Big Manga

Chapter 909: Zero food

At 11:30 in the evening, the number of tourists in Manga Island was already very few, but in Meng Huo's apartment, the lights were still bright.

His eyes were focused on the computer, and he didn't look away until the phone rang.

"Alice, what's the matter?" Meng Huo picked up his phone and asked.

"I knew it, you really haven't slept yet." Alice breathed a sigh of relief when she heard his clear voice, "I thought you'd go to bed early when you returned to Manga Island today. It looks like I didn't disturb you, right?"

Meng Huo picked up the phone with his shoulder, stretched out his hand and continued to press the ctrl key on the computer, and said, "I'm not disturbing, but I'm checking the game."


"Well, it's the new text adventure game." Meng Huo copied the unfinished game from He Qian before leaving get off work. Although there was no sound, it was ready to run. He had checked it for several hours, and it was not yet available. problem found.

Alice suddenly said: "Oh, it's the game that will be released at the carnival, right? What's the name, I remember it seems to be... Falling in love with my sister?"

"Girl in Love with Sister." Meng Huo smiled, "This is a gentleman's game."

"Gentleman, what a ghost!" Alice laughed out loud, "A text adventure game about the male protagonist wearing women's clothes and living in a girls' college, I really don't know if you want to give it to boys or girls - I'm just wondering, Why not keep working on your game idea for that season?"

When I first heard that I was going to make a text adventure game. The management of Phoenix Company thought that it should be producing four seasons works, but Meng Huo suddenly presented a dumbfounding and dumbfounding women's clothing game.

This world has not yet had a pseudo-girl culture, so the audience for this game is not. Everyone is not very optimistic about it, but because Phoenix Company's various businesses are progressing very smoothly, no one cares about this niche game.

"Anyway, it's just a text adventure game, let him play it if he wants to play it!" They thought this way, the influence of text adventure games is still small after all, and it doesn't matter if they are wayward.

But Meng Huo did not make this work with the mentality of playing games.

"This game is not as simple as you think, maybe it will cause a wave!" He said to Alice with a smile: "Besides, the previous "" is a summer theme. The four-season theme game will be released in the second half of the year." Do."

In fact, he has already made a reservation in his heart to release "" this winter.

If nothing special causes him to change his mind, the winter-themed text adventure game will definitely be out before next year.

Before that, thinking of the carnival, Meng Huo felt that he should play a relaxing and joyful game—thinking about it. He finally chose "Girl in Love with My Sister". In fact, he is also curious about the impact of this game after it is released.

"Okay... so how is the progress of "Girl in Love with My Sister"? Is it in time for the carnival?" Alice asked curiously: "I heard that the game production department often works overtime recently. Is there something wrong?"

Meng Huo was surprised by Alice's well-informed information. The situation of the entire company really did not escape her control.

"No." He still replied: "I see the current completion situation, "Girl Falls in Love with My Sister" will be released before the carnival."

The progress of this game is also a bit beyond Meng Huo's expectations. He Qian's words in the afternoon made him feel that the progress of "Girls in Love with Sisters" was very slow, but in fact this game is not far from the finished product, and the game department worked overtime Adding points does not seem to be for it, but for further development of "World of Warcraft".

Meng Huo was very happy that those employees had such morale. But they put their morale on a long and huge work, which made Meng Huo a little worried-if they haven't seen the finished product for a year or so, can the morale of these employees be maintained?

In Meng Huo's judgment. It is obviously difficult to maintain enthusiasm.

"Should we give them some incentives?" Meng Huo couldn't help thinking this way, but when he thought of "World of Warcraft", he temporarily dismissed the idea. Obviously, this game has not yet reached the official production time.

He asked Alice, "By the way, why did you call me tonight?"

"Well, you're going to stay in Suhua for a long time this time, right?" Alice asked. After getting confirmation from Meng Huo, she continued: "There are still some things that need your help at the headquarters. I also need your opinion on the documents of the carnival. If you have time, can you come back during the holidays?"

Meng Huo was in a bit of a dilemma, his schedule was full, because he hadn't come back for several weeks, and the holidays were strictly arranged, so it was difficult to spare time to go back to Ninghai.

"Can't you just send all the files to me through the Internet?" Meng Huo said, "If there is any need for a meeting, just use video conferencing."

"Video conferences are fine, but some documents cannot be transmitted." Alice was a little embarrassed. Some important documents and contracts cannot be transmitted through the Internet, and the original documents must be handed over to Meng Huo for him to sign.

"Well, this Saturday, I'll send someone to deliver all the documents to you."

She chose to compromise and the problem was solved. Meng Huo also heaved a sigh of relief, and just as he was about to hang up the phone, he suddenly remembered what Qin Ya had said about setting up a new animation studio, so he said this as well.

"I know that." However, Alice already knew about it: "Qin Ya called me in the evening, and I have promised her."

Meng Huo was very surprised: "What ecstasy soup did she stuff you with? You agreed to her so easily?"

"It's nothing..." Qin Ya said perfunctorily: "Besides, setting up a new animation studio won't cause us much burden. Even if she doesn't suggest it, we will still have to do it sooner or later."

This is also true. In Meng Huo's plan, there must be at least six animation studios under the Phoenix Company in the future.

The coming year will be an important period for the transformation of Phoenix Company. It is also a critical stage for Meng Huo to train directors-he plans to start producing animations on a larger scale after training these directors to maturity.

Now the number of Meng Huo's comics is much higher than the number of animations, as time goes by. His manga piled up, and adding animation studios relieved the pressure of animating them. In Meng Huo's mind, the six studios will be the perfect combination in a few years.

There are six animation studios, three of which are full-length animations, two of which are already occupied by "Detective Conan" and "Little Monster", and they don't need to be managed by Meng Huo, and the remaining one can be "One Piece" or other in the future work.

Three short animation studios. However, it will take several years for these three short animations to consume Meng Huo's past stock of comics. Even if they digested all of them, Meng Huo still had enough ability to maintain this amount of works.

So it wouldn't hurt to start a fourth independent animation studio now. Maybe in a few years, after "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" is finished, it can be used to directly adapt Meng Huo's comics.

In fact, Alice does not think that "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" can repeat the experience of "Detective Conan" and "Pokemon". The key to making the latter two animations into long-form animations is the peculiar structure of the animation. One is that it can be endless. One development case, the other is endless creation of new elves.

But "Galaxy Diva" is story-driven. No matter how long a story is, there will still be a cold and unsustainable day after all. After a few years of animation, most of this animation will end-in fact, "Boys of Fire" with the same structure type will not last for two years.

Meng Huo nodded: "That's how it is. The new studio must be arranged in Suhua. Qin Ya will definitely participate in the animation production."

As the creator of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" and a senior animator himself, Meng Huo didn't think Qin Ya would give up on interfering in animation - judging from the reaction of the three assistants in the afternoon, they definitely wanted to join in.

Thus. It would be a good idea to arrange the new animation studio in Suhua.

"I'll arrange it on Manga Island." Alice was more thoughtful: "And those songs you left in the office before, which ones can be handed over to "Legend of the Galaxy Diva", you'd better give me a song first one."

"That's okay." Meng Huo nodded. He has already put many songs that he will never use in his voice actor firm in his life. These songs are mainly out of the way, or old animations, and fan songs. Qin Ya can use them at any time if he wants.

Afterwards, Meng Huo and Alice ended the call.

The next day, when he arrived at the animation department, he was surprised to see that his table was full of snacks and drinks.

"These are all for you, teacher." Qin Ya said excitedly: "I have already received the news from Ms. Alice. The company will recruit outside painters in a few days to set up a new animation studio in Manga Island. "

Meng Huo pointed to the snacks on the table: "So. Is this your thank you gift?"

This is too casual, he is not a person who likes to eat snacks, no matter how you say it, treating him to a meal must be more sincere than these snacks!

"Teacher, don't underestimate these snacks." Qin Ya waved her hands, and said triumphantly, "These are the high-quality goods I picked out after eating snacks all over China. Although the price is not very expensive, they are definitely good. Eat—look at this!"

She picked up a bag of potato chips and tore them open, handed them to Meng Huo, and said, "This is a special potato chip from a place in the Far East. The output is very small every year, and I can't even buy it online. I asked someone to buy it. It’s been a long time in the apartment and I’m not willing to eat it!”

Meng Huo dubiously reached out and took out a piece of potato chips, put it in his mouth and bit it, it really tasted like he had never tasted before.

"Delicious... all of these?" He looked at the snacks on the table again, his eyes changed a little. If they were all like this bag of potato chips, then these things were indeed the most characteristic thank you gift from Qin Ya.

"That's right... Ka... Ka..." Qin Ya said while chewing on potato chips, "Let's finish eating them today!"

Meng Huo watched her take out potato chips with big hands, and the emotion just disappeared in an instant. I dare not take these snacks back to the apartment, and I have to finish them in the office——isn't Qin Ya just looking for a eating partner?

Even so, he still stretched out his hand and took out some potato chips: "It's really delicious."

However, after that, the Phoenix Company began to spread rumors that "Teacher He Xi and Princess Qin Ya ate snacks in the office openly for a day", and it had a very bad influence, causing a storm of snacks in the manga island.

Some employees began to eat snacks like the two of them, and the snacks in Manga Island were out of stock for several days, and the merchants in Manga Island with a keen sense of smell also learned about the snacks that Qin Ya recommended to Meng Huo through various channels, and began to borrow The signature effect of the two is recommended to tourists.

This behavior had an astonishing effect during the carnival, but this was an afterthought. Now Meng Huo did not expect that his casual actions would flood the company with snacks, and there were signs of spreading to Ninghai and Tokyo.

It took him several days to suppress these influences, and he was laughed at by Xu Jing in the middle.

"Be more careful in the future..." Meng Huo heaved a sigh of relief after finally suppressing the matter. At this time, the recruitment of the new animation studio of Phoenix Company also started, and the number of painters who submitted their resumes was unexpectedly large.

In fact, after the recruitment at the beginning of the year, Meng Huo thought that it would take some time for the studio to be established.

But what he didn't expect was that the recruitment in the middle of the year would be more convenient. The cartoon students who were about to graduate from all over the country sent their resumes to Phoenix Company as soon as possible. Some painters from other companies also have the idea of ​​changing jobs.

As one of the overlords in the animation industry, the promising Phoenix Company is like a magnet, attracting the attention of talents from all over the world.

And Manga Island is no longer an unpopular place. After years of operation, it has become more and more like a Huaxia Animation Center. The manga atmosphere is strong, and it is the best choice for every artist who has manga dreams—and the treatment is also good. Pretty good.

"It is estimated that it will be established within two weeks..."

When Alice reported to Meng Huo the time for the establishment of the new animation studio, Meng Huo was speechless. It was established in two weeks. After a period of running-in and training, it seems that "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" will be ready after the carnival. start work.

"I'm not in a hurry." But Qin Ya was not in a hurry to start work: "It would be great if the animation can be broadcast in October."

After the news of the animation was confirmed, she recovered from her excitement. Instead, she was not in a hurry, but was thinking about how to make the animation well-she needed no longer to prepare than Meng Huo.

"Teacher, I still need a stage, and I want to announce the animation news at the carnival."

The press conference for the animation of "Legend of the Galactic Diva" was also arranged to be held at the carnival, so that's good, it can be a highlight of the carnival. (to be continued)

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