Big Manga

Chapter 895: Confrontation

"Miss Xu, long time no see."

"Alice, you're beautiful again!"

Meng Huo was not far away. Alice appeared on the stage on the first day of the new year, and some guests walked towards her. Some called Miss Xu, and some called Alice. Although they had different names, they all seemed to be very close acquaintances.

In the entire hall, the phenomenon of so many people surrounding each other is also one of the few.

"Alice is so welcome."

Meng Huo was very surprised. Although he knew that Alice had a wide network of contacts, he never thought that she would have such a wide network. It is the most troublesome!

It turned out that Alice was more troublesome than him...

Meng Huo couldn't help showing a smile, and the host of the party saw his smile and where his eyes were, and laughed and said, "Mr. He Xi is also very surprised, right? Miss Alice used to be a heartthrob, and she was called Yanjing. Witch—I have been away for many years, I didn't expect her to be so popular."

But having said that, the man's eyes swept across the place a little farther away, and the eyes of the whispering guests around him were still more focused on Meng Huo—compared to Alice, the cartoonist He Unfortunately, it is obviously more attention-grabbing.

And unlike Alice's familiarity, these guests seemed to be waiting for the first person to make contact while they were interested in He Xi. And in fact, rather than coming by themselves, they hoped to get to know He Xi through someone else's introduction—for example, Alice.

Meng Huo chatted with the host of the party for less than a minute. Alice brought a group of friends over and introduced them to Meng Huo.

These 'acquaintances' whom Alice knew seemed to be very interested in Meng Huo, and they were unwilling to withdraw easily after successful contact. And the follow-up effect they brought was even more amazing-after seeing someone start to contact Meng Huo, people around the hall came over one after another.

Soon, Alice, who was originally the focus, retreated to the second place, standing aside and watching the lively circle with a few friends.

"The number one cartoonist and animator in China, a self-made young rich man, and an out-and-out super popular idol, Alice... the guy you discovered is really a big shot." Among the friends, one said the actress.

"No. I didn't dig him out." Alice shook her head and said, "It should be said that I was just lucky. Even without me, he would still get what he should have achieved."

Meng Huo was not an idol dug out by anyone,

His achievements today may have contributed to Alice and the Phoenix Company. But Alice also believed that if Meng Huo had chosen other comic companies when he voted for "Detective Conan". The achievements he can have today are still the same.

But friends don't think so. "Oh, don't hide it!", "Your vision is very accurate." They believe that Meng Huo's success has a lot of external support - if they don't think so, the number one cartoonist in China is too scary up.

In fact, while Meng Huo was attracting more and more people's attention, a view began to emerge in the entertainment industry: that is, Alice's resignation was because of the discovery of Meng Huo, a new star, and Meng Huo's contribution and debut were both Phoenix. Products arranged by the company.

Of course, there is no supporting evidence for this view, but more and more people believe it to be true.

"But I didn't expect that you would really bring him here." The female star then laughed and said, "Aren't you afraid that Mr. Zhao will trouble him at this party? If I remember correctly, he should also come here, right?"

Alice nodded. She paid special attention to the guests around her just now, but she didn't see Zhao Meng. It must have not arrived yet—but it will be sooner or later. Knowing that Meng Huo will attend the party, Zhao Meng has no reason to come and see it.

The two haven't really met yet. Alice believed that it would not be a bad thing to let them touch.

"Although Meng Huo is young, he is not a troublemaker." She said, "I don't think it's a good thing to hide him, and Mr. Zhao is unlikely to trouble him on this occasion, even if he did..."

She paused for the second half of the sentence, but it was obvious that Alice didn't believe that Meng Huo would be in trouble. He and Zhao Meng of Star Dream met in such a public place, even if there was a dispute. That could only be a few words of sarcasm to each other, and Meng Huo didn't care about these sarcasms at all.

"...Maybe it's not Meng Huo who is in trouble..."

Alice added. Her eyes swept over some other people, and the female star followed her gaze, and then a funny expression appeared on her face: "You don't think these people will come out to stand for that little guy? This is too unrealistic Bar!?"

"The reality is not realistic... We will not know until the next developments..." Alice smiled, and then looked at Meng Huo again. Unknowingly, the crowd centered on him has been occupied by some female guests Now, it becomes quite difficult for the male guests to get in.

"He seems to be in some trouble." Alice's eyes flashed displeasure, but the smile on her face remained unchanged: "I'll go over and help him for a while."

The female celebrity watched Alice walk into the crowd, with her lips curled up, and she couldn't help saying to the people around her, "Do you remember what it was like when Alice was Mo Ming's manager and they attended the banquet together?"

Several friends were taken aback for a moment, and then looked at each other in surprise.

"Speaking of which, Mo Ming is often surrounded by women, and Alice is drinking while calmly.", "I seem to have the same impression.", "Alice just said that Teacher He Xi was not her digger, what are you talking about now? I don't believe it either."

Alice's attitude towards Meng Huo was closer than Mo Ming's. Seeing such a scene, several friends naturally judged that the relationship between the two was not an ordinary colleague relationship, "He Xi was discovered and cultivated by Alice." The rumor of "idol" has been proved even more.

"But maybe Alice likes this child..."

"Haha, impossible, impossible, I'm sure of this, she is a bachelor!"

These people and Alice are old friends. Based on their understanding of it, the easiest answer is the least likely answer in front of their eyes—in fact, there is not much difference in appearance between He Xi and Mo Ming, and he is so young. It is difficult for acquaintances to doubt Alice.

Alice didn't even look down on Mo Ming back then, so how could she fall in love with He Xi who has an even bigger age gap?

In this way, with Alice's help, Meng Huo performed at the party with ease. The most troublesome thing was some female guests who had no special purpose and just wanted to contact him, but these guests were not troublesome in front of Alice.

The party was very lively. In just over half an hour, Meng Huo met more people than he had known in the past few months. Many of them have future collaborators. Of course, there are many people who regard him as an enemy, but Meng Huo doesn't care about them.

Because of the voice actor agency and the upcoming release of the new movie, Meng Huo was already prepared to be hostile - but in fact the number of hostile people at the party was far less than expected, and it didn't make him feel that he was hostile on all sides. Instead, I saw a lot of people who welcomed animation.

Although I don't know if the organizer deliberately reduced the number of guests who were hostile to them in order to take care of DreamWorks, but there is no doubt that Meng Huo was satisfied with the results of the party—but the strange thing is that he didn't seem to meet the representative of Star Dream .

"Principal Xing didn't mean to lie to me, right?" Before the party ended, Meng Huo glanced at Xing Boxiang who was chatting and laughing with others, and she came to the party as she said, but with so many people around Meng Huo , she did not come to bother.

In addition to Xing Boxiang, several professors and principals also came to the Conservatory of Music. They especially introduced some stars and singers to Meng Huo. These people were all graduates of the Conservatory of Music in their early years, and they were Meng Huo's seniors and sisters.

Meng Huo once thought that the party would end peacefully like this. However, fifteen minutes before the end, Alice suddenly apologized to the people around her, and then dragged Meng Huo to an open balcony in the hall.

"Why are you here?" Meng Huo asked strangely.

"If you don't come here, some people won't come out to talk to you." Alice replied with a smile, but looked behind Meng Huo.

Meng Huo looked back strangely, and saw a middle-aged man walking over with a woman. He has an impression of these two people, and they should have appeared in the middle of the party. There was quite a commotion when they walked in, but they kept standing far away and did not come into contact with Meng Huo.

"Could it be that he is..." A flash of light flashed in Meng Huo's mind.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, Miss Xu is still so smart." The man walked over, first glanced at Alice, and then extended his hand to Meng Huo: "You are Teacher He Xi, this is the first time we met—my name is Zhao Meng, you should know this name."

Meng Huo was taken aback. Sure enough, this man was the CEO of Celebrity Dream—but this man was more low-key than he thought. Meng Huo thought that Zhao Meng would look for him immediately.

"It doesn't look like a rival..." Meng Huo thought so, reached out and shook Zhao Meng: "Hello, Mr. Zhao."

However, after shaking hands, what Zhao Meng said dispelled Meng Huo's judgment: "Mr. He Xi, although it's the first time we meet, Ming people don't swear, don't you think some of your actions are a bit too much?"

His words were not low-key words at all, and Meng Huo immediately threw aside his previous judgment.

"I don't think so." He replied with a smile, confronting each other.

A look of displeasure flashed across Zhao Meng's face. Meng Huo's answer was very different from what he expected. Most people should not dare to hit him like this under his questioning.

"Young man, you have to understand that it is a very reckless behavior to bump into your seniors." Zhao Meng snorted coldly: "The same is true for young industries, your animation has brought a lot of chaos to us older generations in recent years. "

"I didn't mean to make trouble on purpose." Meng Huo shook his head: "But the impact of animation development is out of my control. I'm not targeting anyone on purpose, but on the development path of animation—— What happened was the inevitable result."

After these words, Zhao Meng's face was immediately covered with frost - Alice was also stunned, she didn't expect Meng Huo to speak so bluntly and murderously.

But in Meng Huo's heart, these words were what he had always wanted to say. He never intends to stop the development of the animation industry for the sake of others. This is unreasonable. Zhao Meng and the others may think it is too much-but which industry is not like this? There are always changes in the development of the industry, and it is necessary for the original beneficiaries to suffer losses. If you don't want to be injured, wouldn't it negate the progress of the entire TV industry?

Meng Huo does not think that animation can replace live-action TV and movies, nor does he believe that voice actors can replace stars—in fact, it is impossible. Phoenix’s actions will indeed bring competition to these industries, but they will not destroy their traditions .

As vested interests, Zhao Meng and the others should have the courage to meet this competition, instead of being angry and slandering. An industry without change and competition, no matter how gorgeous it is now, will eventually be abandoned by the times-their future is to dare to accept the emergence of animation.

In fact, they have already tried to do this now. The stars are also voice actors, and the film company develops live-action TV series of well-known animations, and also authorizes the TV series to be adapted by animation companies-adding a copyright benefit, which is of course a good thing.

But there are always people who can't figure it out, such as the man in front of Meng Huo - why did he still look hostilely at Meng Huo despite having obtained new benefits? And it's not just him...

"Miss Xu, shouldn't you teach young people how to speak?" Zhao Meng turned his angry eyes to Alice, and said sarcastically, "This is the first time I have seen such rude young people."

Alice was taken aback for a moment, and then her expression turned cold: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhao, I think what he said is fine."

What a joke, Meng Huo wasn't the one who opened fire at the first contact - if Zhao Meng hadn't shown such signs of hostility when he spoke, Meng Huo wouldn't have responded so rudely.

Zhao Meng became even more unhappy. He stared at Alice: "Have I ever treated you badly in the past?"


"Then why are you talking now, and standing on the opposite side of me?" Zhao Meng's voice was cold, and his anger towards Alice was actually much higher than that of Meng Huo.

However, Alice didn't back down either: "Although you never owe me anything, I don't owe you either... In that case, why can't I choose where I want to stay?"

Zhao Meng's tone made her feel quite unhappy. Star Dream did not owe Alice, but Alice also did not feel that she owed Star Dream. She gets a salary, but creates greater economic benefits for the company—the two are equal. Now, after resigning for many years, what qualifications does Zhao Meng have to ask her to do things? (to be continued)

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