Big Manga

Chapter 869: The Philippine Dream

"What's the situation with these two songs!"

On the afternoon of the second day after "Rebellious Lelouch" aired, He Xi's Dessert Shop in Manga Island discussed the issue of two songs. The revelation of "days" shocked everyone.

Since "days" is Euphemia's character song, who wrote "The Day You Shoot Your Lover"?

"The Day I Shot Your Lover" shouldn't be composed by Mr. He Xi, right?"

"Definitely not. Since Mr. He Xi has designated "days", there is no reason for him to make another song!"

The girls in the sweet shop were talking about "The Day You Shot Your Lovers" pretty fucking.

"Before I thought it was strange, if "The Day I Shot My Lover" was Euphemia's character song, why wasn't the voice actor Xia Chuanzhen the singer? Now that "days" comes out, everything becomes clear, "days" "The composition and singing are in line with the standards of Euphemia's character song!"

"Sigh... I didn't expect "The Day I Shot Your Lover" to be a lie? I always believed that it was the original version, and this song sounds good too..."

"What a good thing, "The day I shot my lover" and "days" are no better than the two songs! When "days" sounded in yesterday's animation, I couldn't help crying, Teacher He Xi's songs combined with the plot are really tear-jerking!"

"I agree with tear-jerking, but your opinion of "The Day You Shot Your Lover" is obviously biased!" A girl became angry: "If you abandon your preference for Teacher He Xi and compare two songs, they are both good songs. "The Day You Shoot Your Lover" can't be worse!"

Although the release of "days" surprised everyone, many people still think that "The Day You Shot Your Lover" is also very good, and even curious about its composer.

"Phoenix Company has another composer, isn't that a good thing?"

"Yes, yes... This composer is also very good, but he is too mysterious. I don't know what kind of person he is."

"The stage name is Fei Meng. Could it be a woman?"

Just this morning, Phoenix Company suddenly gave the name of the composer of "The Day I Shot Your Lover". The name is 'Fei Meng'. Labeled as a newcomer composer signed by Phoenix—but beyond that, no other information.

The gender, age, and real name of "Fei Meng" are all a mystery.

There has been a lot of noise on the Internet for a long time, but no one knows its true identity.

Some people say that the word Meng in "Fei Meng" represents Meng Huo. This stage name actually implies that the new composer is He Xi himself. Some people also say that the word "Fei" in "Fei Meng" actually means "non". Phoenix Company is using this stage name to tell everyone that "Philippine Dream" is not a pity.

The vast majority of people tend to prefer the latter, and the topic of "Fei Meng" is not only its relationship with He Xi, but also its relationship with the singer of "The Day You Shoot Your Lover" has sparked endless conjectures ——Phoenix Company did not announce the singer of this song.

'Fei Meng' is a feminine stage name from the literal point of view, and the singer of "The Day I Shot My Lover" is a mysterious female singer, which will induce people to think whether these two people are the same person .

"The reason for not announcing the singer of "The Day I Shot My Lover" is because it is unnecessary, right? Because the singer is the composer!"

"The Day I Shot My Lover" is a song I wrote and sang? Phoenix Company has found a female composer? And she's also a talented singer—couldn't she be the second teacher He Xi?"

"Mysterious beautiful composer and talented singer, it's exciting to think about it!"

On Tuesday night, when Meng Huo noticed this, there was already a huge wave of discussion on the Internet. In the absence of any statement from Phoenix. Beautiful composers and talented singers became popular, especially male netizens, each and every one of them was like a **** wolf helping 'her' to hype her up.

See this situation. Meng Huo couldn't help feeling admiration for Alice's technique. Without spending any resources, she actually achieved her goal—obviously, "The Day I Shot My Lover" will not lose to "days" in popularity in the future .

In addition to the quality factor, Alice also put too many topics on this song, and they are all very sexy topics. 'Female version of He Xi' is very attractive to male fans. Even if there is no need for publicity in the future, the topic of "Philippine Dream" will not go down.

But admiration belongs to admiration. Meng Huo couldn't help feeling vigilant about the development of the situation - Alice's actions won't get bigger and bigger, right? Although the method she is using now is very clever, using the 'fuzzy' and '**' methods to stir up countless topics, the Phoenix Company actually did not take much of a stand, and reserved ample retreat.

But now is now, what should we do in the future? Meng Huo was very worried that Alice would continue to promote "Fei Meng" in the future. The charm of a mysterious composer and singer is very great, and it is naturally good for Phoenix Company.

Moreover, the difficulty of promotion is not high. As long as Meng Huo's songs that are not needed are changed to the name of the composer and Shen Jie sings them, the popularity of "Fei Meng" will increase and become a real "mysterious idol". ——But at that time, how will the Phoenix Company step down?

It is impossible for "Philippine Dream" to be hidden forever, just like "He Xi" back then, it is only a matter of time before the idol is exposed. If "Philippine Dream" becomes a popular idol and the truth is exposed, it will undoubtedly become a public relations crisis for Phoenix Company.

Meng Huo couldn't imagine how much people's anger would hurt Phoenix after they knew the truth about "Fei Meng"—Alice was undoubtedly playing with fire*, and Meng Huo had the responsibility to restrain her actions before things became serious .

But he didn't expect that the matter of 'Philippine Dream' had become a big deal. In other words, the influence of this newly born stage name had exceeded Meng Huo's expectation-it had been used by many media, animation companies, and even 'stars'. Star companies like Dreams' took notice.

"Have you found out Fei Meng's identity?"

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Zhao Meng from Yanjing still didn't fall asleep, and made a phone call with his secretary on the balcony.

"No...I investigated a lot of people today, and I also found some insiders from Phoenix Company tonight." The secretary sighed on the phone: "But the employees of Phoenix Company don't even know about Fei Meng. Information was tightly controlled, and in fact, they were talking about it."

Even in Phoenix Company, there are not many people who know about "The Day You Will Shoot Your Lover". It can be said that apart from Alice and a few cronies, including the employees in charge of promoting "The Day You Will Shoot Your Lover", none of them know about it. Full scoop on the song.

And only the artists of Manga Island knew about half of the information. They knew that the composer should be Meng Huo, but they also received a confidentiality order, and no one dared to disclose it. Besides, they also didn't know who the singer was.

"Mr. Zhao, it's just a song. Are you too nervous?"

The secretary asked, he didn't think "The Day You Shot Your Lover" was worth Zhao Meng's attention.

"Hmph, it's just a song on the surface, but it's promoted by that woman, who knows what will happen next!" Zhao Meng snorted coldly, Alice is someone that most people would not admit. She actually promoted 'Fei Meng', so this mysterious composer is likely to be a threat.

Zhao Meng can't tolerate the growth of the second possible He Xi, vigilance is necessary, and the investigation doesn't take much effort.

"Is it possible that Feimeng is He Xi!"

He also cares about this possibility.

"It's possible..." the secretary replied, and some people on the Internet speculated that He Xi was the composer of "The Day I Shot My Lover", and that Phoenix Company was just spreading confusion—but the number of people in this part was not many, the vast majority Most people still feel that He Xi has no reason to do so.

"But it's more likely that He Xi..."

"How to say?"

"The composition style of "The Day I Shot Your Lover" is a bit similar to He Xi. In the trend of animation songs he brought up in recent years, "The Day I Shot Your Lover" is more like a song than other people imitated. song!"

The style of "The Day I Shot My Lover" is very similar to He Xi's past animation songs. Now this style of songs is developing rapidly, but there are still a few such songs. Only Zhongxia and some large animation companies can use animation songs What a pity to fight against.

"But the content of "The Day I Shot Your Lover" is very strange, completely different from the previous songs..."

The secretary paused, and continued: "This is a narrative song. Many experts have come to a conclusion after analyzing the lyrics: "The Day You Shot Your Lover" tells a separate story—although Many anime fans feel that the lyrics are connected to Euphemia's story, but the two are not actually the same story."

Zhao Meng understood: "So, shouldn't the composer's purpose in creating "The Day I Shot My Lover" be for Euphemia?"

"It's not wrong." The secretary affirmed: "This is an original song, and it just happens to have something in common with Euphemia, so I don't think "The Day I Shot My Lover" and "The Rebellious Lelouch" have any similarities. Directly related, it should not be He Xi's work."

Zhao Meng frowned slightly, and then gradually believed it. It is true to say that, if "The Day I Shot Your Lover" was not made for the animation of "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu", then the possibility of it not being He Xi's work is very high.

Assuming that 'Fei Meng' is a newcomer composer, it is quite normal for Alice to link "The Day I Shot My Lover" and "Lelouch the Rebellion" together to increase her popularity - details It's also clear. (to be continued)

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