Big Manga

Chapter 893: Box Office

When "Blue Love Song" is making great strides, in fact, "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" is also ready to go.

The animation film has successfully completed its production and passed the pre-release review and various procedures. Alice took the lead to go to Yanjing to prepare for some activities, and soon after, Meng Huo was also ready to leave.

"Xiao Huo, this is a salute. Your clothes and books are put inside."

The departure time was at night. After finishing the painting, Li Qin took the packed suitcase to the living room.

"Where is the teacher going?" Wang Yanmeng asked in surprise when she just came out of the studio, but she was the only one who didn't know what Meng Huo was going to do because she lived far away, and the other assistants knew the news in advance.

Hua Meng took the initiative to help Meng Huo tell the answer. And after hearing the word 'Yanjing', Wang Yanmeng immediately showed an expression of understanding: "I see, teacher, you are going to check the movie "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century", right?!"

"I have such a plan, but I'm not worried about the quality of the movie." Meng Huo shook his head with a smile. His main purpose of going to Yanjing this time was not for the movie, but for the exam—the last round of exams for Yenching University and the Conservatory of Music Scheduled for tomorrow.

He can only start at night, and if he changes to the next morning, he will not be in time for the exam.

However, Wang Yanmeng is not very interested in the university exams. Meng Huo will naturally be exposed to movies when she goes to Yanjing. She is more interested in the movie "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century": "Mr. He Xi, "Magic at the Beginning of the Century" After "The Master" is broadcast, will the company give you movie tickets?"

She showed a look of anticipation: "Can you give me one?"

Meng Huo felt strange: "Don't you have a ticket yet?"

"Yes, yes. It's not the ticket for the premiere!" Wang Yanmeng said depressedly: "I didn't pay attention when the movie tickets were first sold, but I couldn't buy the tickets for the premiere the next day. All the movie tickets are sold out. I had to buy the next day's, but I want to see the first day!"

"You're too late to realize this."

Meng Huo shook his head. The pre-sale of movie tickets for "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" had already started for three days. In fact, the first thing Alice did in Yanjing decided the pre-sale time. During the three-day pre-sale period, let alone first-tier cities like Ninghai, even in second- and third-tier cities, many movie theaters sold out the tickets on the day of the film's premiere.

"That's right, your speed is too slow. Not only on the day of the premiere, but now the tickets for the whole week of the film's premiere are almost sold out." Tomato smiled at Wang Yanmeng: "But don't worry. Even Teacher He Xi no ticket

You can also find me! "

He showed a smug expression, and seeing his expression, Wang Yanmeng suddenly woke up. That's right, how could she forget that Teacher Tomato is also the producer of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century". The company will definitely prepare some movie tickets for him.

"Teacher Tomato, do you have any spare tickets?" Wang Yanmeng immediately changed her target and shook Tomato's arm.

"Yes, of course." Tomato nodded softly: "Actually, I have already prepared your tickets, so there is no need to worry. We will all go to the premiere in Ninghai together."

Although Tomato and Xi Wenlin didn't get many tickets, they were enough to satisfy all the manga assistants in Jiayuan Community. The premiere of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" was held in four cities, and Meng Huo did not attend in Ninghai. He asked Li Qin to watch the movie with these assistants.

"But this movie is really popular..." sighed on the side: "I often see people talking about it these days, Mr. He Xi. What is the scheduled box office of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century"? "

Meng Huo thought for a while: "I don't know the details, but it should be close to three billion Huaxia coins."

What he said was simple, but as soon as the words came out. The whole living room fell silent, and the assistants were all stunned. Three billion Huaxia coins, isn't this movie more profitable than the sum of several animations this year?

Li Qin was the calmest person in the living room. She should have been the most shocked person, but she knew how much money her son had in the bank. Now I am not surprised by this number.

However, she is very concerned about one point: "If there is a box office of 3 billion, wouldn't "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" surpass "5 Centimeters Per Second" back then? Is it even more beautiful than "5 Centimeters Per Second"?"

"5 Centimeters Per Second" is Li Qin's favorite animation movie. It was really hard for her to imagine that "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" would look better than "5 Centimeters per Second".

"Sister Qin, that's not how the box office is calculated." At this time, the assistants also recovered from the shock one after another, and Hua Meng explained with a smile: "Whether "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" is better than "5 Centimeters Per Second" or not, But it definitely has more fans than 5 Centimeters Per Second."

There is no doubt about it. "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" is the theatrical version of "Detective Conan". There is no way to compare with the national animation "Detective Conan".

Thinking of the number of viewers of "Detective Conan", Hua Meng soon realized that the three billion was not groundless. The total box office of "5 Centimeters Per Second" at the beginning also exceeded one billion. What's so great about the "Detective Conan" movie approaching three billion. Besides, this is the box office, not the net income of Phoenix.

"It's not easy to know which one is better, "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" or "Detective Conan." Meng Huo turned his attention to Tomato and Xi Wenlin: "Just ask them."

Tomato and Xi Wenlin suddenly felt a lot of pressure. How to judge the quality of these two completely different types of movies? Although from their personal point of view, of course "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" is better, but "5 Centimeters Per Second" is the work of Mr. He Xi, so we can't say it is bad in person, can we?

"I think...the quality should be about the same..." Xi Wenlin said first, and Tomato quickly nodded in agreement: "Yes, almost, but the box office of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" will definitely be better."

No one dares to say whether the two films are good or bad in terms of quality, but the popularity of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" is amazing-it should become the highest-grossing animated film ever, otherwise it would be too sorry for "Detective Conan".

Meng Huo smiled. The two assistants answered very slyly, but he was also looking forward to the movie's release.

After chatting for a while, Meng Huo suddenly heard the sound of a car outside the yard, and he picked up the suitcase Li Qin had prepared for him: "Then I'll go first." (To be continued)

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