Big Manga

Chapter 908: The Charm of Suffocation

Ever since "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" was released, Meng Huo was too busy to return to Manga Island, and now that the film's promotion is on the right track, he no longer needs to participate in various parties and interviews.

On the afternoon when the Reasoning Association's speech ended, Meng Huo returned to Manga Island. When he got out of the car, he took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It was exactly 5:20, which was close to leaving get off work, but it was not yet time to leave work.

"Let's go to the game department first!" Meng Huo walked to the game production department. Anyway, he can't do much in the animation department in the rest of the time. And the game is the main reason for his return, the new text adventure game has been handed over to the game department for a few months, and he is eager to know how it is going.

However, as soon as he entered the building, Meng Huo saw several women sitting in the rest area on the first floor—it was a place where comic editors would occasionally review newcomer cartoonists, but these women were obviously not newcomer cartoonists.

"Teacher He Xi!" Seeing him for the first time, the women stood up in surprise, and then quickly ran towards him.

"Bai Han, what are you doing here?" Meng Huo looked at the three Qin Ya's manga assistants strangely. Their surprise reactions seemed as if they had heard the news of his return and were waiting in the lobby. .

"Nothing, we just rest here."

"Teacher He Xi, congratulations, I heard that "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" was a big success!"

"Teacher, you must be tired? Sit down and drink some tea!"

The assistants talked enthusiastically around Meng Huo. Meng Huo was even more surprised. He also found a female assistant sending text messages with her mobile phone. Rolling her eyes slightly, she laughed: "Did Qin Ya ask you to come over and block me?"

Bai Han and the others were taken aback by these words, and then they all showed 'too bad' expressions. Meng Huo was amused. These people are too understanding! But speaking of it, there seemed to be no other reason for them to be here other than Qin Ya's orders.

"What's the matter with Qin Ya?" Meng Huo asked again. Although he had guessed what was behind the scenes, he didn't know what Qin Ya wanted from him.

Bai Han and the others saw that Meng Huo had figured it out, so they didn't continue to hide it: "Teacher, I heard that the company plans to establish a new animation department?"

"Huh?" Meng Huo frowned slightly: "Is there such a thing?"

The three assistants were dumbfounded: "No!?"

Meng Huo shook his head: "At least I haven't been notified."

"...we were so happy.

", "Mr. He Xi, if you don't even know about it, it should be something made out of nothing. "," I have to inform the teacher quickly. She is rushing over here! "

The assistants looked disappointed. It seemed that what they were going to do was related to animation. After hearing Meng Huo's answer, they found that there was no hope, so they stopped pestering him. Meng Huo walked towards the elevator with doubts, but the elevator door opened. A beautiful figure popped out of it.

"Teacher!" Qin Ya jumped out excitedly. Just when Meng Huo thought she would jump on him, she stopped at a very close distance. Her face was less than one centimeter away from Meng Huo, and her eyes were shining brightly. Meng Huo said, "I want to do animation!"

Meng Huo was taken aback and didn't realize it for a while: "Aren't you already doing it?"

"It's not this animation." Qin Ya shook her head and said excitedly: "I want to make the animation of "Legend of the Galactic Diva". Isn't the company planning to establish a new animation department? Teacher, you have so many animations, please write this one first. The department lent it to me!"

Meng Huo's head gradually came to his senses. Qin Ya and the others seem to think that Phoenix Company is about to set up a new animation department, and these women want to use this animation department to realize the animation of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva".

"Was she influenced by "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century"?" Meng Huo couldn't help but think this way, although Qin Ya had expressed such intentions before. But I have never been so excited. It seems that I have been affected by the box office of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" recently, and I want to further enhance the popularity and popularity of "Legend of the Galactic Diva".

This is not surprising, in fact, the film's astonishing box office has caused a sensation not only within the Phoenix company, but also in the entire comics industry. The discussion that short comics are more suitable for diversified development has also led to the planning of many animation companies to produce long-form animations.

The most important factor for the success of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" is the influence of the animation and comics of "Detective Conan". And this influence has been formed after many years-the adaptation of long-form comics and long-form animation gathers popularity over time, and then digs out the value of movies and other copyrights. It's a clear line.

Because of this, many manga editors have now changed their direction and began to advise their cartoonists to create super-long manga, and for authors who own super-long manga, their animation copyrights have become very popular.

Qin Ya is so excited to make animations, she must have received an olive branch from other companies.

Meng Huo immediately asked if this was the case, and Qin Ya's answer was straightforward: "Recently, several animation companies wanted to buy the copyright of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva", and the prices exceeded my predictions, but I think it's better to keep it." It's better in Phoenix."

"But we have no plan to establish a new animation department." Meng Huo frowned slightly.

However, Qin Ya didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "It seems that you don't know, sir, but I heard that there was a meeting at the headquarters this morning, and someone proposed to set up a new animation studio."


"Yes, although it's just a proposal now." Qin Ya blinked mischievously: "But in fact, as long as the teacher says a word and nods, won't the proposal be passed immediately?"

Meng Huo couldn't laugh or cry: "Why should I nod?"

"Why not?" Qin Ya frowned: "It's not a loss at all, I heard that the company's finances have always been abundant, and this time "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" made a lot of money. Many People are saying that the company’s actions are too cautious, so there is no need to waste such ample funds.”

Meng Huo couldn't argue with this. In fact, what Qin Ya said is correct. Although Phoenix Company is facing various reforms this year, it still has abundant funds. All departments are making profits. After the first-day box office of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" was announced, some people in the finance department even began to complain about not knowing how to spend the money.

Xu Jing also discussed with Meng Huo several times about the new business, but the two never found a suitable direction, so they asked other people to make suggestions—Qin Ya said that someone proposed to set up a new animation studio, and these suggestions should be the same part of the

"..." Meng Huo pondered. He hadn't considered the issue of a new animation studio before. The main reason is that his personal energy is limited, and he does not want to increase the burden of a studio for the time being. But if you obey Qin Ya's thoughts. There seems to be no problem.

"Legend of the Galactic Diva" is also a long-running serial comic. If it is made into an animation, although I don't know if it can continue to be as popular as "Detective Conan" and "Monster", it will last for a few years. is no problem.

"That is to say. It doesn't burden me." Meng Huo considered the time buffer, "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" had almost no personal impact on him, and after signing three new directors, the director is not a problem.

All he had to consider was whether it was worthwhile to set up an animation studio for "Legend of the Galactic Diva"—and the answer to this question was too simple. Qin Ya's position in the shoujo manga industry was one of the best, so of course it was worth doing.

"Okay then, I'll think about it," Meng Huo said.

A smile appeared on Qin Ya's face immediately. She clapped excitedly with several assistants who came running, and then hugged Meng Huo vigorously: "I love you so much. Teacher He Xi."

Meng Huo was taken aback by her action again, but after seeing the smile on her face, he could only smile bitterly: "But I want to remind you. Whether this studio can be established is not up to me, it depends on Ai Li Si answered or not."

In fact, he is only responsible for some specific matters of animation and manga, but generally ignores changes in the organization.

"Miss Alice?" Qin Ya thought for a while: "That's okay, she can handle it very well."

Meng Huo always felt that when he said this, the smile on Qin Ya's face became a bit nasty, and Alice was easy to talk in daily life. But her attitude towards work is very strict - although she doesn't know what method Qin Ya intends to use to persuade her, Meng Huo is not interested in it either.

After saying goodbye to the excited Qin Ya. He came to the game production department.

The situation in this department has changed a lot from when he came a few months ago. When Meng Huo arrived, the employees in the department seemed rather lazy. But at the moment when get off work is approaching, the employees in the entire office are still very busy working.

He Qian led Meng Huo to her office.

"You guys are very imposing!" Meng Huo looked at the busy employees around and said. In the past, his arrival always attracted the attention of many employees, but today most people just glanced at him, or simply Say hello and go back to work.

"I can't help it, I'm very busy now!" He Qian said, "Teacher, the game you requested has to be completed before the carnival. In order to catch up with this time, we have already worked overtime for more than a week."

The carnival is still a month away, but the game has been going on for several months. Meng Huo should have given the game department plenty of time. He felt strange: "Why is the progress so tight!?"

"It's not the teacher's fault." He Qian rolled her eyes at Meng Huo, "Now we are working on two games."

"Two models?" Meng Huo frowned, "Are you still working on World of Warcraft? Didn't I tell you to put it aside for now? Now the text adventure game is the key, if it damages its quality... ..."

"Don't worry, don't worry, we won't be so stupid." He Qian understood what Meng Huo meant, and quickly waved her hands: "We haven't launched a game for so long, and we also understand the importance of this game to the company. Don't take it lightly, teacher, don't worry!"

She explained to Meng Huo that although they did not give up making "World of Warcraft", the new text adventure game was also made with great care. In fact, in the past few months, in order to catch up with time, they will work overtime almost every one or two weeks, and these overtime work is voluntary, and overtime pay is not calculated.

Meng Huo immediately noticed the dark circles around He Qian's eyes, and his expression changed: "Have you stayed up late recently?"

"Ah?" He Qian hurriedly covered the bags under her eyes: "No, maybe the make-up is not done well... Teacher He Xi, what drink do you want?" At this time, the two had already entered He Qian's office. Seeing the sight, He Qian opened the refrigerator in the office.

"Just give me a bottle of mineral water." Meng Huo sighed, and when He Qian came back with the mineral water, he suddenly said, "Do you still remember the three chapters I made with you?"

He Qian was taken aback for a moment, then nodded silently. The so-called three chapters of the agreement are actually that after He Qian's successful operation, she had to work for Meng Huo for decades in order to pay off the debt, but if Meng Huo found that she had harmed his body, he could fire her.

The so-called harm to one's own body includes staying up late-in fact, staying up late is not terrible, what is terrible is the long-term irregular life brought about by it.

What He Qian didn't know was that Meng Huo actually knew her condition very well. He had only investigated in this life and found that many of her family members died of cancer. That is to say, her genes are naturally more likely to cause cancer than ordinary people. Although she has been cured, the possibility of recurrence is very high, so she must be cautious.

"I don't want to see this situation continue..." Meng Huo didn't expose He Qian's lie, but with just these words, He Qian already knew that he knew about her staying up late.

Sometimes she felt that Meng Huo was making a big deal out of a molehill, and of course she couldn't understand why he cared so much about her physical condition. But faced with this situation, she still nodded in compromise and said, "I see."

Although she never refuted Meng Huo on this matter, for some reason, He Qian instinctively knew that if she refuted, Meng Huo might be very angry. She didn't want him to be angry—it would be a shame if he got angry and canceled the "World of Warcraft" project in a fit of anger.

This project is very important in the eyes of He Qian and the designers of the game department. In fact, in the process of creating according to the information given by Meng Huo, the more they create, the more they can't extricate themselves. They feel that this game is like Drugs have the same suffocating charm.

They are eager to make it, even if they don't have the resources and time, their professional enthusiasm is also driving them to do it-they love this mysterious, large and fascinating work, and this is why the game production department Reasons why employees will voluntarily work overtime. (to be continued)

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