Big Manga

Chapter 912: Fifty-five million

In this way, without involving Meng Huo, Shen Jie's entry into the job achieved the best results of public opinion.

Afterwards, Shen Jie left Suhua and began to work as Alice's secretary in Ninghai. After this incident, Phoenix Company soon ushered in two important events - "Wine of Eternal Life" and "The Rebellious Lu". The end of Lu Xiu.

Both animations will end before the carnival. "Rebellious Lelouch" is of course a big deal, but it will end the week of the carnival. However, "Wine of Eternal Life" was half a month earlier than it was. A few days after Shen Jie returned to Ninghai, Phoenix Company ushered in this important event.

At the end of July, "Wine of Eternal Life" ended in a "silence".

On this day, many newspapers published the news of the end of "Wine of Eternal Life", and many fans also celebrated the end on the official website. In fact, it cannot be called 'silence'. However, compared with the enthusiasm for the completion of Meng Huo's other works, it can indeed be regarded as the most "quiet" work, and it did not have a big impact.

This phenomenon was actually somewhat beyond Meng Huo's expectations, but there was nothing he could do about it. In addition to the fact that "Wine of Eternal Life" was really unpopular, the animation actually encountered two troubles during its serialization—— Stopped by regulators.

Although Meng Huo knew that "Wine of Eternal Life" would be unpopular before making it, he also believed that the last few episodes of it would give people a refreshing feeling. However, he is not God, and he did not expect that there would be an accident during the serialization period.

"Wine of Eternal Life" was suspended twice, each time for a week. The main reason was that the scenes were too bloody and violent. Although the review government opened the door to "He Xi", it was also due to too many complaints There were two shakings.

These two shake-ups brought a lot of trouble to "Wine of Eternal Life", which was originally an unpopular work. The number of viewers was small, and the audience was shocked when the broadcast was stopped for the first time, and then the second suspension made the audience lose confidence in the animation-resulting in the loss of a large number of viewers.

There was also a very quiet scene where "Wine of Eternal Life" was postponed and ended.

"This is the most unpopular animation I have ever released..." The second day after the animation ended. The Phoenix Company held a video conference, and the executives from the three places showed up. As the production director of "Wine of Eternal Life", Meng Huo couldn't help apologizing to others: "Maybe I still made a wrong choice at the beginning."

But other people in the company dare not put the responsibility on Meng Huo.

"You don't have to's not your fault. We have conducted a detailed survey of the audience of "Wine of Eternal Life"." Xu Jing said: "They all have very high evaluations of the animation. If there is no suspension during the serialization of the animation, "Wine of Immortality" will be successful according to your ideas.


"I agree, President, I am also very optimistic about "Wine of Eternal Life"." Eiji Takashima continued, after watching the entire animation. I firmly believe that this is an excellent work, and the reason for being buried is not because of the quality.

"We are very satisfied with "Wine of Eternal Life." Bai Yan and several other directors were also allowed to participate in this meeting. They all thought that "Wine of Eternal Life" was very good. In fact, not only them, but the directors generally felt that This animation is well done.

"The problem is with me, sorry..."

At this time, Alice apologized, she always felt that the problem of "Wine of Eternal Life" came from her, because she was too concerned about "Lelouch of the Rebellion" and movies, and she didn't notice the problem of "Wine of Eternal Life" at the first time. "The two crises.

In fact, if we can detect it early and do the government's work well. "Wine of Eternal Life" can completely stop broadcasting.

"Don't apologize, the animation is over, it's too late to apologize now. We can't change what happened before." Xu Jing shook his head and said solemnly: "This meeting is to discuss the end of "Wine of Eternal Life" After that, let's see what else we can do?"

"Speaking of which, there are newspapers saying that we have incurred losses on this animation?" Meng Huo immediately looked at Lin Mingzhe, the person in charge of the company's assets. The license fee for the license has exceeded the cost!"

"But there are still a lot of publicity fees, right?" Meng Huo looked at Alice again. He knew that the copyright of the first broadcast had recovered the cost, but how much publicity fee was used. That's the key.

"Minister Lin has detailed data, and there is no loss. However, excluding the publicity, it is true that there is not much profit..." Alice replied. Fortunately, her investment in "Wine of Eternal Life" was not as large as in "Lelouchu the Rebellion", otherwise she would really suffer a loss.

And the media must have a certain amount of insider information. Although they judged that the loss of "Wine of Eternal Life" was not true, it would actually come true as long as Alice stepped up a little bit of publicity.

If it really becomes a loss-making work, the entire Chinese media will have to hype it vigorously--He Xi's work has never suffered a loss, and in fact this dismal result has already excited many media up.

"The situation in the future is not very optimistic. Although the audience's evaluation is very high, the dismal results will still be hyped by the media for a while." Alice paused, and then said: "This may have a negative impact on our bd sales, and The copyright of "Wine of Immortality" is not hot anymore."

Affected by the suspension of the broadcast, TV stations around the world are now very cautious about purchasing the rebroadcast copyright of "Wine of Eternal Life". very passive.

From two aspects, it seems that there is no possibility of resurrection after the end of "Wine of Eternal Life"...

"BD sales can't be counted on, and replays can't be counted on either." Xu Jing shook his head: "Why don't we just let it go like this, and we won't suffer anyway. We should still focus on "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu"?"

He looked at Meng Huo. This was Meng Huo's work, and it was Meng Huo who made the final decision.

And this is undoubtedly a very difficult decision for Meng Huo. He is very unwilling to let "The Wine of Eternal Life" fail like this, but it seems that there is indeed no way to save it. Into an endless cycle of unpopularity.

"I have a suggestion." At this time, Bai Yan suddenly said: "If you can't count on the replay, why not simply declare that there will be no replay for the next few years?"

The others looked over in astonishment. What is she talking about, isn't this a complete abandonment?

"What do you mean?" But Meng Huo seemed to know something.

"In my personal opinion, the treatment of "Wine of Eternal Life" does not match its quality. The key is that the suspension of the broadcast has too much impact." Bai Yan continued: "But its quality cannot be changed. , I believe that bd sales still have a glimmer of life."

Eiji Takashima asked strangely: "You mean that many people will buy BD?"

Bai Yan shook his head: "It's unlikely. The number of viewers who have watched this animation is not large. In any case, if the success or failure of BD is only judged from the number, "Wine of Eternal Life" will fail."

When she said this, Alice's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I understand!" She clapped her hands: "You mean to change the sales model of bd, and try to tap the potential of niche works—that is, to increase the gold content and commemorative significance of bd, right?"

Meng Huo also understood that everyone present was not stupid, and the others thought carefully. He also gradually understood Bai Yan's proposal. To put it bluntly, what she has to do is to increase the quality benefits of "Wine of Eternal Life", increase the price of bd, and sell it as a quality product.

"The idea is good, but can it be realized?" Xu Jing was a little skeptical.

"I think it's okay." Bai Yan nodded immediately: "The biggest charm of "Wine of Eternal Life" lies in its unprecedented narrative technique, which is difficult to see in other animations. They will be willing to pay more for it.”

"In this case, let's vote with a show of hands." Alice smiled, and she was the first to raise her hand: "I think it's okay too, according to Director Bai's suggestion. If we don't replay "The Story of Eternal Life" in the next few years "Wine", its value in the hearts of the audience has increased significantly, and high-priced bds can be sold."

Eiji Takashima immediately raised his hand. His reason is simple: "If I were a viewer, I would buy it." Lin Mingzhe thought for a while, and finally raised his hand, anyway, there is no other choice.

In the end, there were only Meng Huo and Xu Jing left. Naturally, there was no need to say more about Meng Huo's choice, but Xu Jing could only agree with a wry smile after seeing such a consistent situation.

In the following time, they determined the sales model of bd, and it was different from usual. In order to make the most of the popularity of "Wine of Eternal Life" before it disappeared, Phoenix Company decided not to wait any longer. A press conference was held soon.

The press conference was unexpectedly hosted by Shen Jie, and her topic has not disappeared. As a result, it attracted a large number of media as soon as it debuted.

"Shen Jie in professional clothes is so beautiful...", "Take a quick photo, tomorrow's newspaper will definitely be a bestseller"

After putting on the professional clothes, Shen Jie added a sense of solemnity that was not seen before, which made the press conference feel like chasing stars. The reporters frantically took pictures of Shen Jie, but they were not interested in the theme of the press conference up.

However, when Shen Jie announced that "Wine of Eternal Life" would not be rebroadcast for the next three years, and that bd reservations would begin immediately, many reporters were still confused.

"Wine of Eternal Life won't be replayed?", "Impossible, what happened?", "Why did the bd pre-sale start so soon!?"

When the reporters were discussing, Shen Jie unhurriedly announced the details of the BD reservation of "The Wine of Eternal Life". This announcement caused an uproar at the press conference, and everyone was dumbfounded.

It only took half a day for Phoenix Company to confirm the details of the BD reservation. The booking methods are divided into two types: telephone reservation and online reservation.

"700! Are they crazy?", "Damn it, it's only 16 episodes of animation, and it's so unpopular, the lowest price of bd is 700?"

Such a high price is simply unheard of. The price of Huaxia Animation BD used to be similar to the price of TV drama BD. An animation is only about 100 to 300. This is the price that the world has become accustomed to. 4, 500 is already very rare. works, up to 700 works - that's really unheard of.

Moreover, 700 is the lowest price. In addition to this so-called 'First Press Collector's Edition', there is a higher level of 'First Press Deluxe Collector's Edition', the price is 1000 Huaxia coins. The difference between the two versions lies in some signatures and stills inside, as well as trinkets and gifts.

A total of 70,000 sets of the two versions were sold, including 20,000 sets of the deluxe version and 50,000 sets of the collection version. The reporters calculated in their hearts, if all these bds were sold, it would be 55 million!

"Oh my god, Phoenix wants to make more than 50 million yuan once it sells BD!?", "This is much higher than the premiere rights!" While calculating the numbers, the reporters felt a chill in their hearts. The production cost of "Wine of Eternal Life" is far less than 10 million, and the licensing fee for the premiere broadcast is also less than 10 million, yet they actually want to sell bd to 50 million?

It was so far-fetched that many reporters wondered if Phoenix Company was stupid. But then, Shen Jie said another sentence to dispel the doubts of the reporters, and let them know that Phoenix Company is not stupid, but is making a big gamble.

"Not only will our company no longer authorize the broadcast of "Wine of Eternal Life" in various places within three years, but at the same time, "Wine of Eternal Life" will only release two batches of bds within ten years... That is to say, if you miss the first bd this time Now, you may have to wait a few more years to see it appear again."

These are Shen Jie's original words. Reporters are all quick-witted people. After hearing these words, how can they not understand the wrong path of Phoenix Company-they are obviously carrying out "high-quality goods" or "rare marketing", telling others If you miss "Wine of Eternal Life", it will be difficult to get it again.

Not only do you have to wait a long time to see it on TV, even the BD is sold out!

Such a crazy marketing method makes people have to sigh that Phoenix Company can really do it, but can these bds really be sold? The normal price of 70,000 sets might be fine, but with the BD priced at 700 and 1,000, plus the unpopular animation works, how can "Wine of Eternal Life" be sold?


When Zhao Meng of Star Dream heard about this, his first reaction was that it was impossible. "Wine of Eternal Life" was already a confirmed failure. How could so many local tyrants collect its BD?

But a few days later, on the first day that "Wine of Eternal Life" was officially accepted for pre-order on He Xi's Home Forum, the number of people pre-ordering BD broke through the 60,000 mark, and the deluxe version was sold out within an hour of its release. It's gone.

On the second day of the reservation, at four o'clock in the morning, all 70,000 bds of "Wine of Eternal Life" were booked, and when many people who were a little slower wanted to make a reservation, they lost their chance forever.

The sale of 55 million yuan was completed in less than two days - not only the media and reporters, but also countless animation fans were shocked.

Is "Wine of Eternal Life" so precious? (to be continued)

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