Big Manga

Chapter 918: Can't Miss

In August, on the eve of the carnival, Meng Huo and other cartoonists in Ninghai took the high-speed train to Suhua. Along with them were some relatives of the cartoonists, and the total number exceeded Meng Huo's expectations—their line occupied the entire high-speed rail car.

"Teacher, will you take the subway after getting off the bus later?"

Before arriving, Tomato asked Meng Huo.

"No, the cartoonists take the car, and the family members take the subway..." Meng Huo replied. In the past, the cartoonists took the subway to transfer to the comic island. Vehicles ready for pick-up.

Of course, the cartoonists were traveling by car, so there was no way for a large number of family members, but they were also led by special personnel, so there would be no accidents.

"The car is slower than the subway..." However, if Tomato had to choose, he would rather choose the subway. In a big city like Suhua, taking the car is more troublesome than the subway.

"It can't be helped, after all, there is no subway station in Manga Island." Said on the side: "We have to get out of the subway station in University City, and then transfer to a boat to go there. Last year, there were many reporters, and this year will definitely be more troublesome. ..."

Although the speed of the subway is fast, because there is no subway station in Manga Island, cartoonists are hard to guard against when they change transportation in the university town. Once they are surrounded by a large number of reporters, it will be difficult to escape—not to mention this/ Ci Menghuo was present.

"What about me?" Li Qin asked worriedly, "How can I get there?"

Meng Huo smiled: "Mom, you ride with me in the car."

Although Li Qin is also a family member, she is no less important in the eyes of reporters than other cartoonists themselves, and it is dangerous to follow other family members. Of course Meng Huo wanted to bring her with him - and the other cartoonists did not object to this.

Meng Huo's identity is a bit special. Besides being a cartoonist. He is also the vice president of Phoenix Company, and other cartoonists generally hold him in awe in their hearts. Although many people came to ask him for autographs along the way, the cartoonists kept their relatives in check and did not let them trouble Meng Huo.

After arriving in Suhua, before leaving the station, Meng Huo saw some reporters from a distance. These reporters also quickly noticed their presence, especially Meng Huo's figure, and ran over one after another. However, in addition to these reporters, there were many black-clothed bodyguards present at the ticket gates.

Meng Huo divided the cartoonists and their relatives into two teams, and then quickly walked out with Li Qin. Before the reporters rushed over, the route opened by the bodyguards went out. Apart from these bodyguards, the high-speed rail station Some guards also helped to stop the reporters, allowing them to reach the parking lot smoothly.

But despite this, the cartoonists were still sweating when they got in the car.

"It's terrible!", "The female reporter just grabbed my clothes!", "It's better to take a car"

The reporters also caused a lot of trouble to the cartoonists on the way. Everyone's thoughts changed immediately. In this situation, it is obviously better to take a car. Otherwise, they would have to be blocked after exiting the subway exit in the university city.

"Sister Qin, are you not injured?" Teacher Hua Meng asked Li Qin nervously. Li Qin and Meng Huo were at the front just now, and it was also the place where most reporters harassed her.

"It's okay." Li Qin shook her head. Her and Meng Huo's bodyguards were also the strongest. Although a reporter almost rushed in from the bodyguard's defense, Meng Huo pushed him outside.

"Is that reporter okay?" She asked Meng Huo worriedly, "Did he fall after you pushed him out?" Li Qin was in a panic at the time, surrounded by noisy inquiries from reporters. Didn't notice what happened to the reporter after he was pushed out.

Meng Huo nodded: "No problem, I have my sense of proportion."

Li Qin breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked strangely: "When did you become so strong?"

She remembered clearly that the reporter was a very strong man with a hulking back. If he was not strong, he would not be able to break through the hands of the bodyguards.

When such a strong man walked in, Li Qin was really scared, but he didn't expect his son to see it, and he just pushed him with one hand, and the man couldn't hold himself back.

"It's really amazing, Mr. He Xi, I saw it too..." Wang Yanmeng's eyes flashed out: "How did you push that person away?" Many cartoonists also looked over, then Many people saw the side scene, and many people exclaimed at the time, they never expected that the seemingly frail Meng Huo would have such great strength.

"It's not so amazing." Meng Huo said with a smile: "At that time, he rushed too fast and couldn't stand stably, so I pushed him away. You can do it too."

Wang Yanmeng was suddenly disappointed: "That's it..."

But this is indeed the best explanation, and the strangeness in the hearts of the cartoonists has also eased a lot. Only Li Qin still looked suspicious. Stability should also be forward, not backward.

There is no doubt that her son was pushed away - although Li Qin knew that Meng Huo was in good health and was exercising, she still couldn't believe that he could push such a tall man away with one hand.

This caused Li Qin to look at Meng Huo with very strange eyes along the way, and pat him on the arm from time to time, wondering if the kid had learned some martial arts or joined a fitness club.

But how could he have this time—when she was full of confusion, the bus carrying the cartoonists soon arrived at the intersection of the bridge leading to Manga Island, and the cartoonists on the bus became lively again.

"Why is it not moving? There are many cars around!", "Is there a traffic jam?", "It's not a traffic jam, it's traffic control!"

The bus is unable to move under the bridge, and the front is full of cars. However, this is not a traffic jam, but a traffic control-several police cars are parked at the intersection of the bridge, and the traffic police are rhythmically letting the cars that want to go to Manga Island leave here. road.

"Teacher He Xi, is it impossible to pass through here?" Someone asked Meng Huo.

Meng Huo shook his head: "It's not that it's impossible to pass, odd numbers are banned today, and Manga Island is during the carnival period. Only vehicles with odd or even number plates are allowed to enter * every day. Otherwise, it won't be able to bear it inside."

The Manga Island Carnival attracts a large number of tourists. However, the capacity of road vehicles on the island is limited. If all vehicles are allowed to enter for so many tourists, it will not only seriously hinder the activities of tourists, but also easily cause traffic accidents.

In fact, even if the vehicles are allowed to pass, they will still be subject to new traffic controls on the island. The main streets and event holding areas do not allow any foreign vehicles to drive during the carnival, ensuring the smooth flow of the road and the safety of tourists. .

"Oops, isn't this car an odd number?" Someone thought of the license plate of the bus. It also belongs to the single number plate that is banned today.

"It doesn't matter." Meng Huo said with a smile: "Our company's cars are not counted." Sure enough, five minutes after he finished speaking, when the bus slowly moved to the entrance of the bridge, the traffic police checked the license plate, and it was very simple. Let go.

After years of operation, Phoenix Company has also established a good relationship with the Suhua City Government, so all departments will try their best to cooperate with the activities held by Manga Island. Last year, the tax revenue brought by Manga Island and Phoenix Company to Suhua City was The city's enterprises rank among the top ten and will continue to grow in the future. It is strange that Suhua City does not value them.

But there is more than one entrance to Manga Island, just as Meng Huo and the others entered Manga Island. A group of angels and some clannad artists also lined up under the bridge on the other side.

Unlike here, the clannad team wasn't surprised by traffic restrictions. Several members of the Angel even surrounded Jiang Tianshi, ignoring the traffic conditions outside, staring at the tablet computer in his hand.

A live interview was broadcasting on the computer, which was broadcast live by Suhua TV Station on the Internet, and the real interview with the voice actor Xia Chuan.

"This girl is getting longer and more beautiful!", "The girl has changed at eighteen, she is not yet eighteen, her figure is getting better and better...", "Quickly ask her figure, oops!", " Can you stop being so embarrassing!"

A female cartoonist patted a young man on the head, the young man let out a cry, and then muttered that he didn't dare to say such words again.

However, even if he didn't say anything, you can still see a lot of similar provocative bullet screens on the video interface broadcast on the tablet, such as "Host, do you really have a D-hood?", "Miss Real, what do you usually eat? I have grown up so much in the past year!", "Lolita is about to become Yujie, and my mouth is watering..." Such borderline bullet screens can be seen everywhere.

The reason for such a scene is that this interview is a live interview, and the audience on the Internet can ask questions, and then the host will tell Xia Chuan the truth and ask her to answer.

Of course, online viewers have no morals, but the host of the show is very calm and only chooses appropriate questions to ask. Moreover, the interview has been broadcast for half an hour, and it is almost over, so there are not many questions to ask.

"The last two questions, one is a question that your fans want to know very much. I heard that Phoenix's voice actor agency has opened in Tokyo. Will Miss Real use Tokyo as the main venue for her activities in the future?"

The host asked, since Shen Jie announced the news of her job change, seiyuu fans all over the world have become a lot more sensitive, and they have also become quite nervous about Xia Chuanzhen and Long Xue's actions.

"It won't be like this." Xia Chuan really knew what the host meant, and said with a smile: "The opening of the Tokyo office has indeed brought me a lot of convenience, and I can go home more often in the future, but my office in the mainland The show won't change."

This answer was enough to make many fans feel relieved, and the host nodded in satisfaction.

"The last one, this may not be your major, but today is a special day. It is both the eve of the carnival and the end day of "Rebellious Lelouch." The host said: "Today "Rebellious Lelouch" The ending chapter of the novel is undoubtedly a topic that everyone cares about, can Miss Zhen be present to do some spoilers?"

Xia Chuanzhen was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "This is too difficult for me, if I say so, Teacher He Xi will definitely be angry."

The host laughed and said, "Are you very afraid that Teacher He Xi will be angry? Well then, even if it's not a spoiler, you must have finished watching the animation. Can you tell us how you feel about the ending?"

Xia Chuanzhen did finish watching the animation while dubbing. For a long period of time a few months ago, the dubbing of Phoenix Company was available or not, but this situation has changed recently. In order to further To improve the quality of dubbing, the firm has set a new standard, that is, animation samples will be required for future dubbing.

In fact, this is also the manifestation of the firm’s start of independent operation. Before separating from the head office, the position of the firm is often under the animation production department. The animation department can submit samples late at will, and the firm must ensure cooperation—— Now the firm has the ability to ask the animation production department to pass the samples within the specified time, otherwise they have reasons to miss the 'serialization time'.

This phenomenon actually represents the improvement of the animation quality of Phoenix Company. Previously, because there were few directors and many emergencies, Meng Huo couldn't care less. However, now that several directors have joined, he no longer has to worry about the speed of animation production, but can also put forward higher requirements for the quality of dubbing.

"Hmm..." Xia Chuanzhen hesitated for a while, if he wanted to talk about his feeling, wouldn't it be a spoiler if he said it? But the host had to answer the question. After thinking for more than ten seconds, he said, "Sorry, I still can't spoil the spoiler, but..."

She paused for a moment, then smiled: "I suggest everyone prepare tissues while watching the last episode of "Lelouch the Rebellion"."

"Tissue, what does this mean?" The host smelled something different and immediately became excited: "It's very tear-jerking? Doesn't that mean... a tragedy? The last episode of "The Rebellious Lelouch" has a tragic ending?"

"I didn't say that." Xia Chuanzhen shook his head and said with a smile, "I think the ending is great!"

"Is that a comedy?" The host looked surprised, but when the interview time came, she couldn't continue to ask. After she turned around and bid farewell to the audience, the song that ended the show sounded on the video.

"Hey! Is this the end?", "What happened to the last two lines of dialogue!?", "Is it a comedy or a tragedy!"

Although the show ended, the video barrage did not stop. Xia Chuanzhen's answer to the last question was too incomprehensible, leaving an interesting mystery in the minds of all viewers.

"Is this intentional?" Looking at the tablet computer, Jiang Tianshi thought for the first time, whether the question just now was deliberately teased by the TV station.

However, what kind of ending will "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu" usher in? This question is indeed very attractive. After hearing Xia Chuan's real words, even Jiang Tianshi is a little curious and anxious-today's animation cannot be missed. (To be continued...) I1292

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