Big Manga

Chapter 910: Announcing the News

A few days later, Alice sent someone to deliver the documents to Meng Huo.

But he never expected that the person who came to deliver the documents would be so familiar. When Shen Jie, who was wearing sunglasses, put a suitcase in front of him—he was completely stunned.

"Why are you?" He said in surprise, and then seemed to understand something: "Well, you have already started helping Alice."

"Yeah." Shen Jie nodded with a smile. As the carnival approached, she officially helped Alice. But in fact, she was surprised that the first task Alice gave her was to deliver something to Meng Huo.

"I didn't get to be her secretary, now I'm an assistant."


Meng Huo frowned slightly. In many companies, assistants and secretaries only have different names, but the job content is the same. But this is not the case in Phoenix Company. There are several assistants around Alice, and each of them shares different affairs, more like the role of a branch manager.

But why is Shen Jie an assistant? Isn't the secretary good? In the beginning, she only needs to be a helper, but the assistant has a formal job. Can she do the job of an assistant well?

"Why did you suddenly change your position?" Meng Huo asked.

Shen Jie smiled wryly: "Because it's not realistic for me to be a secretary."

She explained to Meng Huo that the secretary needs to stay with Alice for a long time, and Shen Jie has to maintain her job as a voice actor so far. With this in mind, Alice asked her to give her the title of an assistant first, but it was an assistant without any authority. Mainly doing chores.

"Probably during the carnival, I will run around under her hands to deal with some simple things!" Shen Jie shrugged. Said: "This is also her assessment of me. Through the observation during the carnival, she will rearrange my work after the carnival is over."

Only then did Meng Huo realize that this was just a transitional period.

However, Shen Jie's entry into the job so quickly still surprised him. He frowned and said, "Alice told me before that in order to prevent further troubles in the future, the news will be announced before you enter the job. But it hasn't been announced yet. ?”

Shen Jie nodded: "It will be announced tomorrow morning."


"I didn't just come here to give you something. In fact, I have a concert in Suhua tomorrow morning. After the concert, I will be interviewed by the TV station.

Then announce it. Shen Jie laughed and said, "To be honest, I'm super nervous now." "

Although she was smiling, her body was actually tense. Announcing in public that she is going to enter the workplace of Phoenix Company, this is not an important matter, it may cause the anger of fans and reduce her achievements over the years to ashes.

There is a saying in the entertainment industry that it is more difficult for a star to retire than to become famous. Although Shen Jie did not completely retire, the sensation it brought cannot be underestimated.

Meng Huo Shen: "Since I'm in Suhua, I'll join you tomorrow too!"

Shen Jie was startled by his words, and she waved her hand quickly: "Don't do it. Tomorrow's battlefield is my own. If you come, things will be even more troublesome!" She and Alice have tried their best to put this matter to rest Pulled away from Meng Huo. If Meng Huo showed up at the scene, wouldn't it be a waste of their efforts.

"Don't worry, things will definitely develop in a bad direction if you don't know yet." Shen Jie then comforted: "Alice has been preparing for this matter for a long time. After tomorrow's news is announced, she will We will try our best to guide public opinion in a good direction.”

"A good direction?" Meng Huo was a little puzzled, he saw Shen Jie's tense expression. It could be seen that she had no confidence in Alice.

At this time, Meng Huo laughed: "Although I don't know what she is going to do. But she said so, let's trust her. Don't be too nervous. I will help you live if the sky falls."

"Then I really don't want to see this kind of result..." Shen Jie sighed, she knew that if the worst happened, Meng Huo would definitely stand up to protect her - but this was an action based on involving herself in a dangerous vortex , Shen Jie is unwilling to see this kind of situation happen.

"I'm leaving first, I have to go back to the dormitory to get ready." She waved to Meng Huo and said, "Tomorrow's interview will be broadcast on TV, remember to watch it."

Meng Huo nodded, and then asked, "Come to my apartment for dinner tonight?"

But Shen Jie shook her head and rejected him: "No need, I have to rehearse tonight."

She walked out of Meng Huo's office. Looking at the suitcase in front of him, Meng Huo couldn't help sighing, "Don't let anything happen tomorrow..."

But the next day, when Meng Huo woke up in the morning, he saw heavy rain outside the window, which was not a good sign. Although the concert is held indoors and will not be interrupted because of this, the weather is very easy to cause people's irritability.

"Keep calm."

During breakfast, Meng Huo sent Shen Jie a text message.

He searched for information and found that the concert started at ten o'clock in the morning, lasted for one and a half hours, and ended at eleven thirty, followed by half an hour of interview time. Shen Jie will announce the news after the last song, and then accept a pre-arranged interview with Suhua TV in half an hour.

"Although I didn't go there, they are somewhat useful..." Meng Huo thought so. He suddenly had an idea last night and asked his secretary to find a way to get four tickets for the concert. young people, and sent them to urban areas.

Although he didn't know if these four people were useful or not, Meng Huo felt that seeing these people present would make Shen Jie feel more relaxed.

However, his actions caught the young college students by surprise. When he arrived at the entrance of the venue early in the morning, Liu Yi was full of anxiety: "Meng Huo, why didn't he tell me in advance, and suddenly sent us here? What should I do!"

"What should I do? Wouldn't it be nice to have a concert?" Han Xuan looked very happy. She had known about Shen Jie's concert for a long time, and had been unable to buy tickets. Meng Huo gave her a surprise. .

"It's good...but..." Liu Yi showed a look of embarrassment.

Liu Yun is also very rare. He said with a frustrated face: "I know, we still have to review!"

At the end of the semester, all the schools in the university city began to prepare for the final assessment. They were also preparing hard for the battle. Meng Huo's sudden attack made Liu Yun and Liu Yi a little panicked—but Han Xuan was successful, and Li Yu was smart enough to bring the review materials and was squatting down to read them.

"Who told you to be together all day long, don't prepare earlier." She muttered softly, but Liu Yun overheard her.

Liu Yun complained: "We are not together all day, how do you two high school masters understand our mood?"

Although the same university town. But the schools of the four are different, and the schools of the two of Liu Yun are average. But Han Xuan and Li Yu both studied in top schools. They were both top students in Ninghai No. 1 Middle School, and their academic ability far surpassed that of Liu Yun and Liu Yi.

"Why don't we understand..." However, Han Xuan disagreed when she heard Liu Yun's words: "We are not masters. The real masters are those two, okay? We have been with them for so many years, we are much worse than you gone."

Liu Yun and Liu Yi felt speechless for a moment, and the two Han Xuan was talking about were naturally Meng Huo and Shen Jie.

"I don't need to say more about those two monsters..." Liu Yi said in a low voice, but he and Liu Yun couldn't complain afterwards - the fact that they were so nervous about the exam was actually because they were not hardworking enough.

"Forget it, it's a big deal to stay up late tonight..."

Liu Yun thought so, she is an optimist, once she figured it out, she decided to enjoy the concert.

But why did Meng Huo suddenly prepare tickets for them so kindly? The four of them didn't talk deeply about this - so much so that after the last song ended. Shen Jie suddenly announced on stage that she would no longer be a full-time voice actress, and the four of them failed to react.

"...Did I have tinnitus just now? I seem to have heard Shen Jie say that she will no longer be a full-time voice actress?", "You don't have tinnitus. I heard it too, she said that she is going to work for Phoenix Company!", "Damn it , is this a joke!?", "If you become a star, you want to leave after earning a ticket!?"

The four of them didn't react until the surrounding noise suddenly became louder, and then there was a huge discussion and screaming in the venue.

"Shen Jie won't be a voice actor anymore?", "Why is this!" Liu Yun and Li Yu's faces turned pale. And Han Xuan calmed down, she added: "It's not that I don't want to be a voice actor. It's that I don't want to be a full-time voice actor. Let's listen to her explanation!"

There was a lot of noise and noise in the auditorium. Some people ran to the stage angrily. However, Ninghai TV Station, as the organizer, had already prepared. Some security guards ran in to stabilize the situation immediately, and some people shouted on the stage to calm everyone down. .

It took about ten minutes for the interview to proceed smoothly under the eyes of everyone.

"I must declare again that I am not graduating from the voice actor industry, but want to have another job." Before the interview, Shen Jie said calmly: "I will continue to dub in the future, and the performance will not be completely terminated. In the three cities of Ninghai, Suhua and Tokyo, you can still see my concert."

There are branches of Phoenix Company in these three cities, and it is easy to hold concerts. Therefore, although Shen Jie gave up the stages in other places, she will occasionally perform in the three places—most of the audience present today are from Suhua. After this addition, the audience gradually calmed down.

"Everyone must be very curious about why Ms. Shen Jie made this decision and what direction she will develop in the future." After seeing the audience's emotions gradually stabilized, the host of Ninghai TV station stood up and said: "In order to explain clearly In the next interview, we will ask Miss Shen Jie what you want to ask."

Fragmentary applause erupted from the auditorium, Shen Jie's tense expression relaxed slightly, and she sat down with the host.

"The next thing is the key..." Meng Huo looked at the computer in the office and thought that Shen Jie's words just now would not have much impact on the audience in the three cities, but it would be difficult for people in other places to accept of.

Her next speech was very critical. Although Meng Huo knew that there must be a draft, he was still very nervous.

The reporter began to ask questions, and her first question was whether it would affect the dubbing, which is also what the audience is most interested in. And Shen Jie replied with well-thought-out words, repeatedly affirming that apart from the substantial cancellation of the concert, her appearance in animation will not be affected.

Even in Meng Huo and Alice's plan, unless Shen Jie can prove in the future that she can hold a crucial position in Phoenix Company, create great value, and not be able to take care of dubbing work, otherwise, No one has the idea of ​​canceling her voice actress status.

"Since that's the case, you don't have to worry now, Shen Jie's voice will not leave us." After getting the answer, the host said a good word for Shen Jie, and then asked the second question - why did you enter the workplace? ?

"Isn't it good to be a voice actor?"

"No, of course not... No matter in terms of salary level, social achievements or other aspects, I think voice acting is a very good profession." A regret flashed across Shen Jie's face: "But this is not the profession I chose at the beginning. I don’t want others to think of me as someone who only makes money with my voice, I have many abilities besides my voice.”

"Study, for example?" The host was very cooperative and said with a smile, "The academic level of Ninghai No. 1 Middle School is well-known throughout the country, but during your study, you have maintained the first place in your grade for almost three years. It is a pity that you did not pass the college entrance examination due to injury. What do you think? It is a pity?"

"It's a pity, of course it's a pity! I got it through hard work and talent. It's impossible for anyone not to be a pity, right?" Shen Jie gritted her teeth and said, "This is also the main reason why I want to enter the company's workplace. I don’t want to let ten years of hard work go to waste!”

When she said these words, Shen Jie felt a little conflicted. In fact, she gave up her full-time voice actor and had nothing to do with her studies. She didn't want to boast about herself, but this was Alice's order, and this was the most acceptable reason for others.

Everyone has a learning experience, and because of this, when Shen Jie shows her reluctance, other people will recognize it more. If it were anyone with Shen Jie's experience, who was a talented girl praised by everyone from elementary school to high school, who studied hard for ten years, but the knowledge she gained was in vain—no one would be reconciled.

"In the past two years, I have been working as a voice actor while continuing to study, and I have passed many professional exams." Shen Jie continued: "Now there is an opportunity in front of me, I want to seize it and prove my talent Wisdom can succeed in this society..."

She turned to the bottom of the stage and said: "Please give me a chance, I will prove myself, if I fail in the end, I will give up and come back to be a full-time voice actress."

Shen Jie gave herself a way out, of course, this was also Alice's order, and it was not so much a way out for Shen Jie, but rather a way out for the audience - making them feel that Shen Jie was also mustering up the courage to take risks, she was a brave man. (to be continued)

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