Big Manga

Chapter 886: Beyond

After Alice came back and explained the specific situation to Meng Huo, Meng Huo was completely relieved, and then came to Yanjing again.

As June approached, the production of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" had entered the final stage, and it would be completed within half a month. At this moment, Meng Huo was going to Yanjing not only to check the situation of the film, but also to Handles the planning of film promotion and release.

This afternoon, Meng Huo watched the uncut version of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" at the preview screening of DreamWorks. The main body of the film has actually been completed, but it has not been edited and edited. Part of the post-processing.

Without exception, the three directors were all by Meng Huo's side and watched the trial screening together.

Tomato and He were also there. Besides them, the core employees of DreamWorks were also present, including those in charge of cutting and editing—this was Meng Huo's most important inspection before the film was completed. The final structure of Magic|Excellent|Excellent|Small|Speak|Update|New|Most|Fast|..|Division".

The screening lasted for a full two hours, and no one spoke during the whole process. Meng Huo took a notebook while reading and taking notes. Every time he wrote, the people around him became nervous. After the trial screening was over, the lights in the screening room were turned on. Many people squinted their eyes due to the irritating light, but they didn't care about it. All eyes turned to Meng Huo.

"Teacher He Xi, there shouldn't be any revisions in general, right?" Tomato asked a little nervously. Although this time Meng Huo came to give + opinions on the later process, he had to worry about whether there was any problem with the film itself. That's likely to start over.

"Before I came, weren't you very confident?" Meng Huo asked with a smile.

Tomato's face is reddish. He is indeed very confident. The whole of DreamWorks was pleased with the finished film. But self-confidence is self-confidence, and now that Meng Huo is sitting among them, they will naturally worry about making mistakes.

"Not afraid of 10,000, just in case..." Tomato said: "In case teacher, you want to overturn it and start over, isn't there nothing we can do?"

Meng Huo shook his head, and he looked at the three directors: "Do you think there is any chance?"

"Probably not." The directors shook their heads and replied one after another: "This result is already very good.", "I don't think there is a need to remake.", "Its visuals have exceeded my initial expectations. .”

Compared with Tomato, who is responsible for supervising the picture quality, the directors are more confident-this may be the fans of the authorities. Because Tomato was responsible for the screen guidance and review of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century", he was even less confident.

Meng Huo looked at Tomato amusedly: "Did you hear...they said that, isn't the answer obvious?" Tomato's eyes suddenly brightened: "What does the teacher mean, this movie doesn't need to be reinvented?"

"Of course." Meng Huo nodded, "The work between you and Wen Lin is over."

He turned his attention to Xi Wenlin, and Xi Wenlin was also very happy when he heard this sentence. The trial screening of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" was approved, which means that the work of him and Tomato is complete, and the rest is the director and modifications by other skilled persons.

"Great!" Tomato made a celebratory gesture, and then clapped hands with Xi Wenlin: "Wenlin, the two of us can go home and rest! Teacher He Xi. This time our reward will be inevitable, right?"

Meng Huo nodded. These two assistants were indispensable for the timely completion of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century". Of course he won't treat them badly.

"After the movie is released, the remuneration will be transferred to your account." He stood up with a note in his hand, and said to the people around him, "Now let's have a meeting in another office to discuss the work ahead."

The employees in the screening room immediately stood up. They had already prepared a meeting room, and they just moved there.

"Teacher Tomato..." On the way, a director said to Tomato and Xi Wenlin: "You don't need to leave in a hurry, the movie won't be released for another month, we hope you can continue to help during this period.


"This..." Tomato and Xi Wenlin looked at each other. In fact, they liked this job very much, but they stayed in Yanjing for several months, and often worked overtime even during holidays. As a result, they rarely went home. Compared with work, they preferred I want to go home and reunite.

"I think it's a good idea." Meng Huo heard their conversation, and then interrupted: "Your work is over, but there may be places that need you in the future—it doesn't matter if you are homesick, and the rest of the work doesn't need to cost much. Time, you two just come over once in a while."

His words convinced Tomato and Xi Wenlin, and the two assistants immediately nodded.

"But how does the teacher know that we are homesick..." The faces of the two cartoonists were a little red, and they wondered how Meng Huo could know their thoughts—but who didn't know their obvious thoughts, let alone how close they were to them? Meng Huo, who has been friends for many years, is here, and the employees of DreamWorks know their thoughts.

A few days ago, Bai Yan joked with Meng Huo that these two men were not masculine - "Compared to the two of them, the two women in Tokyo are more ambitious."

Meng Huo deeply believed that the two female assistants in Tokyo who helped the animation of "Dragon and Tiger" were undoubtedly Bai Yan's very competent helpers. Will be distracted by private life.

In fact, these two assistants were the assistants who had the least contact with Meng Huo, and their relationship with him was also the most unfamiliar among all the assistants, but after several years of observation, they were precisely the assistants Meng Huo trusted most.

One obvious feature is that Meng Huo can rest assured that these two assistants will not interfere with their work at all. They work independently for a long time without any slackness - and this is exactly what the others lack. s things.

Several assistants in the Jiayuan community still work at Meng Huo’s house from time to time. This is to facilitate Meng Huo’s inspection of work. It’s not that he doesn’t give them a chance to choose freely, but that he knows that if he lets go, the quality of the comics will decrease within half a year at most. will start to drop.

The lives of these assistants are too comfortable, and they even lose a lot of self-motivation.

"Teacher Hua Meng is better..." Meng Huo thought to himself. Among the manga assistants in Jiayuan District, Hua Meng is the one with the most self-control. Wang Yanmeng is too young, and sometimes he is not in good condition.

He is very strange, it seems that in the cartoons, it seems that the self-made people are all girls, and there is another person in it: Qin Ya--Qin Ya looks very uncontrollable on the surface, has a lot of thoughts, loves to eat and play, she will Instead try to get things done quickly and allow yourself more time to rest.

But even so, her willfulness is based on ensuring the quality and completion of the comics, so she should actually be the person with the most self-control.

There are too many powerful female cartoonists. In comparison, there seems to be no male cartoonists—but after Meng Huo thought about it, he knew only a few male cartoonists, and he couldn't draw conclusions .

And at least these few male cartoonists, although they can't let them go free, under timely supervision, their work is also quite good.

"I'll find a few more male assistants when I have a chance..." Meng Huo thought this way, the yin and yang around him are a bit weak, if he can find a male cartoonist who is more powerful and self-controlled, maybe he can arouse Tomato their competitiveness.

But of course, the "Magician of the Turn of the Century" meeting is more important than this matter right now.

The meeting lasted from four o'clock in the afternoon to ten o'clock in the evening, and only had a half-hour break for dinner, and the rest of the time was used for group discussions—Meng Huo did not force his demands on others On that, he came up with standards, but more time was spent discussing with everyone how to do post-production would be better.

The meeting was also fruitful, and by the end of it, Meng Huo was almost sure he didn't need to double-check The Magician at the Beginning of the Century until it was finished. As long as it's done with the details they've established, "The Magician of the Turn of the Century" can be a very good work.

After the meeting ended and the employees left one after another, Meng Huo also had small-scale discussions with several directors, and finally determined the release time and promotion method of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century".

The promotion of the film will be handed over to Alice - her campaign for "The Rebellious Lelouch" has been unanimously approved by the directors, and it is believed that she can do a good job in the promotion of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century".

However, in terms of the details of the release of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century", the directors did not adopt the approach of Phoenix Company in the past. deep, and Meng Huo finally respected their opinions.

This is not a bad thing. On the contrary, DreamWorks can act independently as much as possible, which is beneficial to future business divisions, and the directors also need this event to prove their status in Phoenix—at least not a Just the puppet responsible for making the movie.

Meng Huo also agreed with them that after the release of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century", one director will be in charge of the next film, and the other two directors will join different animation departments like Bai Yan and start to try to produce animation.

"I look forward to your successful transformation by next year..."

Meng Huo has deep expectations for several directors. If these directors finally prove their abilities, then next year he will be able to let go of the long-term restraint of "animation production" and become a cartoonist again.

He doesn't believe that the animation he made is the best. In fact, he doesn't believe that the animation in his previous life was perfect. If the same animation is directed by a more powerful director, the quality of the animation can naturally surpass the original. (To be continued...) R1292

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