Big Manga

Chapter 889: Propaganda

"Congratulations to the success of "Dragon and Tiger"!"

A week later, in Tokyo, Meng Huo congratulated Bai Yan at a banquet.

"Thank you." Bai Yan looked cheerful. Last week's ratings had already been released. The data of "Dragon and Tiger" was not worse than usual for He Xi's other animation works. Animation fans also recognized her as a new director—— Expressing that she has passed the most difficult step in her transformation, Bai Yan has been very happy these days.

Before the banquet, she accepted many interviews from the media and newspapers, and she has successfully stepped into the animation industry.

"But it's also thanks to Mr. He Xi for your comics." Bai Yan smiled and said, "I didn't realize the power of your works until I started making animations. Even if the plot of "Dragon and Tiger" is adapted into a TV series, it must can be successful.”

Meng Huo smiled: "If there is a chance to adapt it into a TV series in the future, I'll leave it to you."

"Is that true?" Bai Yan's eyes lit up, she believed that with the popularity of "Dragon and Tiger", it would be logical to adapt it to a TV series one day in the future.

"Of course it is true." Meng Huo nodded, and then said: "The reason why "Dragon and Tiger" was not affected by "Blood Game" this time is thanks to your good work. Mr. Xu is also very happy. He will definitely not object to handing it over to you."

Bai Yan looked delighted. Although she has no idea of ​​making a TV series for the time being, she really likes "Dragon and Tiger". body.

But for Meng Huo's praise, Bai Yan felt that he was a little bit unworthy.

"Mr. He Xi, the "Blood Game" you mentioned has nothing to do with me." She shook her head. Said: ""Dragon and Tiger" can gain the upper hand. You have to thank Miss Alice. Her credit is greater than mine."

"I've already thanked her." Meng Huo raised his glass and took a sip of wine: "But she said that it's not too late to thank her after a while, maybe there will be some big topic in "Blood Game". "

Bai Yan laughed: "It didn't make a fuss this time, what chance does it have, I have full confidence in Miss Alice."

Although the competition between the two animations is just the beginning, a lot can be seen from this beginning. Bai Yan has seen Alice's expectations for "Dragon and Tiger", and she believes that the vice president will not let Zhongxia Company Take advantage of what.

"I think. Teacher He Xi, you should be more confident in Miss Alice." Bai Yan shook the wine glass in his hand and said, "She has solved a lot of troubles for you with her heart in the past few months." Meng' is also good at divination in her hands, and Zhongxia Company has no chance."

"Huh?" Meng Huo was surprised by Bai Yan's words, "Why did you mention 'Star Dream' all of a sudden?"

Bai Yan raised his brows and glanced at Meng Huo in surprise: "Teacher, you still don't know? 'Star Dream' has caused you a lot of trouble. If Alice hadn't dealt with it secretly, maybe you have been caught by now." They stink."

Meng Huo was even more surprised, and hurriedly asked what was going on.

"It seems that you really don't know..." Bai Yan looked surprised, but still told Meng Huo something about the past few months. In fact, it doesn't sound like a big deal, but the many rumors and slanders created by "Star Dream" for the cartoonist He Xi have been solved by Alice.

"What." Meng Huo breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought it was something. It turned out to be just a rumor."

"Mr. He Xi, don't you underestimate the rumors?" Bai Yan's mouth twitched slightly: "There are many types of rumors, some are true and some are false, some are big and some are small. But do you know that most of the opponents of 'Dream of Stars' in the past Were they all destroyed by rumors?"

'Star Dream' is not an ordinary star company. Its influence in the media is more than ten times stronger than that of Zhongxia Company. Most of its competitors, including the stars who betrayed them, have been rumored destroyed.

"One rumor is insignificant, but ten or a hundred rumors add up,

That effect cannot be underestimated. "Bai Yan added: "'Star Dream' is best at manipulating public opinion. They often use a long-term, subtle rumor-making method to destroy the image of their opponents. This method is called 'nailing'." "


"Yes, it's like nailing a nail. One nail makes a hole, and hundreds of nails can make things riddled with holes. Every hole will become a future target for the people nailed by them. It is only a matter of time before the opponent's image is shattered."

Bai Yan looked at Meng Huo's tightly closed brows, as if saying this didn't make him understand well, she thought for a while, and gave a simpler example.

"Take "Wine of Eternal Life" as an example. When this animation first aired, didn't the newspapers make very special reports? Some of them said that it was very bloody and would affect young people. Bar?"

Meng Huo nodded. Such reports are quite common, and there are quite a few now.

"This is a hole, and it looks fine-but if a viewer of "Wine of Immortality" commits suicide or murders, can you say that "Dream of Stars" can make a big fuss about this ?”

After Bai Yan finished speaking, Meng Huo fully understood the meaning of 'nailing'.

The so-called nailing is actually just like the foreshadowing of the story. Various rumors were made in advance. Perhaps the rumors had little influence on Meng Huo at the time, but if there were more rumors, what happened in the future could be combined with these rumors to achieve a better result. Let the rumors explode one by one.

With the influence of "Star Dream" in the media, it is not difficult for it to do this, and it is hard to guard against - no one knows how many nails it will prepare for you in advance.

"No wonder..." A question in Meng Huo's mind that had lasted for several months suddenly had an answer. No wonder when "Wine of Eternal Life" was broadcast, "Star Dream" knew that the hype was meaningless, but it still didn't Stop the hype.

In fact, "Star Dream" does not expect the hype to be effective at that time, but to rely on those hype to leave a concept in the society, and then wait until the future to detonate these concepts——

"It seems that I still underestimate 'Star Dream'."

Meng Huo sighed slightly.

"Of course you underestimated them. Star Company has a lot of means." Bai Yan giggled. But she then comforted: "Don't worry. Nails are not so easy to nail. Although you underestimated 'Star Dream', Alice did not underestimate them."

Meng Huo's expression changed: "You mean that Alice didn't let them drive the nail successfully?"

"Have you heard a lot of negative news about yourself recently?" Bai Yan gave Meng Huo a white look, and said, "It's all thanks to Alice. If she didn't wipe your ass for you, "Wine of Eternal Life" would be nothing." Your ticking time bomb — and it won't be where it is today."

"Wine of Eternal Life" has been broadcast for a few months, and now the plot has begun to connect, and the rest of the audience have also begun to appreciate the unique charm of this animation-but it will have today. It was precisely because Alice was escorting behind the scenes that the negative news in the newspapers did not explode.

Meng Huo realized that he wanted to say thank you to Alice. It turned out that it was not just the hype of "Lelouch the Rebellion", Alice was helping him in every way.

"If you hadn't told me, I really wouldn't know these things..." Meng Huo smiled wryly, and then asked, "But the 'Dream of Star' just gave up?"

"Of course not. Hasn't the most troublesome animation not yet appeared?" Bai Yan smiled.

When it comes to this most troublesome animation, Meng Huo also feels troublesome for a while - he will never forget that besides "Blood Game", Zhongxia Company also has an even more terrifying "Blue Love Song" that has not yet been broadcast.

Previously. Zhongxia Company also planned to launch "Blue Love Song" at this time, but it was delayed for some reason. But it's actually more of a threat than "Game of Thrones," a hit TV adaptation after all.

"When will it air?"

Just when Meng Huo thought so, within a few days, Ninghai TV station suddenly broadcast the premiere time of "Blue Love Song"--June 17th, exactly two weeks after the release of "Dragon and Tiger".

However, the broadcast time of this preview is already a week after the broadcast of "Dragon and Tiger". That is to say, "Blue Love Song" only has a one-week interval without much publicity.

Such a short publicity period caused an uproar in the media circles, and after receiving the news, the Phoenix Company also became a little confused.

"Damn, why did it air so soon!", "It's obviously a temporary decision!", "We're not ready for this animation yet!", "Quiet, quiet down! "

In Alice's office, five or six assistants were a little flustered, and with a cold face, Alice yelled at them to be quiet.

"At this point, it's useless to just be anxious. Let's discuss how to reduce the risk of "Blue Love Song" on the premise that it will be aired!"

She made a decision, and at this moment, Alice had no choice. This is the first time that Zhongxia Company has launched a new animation in such a haste, which caught everyone by surprise and taught Alice an unexpected lesson—she underestimated Zhongxia Company, and did not expect them to adopt it so simply Such a radical approach.

With a one-week interval, Alice judged that Zhongxia Company will inevitably carry out a large-scale promotional operation. It is impossible to stop or delay the broadcast of "Blue Love Song", and it is impossible to use new works to fight against it. She can only The risk judgment was made on the premise that "Blue Love Song" was broadcast.

Obviously, after facing the defeat of "Blood Game", Zhongxia has changed his strategy in time - the surprise purpose of "Blue Love Song" is to prevent Phoenix Company from responding. To let it out.

"That young woman should be quite surprised..." Zhongxia Company, Dong Ding looked at the information in his hand, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "She must have never thought that "Blue Love Song" has been completed."

"Blue Love Song" is produced by Angel, but many people including Zhongxia Company think that this animation is not yet finished, and it will take two weeks at the earliest to release it - Alice, who holds some information in her hand, naturally will judge so.

However, this development is actually a fog that Dong Ding deliberately diffused, the purpose is to hinder Alice's judgment, and because of the disturbance in "Blood Game" before, Alice was successfully included.

The so-called Jiang is still old and hot, Dong Ding is not inferior to Alice - unfortunately, the reaction of the people below him is still a bit slow.

"Mr. Dong, why!" The office door suddenly opened, and Yang Liang hurried in: "Why did the TV station suddenly announce that "Blue Love Song" will premiere next week? Why is it so urgent? It doesn't mean it hasn't been done yet !?"

This idiot doesn't seem to understand the situation yet.

Dong Ding shook his head secretly, but he was not interested in explaining too much. He just replied lightly: "This time is the result of my discussion with the 'Star Dream' company, and it will not change anymore."

"But the interval is too short!"

"If the interval is too long, it is easy for Phoenix to find a countermeasure." Dong Ding said coldly: ""Blood Game" has already suffered a loss. We changed its broadcast time, but they still found a countermeasure ?”

Although the time of "Blood Game" has also been changed, its broadcast stage was determined a long time ago, so Alice prepared in advance the "Mobile Suit Gundam 00 End Concert" measure that kills two birds with one stone.

However, the animation of "Bloody Game" got off to a bad start, and Dong Ding felt that it would be difficult to get up again. In the future, it would at most be at the same level as "Dragon and Tiger", and it was unlikely to surpass "Rebellious Luluxiu".

If you want to challenge "The Rebellious Lelouchu", you still have to rely on "Blue Love Song".

"But... why did 'Star Dream' agree to this time?"

Yang Liang gradually calmed down, but he was still very surprised. The animation of "Blue Love Song" was authorized by "Star Dream" to Zhongxia Company. "Star Dream" should also understand that the early promotion of the animation is necessary. Will you agree to such a hasty broadcast?

"It's not that woman, they also suffered a lot from Alice..." Dong Ding said with a smile: "We are not the only ones who are smart, 'Star Dream' also knows that if time drags on, she will find opportunities. It's in the best interest of both of us to have a surprise broadcast like this."

"But what about the loss of publicity time?"

"It doesn't matter..." Dong Ding shook his head. He was not worried about the publicity effect of "Blue Love Song".

Moreover, Zhongxia Company has sufficient financial support, and "Star Dream" also has a large amount of media resources-the two work together, the efficiency can be multiplied several times, and a week's publicity time is more than enough. (To be continued...) R1292

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