Big Manga

Chapter 894: Party

At Yenching University, Meng Huo couldn't help stretching after the exam of the last subject - the exams at the two schools lasted for four days, and even he felt tired. Read the full text of the latest chapter

"How was the exam?" Meng Huo just walked out of the classroom prepared for him alone, when he heard Xing Boxiang's voice, he turned his head and looked over, and said with a smile: "The exam time is not over yet, how did you know I came out?" time?"

"Did you ever come out on time?" Xing Boxiang smiled wryly. This kid didn't leave the exam early. In the past three months, she watched it no less than twenty times, and she already knew his answering time very well.

However, Xing Boxiang does not dislike candidates who leave early. Talented people are qualified to be self-willed. As a top institution of higher learning in China, Yenching University is even more accustomed to the special features of geniuses.

"It seems that the most difficult last subject didn't bother him." Xing Boxiang looked inside the classroom, where the three marking teachers were grading Meng Huo's test paper with solemn expressions. This scene is not uncommon, and it used to be Happened multiple times, and each time the result was the same.

"Even in our school, it's not easy to surpass him in the test paper..." Xing Boxiang sighed in his heart. In fact, the school deliberately increased the difficulty of the test paper of the last subject, but it seemed that there was no How useful.

"Meng Huo, are you going to the Jiahua Hotel's party tonight?" Xing Boxiang asked.

"How do you know?" Meng Huo said in surprise. He was indeed going to the party, but he didn't tell Xing Boxiang about it.

The evening party was held by a well-known theater operator in Huaxia, because "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" will also be screened in this theater, so they specially sent an invitation letter to DreamWorks. [Please go to 800 to read the latest chapter of this book] And Meng Huo happened to be in Yanjing. Naturally, it is not good to be absent.

"Because I'm going too." Xing Boxiang giggled: "Cartoonist Mr. He Xi is going to appear. After hearing the news, the number of people who want to attend the party has more than doubled. I don't know how many girls there are in Yanjing I want to see you—in every way, tonight will be a trip for you."

"every aspect?"

"I heard that Zhao Meng, the CEO of Dream of Stars, will also participate... Do you think it's a trick?" Xing Boxiang blinked.

Meng Huo was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "It looks like it should be, but even if it's a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, I have to go this time."

Naturally, he will not cancel the things he has promised to others.

Xing Boxiang glanced at Meng Huo with satisfaction.

The child reacted as she had imagined.

"Don't worry too... Hey, it looks like your test paper results are out." Xing Boxiang was about to tell Meng Huo not to worry, but out of the corner of his eyes, he suddenly noticed that the three teachers in the classroom had revised the test papers and were walking outside come out.

"Principal..." They greeted Xing Boxiang first, then looked at Meng Huo with complicated eyes, and then handed Xing Boxiang his test paper. Xing Boxiang looked down, although she had already expected what would happen, but when the reality happened, she still felt a little dazed.

"This is someone else's years of study..." She thought so, then put on a smile, and said congratulations to Meng Huo, "Congratulations on passing the final subject exam. The next semester will be the internship period!"

Meng Huo breathed a sigh of relief: "How do you arrange the internship period?"

"I don't know yet, but we will consider your situation. We will try to arrange a short-term but effective internship for you." Xing Boxiang said with a smile. In fact, after passing the theoretical exam, the last year of internship The course is quite simple. As long as there are no accidents, Meng Huo can be said to have obtained a pass to graduate next year.

Meng Huo thought about it, it was still June, and the summer vacation of the university hadn't come yet, so he really didn't need to rush to know about the internship.

"Then I will take my leave first."

He nodded slightly to Xing Boxiang, and then he was about to leave Yenching University.

"Wait." Xing Boxiang stopped him, Meng Huo looked at her strangely, Xing Boxiang smiled and said, "I forgot to ask you, have you finished your exams at Suhua University? "

Meng Huo nodded: "I have obtained the internship qualification."

Xing Boxiang was stunned. She knew that Meng Huo had also passed the examination at the conservatory of music. Among the many examinations of the three schools, Meng Huo did not fail one. It seems that this child can really graduate from the three of them next year. .

"This is also unprecedented in China..."

Xing Boxiang thought so, and then told Meng Huo that he had nothing else to do, and let him leave first.

It was already evening when Meng Huo left Yenching University. At the headquarters of DreamWorks, Alice had been waiting anxiously for Meng Huo for a long time. As soon as he came back, she took his hand and hurried to the dormitory.

"What are you pulling me for? Why are you in such a hurry?" Meng Huo asked in surprise.

"What are you asking, you forgot the party tonight?" Alice turned her head and glared at Meng Huo: "This is an important party, you are dressed too casually now, I bought you a formal suit during the day , you wear it tonight."

Meng Huo couldn't help but look at the casual clothes on his body. These were the clothes that Li Qin had stuffed into his suitcase with his own hands, so they certainly wouldn't look bad. Doesn't Alice mind too much, isn't it just a party? It's not that I haven't participated in it before, why do I have to wear formal clothes?

Huaxia's formal clothes are not the same as the formal clothes Meng Huo encountered in his previous life. In fact, the formal clothes in this world are all different, and they are very particular—not so much formal clothes, but often seem to represent status. uniform.

But what Alice prepared for Meng Huo was not a cartoonist's clothes. In fact, cartoonists don't have professional clothes. He put on a suit that looks like a suit representing the identity of an entrepreneur, but Meng Huo always felt weird. weird.

But Alice walked around him very satisfied, and after seeing her behavior like this, Meng Huo couldn't bear to refuse.

The party was held at 8:00 pm. There were eight people invited by DreamWorks, including Alice, various directors, and several high-level personnel. Except for Bai Yan who was far away in Tokyo, who could not attend, everyone else who could come coming.

They arrived neither early nor late, just a few minutes before the party. Although there were eight people in total, as soon as they arrived at the scene, Meng Huo found that everyone was paying attention to him, or was friendly. , or curiosity, of course - there are also people with malicious intent.

"Teacher He Xi, you are Teacher He Xi, right! Welcome!" The host of the party said while shaking Meng Huo's hand. This is a man who looks very young, but from the analysis of his skin texture, his Age should be greater than forty years old.

"Hi, thank you for your hospitality."

Meng Huo thanked him with a smile, but the next moment, a phenomenon that surprised him happened——

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