Big Manga

Chapter 890: Hot

Meng Huo had never seen such a large-scale propaganda campaign.

Since the announcement of the animation news of "Blue Love Song", the promotional song of "Blue Love Song" has appeared on CCTV, Ninghai TV, Xiangjiang TV—all major TV stations that broadcast Chinese animation, including Suhua and Tokyo TV and advertising.

Zhongxia Company and "Star Dream" worked together to create an unparalleled advertising effect on TV. In just one week of publicity, they seemed to have given up offline promotional activities and focused on TV and computers. On—yes, the online world is also full of topics about "Blue Love Song".

Undoubtedly, Meng Huo believes that with an advertisement of this scale, one week is enough to let all animation fans know the premiere time of "Blue Love Song".

"They are determined to make "Blue Love Song" popular..." When Meng Huo returned to Ninghai from Tokyo, Meng Huo heard such a sentence from the mouth of the white geese who saw him off. I don't plan to give Phoenix Company any more time to deal with it.

Occupying the golden advertising spots of all well-known TV stations, a continuous cycle of one week-the cost consumed here is hundreds of millions of Huaxia coins, even more than 99% of the production funds of well-known animations, any company will Act cautiously, but Zhongxia Company no longer considers the issue of income.

Popularity, popularity--in addition to popularity or popularity, all they need is the popularity of the audience! And at this point, Meng Huo believed that they had succeeded, because when he returned home. Li Qin also expressed great interest in "Blue Love Song".

"When I watch TV these days, I can always see its advertisements. The theme song in the advertisement is the theme song of the TV, which is very nostalgic." She said. In fact, Zhongxia is using some elements of the original TV series of "Blue Love Song" to attract a large number of viewers to return.

The advertisement of "Blue Love Song" uses the theme song of the TV series. This theme song of the same name was a popular song heard everywhere in the past few years. Even those who have never watched the original TV series are familiar with it, let alone The proportion of people who have watched the original TV series is still very small.

The day Meng Huo came back happened to be the time when Suhua TV broadcasted a new episode of "ad". After the first round of broadcast, "ad" is now broadcasting the second round. What Suhua TV broadcasted was the story of the Spring Garden brothers and sisters line - of course this is not important, what is important is the gap between the broadcast of this animation. During the commercial time, the advertisement broadcast was also a promotional advertisement for "Blue Love Song".

"I said teacher, did their advertisements go too far?" Meng Huo was watching TV at home complaining, and the other party made the advertisements into the animation time of Phoenix Company. This is naturally a bit excessive in the eyes of outsiders.

Meng Huo was also a little unhappy. In fact, it was not only Suhua TV and TV Tokyo that broadcast the advertisement of "Blue Love Song" during the break time of the animation.

But if he is unhappy, he will not be angry because of such a trivial matter. In fact, although Suhua and TV Tokyo are the cooperative TV stations of Phoenix Company, both TV stations have the right to operate independently. In terms of the use of advertisements, they will give priority to Phoenix Company, but it does not mean that Zhongxia Company must be rejected .

Colleagues who are close to Phoenix Company will not completely offend Zhongxia Company, this is the standard of action of the two TV stations - and the same is true for Ninghai TV Station's treatment of Phoenix Company, although they stand with Zhongxia Company. But it will not offend Phoenix Company.

Therefore, as long as Phoenix Company has the courage to lose money and earn popularity like Zhongxia Company, they can also make the advertisement into the other party's base camp.

"..." So Meng Huo didn't answer the complaint, he was just thinking about "Blue Love Song" under this kind of bombarding advertising campaign. It might premiere better than they could have imagined -- and chances are "Dragon and Tiger" can't hold it back.

On this point, he guessed right.

On June 17th, Ninghai TV's prime time for animation, "Blue Love Song" was broadcast on time. Meng Huo waited in front of the TV after get off work, but in order to get a more accurate broadcast effect of "Blue Love Song", he suddenly changed his mind before the official broadcast. Turned on the computer in the study.

The network channel of Ninghai TV Station will broadcast "Blue Love Song" at the same time, although the computer audience is far less than the TV audience. But the number of viewers and the effect can be clearly reflected. It will take a while for the ratings data of "Blue Love Song" to be released, but the data of the online channel can give Meng Huo an early reference.

And after he entered the URL, the number of people waiting for Ninghai TV's network channel has exceeded 50,000, and the screen is full of barrage texts—just seeing such a scene, Meng Huo knew the threat of "Blue Love Song" The sex will be bigger than The Bloody Game.

"It was an unexpected surprise for Lan Fan to pass by. I didn't expect that "Blue Love Song" would be made into an animation!"

"And it's Angel's work. Angel is someone who can compete with Teacher He Xi. The quality of the animation will definitely not be bad. It's so exciting!"

"This must be the animation with the highest ratings this year!"

The audiences who were waiting for the broadcast of the animation were very excited. The high popularity of "Blue Love Song" is not in vain compared with that of "Flame Boy". Even because it was originally a TV series, its popularity among TV audiences The popularity seems to be on the rise.

A bad premonition welled up in Meng Huo's heart. As the broadcast time approached, the number of viewers increased. Half a minute before the broadcast, the number of viewers had already exceeded 60,000 people—how it should be Hot!

"Countdown, 50...40..."



After the commercial countdown started, the bullet screen was densely populated with digital countdowns from the audience, and at the moment the countdown appeared, Meng Huo only saw a lot of people cheering "Whoa!", and then the entire player suddenly paralyzed .

Paralyzed—right in front of Meng Huo, the player of Ninghai TV's network channel was paralyzed due to too many viewers and bullet screens. An 'error' window popped up on the webpage, and the video interface could no longer be seen.

"Is it so hot!"

Meng Huo had a headache. He clicked OK, and then refreshed the webpage again. It took a long time for the webpage to be displayed slowly—but it was still very stuck, the video was displayed in the buffer, and the message board There was also a group of abusive voices.

The network condition of Meng Huo's home is quite good. It took him so long to access the webpage, which shows that many people may not even be able to refresh it. (to be continued)

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