Big Manga

Chapter 907: Honorary Vice President

A few days later, Meng Huo set off for Yanjing, accompanied by Xi Wenlin.

The main purpose of Meng Huo coming to Yanjing this time is to participate in the speech of the Huaxia Reasoning Association. Xi Wenlin is the intermediary between him and the association, so it is naturally indispensable. The headquarters of the Huaxia Reasoning Association is located in an ordinary building on the third ring road of Yanjing. In order to welcome Meng Huo's arrival, the members of the association also specially cleaned up.

Therefore, after Meng Huo arrived, his favorability for this association increased a lot. It is said that all the reasoning writers in Yanjing and the surrounding area also came to the scene, but Meng Huo didn't know how authentic it was. However, the headquarters of the association is indeed crowded with people, and the aisles of the venue are full of people.

"It's like chasing stars..." Xi Wenlin thought as he followed behind Meng Huo. He had been to the headquarters of the association once before, and he vaguely remembered that the headquarters was very deserted. But today it can be said that it is difficult to move an inch, and it is not surprising that these reasoning writers are chasing stars.

He was proud of Meng Huo from the bottom of his heart, but the pressure on Meng Huo became very high because of this scene.

"I said President Qin, isn't this too many people... You asked me to give a speech in front of so many experts, didn't you make my class fight?" He said to the president of the Reasoning Association, the venue was full Reasoning writers, there are too many 'reasoning' experts in it.

In a speech in the general sense, Meng Huo could still talk a few more words, but in such a grand occasion, how could he have the guts to play tricks? Talking about the understanding of 'reasoning', Meng Huo knew in his heart that his reasoning ability could not be compared with these 'experts' at all.

Many of these are writers who have spent their entire lives studying 'reasoning'. Not to mention Meng Huo, even the original author of "Detective Conan" probably doesn't have the confidence to speak eloquently in front of so many experts.

In fact, "Detective Conan" is a reasoning comic. However, the reasoning skills shown in this work are not particularly powerful, but tend to be entertaining reasoning stories. It was also considered by many people as unqualified reasoning works in Meng Huo's previous life.

"It doesn't matter, we don't want to ask you, Teacher He Xi, for your reasoning skills." The president of the Huaxia Reasoning Association respectfully replied for a year, "Teacher, talk to us about how to make reasoning stories more interesting." , more attractive to the younger generation, just give us a guide to the direction of reasoning works."

Although Meng Huo did not show any arrogance. However, the chairman, like other reasoning writers, was very cautious in the process of receiving Meng Huo. Meng Huo said several times that there is no need to be so restrained. But it has been ineffective, and he doesn't care about it now.

"So that's it, the way forward..." Meng Huo heaved a sigh of relief after hearing the president's words. He can talk about this aspect. The reasoning works in the previous life are more mature than this world, although Meng Huo is not a seasoned reasoning fan,

But he has some understanding of reasoning works at home and abroad, and it is not a problem to give some direction.

The point is that the development of reasoning in this world is too backward, and there are not many genres - I really don't understand why these reasoning writers are so brainless.

With such doubts in mind, Meng Huo started today's speech. It is said to be a speech, but when it is actually carried out, it is more like a teacher's lecture. Meng Huo found some future development directions of reasoning works from his memory and told them, but at the same time he also allowed the writers to ask questions. Solve the doubts in their hearts through dialogue.

This kind of lecture method is better than the lecture, and the time has been delayed again and again, from the originally expected half an hour to an hour. Then it was delayed for another two hours—Meng Huo drank two bottles of water during the period, and halfway through the association specially moved Meng Huo a stool on the stage so that he would not have to stand all the time.

It was already noon after the lecture, and some writers wanted to continue asking, but the officials of the Reasoning Association were still worried that Meng Huo could not bear it, so they took the initiative to come to the stage to help end the lecture. And invited Meng Huo to have lunch.

All the top executives of the association were present during the lunch, and only Xi Wenlin and Meng Huo were guests. Meng Huo was warmly thanked, and Xi Wenlin was also surprised to receive a toast from several people.

"Thank you very much, Teacher He Xi. After listening to your lecture today, many of the fogs we are facing have suddenly become clear!" At the end, when we were saying goodbye, the president of the association handed a red notebook to Meng Huo: "Because I really don't know what gift to thank you for, this... please be sure to accept it."

Meng Huo opened his notebook and saw that it turned out to be a letter of appointment. In the letter of appointment, Meng Huo was given a big title - 'Lifetime Honorary Vice President of the Huaxia Reasoning Association'.

Honorary vice president, this title is like a visiting professor. It is not a formal vice president of the association and has no real power, but it is a status symbol. If he accepts this letter of appointment, Meng Huo will become a veritable Big Dipper in the reasoning world.

"Is this too heavy?" Meng Huo closed the letter of appointment, wanting to return him to the president.

"No, deserve it!" The president quickly waved his hand and refused, saying, "Mr. A popular reasoning work, you have helped us so much today, you will do your part in this letter of appointment!"

Meng Huo shook his head: "I didn't help much today, just a speech..."

"The speech is enough!" Before he finished speaking, the president interrupted: "The effect of today's speech exceeded my expectations. Some of our stubborn old men have been persuaded by you. In the future, the Reasoning Association can make drastic changes. Make reforms - it's all thanks to you."

The officials around the president also agreed. Several of them originally belonged to the traditional school, but after watching the lectures and interactions this morning, their ideas have indeed changed, and they know that the association will die without reform.

"Teacher, you don't mind if we take advantage of you, right?" An official stood up and said, "The title of honorary vice president means nothing to you, but it does a lot of good to our association."

"If you can't give Teacher He Xi a suitable identity, the world will think that our association's name is not right."

Another official said that in fact, if He Xi accepted the honorary letter of appointment, the benefit of the Reasoning Association would indeed be greater than that of He Xi. In He Xi's current capacity. It doesn't matter whether he has the status in the letter of appointment. However, the Reasoning Association has been embarrassing for many years in the matter of "the most popular reasoning writer in China is not a writer of the Reasoning Association", and they also need to win over He Xi to find their own position.

Meng Huo laughed. At first he really didn't want to accept the letter of appointment, but after hearing what these association officials said so bluntly, his mind changed.

"Okay then, I'll accept it first." He took the letter of appointment back and said with a smile, "But if one day I find something wrong with the letter of appointment, I don't rule out tearing it up!"

Because there was no signed document, Meng Huo retained the initiative. If one day the Reasoning Association made any excessive demands, he would definitely announce his withdrawal publicly, and then tear up the letter of appointment-if this happened, the Reasoning Association would have nothing to do with face.

"Of course!" The president was taken aback. Cold sweat is about to fall. But his thoughts have not changed. In fact, after a whole morning of observation, he also sees that He Xi is not some over-the-top personality, and his mind is as broad as the rumors say.

Such a person is suitable to be respected and loved as a friend, and a letter of appointment may also become a channel for their association to communicate with He Xi in the future.

"Actually, the letter of appointment should have been handed over to him four years ago..." After seeing off Meng Huo and boarding the car, the chairman sighed inwardly. If they had presented the letter of appointment after "Detective Conan" was released, it would have been such an honor to Meng Huo at that time. And it will also have great positive benefits for their association.

But the gap is only four years, the gold content of this certificate is gone...

As soon as Meng Huo got into the car, he stuffed the red certificate into the luggage bag. Xi Wenlin looked at his movements with a look of confusion and envy: "Teacher, you are too wasteful. What if you hurt that certificate, that certificate is precious!"


"Yes, baby." Xi Wenlin nodded. Although the Huaxia Reasoning Association is not a popular association, it is still a national association and a highly respected association with strong literature. The identity of the honorary vice president Taking it out will be respected on many occasions.

"Isn't it almost the level of a university professor?" Meng Huo disagreed.

"University professor!?" Xi Wenlin was dumbfounded. Then he almost laughed: "Teacher, you underestimate it too much. Do you know that the entry standard of the Huaxia Reasoning Association is equivalent to a university professor?"

Meng Huo was taken aback. His eyes widened in surprise: "I really don't know, I thought anyone could get in!" Isn't this the same as the Writers Association? But even if you are a member of the Huaxia Writers Association, you don't necessarily need the level of a university professor to get started!

Xi Wenlin explained that the tradition of the Reasoning Association is not only reflected in its adherence to the reasoning culture, but also in its personnel structure. Although the current reasoning association is not a Chinese government organization, when it was born in the past, it was a literary research association of the genuine government.

Although it was revoked later, the current relationship between the Huaxia Reasoning Association and the government is also very close. Many officials still enjoy the government's career establishment, and the funding is also fully supported by the government.

The entry standard of the Reasoning Association is still the same as in the past. It not only requires academic qualifications, but also requires outstanding performance in reasoning magazines and books. Therefore, the official members of this association are actually not many. There are dozens of them, so each member has a good status - the title of honorary vice president is naturally quite extraordinary.

Meng Huo was surprised when he heard it, but he thought: "No, according to what you said, there are only a thousand people in the whole country, but how come so many reasoning writers come to listen to my speech today?"

"A reasoning writer does not mean he is a member of the association." Xi Wenlin patted his head, this teacher really doesn't know anything: "Most of them are alternate members, and they have to pay a lot of membership fees every year, and some of them are members of the association. Members of the reasoning club below have even lower identities."

Meng Huo was a little speechless. No wonder the Reasoning Association was dead. It was just like the Go world. It didn't know how to change it! However, he did not change his view on the letter of appointment because of this. No matter how high a status is, it is useless to him now.

"By the way, what about you?" He then became curious: "Aren't you a member of the association?"

"I..." But talking about this topic, Xi Wenlin blushed a little: "I am indeed a member of the Reasoning Association, but it is thanks to you, teacher."

The process of Xi Wenlin becoming a member of the Huaxia Reasoning Association was a bit accidental. Although he had received a good education and had sufficient qualifications and strength, he had no chance to win any reasoning awards, nor had he written any popular reasoning works—he The shortlist was entirely because of Meng Huo.

After "Detective Conan" became popular, the Reasoning Association has always wanted to contact Meng Huo, but it was also full of concerns. Under such circumstances, they promoted Xi Wenlin, who was still an alternate member at the time, to a full member, and made plans in advance to contact Meng Huo in the future.

"My achievements do not meet the conditions of a full member, but they promoted me in an exceptional way because I am a manga assistant in "Detective Conan"!" Xi Wenlin said. Although this promotion method is strange, it makes sense. Because Xi Wenlin is indeed not an ordinary assistant in "Detective Conan", many cases in the comics are designed by him, and the popularity of this comic has completely exceeded the association's standards.

After Xi Wenlin became a member of the Reasoning Association, his social status has changed a lot. In fact, even when he attended the child's parent meeting last year, the head teacher didn't know that he was the assistant of "Detective Conan", and because of his status as a member of the Reasoning Association I respected him very much, and even the dean of the elementary school at that time came to see him.

So he knew how valuable the title of 'Honorary Vice-President of the Reasoning Association' was. Seeing Meng Huo's understatement of the letter of appointment, he was naturally envious and helpless—Mr. achievement.

"But who called him Teacher He Xi..." Thinking of Meng Huo's identity, Xi Wenlin sighed, feeling that he had made too much of a fuss, and what happened to the teacher was nothing to be surprised about.

He shook his head and changed his mind: "By the way, teacher, why is there only one high-speed rail ticket to return to Ninghai later?"

"This." Meng Huo smiled: "I forgot to say, you can go home alone later, I'm going back to Manga Island for a while...Maybe I won't be returning to Ninghai for a few weeks." (To be completed continued)

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