Big Manga

Chapter 921: Preference

At the same time, in order for all tourists not to miss the end of "Lelouch the Rebellion", the shops in Manga Island have prepared TVs, and even in the streets and squares, the advertisements of Suhua TV can be seen on the big screens. (800)∑, ..

The final chapter of "The Rebellious Lelouch" is the most important thing today. Most of the tourists choose to go shopping on the street while waiting for the animation to be broadcast. However, there are also some fans sitting on the ground in the crowded square. Waited before going down the mountain.

"This scene is really spectacular!" At four o'clock in the afternoon, a group of junior high school students appeared outside the square, and were stunned by the scene inside.

There is still plenty of time, but the square the size of half a football field is already densely packed with people, bustling everywhere. However, the strange thing is that these people sat very neatly, one row after another, as if they had been allocated, and there were empty passages every ten meters for the people inside to come in and out.

"It's amazing, it's like a pre-arranged team!" Lin Dong took out his mobile phone to take pictures of the crowd in the square, and several students around him also made the same move, and a boy said: " This is actually a pre-arranged team!"

However, a girl who knew the inside story shook her head: "That's not true, this is everyone's spontaneous action, and I have seen it in Ninghai."

The team in this square will surprise everyone who sees it with its excellent order, but in fact this is not surprising at all. He Xi’s fans have many years of experience in organizing such activities, and there will be many fan meetings when people gather to watch cartoons. Stand up and keep order.

Moreover, most of the fans who came to Manga Island were senior fans, and they would not allow others to mess up the order—Ms. He Xi managed to hold an event, and no one wanted to mess things up.

"Too many people. We should have come here sooner." Lin Dong looked around for a while. Can't help complaining. They didn't come here because of the hot weather before, but now the square is full of people, and they don't know where to sit down.

The girl just glanced at it, then stretched out her finger and pointed to one side: "Look over there, there seems to be room over there."

The rest of the children turned their heads and saw that there was a gathering place for girls in that direction. There were more than six floors of this plaza full of female fans, and it was obvious that He Xi's fans were composed. But the camp of female fans. Lin Dong and the boys felt a little guilty.

"Let's go, it's okay!" Another girl stood up, encouraging Lin Dong and the others to walk over.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the female fans' camp, and the two girls walked over and asked, "Sisters, can we sit here?"


welcome! "The female fans quickly agreed, and when they saw Lin Dong and the others, they enthusiastically vacated their seats: "I mean the two little*sisters*sisters, and these little brothers*brothers. Did you come here by yourself? "

Seeing that the other party was a junior high school student, the female fans here were very curious—but if Lin Dong and the others were a little older. Maybe they won't allow them to stay so simply.

"Yes, because it's summer vacation!", "We are classmates in the same class!", "My grandma's house is here..."

The junior high school students replied that they were all classmates in the same class, and they just came to participate in the carnival together during the summer vacation. txt e-book download/As for why there is no guardian, it is because Lin Dong's grandma's house is in Suhua, and they all live there, and have to go back every night.

"Your parents are really nice!"

After listening to the answer, many female fans immediately became envious. They were not so free when they were young, but they still reminded Lin Dong and the others that the carnival starting tomorrow is full of distracted people, and they should be more careful not to get lost at such a young age. up.

"No problem." However, Lin Dong was not worried about this problem at all: "Tomorrow, an adult will come to watch us."

During the carnival, their parents certainly wouldn't let them do anything, but the carnival hasn't started yet, and there won't be as many people in Manga Island as in the next two days, so it's okay for these little friends to come here by themselves.

"Sisters came to Manga Island so early, is it also because of "Lelouch the Rebellion"?" asked the boy next to Lin Dong.

A college student-like female fan immediately laughed: "Of course, everyone in this square is a fan of "Lelouch the Rebel", but apart from this, we also want to meet Teacher He Xi."

"Will Teacher He Xi show up?" Lin Dong's eyes lit up immediately, he didn't know about it.

The female fan nodded: "It will definitely appear after the animation is finished. This stage is prepared for him... Otherwise, how could Phoenix Company build a stage to broadcast the animation?"

Lin Dong was a little excited: "I really want to meet Teacher He Xi."

"Me too!" The other junior high school students said excitedly, they didn't expect to meet Teacher He Xi today, it was a surprise.

"It's a good thing to look forward to, but you guys have to be polite later and don't make trouble." At this time, a die-hard female fan of He Xi said: "Mr. I will run over to check the news, but I always see someone making trouble."

Lin Dong and the others quickly promised not to cause trouble: "We will watch quietly!"

"You can yell when it's time to yell..." A girl with glasses put a few packs of snacks in front of Lin Dong and the others: "Don't be too restrained, the meaning of making trouble is to go out and make a fuss, and you'll be fine if you sit here. "

She paused here, and added: "Of course... Before Teacher He Xi comes on stage, we have to finish watching "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu". You can't make loud noises while watching the animation...I'm sorry." The ending of this episode of animation is very curious, if it disturbs me to watch the animation, I will drive you out."

She said the last sentence with a cold face, and her tone was quite heavy, which made the junior high school students shrink their heads and nod hastily.

The girl quickly laughed again. She comforted the children, and then asked, "Have you watched Xia Chuan's real interview at noon?"

The boy next to Lin Dong nodded immediately: "I read it, but I don't feel like spoilers at all."

"Idiot. Xia Chuan really said to prepare tissues. This is already the biggest spoiler." The college student-like female fan took out a box of tissues from her bag. Said: "I am all ready, I feel that this episode will definitely be a tragedy."

The girl shook her head: "Impossible, Xia Chuan really said it's not a tragedy."

"That must be a lie, she just didn't dare to tell it directly, in order not to scare us away!" The college student said: "If the ending is a tragedy, how many people should she scare away after telling it!"

"Really?" The girl was a little shaken: "Doesn't that mean that Lu Luxiu will be defeated by Nunnally?"

At this time, other fans also heard this topic and moved their heads over.

"I don't think it's possible. I've been looking forward to this episode for a long time, and there's no sign of Luluxiu being defeated by Nunnally!" A woman said, "In the last episode, he gave away his strongest enemy, Schneizel. Defeated, losing to Nunnally is too unrealistic."

Schnazel is Luluxiu's elder brother and the prime minister of Britannia. He is the only one in the play who can beat Luluxiu in chess, and he is also the most intelligent enemy. The plot in the past few weeks was even more sudden. Schneizel controlled the Black Knights supported by Lu Luxiu to fight against Lu Luxiu, which made many fans hate this person.

At one time, many people thought that Lu Luxiu's final outcome was to lose to Schneizel just like playing chess, but unexpectedly, it was just last week. Lelouch defeated Schneizel with an overwhelming intelligence - and it was unmistakable.

"The plot where Lelouch defeated Schneizel in the last episode was so cool, I don't think he will lose to Nunnally either!"

Immediately there was support for the woman's point of view. And there is more than one person: "Lelouchu has seen Schneizel through, his resourcefulness is already well-deserved number one in the animation, if he still loses to Nunnally, there is really no one other than dog blood." explained!"

"But don't forget one thing." The girl frowned and said, "Lelouchi is a sister-in-law, everything he does is for Nunali."

After these words came out, many fans around were a little dumbfounded. The stage of the second season of "Lelouch the Rebellion" is very big, and the plot in recent weeks is even more eye-catching: Lelouch has become the emperor, Suzaku is his knight, Schneizel and United Black Knights—

But no matter how you look at it, the original intention of Lu Luxiu's actions seems to be the same as in the first season, just for Nunnally.

At the end of the last episode, Lu Luxiu defeated Schneizel, and the only enemy left in front of him was Nunnally—in terms of their abilities and resourcefulness, of course Lelouch would not lose, but if they were emotionally According to the analysis, it would be very difficult for him to attack Nunnally.

It's either impossible for Lulu Xiu to be defeated by Nunnally, or it's just bloody.

"God, don't tell you the truth, I don't want to see Lu Luxiu lose to Nunnally."

"Speaking of which, I have always hated Nunnally, isn't she just a vase? Why did Lu Luxiu do so much for her? She finally has the face to come back and stand on the side of the so-called 'justice' to crusade against Luluxiu—— What a disgusting woman."

"Who says no! She kills no fewer people than Lu Luxiu. This is the first time I have seen such a naive-looking person who is so ruthless. The image of the last season has been subverted. Euphemia is more than She's better!"

Fans began to complain that Nunnally, who was loved by Lulu Xiu, was not liked by them. Of course, besides her, there are other animation characters that are quite unpleasant.

"The same goes for the Black Knights. I hate them so much in these episodes! It was Lelouch who saved and cultivated them. Now that their wings are hardened, they are standing on the opposite side of Lelouch. What is this? If they are all dead in this episode All right!"

"Yes, there is also that bitch Honglian. Fortunately, I always thought that she was Lu Luxiu's best partner, but in the end she was a fool. She believed everything when others cheated on her. After others betrayed Lu Luxiu, she also betrayed her. It's like the relationship between the first two seasons is fake, it disgusts me to death!"

"The disgusting Suzaku is now cute..."

As they talked, for some reason, the topic of these girls turned into a crusade against the animation characters. They did not involve Meng Huo in the slightest in the change of the characters, which also shows that the characters in "The Rebellious Lelouchi" How deeply * penetrated into the hearts of the people.

But listening to these words, Lin Dong still couldn't help complaining in his heart. In fact, these female fans have never seriously considered the psychology of the characters, and their likes and dislikes can be distinguished at a glance-"You guys like to stand with Lu Luxiu. together, right?"

Obviously, the character who has undergone the biggest change in the second season of "The Rebellious Lelouch" is Lelouch, who suddenly changed from the role of the leader of the rebel army to the emperor of Britannia who wants to rebel - this The turning point was too tricky, beyond everyone's expectations, and it was no wonder that the Black Knights were hostile to him.

The preferences of female fans change with Luluxiu. When he leaves the Black Knights, the Black Knights become hateful. When he stands with Suzaku, Suzaku becomes cute. ...

In fact, they don't like or hate these characters, but 'like Lu Luxiu', as long as they are good to Lu Luxiu, they like it, and they hate the bad ones. Because Nunnally got too much love from Lu Luxiu, it also aroused their dissatisfaction, so she hated it.

"But the really annoying one is actually Lelouch..."

Lin Dong thought so, the plot of the second season of "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu" is still as exciting, but the things Lu Luxiu does are getting more and more evil. A few weeks ago he seized the throne, not to mention, he even intends to conquer the world.

Nowadays, only those fanatical character fans will continue to praise Lu Luxiu. For most ordinary audiences, the current Luluxiu is a bit too much—some people even feel disgusted with Luluxiu.

Lin Dong was one of them, so he didn't feel anything wrong with the actions of the Black Knights and Nunnally. Their actions against Lu Luxiu were quite normal. It should be said that if you don't stand in front of him, this is not normal.

But he didn't like the Black Knights very much, Lelouchi was evil, and the Knights were not kind. The final battle between the two sides was very fierce, but it was really hard to love either side.

"The ending of this animation is just like this..."

Because he didn't have a strong sense of identity with either party, Lin Dong had no expectations for the ending. He just came to join in the fun today. It would be even better to see Teacher He Xi by the way.

And there are not a few people who think like him. Strictly speaking, more than half of the people in the square will not think that the ending of "Lelouchu the Rebellious" will bring any surprises - whether Lelouchi wins or loses, It doesn't seem like there's anything new at the end.

The plot some time ago has already ruined Lu Luxiu's image! (To be continued..)

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