Big Manga

Chapter 906: Immortal Sword Strikes

The development model centered on He Xi caused Phoenix Company not to mass-produce animation works. Although the animations and movies they produced at the same time seem to be a lot, they are nothing compared to Zhongxia Company.

Three cities, three animation departments, plus the animation company that is a joint venture with Zhongxia Company to adapt text adventure games, and DreamWorks, which was born less than half a year ago, there are only five animation production places in Phoenix Company.

Now Meng Huo already has four directors in his hands. After a period of running-in, these four directors can easily meet his needs. So whether other directors should join or not is actually not very important to Meng Huo.

But he still stayed by Alice's side in the next few days, got in touch with a lot of directors with her, and signed three more directors. These three are excellent directors. Although they are not needed for the time being, Phoenix Company will expand this year!

The addition of three directors was a precautionary measure, and it could reduce the risk of directors leaving. However, after signing these few more, Meng Huo quickly closed the door of 'needs'. At least for the next two years, he no longer needs to increase his manpower.

In addition to this incident, as the box office of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" continued to expand, Meng Huo's daily schedule also became busy. He has to personally participate in various seminars, celebrations, and many activities within the Phoenix company.

And in order to cooperate with the promotion of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century", he also accepted some media interviews, and his photos could be seen in newspapers for a while, which also made many fans hooked.

that's it. The total box office of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" continued to increase under the envious eyes of everyone, breaking through 1 billion, 1.4 billion... and when it exceeded 2 billion, many animation companies could not sit still. Animated films have been announced.

Soon after, Zhongxia Company made the same decision. On the morning of Monday, July 22, they suddenly held a press conference for their new work.

"In the second half of the year, we will launch a theatrical version of "Fire Boys"!" At the press conference of the new work, Yang Liang announced: "The name of this theatrical version is "Strike of the Sword", and all members of Angel will participate Creation. The rest of the production lineup is also very luxurious."

Produced by Zhongxia Company, the lineup will naturally be luxurious.

However, despite seeing too much of the luxurious lineup of Zhongxia Company. This time, the production lineup of "Strike the Sword" also surprised everyone. In addition to the top-notch director and voice actors, as well as the music and special effects teams, this movie also has an unprecedented change-joint investment.

That's right, the producers of "Strike the Sword" are not only Zhongxia Company, but also Star Dream and China's two major cinema chains.

The composition of this producer made the reporters at the press conference take a deep breath.

Terrible, really terrible! Zhongxia Company has strong financial resources, and never needs other people to share their interests, and it is more than enough to produce an animated film with their ability.

However, why does the producer of "Strike the Sword" have several other companies? The answer is very simple, and there is no doubt that this is because Zhongxia Company is courting these companies and wants to rely on their resources to gain a firm foothold in the film industry.

The dream of stars can provide the best production team, excellent news influence and publicity for "The Legend of the Paladin", and the two major cinema operators have directly affected the film arrangement of the film after the release of "The Legend of the Sword". The help of these three companies, coupled with the high popularity of the original "Fire Boy" animation. It is impossible for "Strike of the Sword" not to be popular!

"This is to deal with the Phoenix Company, right?"

All the reporters couldn't help but think this way, "Strike of the Sword" is obviously aimed at the Phoenix Company, according to this rhythm. It has a great possibility to surpass the box office of "The Magician of the Beginning of the Century".

"What kind of story is "Strike of the Sword?" Meng Huo quickly got the news, and was very interested in the content of this mysterious movie: "Isn't "The Flame Boy" a martial arts movie?"

He still remembers the theme of "Flame Boy". Although the name contains the word "flame", this animation is a complete martial arts animation. It is reasonable to say that it has nothing to do with Xianxia-in fact, the The Xianxia works are not particularly mature.

"Just like the literal meaning." However, Alice, who told Meng Huo the news of the new work, brought him unfortunate news. The content of the movie "Strike of the Sword" is the story that revolves around an unearthed fairy sword.

This fairy sword has supreme power, in order to snatch the fairy sword. There was a bloodbath in the martial arts world, and even many hidden sects couldn't stand it anymore.

"This is the fairy tale movie!" Meng Huo was speechless after listening to it. The plot of "Strike the Sword" can be regarded as the fairy tale movie in his previous life, but there are still some differences - except for the fairy sword, the rest The various sects still use the martial arts of mortals.

The Xianxia system in this world has not been fully established, but it has sprouted, and there is no work that fully adopts the Xianxia worldview. But in martial arts novels, it seems to be becoming more and more popular to add some celestial elements in the context of martial arts.

Meng Huo sometimes thought that if he hadn't become a cartoonist, maybe he could also be a novelist of fairy tales, driving the development of fairy tales in this world.

"Then what is the relationship between "Fairy Sword" and "Fire Boy"?" He then asked Alice.

"Judging from the information revealed at the press conference, this movie should be something similar to a copy of the game, and it will not affect the development of the original plot of "The Flame Boy." Alice flipped through the information in her hand, "Strike of the Sword" "Although the protagonist is the same as "Fire Boy", the main enemies are all hidden sects born for the fairy sword.

These hidden sects do not exist in the original work, and can be regarded as tailor-made for the movie. In fact, the script of the movie has not yet been revealed, and only some brief introductions have been revealed. Alice guessed that the fairy sword will either be destroyed or disappear again (seal) at the end of the movie.

In this way. The story of "The Coming of the Sword" has become a copy that has nothing to do with the main line, which is a very smart approach.

Meng Huo was not surprised. In fact, Phoenix Company also adopted the same approach. The so-called theatrical version of the movie generally does not conflict with the plot of the original work, and the few that are in the same line as the original work have not yet been created by him.

But after receiving the news of "Strike of the Sword", Alice and Meng Huo actually breathed a sigh of relief, contrary to what many people in the outside world predicted: "That's great, I thought they were very interested in "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century." "The box office is indifferent!"

They are not afraid of Zhongxia Company's actions. In fact, with "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" creating such a high box office, the Phoenix Company had already expected that Zhongxia Company would not miss this opportunity. Make money with Boys on Fire making a movie.

This was expected. If Zhong Xia didn't do this, it would make Meng Huo and the others worry that the other party had other secret countermeasures.

"The list of producers of "The Legend of the Sword" is not all bad, at least it can contain the dream of stardom."

Meng Huo evaluated the composition of the producers of "The Legend of the Sword". I feel that giving Zhongxia and Star Dream a chance to change the status quo can reduce their suppression and pressure on Phoenix Company in other aspects.

In fact, if you only watch movies, the cooperation value of those companies is very high, and their confidence in fighting Phoenix is ​​very high. Even Meng Huo feels that the box office of "Strike of the Sword" is very likely to surpass "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" .

If that animated movie is successful, it will also become Zhongxia's most profitable business in the past few years. And under such circumstances, neither Zhong Xia nor Star Dream will be in a hurry to 'tear' with Phoenix Company.

Alice also recognized this and was very happy: "This movie should also be good news for Xiangzi."

the last two months. With the popularity of "Dragon and Tiger", Takashima Koko's popularity is also rising rapidly, but the rising speed is not as fast as expected. It's not because she doesn't live up to expectations. Instead, companies like Celebrity Dream are using various channels to restrict Koko Takashima, and the entertainment industry is unwilling to see the appearance of Phoenix's fourth popular female voice actress.

This was a side effect of Alice's announcement that she would be popular with Takashima Koko, and there was no way to avoid it. Fortunately, Koko Takashima has experienced many ups and downs in the past, and now she is very resistant to stress, and the embarrassment of others has not troubled her.

"How is she now?" Speaking of Takashima Koko, Meng Huo suddenly heard something: "I heard that she had an accident while performing a while ago."

"Well. She sang out of tune on the stage, which caused a lot of criticism..."

Alice nodded. Thinking of that incident made her angry. It was a famous star show with huge influence. Koko Takashima was very happy when she was invited. Unexpectedly, after she came on stage, the stage organizer fiddled with her microphone, making her appear in front of countless audiences. Sang a song with an out-of-key voice.

This kind of vicious suppression behavior has not appeared in the Chinese entertainment industry for several years. Everyone knows that this kind of thing cannot be done. Once it is done, it will completely destroy a star and offend the company behind the star-so Alice I was also shocked when it happened.

Fortunately, Takashima Koko's performance exceeded everyone's expectations. After she noticed the out-of-key, she didn't stop in panic, but sang the whole song with an out-of-key voice. At the beginning, the audience was quite dissatisfied, but after listening to it, everyone heard that the problem was not with Takashima Koko, but with the instrument.

"Thanks to her persistence, I was able to stabilize the situation in time." Alice sighed. If Koko Takashima insisted on finishing singing and moved some audiences, she really couldn't deal with the loss caused by this accident.

The stage is the lifeline of a singer, and it is a fatal mistake for a singer to go out of tune on stage.

Meng Huo's face was a little pale. Although the matter was not aimed at him, he still felt very angry: "Have you found out who did it? Is it a star dream?"

"It should be... I searched for a long time, and all the signs point to their inducement. The director of the star show is Zhao Meng's classmate—I only found out after the fact." Alice gritted her teeth and said, "It's a pity that I couldn't find it." Conclusive evidence, otherwise I have to teach him a lesson!"

The arrangement of the microphone was completed by the director's order, but the process was all verbal explanations, and there was no real evidence, which made it very difficult for Alice to do. In fact, if she can find evidence to expose Star Dream's conspiracy, not only can Takashima Koko be completely wiped out, but she can also use this opportunity to make her famous in one fell swoop.

"Have you strengthened your defenses now?"

Meng Huo asked again.

"Of course." Alice nodded. She called an emergency meeting after this incident and reminded every voice actor's support team, especially Kako Takashima. It is unlikely that the seiyuu will encounter this kind of situation in the future, and even if they are prepared, Star Dream dare not act lightly.

"If they go too far, I will definitely catch them!" She assured Meng Huo.

Meng Huo was a little relieved, and then his face turned cold again: "You said just now that the person leading this matter is a director, right? What's his name?"

"Hu Yaotian." Alice looked at Meng Huo strangely: "Why are you asking this?"

He can't teach that director a lesson, can he? Although that director is indeed too much, it is impossible to teach him a lesson. He is a person who has nothing to do with the animation industry, and Phoenix Company can't teach him a lesson through normal channels.

Abnormal channels are not realistic either. First of all, the use of illegal means is not very good in itself. Moreover, the other party knew in his heart that he had offended the Phoenix Company, so he would definitely be prepared. If Meng Huo attacked him, he would catch him instead, which would be even more harmful than the gain.

"Don't do it for now, don't worry..." Meng Huo glanced at Alice, how could he not know what she was thinking, but he would not be so stupid as to trick others: "I just want to remember first His name, there will definitely be an opportunity to teach him a lesson in the future."

However, Meng Huo also understands a truth, if you don't react when someone bullies you at your door, you will definitely suffer even more in the future. Voice actors are a very important resource of Phoenix Company, and they must not be bullied casually.

He really can't teach that person a lesson now, but now is now, and the future will be the future. The phoenix four years ago was an ant, and now it is a well-deserved golden phoenix four years later.

In another four years, no one knows how far Phoenix Company will grow—and Meng Huo's memory is amazing. As long as he remembers the name, he will never forget it in the future.

"I almost forgot his memory..." Alice stared at Meng Huo's cold eyes. Although it was still a hot day, she felt a feeling of being blown by a cold wind. Thinking of Meng Huo's amazing memory, she couldn't help but pray for the director.

"It's not good for you to offend someone, but you have to offend him..."

She thought so, the person in this world who made Meng Huo angry would be remembered by him for a lifetime. (to be continued)

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