Big Manga

Chapter 919: Stage

The carnival has not yet opened, but the manga island has already been dressed up.

Tourists can be seen everywhere standing on the street to take pictures and tasting the cartoon-style snacks unique to Manga Island. Everyone has a smile on their faces. In addition to the many part-time college students in costumes handing out leaflets, the streets are crowded with people. Li Qin feels that now It's no different from a carnival.

"Hey, there are so many people, they won't be squeezed to death tomorrow!" Standing on the balcony of Meng Huo's apartment and looking down at the street, she said in surprise, "At this time last year, the number of people on the street was less than what it is now. half?"

Meng Huo said with a smile: "This year the situation is quite different."

"what's the difference?"

"Lelouch of the Rebellion!" Meng Huo replied: "Today is the end of the animation, that's why so many people appeared on the manga island. There are more people on the eve of this year's carnival than last year, but after the carnival is officially held , the numbers will not become unbearable."

Phoenix Company has already grasped the number of tourists from the surrounding hotel reservations. The number of people in this year's carnival has increased by three levels compared with last year, but it has not reached the capacity limit of Manga Island. Crowd density is comparable to last year.

It's just because "The Rebellious Lelouch" aired its final episode on the eve of the carnival, which attracted many viewers to come early.

"I really don't know why this animation is so popular, Li Qin said with emotion, in her opinion, "Rebellious Lelouch" is too dark, far less bright than "clannad", but the popularity is not much different.

Of course, "clannad" is also a popular animation. It is impossible for it to be popular after several years of popularity. However, because of the special company and production team. Neither Fenghuang nor Zhongxia will classify it as their own work.

This is also the reason why Zhongxia Company was unable to use "clannad" to suppress "Lelouchu the Rebellion" in the past few months. The original works of the two animations are He Xi, and it will show He Xi's strength if he insists on confrontation.

"Speaking of "clannad", mother..." Meng Huo was about to have a good chat with Li Qin about "clannad", but before he could finish speaking, the doorbell rang.

Li Qin quickly turned around and walked towards the living room: "They are finally here!"

Opening the door of the apartment, several familiar figures appeared in front of him, Alice, Shen Jie, and Xia Chuan's mother and daughter. The first two were regular customers, and the latter two were people Li Qin hadn't seen for a long time. She really misses it terribly.

"Miss Liangzi, and the real girl, it's not easy to see you once."

Li Qin smiled at Xia Chuan's mother and daughter.

"Long time no see, Sister Qin." Xia Chuanliangzi bowed her head and said hello to Li Qin. She hadn't seen Li Qin for a long time, almost a year, so she was very happy to receive the invitation to lunch today: "Really, say hello."

"Auntie, I miss you so much." Xia Chuanzhen hugged Li Qin expertly. Li Qin was slightly taken aback, and then smiled at Xia Chuanzhen's head: "You girl has also grown into a big girl."

Meng Huo couldn't help looking at Xia Chuanzhen's mouth holding Li Qin, and he hasn't seen him for several months. It seems that she has grown into a big girl.

"Cough!" Shen Jie coughed in Meng Huo's ear, and Meng Huo immediately averted his eyes.

"Okay. Come in, my mother has already prepared lunch." He let four women in, and Alice was the last one. When she passed by, Meng Huo asked in a low voice, "Did you tell them you Just live across the street?"

Alice smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I won't reveal my secrets."

She lifted her feet and walked towards the living room. Meng Huo also walked back after closing the door, seeing that Xia Chuanzhen and Li Qin had already gotten along well, while Shen Jie and Xia Chuan Liangzi were skillfully putting the warming food on the table from the kitchen. .

"It's true that you just finished the interview this morning, right?" Meng Huo asked before eating.

"Yeah." Xia Chuanzhen nodded: "There were a lot of reporters in the dormitory, and they were almost blocked when they came back."

As the carnival approaches, all the voice actors of Phoenix Company have returned to Manga Island one after another,

Speaking of the place with the most reporters in Manga Island, it is of course the voice actor agency and the dormitory where the voice actors live. This is a good day for the annual "Seiyuu Binding", and the reporters cannot miss the opportunity to interview.

Meng Huo smiled: "Then are you tired? Do you have time this afternoon?"

"Not tired, this afternoon?" Xia Chuan said truthfully, "It's rest time in the afternoon. Is there anything you want me to do?"

She looked at Meng Huo with blinking eyes, as if looking forward to it. Meng Huo turned to look at Xia Chuan Liangzi who had just come out of the kitchen: "Miss Liangzi, since there are no activities this afternoon, how about you and her to accompany my mother to the city?"

Ryoko Xia Chuan placed the chopsticks: "There is no problem with the time, but it is safe..."

"Don't worry about that." Meng Huo said, "I will arrange bodyguards to protect you."

He was very busy with work in the afternoon, and Li Qin would be at the carnival with Teacher Huameng and the others tomorrow. She wanted to go to the city early to buy some gifts for the old lady of the Meng family. go.

They haven't seen each other for a long time, and their relationship is not bad.

As for the bodyguards, there is no need to worry. Although Manga Island is short of manpower, Li Qin's arrival unexpectedly caused the old lady to send some bodyguards. In addition, Xia Chuanzhen also has his own bodyguard team, so there is no problem in terms of safety.

Xia Chuanliangzi thought for a while: "That's okay!" She hadn't rested for a long time, the half day before the carnival was a rare rest time, and it was a good thing to take her daughter to go shopping like ordinary people.

At this time, Alice turned her head to look at Shen Jie: "You follow, Shen Jie."

Li Qin was immediately happy: "Is Shen Jie coming too?"

However, Shen Jie looked shocked: " don't need me, I still have work in the afternoon."

"It doesn't matter if you take a break from work, and you are not alone now." Alice said, "You have been busy recently, so take a break in the afternoon. You must know that you will be busy again from tomorrow."

Shen Jie helped a lot during the preparatory period of the carnival, and after the carnival started, she had to shoulder the responsibility of a voice actor, so Alice thought it was just time to take this opportunity to let her relax. Not tense all day long.

Of course, another important reason is that if Shen Jie follows. The safety of Li Qin and the others is guaranteed. Shen Jie also noticed this. Li Qin and Xia Chuan really went out shopping in this kind of period, which really made her a little worried, and she could deal with emergencies by being there.

"Okay then!" She nodded and agreed, while Xia Chuanzhen looked at Meng Huo curiously: "Aren't you going, brother?"

"I have something to do in the afternoon." Meng Huo replied with a smile. This afternoon is a rest time for many people, but for him, his carnival has already begun.

Xia Chuanzhen immediately understood: "Is it the end event of "The Rebellious Lelouchu"?"

"Yeah." Meng Huo nodded. Many of the fans outside arrived at Manga Island in advance for that event, as the first program of the carnival. Meng Huo also had to prepare carefully.

"I really want to see it!" Xia Chuanzhen's eyes lit up.

"Then let's see when you come back!" Meng Huo said with a smile. At this time, the food was already on the table. He beckoned everyone to sit down, and then said: "Don't play for too long, come back before six o'clock in the afternoon. See my activity."

"If you can come back before five o'clock..." Alice added, "then you can even watch the last episode of "Lelouch the Rebellion"."

Although Shen Jie and Xia Chuanzhen must have watched the last episode of animation, the feeling of watching it on TV is definitely not as good as watching it on Manga Island. Today Manga Island will hold a large-scale screening, and that kind of scene is hard to come by. Chance came across.

In the afternoon, after Li Qin and the others left, Meng Huo and the others began to prepare.

And in the largest square in Manga Island. A huge stage has been set up, and the background is a huge poster of Lu Luxiu, the protagonist of "Lelouch the Rebellion". On the poster, Lu Luxiu is wearing an emperor costume, which is very impressive.

"Wow, Teacher He Xi doesn't want to dress up as Lu Luxiu to perform here, does he?" Seeing this scene, the angels who were eating and wandering around couldn't help but exclaimed, and whistled: "This It's too shameful!"

"I don't think he should be like this..." Another young man pushed his glasses and said, "Wouldn't it be a way for the media to do that, Emperor Lu Luxiu is not a kind image, it should be just a poster. "

However, some female members said: "If Teacher He Xi can really dress like this, it must be very suitable for the preferences of female fans."

Jiang Tianshi didn't care about this poster, it's just a poster. It's unnecessary for these partners to associate it so far. The poster of "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu" should have used Lu Luxiu's image, and the emperor's clothes also fit the plot develop.

"The Rebellious Lelouch" had a shocking turn in the past few weeks. Lelouch killed his parents himself, but transformed himself into the emperor of Britannia, the country he hates the most. Now it is unfolding War to conquer the world.

To be honest, this change surprised Jiang Tianshi, and it also made "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu" conservative and controversial in recent weeks. Some fans were very excited because Lu Luxiu became the emperor, and some fans began to hate Lu Luxiu because of this change. Lu Xiu—after all, no matter how cruel he was in the past, what he did was to help the weak against the powerful, but now he has become the powerful, and the role positioning seems to have undergone a polar change from the style of the animation at the beginning.

"Rebellious Lelouch" has now completely turned into an animation without justice and only with desire, and now it can maintain its high popularity, in the final analysis, because of the still wonderful portrayal of war and resourcefulness.

"Could there be any surprises in the last episode?" Originally, Jiang Tianshi had lost interest in "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu", but after watching Xia Chuan's real interview in the morning, his thoughts changed, and this The huge stage seems to be telling him that the ending of the animation will not be simple.

Although this stage is a temporary stage, it was built very well, and all kinds of facilities are top-notch instruments. It can be seen that Phoenix Company has devoted all its efforts to it. With such a lot of effort, and choosing a square that can accommodate the largest number of spectators, it will definitely be a grand event.

He Xi seldom holds events for the end of the animation. Although this year happened to be a carnival, if the ending of "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu" is not good enough, Jiang Tianshi believes that he will definitely not spend so much trouble.

"It must be very interesting here in the evening..." Jiang Tianshi thought so, and then suddenly saw some reporters walking from outside the square carrying equipment, he quickly patted the shoulders of other members, and then walked outside with his hat pressed down.

"There are still more than three hours before the broadcast of the animation, and the start of the event is four hours, why are reporters here so early?", "Yes, I was shocked, don't be recognized!"

The angels were surprised that the media came to prepare under the stage so early. Fortunately, there were also a lot of tourists in the square. Under the cover of these people, they were able to leave the square smoothly.

When they left the square, they also found more media vehicles parked on the road, and reporters and cameramen were moving their cameras outside. This event obviously received extraordinary attention.

"Why are there so many media?", "Do you know what will be performed on this stage? I only know that Teacher He Xi will appear!"

The angels were very puzzled. In fact, the only thing announced on this stage was the message of "The Ending Celebration of "Lelouch of the Rebellion"", and He Xi's appearance was "leaked" from Phoenix Company. , No one knows exactly what to do on the stage.

"Teacher He Xi alone can attract so much media."

Jiang Tianshi said lightly, who is He Xi! Last month's "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" and the recent "Wine of Eternal Life", the news in these two months pushed He Xi's attention to the extreme. When they heard that he was going to appear on the stage, the media from all over the world would of course flocked.

What's more, this is a stage, and the stage is used for performances. No matter how you look at it, He Xi will show a song on it, no matter what it is, but even if it is playing the piano, it has not been seen for a long time.

Combining these factors, it is not surprising that the reporters seized the best shooting positions, and it would be even more serious if something unexpected happened on the stage today.

"But what are these trucks?"

But at the same time, what puzzled Jiang Tianshi was that there were still many large trucks more than 20 meters long parked on the roadside around the square. The doors and compartments of the large trucks were tightly closed. near.

These trucks were obviously not brought by the reporters. The body of the truck had the logo of the Phoenix Company. Could it be possible that there was something inside?

Jiang Tianshi was very curious, but he was not the only one who was curious. A reporter also walked over to ask, but the bodyguards kept silent. When the reporter wanted to go further, he was driven out mercilessly by the bodyguards.

"Wouldn't there be Lu Luxiu's surroundings there?"

"How could there be so many cars equipped with peripherals? This car is too big, and the peripherals of one car can't be sold out!" (to be continued...) I1292

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