Big Manga

Chapter 913: Destroyed across the board

"Is it possible that the people who booked bd are all stupid?" On the He Xi Family forum, some members saw the hot sales of "Wine of Eternal Life", and couldn't help posting: "No matter how much you chase after Teacher He Xi There is no need to spend so much money for such a work!"

For many people who haven't watched the animation, or haven't been able to watch it, they can't understand why so many people buy the bd of "Wine of Eternal Life" at a high price.

"Is "Wine of Eternal Life" worth the money? If it is "ad" that can be sold, I still believe that such a bad film can be sold at a high price. Bar?"

People who feel unbelievable occupy the vast majority of He Xi's home forum, but this situation seems normal to other people.

"Fools, it's you who don't understand. "The Wine of Eternal Life" is not a bad movie, but a work of true conscience and the most sincere work of Mr. He Xi! It is very meaningful to collect."

""Wine of Eternal Life" looks unpopular, but the quality of the animation is solid. I have a hunch that it will become a masterpiece. Because of the unpopularity, Mr. He Xi may never produce works of similar style in the future. Since So, of course, keep it in your collection.”

"Its quality is worthy of collection, hehe, after a few years, it will be difficult for you to see—"

Although the number of viewers who have successfully finished watching "The Wine of Eternal Life" is small, this is only in comparison with He Xi's other animations. In China's super-large-scale animation audience market, the number of rare audiences gathered together is definitely not small.

If you look at the whole of China, even if the number of viewers who have watched "Wine of Eternal Life" does not exceed one million, hundreds of thousands are definitely indispensable, and these hundreds of thousands of people may be dusted in the future after hearing "Wine of Eternal Life", so naturally Will put it away immediately.

These viewers see the world differently than other people. They know that "The Wine of Eternal Life" is a genuine masterpiece with impeccable quality, although it seems a little unpopular due to chance. But future generations will certainly do it justice.

In a few years, when people discover how classic "Wine of Immortality" is. The bd of this work is no longer sold, so its value is different from other animations-the rarer something is, of course, the more valuable it is.

Out of trust in the quality of "Wine of Eternal Life", these viewers have no reason not to pre-order these high-priced BDs, whether it is for their own collection or to resell them to increase the value of BDs. Some high and junior high school students even borrow money Went to book bd.

"It's definitely not a loss, this is out of print!"

"The Wine of Eternal Life is worth the price!"

It is under such thoughts,

"Wine of Eternal Life" created a sales situation that shocked the world. And bd's rapid and hot sales also made many media re-examine "Wine of Eternal Life"-what kind of work is this?

If it is really just an unpopular and bloody animation, there is no reason for "Wine of Eternal Life" to sell such a high-priced bd, and the audience are not fools. If the quality is not good, why collect it? And if it doesn't look good, it won't become popular even if it is replayed in the future, and the bd released now won't have much value.

Many animation viewers like to pursue a "sense of accomplishment" in front of other animation fans, and some of those who pre-ordered "Wine of Eternal Life" are also like this. They expect that the bd of "Wine of Eternal Life" will become more and more popular Precious, and then you will appear superior to others.

However, the premise of all this is that they have enough confidence in "Wine of Eternal Life"!

"Could it be that it's really a hidden masterpiece?" The next day, when the original bd was scheduled to end. The thinking of some reporters and audiences changed, and they began to search for information about "Wine of Eternal Life" from various sources.

This is a curiosity brought about by an incomprehensible phenomenon. During the broadcast of "Wine of Eternal Life", many fans said good things on the Internet. But those good words are not as effective as bd's sales at the moment are more eye-catching...

After the "Wine of Eternal Life" bd was released, the biggest wave of curiosity came.

At this time, the animations of most TV stations have finished broadcasting, but there are still many videos to be found on some black channels. Usually, Phoenix Company has severely cracked down on these black scenes, but this time they chose to turn a blind eye and close one. Eye.

"Temporarily relax the monitoring of "Wine of Eternal Life" circulating on the Internet." Meng Huo also came to the game department specially for this purpose, and said to He Qian: "In this situation, it may be good for us to let it circulate for a few days .”

Of course, he will not allow "Wine of Eternal Life" to circulate on the Internet for a long time, but in a short time, he wants to satisfy people's curiosity.

Ever since, some people on the Internet found a candid and privately recorded version of "Wine of Eternal Life" without much effort. Then, driven by strong curiosity, he watched patiently.

The situation at the beginning was the same as when the "Wine of Eternal Life" animation was broadcast. Most people were really confused and couldn't stand it after watching a few episodes. I think it's a bad movie and don't watch it. However, the recorded version is more convenient than the serialized version after all, as long as you have patience. The animation can be watched in a few hours - so many people still watch it.

After the first group of people read it, a wave of climax posts appeared on the He Xi Family forum that night.

"Fuck, I regret it! Why am I so stupid, "Wine of Eternal Life" is really super classic!", "Finally finished watching it in one afternoon, it is so hearty! The narrative technique of this animation is very dizzying at first , but once you get used to it, it feels like having sex, it’s amazing!", "It turns out that animation can be shot like this--Mr. He Xi, I kneel down to you!"

Before the shock caused by bd's sales had passed, these posts immediately aroused even greater repercussions as soon as they were published.

"Nimma, can't you? Is it really so good-looking!?"

"Really, the narrative technique of the animation is amazing. After you get used to those messy shots, you will find it super charming, and the plot is full of excitement. After watching the whole animation, my brain seems to be developed, and I feel that the whole world has changed. It has to be widened."

"The more you say it, the more amazing it is, I don't believe it..."

"I don't believe it either, fool you. You idiots continue to fool you..."

"You idiot! You are an idiot! If you don't believe me, go see it! If you don't feel good after reading it, come to me, and I'll stay here as a 'Ruyi Little White Horse'. Welcome to face! If you If you feel amazing, come back and apologize to me!"

A member named "Ruyi Little White Horse" insisted on his own ideas. I specially opened a slap in the face post, and welcome others to refute and slap him after watching "Wine of Eternal Life". After him, fans of "Wine of Eternal Life" also ran out one after another.

"Add me, I said a few weeks ago that "Wine of Eternal Life" is amazing, but a bunch of people scolded me... I am also standing here, welcome those who questioned me to watch "Wine of Eternal Life", Welcome to slap in the face!"

"Haha. I'm coming too!"

"The landlord adds my name, let's rectify the name of "Wine of Eternal Life" together!"

Within half an hour, hundreds of people who supported "Wine of Eternal Life" appeared in the post of "Ruyi Little White Horse". They stood in line for the animation together, and then challenged others—the post became popular immediately , a large number of members of He Xi's House ran in.

In addition to curious people, there are also many people who come to join in the fun. Seeing this kind of slap in the face, more than ten times more "opponents" than supporters left a message in the post, and they supported "" People who wrote "Wine of Eternal Life" were called the 'White Horse Party'. He vowed to swell the faces of a group of 'White Horse Party'.

"Face slaps! I like face slaps the most. Just wait, I'll watch "Wine of Eternal Life" right away. Then I will judge it as worthless..." A person named 'Mashoe Shuang' jumped up and down as a representative, thinking He is also the head of the party that wants to hit the face, known as the 'Horseshoe Party'.

Subsequently, thousands of Horseshoe Party members established several chat groups, and then spread the resources of "Wine of Eternal Life" through the chat groups.

"Brothers, watch the animation carefully and pick out reasonable dissatisfaction. We have to subdue the faces of those White Horse Party, so that they have no excuses for sophistry.", "That's right. You can't make up and make up shame Now see!"

In the fiery atmosphere, the leader 'Mashoe Shuang' began to watch through the video address in the group.

Although the name of "horseshoe cool" is vulgar. But in the real world, he is a graduate student of a well-known science and technology university, and he is busy doing boring experiments on weekdays. The only hobby is to make waves on the Internet and vent the boredom of life.

"I didn't expect that there are still idiots who take the initiative to stick their faces in front of others..." He thought so, picked up a pen in his hand, and laughed: "It's not easy to find the shortcomings of an animation, they are everywhere. what!"

Especially "Wine of Eternal Life", as a senior animation fan, Mashoe Shuang also followed two episodes of this animation when it first aired. He knew that the plot of "Wine of Eternal Life" was chaotic and full of shortcomings.

"The picture is bloody, the plot is violent, the camera shakes, and the narrative is not light... I'm afraid, I haven't started watching it yet, why have I written so much!" Ma Zhishuang listened to the first episode of "The Wine of Eternal Life" The opening song of the cartoon, while laughing, this is too simple, just relying on the first two episodes in his memory can find countless flaws.

When he writes down a few full pages, and then puts them all on the Internet tomorrow, he won't be able to take care of the lives of those White Horse Party slaps in the face!

Horseshoe Shuang is secretly happy, but although his purpose is evil, his attitude in doing things is very correct. This time, he watched "Wine of Eternal Life" very seriously. If he can't convince the other party, it will be too unfulfilling .

He was really bored watching the animation, but he persisted. The chaos and gore in the first few episodes alone made Mashoe Shuang write down a lot of judgments, and his notebook even turned the pages.

But that's all. When the animation of "Wine of Eternal Life" saw the sixth episode, Mashoe Shuang's mentality changed a little.

"It's not as bad as I thought..."

As he thought about it, his movements slowed down a lot. After the chaotic baptism of the previous episodes, Mashoe Shuang seems to be able to feel that the animated scenes are not as chaotic as he imagined, and there seems to be a wonderful connection between these scenes where time and space alternate.

When watching the ninth episode, Ma Xishuang took a sip of water, but when he didn't notice, after drinking the water, he stopped writing the pen.

He didn't notice this. In fact, he had already been pulled into its world by "Wine of Eternal Life"—in the twelfth episode, Mashoe Shuang's back began to sweat, and his palms were clenched. In the thirteenth episode, the roommate in the dormitory turned off the lights and went to sleep, but his eyes did not leave the computer.

In the fourteenth episode, his expression became tense, and his heart was pulled because of the crisis in the animation. In the fifteenth episode, he showed a pleasant smile on his face, and the plot turned to the enlightened time at the most dangerous time, which is really a bright future.

The sixteenth episode, this is the last episode. After the animation of this episode was finished, Mashoe Shuang laughed loudly: "It's really enjoyable!"

He slapped his hands and stood up, then froze, and suddenly realized that something was wrong—what happened to him, didn't he want to find fault with "Wine of Eternal Life"? Why do you think it looks good? ?

"But this plot is really exciting..." But he couldn't help thinking that it was so cool. The narrative technique of "Wine of Eternal Life" is very interesting, like a jigsaw puzzle. The feeling that the story of the camera began to be pieced together gave him a sense of satisfaction of successfully guessing a riddle and completing a difficult job.

Fantastic storytelling technique...

Looking down at the notes in his hand again, Mashoe Shuang found that the shortcomings he wrote were not shortcomings, such as bloody and violent, in fact, it is precisely because of these elements, coupled with fragmentary camera flashes, that the animation makes people feel exciting and exciting. readily.

"No, no, can I be confused!" Mashoe Shuang felt that it was not good, and quickly squeezed his hand to calm himself down: "Let's read it again, this time we must find the flaw... um , by the way, I still don't understand the plot."

He will never admit that he wants to watch "Wine of Immortality" again, there is no magic in this animation, and it is definitely, definitely not the kind of movie that will force the audience to watch it a second time to solve all the mysteries after watching it the first time animation...

"Yes, I'm here to find flaws..."

Mashoe Shuang said so, and was sucked into the world of "Wine of Eternal Life" again.

And the next night, when Mashuishuang came back to his senses, he had already read "Wine of Eternal Life" twice, but his notes did not record the shortcomings of "Wine of Eternal Life", but recorded the shortcomings of "Wine of Eternal Life". The puzzles he unraveled and the timeline of the story.

The entire "Wine of Eternal Life" has become a complete story with a clear timeline in his mind, and he can no longer escape his own psychology...

Ma Zhishuang looked at the chat group. In the last few hours of chatting, nearly half of the replies were ellipses like "...". In addition to the ellipsis, there were many others like "I still won't participate in this face-slapping.", "I think it's better to apologize." Such discouraged words.

Horseshoe Party, defeated across the board——(to be continued)

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