Big Manga

Chapter 870: Watertight

On Saturday, as other TV stations finished broadcasting Euphemia's death plot one after another, "Lelouch of the Rebellion" became more and more popular.

It was as if the energy that had been accumulated for a long time burst out suddenly, no matter whether it was animation, songs, or even other animation-related topics—all were hyped up by the media during this period, and the attention of "Rebellious Lelouch" also increased. stay high.

The ratings data for the first few days of this week has been released, and the ratings of the two TV stations have broken through the peak since the broadcast of "Rebellious Lelouch", and many organizations predict that the ratings will continue to grow in the future .

In such a situation, it is really hard to believe that the plot of the episode "The Rebellious Lelouchi" is a tragic fact - even in the phone call between Shen Jie and Meng Huo in the morning, she couldn't help but sigh that the audience's psychology is difficult to predict .

"The ratings of "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu" broadcast on CCTV today will also increase. I really don't understand. Everyone said that Euphemia died a cruel death, but why the ratings did not decrease but increased!"

This is a strange phenomenon. While learning that the plot is very abusive, TV Tokyo's ratings growth surpassed that of Suhua TV on Wednesday, and the media generally believed that the "Rebellious Luluxiu" broadcast on CCTV today would be higher than that of Suhua TV. TV Tokyo's gains were higher.

"Sometimes being abusive doesn't mean losing audiences." Sitting in the car at work, Meng Huo said with a smile, "As long as the plot is more attractive than abusive, the audience will be attracted—because of Euphemia's death, The plot appeal of "Rebellious Lelouch" has also improved."

Euphemia's death is the culmination of the first season of "Lelouch the Rebellion". Because of her death, the contradictions in the animation suddenly intensified, the flames of war expanded, and the plot suddenly became tense and exciting-it's no wonder the audience didn't follow it.

"That's why I said people's hearts are very strange." Shen Jie muttered: "Obviously everyone is pursuing good, kind and happy things. But bad things are more eye-catching--the same is true for celebrities, a person who pays attention to life , Stars who have no gossip and rumors are not as popular as some people who always have lace news."

Meng Huo laughed, "You're right."

People's hearts are indeed strange, conflicting things always attract more attention, just like TV dramas, a TV drama that is happy and complete without many waves will not have many viewers, but a TV drama full of struggle and passion will always attract a bigger audience eyeball.

"But this kind of problem should be left to philosophers to think about." Meng Huo said to Shen Jie: "We just need to learn to use this kind of psychology. Of course, everything must be measured. I don't support you to come up with something for popularity. What lace news..."

Shen Jie giggled: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in that kind of news! Oh... I won't tell you,

My agent is calling me, it's time for practice! "

"Okay. Goodbye..." Meng Huo and Shen Jie ended the call, but after putting down the phone, he frowned slightly, and suddenly remembered that he forgot to ask Shen Jie about "The Day You Shoot Your Lover".

How will "The Day You Shoot Your Lover" and "Fei Meng" develop, and will Shen Jie sing this song through other channels? Meng Huo has a lot of questions he wants to ask her, but after thinking about it, he still shakes his head up.

"Forget it, I'll ask Alice later..."

The relationship between Shen Jie and "The Day I Shot My Lover" is in Alice's hands, and I have to ask her the question of "Fei Meng" to get a formal answer-Meng Huo has been observing for several days this week. I feel more and more that the situation may escape their grasp.

The topics of "The Day You Shoot Your Lover" and "Philippine Dream" intensified this week. It was a little bit better a few days ago, but in the last two days. The media's reports on "Fei Meng" gradually became unified. After continuous disputes and analysis, "Fei Meng" has now been accepted by most media and audiences as a mysterious female composer and singer.

If this situation continues to develop like this, it will be very dangerous.

"Aren't you going to cool down?" Meng Huo found Alice, and asked her directly if she didn't plan to cool down the topic of "Fei Meng"—and it turned out that Alice didn't cool down at all, just as he guessed. idea.

"Why is it cooling down?" She said with a smile, "Isn't Feimeng very beneficial to us? A fresh blood. Not only can it not be cooled down, but we have to continue to cultivate it. It will become a very useful prop for us in the future."

Useful is useful.

"But you are playing with fire." Meng Huo had a headache, and he regretted agreeing to Alice's request: "If Feimeng continues to become popular, none of us can control it. How do you deal with it? It may be exposed one day. crisis?"

"Isn't it enough not to be exposed?" Alice's words stunned Meng Huo: "If you need Feimeng to appear on the stage, can you disguise yourself as a woman and show your face?"

Meng Huo almost choked on this sentence: "Don't tell me, you are serious!"

Dressing up as a woman? What kind of fantasy is this, Meng Huo is a public figure, even if he can disguise himself as a woman, he will be found out in minutes - besides, although he has been baptized by the otaku culture, he is instinctive towards such things resistance.

Let alone Alice, even if Li Qin asked him to dress up as a woman, it would be absolutely impossible.

"I was joking." Fortunately, Alice was satisfied after seeing Meng Huo's stunned expression, and then became serious: "But you really don't have to worry too much about Feimeng. I have many ways to deal with it. Out of the palm of my hand—in the worst case, don't we still have Shen Jie?"

"Shen Jie?" Meng Huo was stunned: "You mean to regard her as Feimeng?"

"Worst, this is the worst case..." Alice said with a smile: "Now everyone misunderstands that Fei Meng is the composer and singer of "The Day I Shot My Lover" at the same time. Even I can't control it anymore, we still have Shen Jie! Just push her out."

Her words were shallow, but how clever Meng Huo was, he immediately understood Alice's plan.

Shen Jie is the safety lock of 'Fei Meng', even if 'Fei Meng' escapes everyone's control - just push Shen Jie out and tell everyone that 'Fei Meng' is Shen Jie, and the crisis will disappear immediately.

From the perspective of a "composer", Shen Jie is indeed a "newcomer composer", and she herself is a beautiful girl singer, which meets everyone's expectations. What's more important is that Shen Jie is different from Meng Huo. Meng Huo will be unlucky if he is exposed as "Fei Meng", but Shen Jie will not only not get hurt, but will become famous.

As for whether she is afraid of being exposed - this is not a problem at all, Shen Jie and Meng Huo have a close relationship, Meng Huo can definitely support her, and even give her some original songs to prevent others from embarrassing her.

"..." After figuring this out, Meng Huo's eyes on Alice became complicated - no wonder Shen Jie was asked to sing, this woman is really impeccable and cunning. (to be continued)

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