Big Manga

Chapter 931: The sun comes out from the west

At noon that day, many police cars suddenly came to Manga Island.

Meng Huo, who was eating, saw with his own eyes that the police took batches of people into police cars and took them away. The streets were full of curious eyes, and the tourists made bursts of discussions and noises.

"How is this going?"

"Have these men committed any crime?"

Not only were the tourists clueless, but even Meng Huo was astonished. He hurriedly called Alice and asked her if she knew about it.

"Of course I know, those are commodity dealers."

Alice told Meng Huo that those dealers who resell goods in Manga Island—some of the products prepared by Phoenix Company for the carnival are running out. Naturally, the dealers cannot continue to overflow and erode the interests of other tourists, so Alice called the police .

Meng Huo was shocked, and then he was stunned: "The police you called? How did they find so many traffickers at once?"

In his eyes, this is impossible. Those commodity dealers are not fools, and they will definitely act frugally when they see the police appear. No matter how powerful the police are, it is impossible to find so many people at once, right?

According to Meng Huo's estimate, those police cars took away at least forty or fifty people.

"Those policemen set up their nets on Manga Island from the very beginning." Alice revealed an inside story to Meng Huo. It turned out that the leader of this matter was not Fenghua Company. In fact, the police had already set up the situation here before the carnival. , as far as the "certification" personnel of Manga Island are concerned, their actions and transactions have always been monitored by the police.

However, the police did not do anything on the first day. They originally planned to make small arrests on the second day, and only started to collect the net on a large scale on the third day. But because Alice informed them that the number of tourists had increased and that there was no possibility of a larger-scale operation behind the traffickers, the police station decided to act in advance.

"Listen to you, they already have plans?"

Meng Huo frowned.

"Probably to increase the fine. It's not a big deal." Alice said with a smile: "Those who are taken away are usually detained for a day or two, or a simple fine is over, and there will be no trouble."

The police have the small mind of the police, and the Phoenix Company cooperates with it. But I also persuaded the police station not to play too much. Most of the dealers in the carnival are ordinary tourists and students. Alice didn't want to make too much noise.

Meng Huo breathed a sigh of relief.

The relationship between Phoenix Company and the Suhua City Government is good, and he knows that the police department will not make things difficult for them.

However, although the blow to these dealers has improved the mood of the entire Manga Island, the shortage of goods has not been resolved. Meng Huo is very curious, how does Alice deal with this matter after a long time?

"There is no good way, only a limited sale." Alice replied to this question: "The new products will definitely not be able to catch up in time, and all products that will have gaps must limit the daily sales before the end of the carnival."

This method is the same as that proposed by the secretary before. Meng Huo frowned slightly: "But this will make some tourists dissatisfied?"

Although limited sales can support new products every day, it will also make some tourists feel dissatisfied because they cannot buy their favorite products. Especially against the background of increasing tourist numbers, once this dissatisfaction erupts, it will cause a lot of trouble.

"I have thought about it, but I looked at the most scarce items. On average, there are 60,000 copies per day. This number is a lot in the eyes of ordinary people. If I can't grab it, I can only blame myself for not being active enough."

Alice smiled and said: "And after the daily limited items are sold out, we will also provide some express items with free postage."

She explained that although the sales are limited every day, Phoenix Company will not openly say that it does not have enough stock. In fact, if more tourists need it. They can pay the same fee as on-site purchases, register the purchase list, and directly enjoy the express door-to-door service of the goods.

Manga Island will deliver the goods by express delivery to the registered address one week later-the version numbers of these products are the same as those of Carnival. It's no different than buying on the spot.

Meng Huo was taken aback by Alice's whimsy: "Won't it be discovered?"

"It doesn't matter if you get caught."

Alice was not very worried. The trick was indeed easy to see through, but even if it was seen through, many tourists would be happy. Anyway, there is no extra cost, and the gift bag can be freed up to buy other things. What's more, they don't have to wait in line for too long, and they have no loss at all.

Phoenix has conducted online direct sales many times in the past. There is basically no negative news about the punctuality and safety of the express delivery, and it will compensate for any accidents. Tourists trust them.

And in this way, when a large number of tourists choose express delivery. The on-site purchase pressure of various peripheral products will also be reduced, and the chances of those enthusiastic and loyal tourists buying products at the first time will also be greatly increased.

This is a combination of various elements. The best solution Alice found not only solved the shortage of goods, but also left tourists with little to complain about.

Meng Huo was happy in his heart, but he was still a little worried: "Will there be overbuying in express delivery?"

"Don't worry about this, we only accept one registration for each person." Alice affirmed: "Only those who come to the carnival can register with their ID cards. This is better than on-site sales to prevent others from opportunistically."

On-site registration with an ID card, each name can only correspond to one recipient, and Phoenix can easily review and screen addresses to prevent repeated purchases. Compared with on-the-spot purchases, this method is indeed better.

Meng Huo was relieved now, he was right to leave this matter to Alice.

"In terms of the number of tourists." Alice didn't stop talking, and she continued: "I have mobilized all the staff to help maintain order, and I have also opened up two large barbecue venues... We can hold barbecue activities, so that we can reduce the number of people on the island. The pressure of going to the restaurant, everyone may be busy these days, and it should be able to stop the next crowd."

Meng Huo was convinced: "The barbecue site is a good way."

He didn't think that barbecue can relieve the pressure of the restaurant. It is not difficult to hold barbecue activities in Manga Island: first, there are venues, many unopened places on the island can be used; and there are also ready-made barbecue equipment. During the meteor shower last night, Manga Island There are a lot of scattered BBQ evenings, and it's all about bringing the instruments together today.

"The problem of Manga Island is solved? Teacher He Xi?"

Meng Huo had just finished calling. Jiang Tianshi's voice sounded beside him. The man was sitting beside him having lunch with him, after hearing Meng Huo's call. Jiang Tianshi was amazed: "Miss Alice is really amazing, she figured out a solution so quickly."

As one of the organizers of "ad" related stages and events. Naturally, Jiang Tianshi also noticed the signs of a surge in sales early on. It was no secret to him that the Phoenix Company's preparations for the carnival were insufficient. He was very impressed when he heard that Alice solved the problem with ease.

"Beautiful, good-natured, and capable—Miss Alice is simply the perfect woman."

Meng Huo nodded in agreement. If he wanted to talk about why he had lunch with Jiang Tianshi, it was because Meng Huo was in the restaurant next to the "ad" theme pavilion, and he was going to attend the "ad" event with Angel and his party in the afternoon.

Although it is still a break at noon, tourists who heard the news have already come from all directions. The theme pavilion was full of waiting fans. Just looking out the window, Meng Huo felt that the afternoon event would be a tough battle.

However, Jiang Tianshi seemed to be more interested in Alice than in the activities. Not long after he had finished complimenting her, after eating for two minutes, he suddenly asked Meng Huo: "Mr. He Xi, what are you and Miss Alice?" relation?"

Meng Huo's heart skipped a beat and he felt weird, so he calmly replied, "It's just a normal relationship. Why are you asking this?"

"...I always thought she was your exclusive agent." Jiang Tianshi's eyes brightened slightly, and then said: "Miss Alice is very suitable for supporting work, I can't help but think. If she can help our angels, maybe We can catch up with you, Teacher He Xi—our team doesn’t have such an excellent manager.”

Meng Huo shook his head: "Don't think about it, that's impossible, she is the daughter of our president."

Xu Jing's daughter, Alice, is tied up with the Phoenix Company, and the possibility of her leaving for Zhongxia—Meng Huo never sees it.

"Don't talk so badly." Jiang Tianshi laughed, and he said unhurriedly: "It's impossible on the surface, but didn't you just say that you and her have a normal relationship? I heard that Miss Alice has no boyfriend yet. My friend, if I go after her..."

Meng Huo's expression froze: "Do you like her?"

Jiang Tianshi shook his head. But then nodded again: "I don't feel that way yet, but didn't I say that she is a good woman? She is worthy of pursuit—Mr. He Xi. Why don't you help the two of us connect? I guess I will rub her against her." sparks..."

He is very confident in his charm, Jiang Tianshi has no girlfriend now. The reason is simply because he doesn't like other women. In fact, he had been with several women in the past, and after getting along with them for a long time, he found that there were always things about those women that made him dissatisfied, and Alice didn't seem to be one of them.

The fair-haired woman was impeccable in appearance and had an exotic sensibility. Although the family background is not particularly good, but it is not bad, well-cultivated, has never had a boyfriend in the past, has a good reputation, and his ability is impeccable--in fact, Jiang Tianshi knows a lot, he has long been in the dark. Her case was investigated.

What attracted Jiang Tianshi the most was of course Alice's ability. On the surface, it was impossible for her to be used by him, but as long as they became lovers, the situation would be different.

"Didn't Teacher He Xi always want an opponent?" Jiang Tianshi glanced at Meng Huo, and he was sure of his psychology: "Our angel should be the closest person to you. If Miss Alice is handed over to us , maybe your world will become more interesting."

Meng Huo was longing for an opponent, but the reason was simple, he hadn't had an opponent for too long. Whether it is to eliminate loneliness or to further improve his ability, he needs a threatening opponent-although Meng Huo's popularity has grown rapidly in recent years, Jiang Tianshi obviously found that his painting skills have not improved much. change and growth.

This is the necessity of standing alone. Without an opponent, it will be harder to discover your own shortcomings, and it will be even harder to improve and grow.

Although what Jiang Tianshi said was correct, just thinking about the combination of Angel and Alice, Meng Huo would think it was a threat, a very interesting threat--but, he directly ignored this idea, or, Meng Huo didn't think about it at all. Will not think about it.

"Impossible!" He rejected Jiang Tianshi without hesitation, and said coldly, "I don't know how to be a matchmaker, and Alice is not suitable for you." Strong doubts poured out—"Teacher He Xi and Alice are really in a normal relationship?"

Although he is very interested in exploring this topic, Jiang Tianshi thought about it and wisely kept his thoughts in his heart.

In the evening, after a busy day, Meng Huo returned to the apartment after dinner. As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, he remembered Jiang Tianshi's words during the day, and couldn't help but look towards the door of Alice's apartment.

"I didn't expect Jiang Tianshi to be interested in Alice..."

He never thought that one day he would hear the words of wanting to pursue Alice from someone else, and the shock in his heart was even greater than he expected. It stands to reason that Meng Huo should be happy after hearing what Jiang Tianshi said. As long as Alice is with someone else, he can get rid of her emotional entanglement.

However, as long as he imagined how Alice and Jiang Tianshi were together, Meng Huo would feel that something was wrong, or in other words - he would feel something was wrong when Alice stood with any man.

How could she be with other men! Doesn't she hate men? Meng Huo felt a little uncomfortable. He gritted his teeth and couldn't help but bumped his head against the wall, trying to wake himself up, but he heard two exclamations.

Meng Huo turned his head and saw Alice's door opened. She and Shen Jie were standing in the hallway, staring at him dumbfounded.

"Meng Huo, what are you doing?"

"What's wrong with you?"

The two women asked in surprise, but Meng Huo was even more surprised than them. His eyes shifted to Alice, then to Shen Jie, and asked a bit stammeringly, "Shen Jie, why are you here?" This?"

Alice's residence should be kept secret, and it is the secret that Shen Jie cannot know the most. Shen Jie seemed to know it some time ago—but even if she knew, she shouldn't be standing here. How could she walk in? Alice's apartment?

"I'm here to take a look." Shen Jie took out a bunch of keys from her body and said, "This apartment is big, and Alice said that she would give me a room. I thought it happened that the office was easy to meet reporters, so I agreed." come down."

Meng Huo was a little dumbfounded. Hell, Shen Jie not only appeared in Alice's apartment, but also planned to live here in the future?

Is the sun coming out in the west? (to be continued)

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