Big Manga

Chapter 930: Desire for profit

After breakfast, Meng Huo returned to the office to prepare for today's event. Read the full text of the latest chapter New

However, as soon as he sat down, the secretary came in with a copy: "Vice President, Minister Zhou has something to ask you just now, and this is the information she gave me."

Meng Huo took a look at the information. This was the sales record of the first day of the carnival given to him by Zhou Qian, including "1annad", "Wine of Eternal Life", "Rebellious Lelouch"...etc. Derivatives.

"Selling so fast?" Meng Huo frowned slightly. According to the data, Carnival sold out 40% of the products on the first day, and the revenue was tens of millions. It is expected to exceed 100 million today. Receive records.

However, the trouble is that they are not well prepared in advance, and most of the derivative products will be exhausted before the end of the carnival.

"How did this happen?" Meng Huo asked strangely: "Didn't the company prepare products that demanded more than 20% of tourists' demand?"

When preparing for the carnival, Phoenix Company made careful and prudent preparations in all aspects, and responded to the various effects brought by tourists to the greatest extent. This situation has never happened in previous years. Why did it make such a big mistake this year? ?

The secretary then took out another document and said: "We have prepared well, but the number of tourists was wrongly estimated. The number of tourists yesterday was 10% higher than estimated, and today it may be 30% higher. Moreover, their desire to buy is stronger than in previous years. .”

"Many people came to Manga Island this year because of limited-edition products like "Wine of Eternal Life." The secretary handed the document to Meng Huo, and Meng Huo saw that it was indeed the case. The number of tourists yesterday was the estimated number in his memory. More, but the strange thing is...the number of people on the day before the carnival was exactly as they expected.

Phoenix Company conducts multiple questionnaires every year to estimate the number of people in the carnival. This is a very important thing. Even if there is a deviation, it is impossible to have such a large deviation. More.

The number of tourists during the entire carnival may be half as much as Phoenix Company estimated. This is a very large deviation, and it is impossible for such a situation to occur. In this case, don't sell peripheral products. Other troubles will follow.

"This is troublesome..." Meng Huo rubbed his forehead. Although the increase in tourists yesterday did not cause any impact, it was also because the increase was not high. If more than 30% of the tourists arrived today. Various problems will arise immediately, and Phoenix must enter a state of emergency.

"Notify every department that the employees who are on vacation today will cancel their vacation and go to help everywhere in Manga Island..." Meng Huo said: "Also ask Zhou Qian to notify the food stores on the island and ask them to expand their business as much as possible. place to eat,

That would be a big *trouble*. "

The secretary took notes. Nodding his head, "What else?"

"Also..." Meng Huo thought about it, the tourists were too much trouble, and it affected all aspects, and he couldn't find a specific countermeasure at once: "Also... let me call Alice. !"

In the end, he said, Alice obviously wanted him to be good at this kind of sudden change. Meng Huo took out his mobile phone and called Alice on the spot. Alice was also busy with work today, but after hearing this, she immediately picked up the call. Read the full text of the latest chapter

"That's it..." Meng Huo put down his phone and said in relief, "You can follow Alice today. Just follow what she tells you."

The secretary put away the notes: "Okay."

He turned and left, Meng Huo continued to work in the office for half an hour, after finishing some chores. Just as he was about to leave, the door of the office opened suddenly, and Qin Ya strode in.

"Teacher He Xi, it's not good!" She called out to Meng Huo in a panic. Seeing this expression, Meng Huo put his dissatisfaction with her for "pushing the door in" into his heart: "Why are you so surprised?" Strange."

Qin Ya jumped anxiously: "The merchandise of "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu" is not enough, it will be sold out today!"

Meng Huo couldn't help laughing: "I already know about this."

The information Zhou Qian left for him has already shown this matter, the products of the three animations "Rebellious Lelouch", "Wine of Eternal Life" and "1annad" are the most popular. It is very likely that they will be sold out today, especially for Lelouch's products, and the snap-up seems to be even more crazy than "Wine of Eternal Life".

At this time, Meng Huo suddenly understood the reason for the sudden increase in tourists: "I see. It's because of "Lelouchu the Rebellion"..."

It is impossible for the Phoenix Company to make such a big statistical error. The reason for the surge in the number of tourists after the official opening of the carnival is mostly due to the final episode of "Lelouch the Rebellion" that was broadcast two days ago. This episode of animation caused a sensation in Manga Island , the outside world is naturally the same.

However, "Lelouch of the Rebellion" has just finished, and the BD and its peripherals are still unsold. The Comic Island, which is holding a carnival, is an exception. Naturally, there will be no shortage of "Lelouch of the Rebellion" products.

Perhaps it is for this reason. Only then will there be a large number of tourists coming, and it will continue to rise in the next two days. Although it is only a guess, Meng Huo can't find any other reason besides this reason.

But he didn't reply to Qin Ya's words directly, which made Qin Ya a little angry: "My teacher, since you know that the quantity is not enough, why didn't you make preparations earlier?"

Every time "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu" is played, Qin Ya always pays more attention to Meng Huo, as if she is the creator of this work, which is not true, and the effort she puts into the animation is indeed higher than that of Meng Huo. When she was busy with "The Legend of the Galaxy Diva" yesterday, Qin Ya was also promoting Lu Luxiu.

Meng Huo smiled wryly: "I just found out too."

He knew that it would not be long before the peripherals were not enough for Qin Ya, and this matter was basically unsolvable. These peripherals could not be reprinted as quickly as weekly magazines. Even if the current quantity is not enough to urge the factory to produce, the factory will have to go through several processes, and it will take a week at the earliest to ship in large quantities.

In a week's time, the carnival has long since ended, and the near thirst cannot be quenched. After telling Qin Ya about the situation in detail, Qin Ya finally understood, but the situation became more difficult after she understood it: "Then what should we do? Is it limited to sale every day?"

The only way to sell only half of the products until the last day of the carnival is "Limited daily".

Meng Huo also knew that he had no choice, but he also knew that if he did so, it would definitely cause dissatisfaction among many tourists, especially those who came to Manga Island just for the surroundings. It will definitely be very annoying and coupled with the continuously increasing number of tourists, if you don't pay attention, the tourists will have riots.

So he didn't give Qin Ya a direct answer, but just comforted: "Don't worry. Just go and wait. I think the company will issue a solution soon." Meng Huo pinned his hopes on Alice, she was sure What a great idea would come to mind.

At this time, other people who are also in Manga Island don't know about the shortage of goods.

Take "Wine of Eternal Life" as an example. The bd of this animation has only two selling points in Manga Island. There are long queues outside each selling point. It is not uncommon for a tourist to line up for three or four hours according to the normal process, but many people sell the things that are so hard to buy to others as soon as they buy them. .

Liu Yi and his roommates in the dormitory have been waiting here since before dawn. They were the first group of people to arrive. Even so, it was almost nine o'clock after buying "Wine of Eternal Life".

"I was expecting you in vain before, but in the end we still have to do it ourselves." Although the boss of the dormitory who was holding the rare edition box of "Wine of Eternal Life" was complaining to Liu Yi, his face was full of joy: "I don't know if this thing can How much do you sell for..."

As soon as he said these words, a girl walked over beside him.

"Hey. Do you want to sell "Wine of Eternal Life"? Why don't you sell it to us..." The girl said, "I'm paying five hundred more than the original price. The line is too long, and I'm too lazy to queue. "

Around the bd sales point, there are still many people like girls, and the carnival in Manga Island has never lacked rich people to participate. After a few days of exposure in the sun, these young people with sufficient funds are more willing to buy BD directly from others.

"Five...five hundred..." The boss of the dormitory was startled, and then swallowed his saliva. This is really incredible. He only waited in line for three hours, which is a net profit of more than one hundred per hour.

Excluding the cost of sharing meals with friends. The 500 yuan was more than he spent for the whole summer vacation, and "Wine of Eternal Life" was worth more than he imagined!

"Sell it or not?" The boss of the dormitory was a little hesitant, as if he could earn more if he sold it online.

"You're thinking of selling it, right?" The girl could easily see through his thoughts, and she said calmly, "The price difference is only around now. But after the carnival, there will definitely be a flood of listings, and maybe it won't be sold for five hundred."

Liu Yi pulled the boss: "Don't listen to her, the "Wine of Eternal Life" will definitely be valuable if you keep it." However, after looking around the situation, the boss of the dormitory quickly handed over the "Wine of Eternal Life" to the girl , Counting the red banknotes in his hand, his face was about to burst into smiles.

"How did you sell it?" Liu Yi was greatly surprised.

"Her story has a certain reason. Maybe the carnival is over, and the "Wine of Eternal Life" will be flooded." The boss of the dormitory collected the money and said with a smile: "It's safer to sell it first. You see, everyone around you is like this. Do."

Around the point of sale, many people have traded their hard-earned "Wine of Eternal Life" to others, and some people have lower prices, only charging a difference of more than 100.

And while Liu Yi was chatting with the boss, the other roommates also quickly dropped the boxes in their hands, all of them were very happy. When Liu Yi was shocked, a young man spoke to him.

"Is your "Wine of Eternal Life" sold!?"

Liu Yi immediately replied 'not for sale'. After the young man left, his roommates looked at him like a fool.

"Liu Yi, you are stupid, why don't you take the money you earned for nothing?"

"Sell it quickly, let's continue to line up... There are two days left, let's get our money back first!"

Liu Yi was surprised for a while: "You still want to buy?"

He suddenly knew what his roommates were thinking, these young college students were not stupid, they did not give up the idea of ​​keeping "Wine of Eternal Life" in the first place and selling it later. It's just that there is still plenty of time before the end of the carnival. They are not in a hurry to do so now. The first thought is to make up for the expenses during the summer vacation.

And according to the current situation, they only need to line up two more times. By the afternoon, they will be able to make up for the cost, and then they will be able to choose more freely whether to resell it on the spot or sell it on the Internet in the future...

"I plan to stay here all day."

The boss of the dormitory replied.

"Me too.", "I plan to stay for two days."

The other two roommates followed suit. They had never encountered such an opportunity to make money that was almost like picking up money, so they definitely wouldn't miss it.

Liu Yi was a little speechless. He began to worry about whether his roommates would become members of the college student business alliance. The development of the comics industry was too fast, because the industry was young and there were no precedents or standards for products, so many things would appear Loopholes in interests have led to many traffickers.

"Have you prepared other people's ID cards?" He asked. Of course, Phoenix Company will not support traffickers. You can only buy one copy of "Wine of Eternal Life" with an ID card. However, Phoenix Company is not a policeman and has not checked the identity card. False ability, just look at it.

"We have already prepared."

Sure enough, the roommates took out a few to a dozen "ID cards" from their pockets, all of which they asked others to counterfeit in private, and the machine would know the authenticity with a scan, but the eyes could not tell. Not very much.

"Liu Yi, we forgot to tell you that you went to work yesterday." The boss of the dormitory laughed and said, "It's really amazing here. As long as you provide a photo, someone specially makes this kind of fake ID card, and it only costs ten yuan!"

"Ten yuan?" Liu Yi felt something was wrong, even if it was a fake ID card, it was too cheap!

And isn't this illegal?

"Are you sure you'll be fine with a fake ID?" Liu Yi asked suspiciously.

"Of course, so many people take it, how could something happen." The boss of the dormitory put away his ID card. He looked at the line and saw that there were more people in line, so he gave Liu Yi a shout and ran towards the end of the line.

"We also have to queue up, Liu Yi, you should go to work seriously!"

Other roommates also ran over one after another, because many people wanted to watch the meteor shower last night. The shop owner allowed Liu Yi to go to work later today, but he will have to go to work soon, but his monthly work income may not be what these roommates earn in a day. much.

Liu Yi was a little shaken, but he still shook his head, turned around and went to work. Shortly thereafter, he began to appreciate that he wasn't as greedy as his roommates, and didn't have to enjoy the same fate as them. (To be continued.)

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