didn't know was that "The Day You Shoot Your Lover" had spread rapidly on the Internet. Under the covert promotion of Phoenix, it spread rapidly under the name of "Euphemia's character song".

In the morning, the He Xi Family Forum and various fan groups received news. The post "The Day to Shoot Your Lover" had more than 50,000 replies, and the entire forum was covered with discussions on "The Day to Shoot Your Lover" "s post.

"Is this really Euphemia's character song?" Seeing the lively scene in the forum, Li Yu who was in the manga island also became curious: "It seems to be fake, why did you announce it in this way?"

Together with her are Han Xuan, Liu Yun, and Liu Yi—they are resting in a milk tea shop in Manga Island, and today happens to be Saturday. In fact, the four of them usually come to Manga Island to play every holiday.

The milk tea shop played the song "The Day I Shot My Lover". Hearing Li Yu's question, Liu Yi immediately retorted: "It can't be fake. It must be true. How could Phoenix Company lie to people!?"

"But this post may not be posted by Phoenix Company, right?" Liu Yun took a sip of milk tea and said, "An anonymous post, who knows who posted it, and the title just says it's Euphemia's character song , but there is no official acknowledgment in the post.”

The full text of the title of the post revealing "The Day I Shot My Lover" is "Euphemia's character song - "The Day I Shot My Lover" sheet music, with a singing version attached. "——The content of this title seems very clear,

In other words, "The Day I Shot My Lover" is Euphemia's character song.

But why is it Euphemia's character song? There is no explanation in the post. It can be explained that this is an official recognition, but it can also be explained that this is just a speech by a fan author. It's no surprise that a fan-author created "The Day You Shot Lovers" and made it Euphemia's character song. The title of the post is misleading but vague in substance and open to multiple interpretations.

"And the names of the composer and singer are blank...isn't it strange?" Liu Yun finished explaining, and continued: "If it is the news disclosed by Phoenix Company, they have to cover it up like this? And the singer is not You Natsukawa, the voice actor of Firmia, is real, and I think "The Day I Shot My Lover" is probably a fake."

"Fake?" Liu Yi's eyes widened suddenly: "Impossible, a fake can sound so good? Everyone in the forum believes it is genuine!"

"I also think it's real..."

Han Xuan was looking at her phone, and suddenly said so.

Liu Yun turned her eyes away immediately: "Why?"

"Because if it's a fake, the administrator of He Xi's Home Forum should delete the post instead of letting it continue to ferment." Han Xuan read the post on the phone screen and said: "So "Shooting Lovers" "Day" cannot be a fake, at least it is protected by the Phoenix Company, and it is also a proof that it is broadcast in the store..."

She pointed to the speaker of the milk tea shop, and for a moment, Liu Yun was a little suspicious.

Huaxia's protection of songs is still very strict. Although the songs are published on the forum, offline stores generally will not use them without permission. But Manga Island was included in the first time, which can not but be said to be very strange.

And the four of them all know that the merchants of Manga Island got a special right last year—any song from Phoenix Company can be used freely on this small island without authorization, which is also a very attractive point for tourists .

The milk tea shop is broadcasting "The Day You Shoot Your Lover", which proves that this song should belong to the Phoenix Company, and in this way, the idea of ​​​​a fan author disappears.

"No, not sure yet!"

But after a moment of hesitation, Liu Yun still shook her head. Even if it was a song from Phoenix, the way it was released was too strange. It is still not confirmed that "The Day I Shot My Lover" is Euphemia's character song.

And the same idea, besides Liu Yun, is still circulating in the hearts of many fans. (To be continued...) R1292

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