Big Manga

Chapter 922: Broadcast

"Hurry up! Aunt Qin, I'll be late soon!"

"Sister Shen, you are amazing, you can run so fast with so many things!"

At five o'clock in the afternoon, before the broadcast of the animation, Xing Boxiang, who was passing by Manga Island Street, saw a few strangely dressed women passing by in a hurry. The voices of these people gave her a somewhat familiar feeling. Feeling, but before they had time to analyze, they had already gone far.

"Who are those people? The voice is so familiar, and they even brought bodyguards..." Xing Boxiang stopped and looked back. Just as she was about to find out, a man called her: "Principal Xing, what happened?" Is something wrong?"


Xing Boxiang shook his head, then forgot about the women just now, and walked into the group in front - this is a middle-aged group, although everyone is dressed in simple clothes, they all have a sense of superiority The imposing manner of the reporter made the passers-by on the street turn their heads frequently, curious.

Manga Island is the world of young people. Although it is not without middle-aged and elderly people, such a group is quite rare.

In fact, this group has nothing to do with comics. They are some experts and officials in the Chinese education circle. This time, they met in the comic island to discuss some teaching matters-but they have little to do with the carnival.

It is said that it is not related, but it cannot be said that it is not related at all. Every summer there is such a routine meeting, but Xing Boxiang is responsible for the location of the meeting this year. She chose Manga Island. In fact, there is no shortage of ideas to take the opportunity to see the carnival.

This idea, of course, haunted many others.

"Oops... sorry!"

While walking, suddenly a young man bumped into Li Chunqiu's body. Li Chunqiu is the principal of Southwest University, although he immediately forgave the young man. But because of this. The irritability in his heart was a little restless.

"This place is so lively. Even going out for a meal is so troublesome." Li Chunqiu said, it was time for them to go out for a meal after a small meeting, but the crowds on the street slowed down their speed a lot: " The places I chose in previous years were very quiet, why did you choose this place this year?"

He glanced coldly at Xing Boxiang, and said, "Education is a sacred job. I hope that next year, the site selection will not be left to selfish people."

Even though he didn't name her name, Li Chunqiu's meaning was very clear - he was rather disgusted that Xing Boxiang chose this place for the meeting, and he also knew the reason why she chose this place. Xing Boxiang is a well-known fan of comics, so he can't hide it.

"Oh, what you said, I'm just offering an opinion." But Xing Boxiang didn't take it seriously: "Our meeting was arranged by the Ministry of Education. Without their consent, I can't persuade you Come on?"

Li Chunqiu frowned: "What is the Ministry of Education thinking?"

"Probably I want to take this opportunity to let us get in touch with the front-line comic style." At this time, another person helped and said: "Although we can't talk about comics for the time being, we will definitely deal with this issue in the future. The Ministry of Education Probably to let us get acquainted with this new thing first.”

Xing Boxiang smiled and said: "This is not a new thing."

There are a total of 20 or 30 people on their trip, all of whom are key figures in the Chinese education circle. For members of some coastal areas. The venue of this meeting is very predictable - it represents the government's desire to further expand manga education in the future.

And in fact, the government has been doing this for several years. Many universities have opened up comics majors, and there are also many social training courses. Generally speaking, however, these activities are carried out regionally, and many inland regions have not received attention at all.

For example, Li Chunqiu, the president of Southwest University, his understanding of comics is still limited to traditional concepts. It is necessary for him to come to Manga Island to see how much influence comics have had in recent years.

Comics are a kind of cultural enjoyment similar to novels and movies that can be promoted by the whole people.

This trend has become more and more obvious in recent years, and these elites in the education field must of course be aware of this situation.

However, it is more difficult for people to understand the situation verbally. The best way is to let these elites take a trip to Manga Island in person.

The restaurant arranged by Xing Boxiang happened to pass by the square. When passing by this square, the faces of some people represented by Li Chunqiu were obviously shocked: "What are these people doing here?"

"The last episode of "The Rebellious Lelouch" will be aired soon." Xing Boxiang replied: "They gathered here to watch the animation. After the animation is over, there will be some activities. We will finish dinner later. You can come back later to participate.”

She noticed the surprise on the faces of these people. Although there were many people on the street, the effect on others was obviously not as good as this square.

""The Rebellious Lu Luxiu"?" Li Chunqiu frowned slightly: "Is this animation? I seem to have heard its name..."

This time without Xing Boxiang answering, Xie Feng beside Li Chunqiu said: "Of course you should have heard of its name, it is known as the fourth most popular animation in China, and young people in universities should often talk about it. it."

Xie Feng knows about this animation work. He has watched "The Rebellious Lelouch" for a while, and has a certain understanding of it: "This animation has a huge audience, and its popularity is comparable to that of popular TV series. Unfortunately, I don't know I don't think it's any better."

Unlike He Xi's die-hard fans, Xie Feng doesn't have a good impression of "The Rebellious Lelouch". In fact, this is the first animation work he came into contact with, but the overall feeling for him is too evil.

There is nothing meaningful in this animation. The whole story is composed of resourcefulness and war, and the plot is very exciting. But the protagonist is too evil and uses them mercilessly for his own sake-this makes Xie Feng, an education expert, quite dislike it.

In fact, it would be fine if the general animation is like this, but "Rebellious Lelouch" is known as the fourth most popular animation - it is a top-notch work, so that it can serve as a representative of the entire industry, and the connotation shown by this representative disappoint others.

And because of this. Xie Feng was also one of those who were dissatisfied with holding the meeting in Manga Island this time. This is not because he does not understand the thinking of the Ministry of Education. Rather, he feels that animation and comics are still things that cannot be put on the table.

"The Rebellious Lelouch" disappointed him. "Okay, forget about these young people." Xie Feng said: "Let's go to dinner early, continue the meeting in the evening, try to finish things tomorrow, and then go home."

Xing Boxiang yelled secretly, the carnival just started tomorrow, and she wanted to stay for a few more days!

"It would be nice if the last episode of the animation could change their minds." She couldn't help but think that Xing Boxiang knew that the restaurant she went to would also play the last episode of "Rebellious Lelouch". If only there was something in this episode that made them change their minds.

Although it seems unlikely, the restaurant Xingboxiang chose is really good. One side of their box was facing the square, and they could see the scene on the square even when sitting in the restaurant.

"You also chose this box yourself?" Li Chunqiu looked at Xing Boxiang suspiciously. The view of the box is so good that one has to suspect that it was arranged on purpose.

But Xing Boxiang shook his head: "It's just a coincidence, I didn't expect the vision to be so good."

She didn't do anything wrong with the box. In fact, most of the restaurants in Manga Island don't have reservations, and those who accept reservations are booked early—so Xing Boxiang didn't expect that the room she reserved would be so good .

But then again, if it weren't for the events being held in the square, the view here would actually be very ordinary. Not as good as other restaurants in Manga Island, some well-known tourist restaurants are already overcrowded.

And Li Chunqiu just felt a little strange. This group of educational elites were very satisfied with the environment of the restaurant. Not long after they sat down, the waiter turned on the TV to play "Lelouch the Rebellious" for them, and no one complained.

They came to the restaurant just in time, and the final chapter of "The Rebellious Lelouch" officially kicked off.

Xing Boxiang put his eyes on the TV after the TV was turned on, and some people who were also interested in this animation also turned their eyes away, and the rest of the people saw this situation, and slowly The conversation was reduced, and a curious look was given to the anime.

"What kind of story is "The Rebellious Lelouchu" telling?" After watching it for a few minutes, someone couldn't help asking, "Is the protagonist this Lelouchu?"

"Yes." Xing Boxiang came back to his senses, and explained briefly - the story of "Lelouch the Rebellious" is actually very simple, it tells about the eleventh prince Lelouch who was abandoned by the great country Britannia , leading and cultivating a rebel organization to fight against Britannia.

"So that's how it is..." The animation blinds in the box nodded and got a general idea: "That is to say, this animation is a story about the weak fighting against the powerful and telling justice, right?"

Hearing this, Xie Feng couldn't help but speak out.

"I'm afraid you will be disappointed. At the beginning, the plot of the animation did develop like this, but then..." He shook his head and said, "After killing his parents, Lu Luxiu himself sat on the throne of Britannia emperor. , and now the battle for world hegemony begins.”

His words shocked many people in the box.

"This story has changed too much..."

"Struggling for world hegemony, such a story will appear in a modern background, it is really unimaginable!"

"Is Nalu Luxiu good or bad?"

Regarding Lu Luxiu's judgment of good or bad, even Xing Boxiang can't deny that his current position is indeed a symbol of evil-since the main line of the story has changed, many audiences have been baffled by Lu Luxiu's actions.

In the beginning, it was for my sister and for revenge, so why do I want to gain the world now? It seems that there are only selfish desires...

"It's not a selfish desire!" At the same time, on the other side of the manga island, Qin Ya was watching animation with her parents - after hearing their comments on "The Rebellious Lelouch", Qin Ya seemed quite unhappy.

But she quickly raised her eyebrows and smiled again, put her arms around her mother's neck and said: "You will know when you finish reading, "The Rebellious Lelouch" is definitely the best work of this year, and you will definitely miss it after reading it." let me buy bd."

Different from other parents, Qin Ya's parents accepted the baptism of comics and animation a long time ago, and now they are both senior animation fans, and they especially like He Xi's animation. Hearing her daughter's swear words, the old couple looked forward to it.

"This is what you said. If we are not satisfied after reading it, what should you do?" Qin Ya's mother said, Qin Ya was slightly taken aback by this sentence: "What should I do? What do you want from me? ?"

Her father said: "If we are not satisfied, you can stay with us all the time in Carnival these days."

"It's not easy." Qin Ya breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "I have several activities to participate in, and of course I will accompany you when there are no activities. The ending of "Lu Xiu" is awesome, I can swear it!"

Among all He Xi's works, Qin Ya is undoubtedly the one that attaches the most importance to "The Rebellious Lelouchi". Since the beginning of the production of this animation, her enthusiasm for it has never disappeared, even in many animations. On the occasion, she performed even better than He Xi.

"I have to go first, and I have to perform on stage later." Qin Ya looked at the time, although the animation had just started, but she had to leave, she said to her parents with a smile: "Today, Teacher He Xi personally prepared for "" Rebellious Lelouch "Celebration, if you have time to watch the anime, go watch it together... Manga Island should have a live broadcast."

The evening performance will not be broadcast on the TV station, but with the technical support of Suhua TV station, the live broadcast can be seen in many places in Manga Island.

"What are you going to perform, girl?" Qin Ya's mother was very curious. She didn't understand what skills her daughter could perform, but judging by her appearance, it was not as simple as going on stage to talk.

The news of the animation of "The Legend of the Galaxy Diva" will be announced tomorrow on a stage dedicated to Qin Ya. Her performance tonight, like Meng Huo's, is only used to celebrate "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu".

"I want to dance!" Qin Ya said confidently: "For the celebration of "Lelouch the Rebellion", I have learned dance for several months."

This made her father startled again: "You don't want to become a star, do you?"

"Look at what you said, am I not a star now?" Qin Ya smiled, but she understood her father's thoughts, he never really wanted her to be in the spotlight too often: "Don't worry, Dad , I’m just playing around a bit.”

She is not interested in entertainers and stars, but under the influence of Meng Huo, she feels that it is not a bad thing to have one more skill - can't Meng Huo also play the piano? Who can say that he is the same as Shen Jie and the others?

Whether it is Qin Ya or Meng Huo, their energy and mind have been bound by the identity of cartoonist. (To be continued...) I1292

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