Big Manga

Chapter 892: Sight

For several days, Alice still couldn't find a good countermeasure.

Under the rapid development of "Blue Love Song", some of the coping methods she made in advance have also become indifferent to it. In the face of this kind of popular animation, if there is no very sensational event, then how can Nothing can stop its growth.

This made Alice's brain hurt, and she was busy thinking about countermeasures every day.

But that day when she finished her work in the office and was about to get up to go out for a meeting, the assistant suddenly brought a person in.

"Alice, are you busy?" Meng Huo asked aloud.

"Why are you here?" Alice was startled, and then glanced at the assistant, who nodded slightly to leave. Only then did Alice remember that she had told her subordinates in the past that Meng Huo didn't need to report every time he came, just bring them here.

"As you can see." Alice pointed to the packed documents, got up and said, "I'm planning to go out for a meeting. I'm in a hurry. What's the matter?" ——But the meeting time is approaching, and now is not the time to talk.

"If you're not in a hurry, can you wait for me to finish the meeting?" Alice asked, "I'll go find you after the meeting."

Meng Huo frowned slightly: "What meeting? About "Blue Love Song"?"

Alice nodded, but Meng Huo couldn't help shaking his head when he saw her actions: "Recently, the whole company has been talking about this animation. If you can't find a solution, then leave it alone-I think its popularity is to stop it. It's gone."

Meng Huo was also troubled by "Blue Love Song" a few days ago. But he finally let it go, because after much deliberation, unless extraordinary means are used. None of them can stop the high popularity of "Blue Love Song".

"Blue Love Song" is already spreading rapidly, and in front of Zhongxia Company and Star Dream Company, Phoenix Company's public relations ability is not worth mentioning. It is even more impossible to use extraordinary means, and Meng Huo does not allow an exception.

He was troubled for a few days before suddenly waking up, thinking that it was completely unnecessary to hinder "Blue Love Song", this kind of action was quite passive - and the passive one was often the disadvantaged party, just in the past two years. The Zhongxia Company is also more passive.

But looking at the results of Zhongxia Company, the results of passive approaches will not be good. On the contrary, a proactive and proactive approach will usher in unexpected joy.

"Isn't that the case with "Blue Love Song"?" Meng Huo said to Alice: "The competition between "Blood Game" and "Dragon and Tiger" has fallen into a disadvantage. According to your current reaction, Zhongxia Company should try to stop it at that time." "Dragon and tiger".

But have they done so? "

The answer is of course no. In the face of the failure of "Blood Game", Zhongxia Company gave up its obsession with this animation without hesitation, and suddenly pushed out "Blue Love Song", which reversed the whole situation up.

"If we pay too much attention to "Blue Love Song", maybe even the ratings data of "Dragon and Tiger" will lose to "Blood Game"."

Meng Huo finally added something, which surprised Alice, and she was surprised that Meng Huo would have such an idea. But soon he realized that he might have indeed gone astray. If "Blue Love Song" is too accurate. In other aspects, people have to find gaps.

"But, why don't you just leave it alone? What if the popularity of "Blue Love Song" surpasses that of "Lelouch the Rebellion"..." Alice frowned, although her approach might be wrong. But the threat of "Blue Love Song" is real.

"No...whether it can be surpassed is still unknown!"

Meng Huo shook his head, "Blue Love Song" is indeed likely to surpass "The Rebellious Lelouch", but that is not a definite conclusion. The first season of "Rebellious Lelouch" is over, because it is a two-season series, There is no space in between. The animation audience may not feel much, but the second season is the climax of "Rebellious Lelouch".

Especially with the last few episodes not coming out. Even Meng Huo couldn't predict how popular "The Rebellious Lelouch" would become in the end-you must know that "The Rebellious Lelouch" was called a masterpiece in his previous life, half of the reason was that the ending was very strange. God.

In fact, Meng Huo was also very worried about "Blue Love Song" at the beginning, but after carefully considering the possible repercussions of "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu" follow-up, he felt that he didn't need to be so concerned about this matter at all.

And even if it's a crisis, it's not something that's going to happen right away. "Blue Love Song" has just been released, even if it wants to surpass "Lelouchu the Rebellion", it will take a month or two, so there is no need to stare at it now - Phoenix Company has more important work now.

"Alice, your previous work helped me a lot, but you are not omnipotent." Meng Huo smiled at Alice: "The key to the victory of "Lelouch the Rebellion" and "Blue Love Song" It depends on the animation quality, you have done a good job, leave the rest to me!"

"Leave it to you?" Alice looked at Meng Huo suspiciously: "What are you going to do?"

"I won't do it for the time being." Meng Huo smiled: "But the directors are getting familiar with animation, and I will have more and more time in the future. In two months, I plan to return to Suhua to direct "The Rebellious Luluxiu" remaining episodes."

He is going to fully participate in the animation production of "The Rebellious Lelouchi", although it may take two months, and even "Blue Love Song" may surpass "The Rebellious Lelouchu" during this period, but Meng Huo believes in him can win the final victory.

Alice looked at Meng Huo's smile in a daze for a while. She didn't understand why Meng Huo was so confident, but after many years, with her understanding of Meng Huo, Alice believed that he would not say such things out of thin air.

"Okay, then let me observe the situation temporarily!" Alice nodded and agreed not to target "Blue Love Song", but of course it is impossible to ignore it, she must pay attention to its development, least not now nervous.

Alice bent down and picked up the phone on the table, and told her assistant to cancel today's meeting. After hanging up the phone, she invited Meng Huo to sit down in the office: "So, let's get down to business. Why did you come to see me today?"

Of course, Meng Huo didn't come to Alice because of the "Blue Love Song". This topic was also caused because Alice was going to a meeting, and after the meeting was cancelled, he mentioned another important matter to Alice.

""The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" is about to be broadcast. At DreamWorks, the directors have conflicts over the promotion of the film. You are the general manager. I want you to have a chance to deal with it..." (unfinished to be continued)

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