Big Manga

Chapter 887: Before the broadcast

On the other side, Alice, who just returned to Ninghai, discovered a special phenomenon.

I just left the city for more than a week, but when I came back again, the animated posters at the subway station have undergone huge changes—the original "Blame Boy" and "Detective Sherlock" that Zhongxia Company had posted at the subway station for a long time Quite a few of the posters have disappeared, replaced by some brand new ones.

"The song of destiny intertwined with virtual and reality, an unprecedented original animation production - "Blood Game"!"

Behind the shocking title is a poster of boys and girls standing together under the smoky sky. These boys and girls hold all kinds of weapons in their hands, from cold weapons to machines, stepping on the ruins of the city. superior.

"Is this the poster for the new work?"

Alice looked directly at the poster. Whether it was the screen or the character design, "Blood Game" exudes a large-scale production style. Moreover, although Ninghai City is the base camp of Zhongxia Company's animation advertisements, they have a lot of advertising spaces in their hands, but generally they will not change popular advertising spaces easily.

This time, part of the advertising space belonging to two super popular long-form animations was given up to "Blood Game". It can be seen how much Zhongxia Company has placed high hopes on this new animation - "clannad" launched half a year ago There is no such treatment in time!

"Huahuo Animation is about to launch a new work. Every time I see this poster, I think it's super cool!"

"That's right, there is a burst of coldness on the poster, it really is the style of "The Kingdom of Ice and Fire"!"

In the station, besides Alice, there are many people waiting for the train watching this animated poster. from their words. Alice found that the audience in Ninghai was no longer unfamiliar with Huahuo animation - "The Kingdom of Ice and Fire" is indeed a successful work.

But even if you don't want to admit it. But Alice also understands that there are good reasons for the success of "Nation of Ice and Fire" and Huabo animation. In the works produced by that man, in addition to wonderful stories and innovative settings, what is more important is that they have a kind of atmosphere. '.

That's right, it's 'Qi'... It's something that's hard to explain in words, but to distinguish famous cartoonists from ordinary cartoonists, the most important thing is 'Qi', a kind of energy that dissociates in comic works. of. Bring readers different sensory enjoyment.

The most famous one is He Xi. He Xi's "Qi" is very unique. In fact, because of the many and messy works, his works have different "Qi". For example, the "Qi" in "clannad" and "" is very obvious, that is, a kind of "Qi" that is painful and then warm and healing.

However, this 'Qi' is not his real 'Qi'. The light-hearted girl's cheerfulness, the dullness of 'Wine of Eternal Life', and the evil spirit of 'Rebellious Lelouch' all have different feelings. Therefore, He Xi's true "Qi" is also the most difficult to find.

But in Alice's personal judgment, she believes that no matter what the subject matter of He Xi's works, the first impression that He Xi brings to readers is "beauty".

The unique "beauty enjoyment" that surpasses other cartoonists is He Xi's spirit, and his different works produce different senses around "beauty": the fairy tale beauty of "5 Centimeters Per Second", the science fiction beauty of the Gundam series...etc. Wait.

So He Xi's qi is rich and colorful—the two animations given by Huayue Animation are much simpler. Their 'Qi' came down in one continuous line, it could be said to be paranoid and crazy.

"Nation of Ice and Fire" is an excellent animation. But the key reason why it is so good is that its story is very compact and exciting, a fantasy animation, but it feels more like a magnificent war drama to the audience--the same is true for "Blood Game".

Although Alice has never seen the official animation of "Blood Game", from the information she has collected, she knows that this is a war drama full of suspense. betray.

"How could that man write such a work?"

Alice wondered why such a man who was greedy for life and afraid of death would write such paranoid and crazy works,

And "Nation of Ice and Fire" has such signs, and the signs of "Blood Game" are even more obvious-such a work should be written by a person who has experienced a more painful life.

The style of the work is like the author, many people say so, but this is not absolute-in fact, it does not matter much. However, this is just an ordinary work. If it is an extremely ideological, cruel work like "Blood Game", it is difficult for ordinary authors to write it.

Alice knew about that man's experience. To be honest, he didn't have a very poor or cruel reality experience, and he has always lived a relatively comfortable life. She doesn't believe that such a man can write "Blood Game" at all. This crazy piece comes.

Up to now, she still doubts the identity of the original author, but she still can't do anything about it.

"No one has exposed it for so long, maybe the original author is really no longer alive..." Alice sighed slightly, feeling a little regretful in her heart. She thought that if the original author was still alive, Meng Huo would be very happy. He would like to see to a brilliant cartoonist.

"But this is really tricky..." However, besides that, a detail on the poster also made Alice feel very tricky.

"Bloody Game" was created by Huahuo Animation under Zhongxia Company, hired a well-known composer and orchestra to compose it several months in advance, and the animation budget surpassed "Rebellious Lelouch" - these are nothing, the key is the protagonist The voice actor, the name displayed on the list is Mo Ming.

"Mo Ming is actually the protagonist's voice actor! I'm so looking forward to it, he is my favorite voice actor besides the female voice actors of Phoenix Company!", "Yes, his voice can make people pregnant!", "Hey Hey, have you forgotten Teacher He Xi?"

Mo Ming's dubbing attracted not only Alice's attention, but also other people around him.

And this matter is exactly what Alice is worried about. In fact, she has never had a particularly high evaluation of Mo Ming, an artist, because his strength in the past among singers cannot be said to be one of the best. The main selling point is his appearance and voice. That's all.

However, people are not as good as God. It is difficult for Mo Ming to create a history in the singer circle. But he was able to do it in the seiyuu career-in fact, the rise of the seiyuu industry. To some extent, it was also a dowry for Mo Ming.

Mo Ming's greatest charm lies in his voice. Since the stars began to optimize their voices, Mo Ming's performance in the voice actor industry has surpassed his previous performance in songs. His extremely charming voice is a natural female killer.

It can even be said bluntly that Meng Huo's amazing skills in dubbing are hardly comparable to Mo Ming's. The changes in his ventriloquism seem to be amazing, but no matter how they change, Mo Ming only needs to rely on his original voice. Mo Ming's original sound can overwhelm all ventriloquism. His voice will make anyone feel like heaven the first time they hear it.

And now Mo Ming is the only person who has threatened the voice actors of Phoenix Company.

From the time he started dubbing animation to the present, in addition to the original fans, his popularity in the eyes of animation audiences has also risen, surpassing the popularity of most of the voice actors of Phoenix Company. It even surpassed the twin brothers by a few percentage points, and was just short of catching up with Shen Jie, the three of them, and Meng Huo.

Of course, what Alice knew very well was that it would be very difficult for Mo Ming to catch up with these four people. His dubbing is indeed excellent, but the three of Shen Jie are supported by He Xi's animation works and He Xi's large number of songs, and Meng Huo himself is even more aura-Mo Ming does not have the resources to surpass them.

But no matter whether she could surpass them or not, Alice was still worried at this time. To say why - because Phoenix Company will broadcast the animation of "Dragon and Tiger" at the same time as "Blood Game", and the protagonist of "Dragon and Tiger" will be dubbed. It wasn't Meng Huo and the three popular voice actors.

"I really don't know what he's thinking..." After the subway arrived, Alice got on the train with the crowd, but the thinking in her head didn't stop. Although "Dragon and Tiger" was not produced by Meng Huo this time, he rarely interfered with the choice of voice actors.

There are two male and female protagonists in "Dragon and Tiger". Meng Huo chose Qingfeng as the male protagonist, and Takashima Koko as the female protagonist—they are excellent voice actors, but how can their popularity compare with Mo Ming?

And it was obvious that Phoenix Company had a better choice, but Meng Huo didn't agree.

"The leading actor doesn't need to be too attractive. Longer's image should be a bit ordinary. Too much dubbing will dilute his homely feeling, and Qingfeng's dubbing is also good. He is already very suitable!" He explained in this way. : "As for the dubbing of Xiangzi, I decided to let her be the heroine of "Dragon and Tiger" a year ago."

The reason was not very clear, but Meng Huo decided on the dubbing of the two candidates arbitrarily, and Bai Yan, the director, did not object. Although Alice complained, she had no choice but to accept it in the end.

She didn't know that Meng Huo had actually made a decision in his heart not a year ago, but when he brought Takashima Koko back to Manga Island—to train Takashima Koko into a tsundere character. Professional voice actors.

The heroine Dahe in "Dragon and Tiger" is such a character, and she is by far the most obvious and the most important role of Tsundere. Of course, Meng Huo handed it over to Takashima Koko without hesitation—as for the male protagonist Ryuuji's choice of seiyuu is also to better cooperate with Koko Takashima.

Ryuuji is different from the male protagonists in other animations. He is a very ordinary character who lives at home, so he doesn’t need an expressive voice actor like Setsuna or Lu Luxiu. Such a voice actor will actually change Ryuuji’s image. It's neither fish nor fowl.

Of course, taking Shen Jie as an example, if she could match the voice of an ordinary person, she could still do it well. The reason why Meng Huo didn't choose her was also to prevent her light from overshadowing Koko Takashima. He hoped that Koko Takashima's dubbing could become one of the most successful elements of "Dragon and Tiger", and then put the "tsundere" type The heroine of the year became popular.

And in this way, Qingfeng, who will take a seat a little later, is naturally the best choice for the male lead of "Dragon and Tiger". His brother Mingyue voiced the male lead of "Clannad", and the roles of the two just changed here. In "Dragon and Tiger", Mingyue will voice the male number two.

Of course, Alice doesn't know Meng Huo's deliberation. Considering the matter has come to this point, no matter how much pressure Mo Ming will put on Takashima Xiangko and Qingfeng, she can only try her best to do her job——to write for "Dragon and Tiger" "Great momentum.

In fact, although the posters of "Blood Game" are very popular in Ninghai, the advertising promotion of "Dragon and Tiger" has been going on for a while, and in other cities except Ninghai, its promotion is not as strong as that of "Dragon and Tiger". Bloody Game" is much weaker.

Moreover, although the two animations are broadcast at the same time, they are separated by two days-the premiere of the first episode of "Dragon and Tiger" will be on June 3rd, Monday. The first episode of "Blood Game" will air on Thursday afternoon, June 6th.

When these two airing times were first released, they once sparked heated discussions in the media, because "Blood Game" was prepared earlier, and no one expected that "Dragon and Tiger" would be broadcast first—including Phoenix The company was also unexpected.

In fact, Zhongxia Company stated a few months ago that it will broadcast "Blood Game" in the first week of June. Everyone thinks that it will be on the 3rd. Historically, the premiere of animation has also been placed on the prime time of Monday. And the information obtained by the Phoenix Company also showed this.

Therefore, Phoenix Company arranged "Dragon and Tiger" on the same day in order to divert the audience and ratings of "Blood Game". What everyone didn't expect was that during the large-scale animation promotion of Zhongxia Company, they temporarily changed their minds and delayed the broadcast time by two days, which suddenly became the first broadcast of "Dragon and Tiger".

The reason for Zhongxia Company is that the schedule of Ninghai TV Station has changed, but anyone with a discerning eye knows that Ninghai TV Station’s animation schedule is arranged according to Zhongxia’s wishes. '.

Whether the two competing animations are pre-broadcasted or post-broadcasted, reversed or broadcasted at the same time will have a greater advantage. This depends on different situations, and the answers are also different. But in the broadcast of "Blood Game", it is obvious that the post-broadcast has the advantage.

First of all, it avoids the diversion of the audience of "Dragon and Tiger" to the greatest extent, and then the later animation can have an impact on the popularity of the previous animation. It is scheduled to be broadcast on Thursday, and "Blood Game" can better suppress it. The follow-up influence of "Dragon and Tiger".

Zhongxia Company seems to be very confident in this animation. They expect that the fact that "Blood Game" will be aired on Thursday will occupy the hot topics in newspapers and the Internet from Friday to Sunday, and "Dragon and Tiger" will only be broadcast every week. There are two hot days left on Tuesday and Wednesday.

"They really underestimated "Dragon and Tiger"..."

Alice thought so, she would not let Zhong Xia's wish come true. (To be continued..) R752

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