Big Manga

Chapter 932: Novel

The sound of "Xixi" came from the bathroom. Alice, who was sitting in the living room, couldn't calm down. She turned her head and said with a smile, "What do you think will happen to Meng Huo if we break in suddenly?"

Shen Jie, who was flipping through a magazine, couldn't help but stop what she was doing, and looked at Alice with a frown: "This joke is not funny!"

Although she was willing to try to accept Alice, she was only agreeing at this time, and the grudge in Shen Jie's heart had not completely disappeared yet. She gave Alice a chance, but the chance was for Alice to persuade her. This didn't mean that Shen Jie would allow Alice to attack Meng Huo together immediately.

Although she let go of her insistence, Shen Jie still can't imagine the scene of the three of them getting along. She needs time to trust Alice and trust her to handle the problems between the three of them well.

And Alice naturally understood this, Shen Jie's attitude today made her very happy, seeing that Shen Jie was a little angry, she immediately changed the topic: "Speaking of which, do you really want to go out with us later? "

They met Meng Huo at the door, and then Meng Huo went home to take a bath. It seemed that he would go to a party with Alice later, and Shen Jie stayed after hearing this.

"If it doesn't interfere with his work, I'll go with him, otherwise I'll wait for you in the car." Shen Jie replied lightly. She was a little worried that Alice's state of excitement today would cause her and Meng Huo to socialize. Accidents I don't want to see.

But she didn't know what the entertainment was, if it would interfere with Meng Huo's work, Shen Jie decided to wait in the car.

"Anyway, we can't let Alice and Meng Huo be together tonight." Shen Jie thought, as long as she accompanied the two of them there and back. Then there will be no surprises. Even in danger can help.

Alice knew exactly what was on her mind. He smiled and said, "Then you should come along, there shouldn't be any interference."

When she was saying this, Meng Huo's voice suddenly came from the bathroom: "By the way, Alice, please call Qin Ya for me, she also wants to go tonight, I will finish washing soon, You made her wait for us on the road."

"Okay!" Alice replied loudly. Then, under Shen Jie's gaze, he took out his mobile phone and notified Qin Ya as Meng Huo requested.

After finishing the phone call, Shen Jie asked strangely: "What kind of entertainment is it? Why does Qin Ya want to go there too?"

During the busy carnival, both Meng Huo and Alice attended the dinner party. Presumably, the other party must be an important guest of the company, but how could this level of dinner party hook up with Qin Ya? If it's Zhou Qian and He Qian, it's about the same...

"Longteng Company.

"Alice's answer was astonishing, which shocked Shen Jie: "The editorial department of Longteng Company invited us. Qin Ya used to be a professional novelist there. She might want to meet her friends!" "

Long Teng, let's talk about the company name. Of course, it is impossible for Shen Jie not to know that the past was before Zhongxia Company was established. Longteng Comics is the biggest enemy of Phoenix Comics. In fact, the best comics department of Zhongxia Company is developed from the original Longteng comics.

When it comes to Longteng, aren't it and the Zhongxia Company close 'two brothers'? How could Meng Huo and Alice be invited at this special time of the carnival? Shen Jie was about to ask, but the door of the bathroom opened at this moment, and Meng Huo walked out of the bathroom, wiping his hair, "Okay, ready to go."

Ten minutes later, the three came to the parking lot.

"This car is so beautiful..." Seeing Alice slowly driving her Porsche out, Shen Jie praised. Compared with the red Porsche in Ninghai, this car looks more elegant and more in line with Shen Jie's hobbies.

"Speaking of which, when I came out of the shower just now, I saw you holding a car magazine in your hand?" Meng Huo asked curiously, "Could it be that you want to buy a car?"

Shen Jie shook her head slightly: "I don't have this idea yet, but maybe I will in the future, let's have a look first." She knows very little about vehicles, but she has started to drive when she is free, and it is hard to guarantee that one day she will have one. The idea of ​​buying a car, it is necessary to understand in advance,

"Get in the car." Alice drove the car to the two of them, and after letting them get in the car, ten minutes later, she found Qin Ya on the road. Qin Ya took off the mask that concealed her appearance immediately after getting into the car. She wiped off her sweat and said, "I was almost recognized just now."

Meng Huo smiled slightly: "Who told you to pretend so clearly?"

He rarely wears a mask, which may be the most insidious form of camouflage, but it is also the most revealing in many cases. Especially during the carnival, there are a lot of cartoonists, and many fans will wonder if they are cartoonists when they see people with obvious disguises.

"I'll pay attention to it in the future..." Qin Ya looked at Shen Jie and Alice: "But there are so many people today, I don't know if we can sit down at the table."

Meng Huo was taken aback: "Do you have contact with them? Are there many people over there?"

Qin Ya nodded: "Both the boys' editorial department and the editorial department are here. Including the two editor-in-chiefs, there are almost ten people in total. If we add the four of us, there will be fourteen people. Is there such a big table?"

"Don't worry about this." Alice said while driving: "Since they invited us, they will definitely be prepared. How could there be problems due to the addition of one or two people!"

This time, Shen Jie was sitting in the vice seat. She listened to the conversation between the three people, and looked back at Qin Ya curiously: "What's the matter? Why are the male and female editors here?"

"Oh, Shen Jie, don't you know?" Qin Ya's eyes widened in surprise. Since she didn't know what it was, why did Shen Jie come here? But she still gave the answer: "The novel is about adapting the novel."

novel? Shen Jie turned to Meng Huo: "Is it your novel?"

"Yeah." Meng Huo nodded.

"To be precise, it's not his novels, but the adaptation rights of his animations, comics, and other works..." At this time, Alice gave a more detailed answer: "Longteng Company wants to obtain the adaptation of these works." Authorization, they gave very good terms."

Qin Ya smiled and said: "It is said that if Teacher He Xi agrees, Longteng Company may send a front-line novelist to help."

It is unprecedented in China for first-line novelists to adapt works for cartoonists. The status of novelists has always been very high. Even now that comics are developing rapidly. Novelists are also more respected than cartoonists.

It is not surprising that novels are adapted into TV series, movies, animations and even manga. However, on the other hand, it is not easy for novelists to adapt comics—some novelists may even feel that this is an insult to themselves.

Longteng Company wanted to adapt He Xi's works into novels, and would send first-line novelists for this purpose, which naturally surprised Shen Jie when she heard about it.

"How come... do they think your work is suitable for adapting novels?" Shen Jie looked at Meng Huo in surprise. Although she didn't particularly understand the difference between different carriers, comics and novels, games and novels--obviously, they Each has its own focus.

There is no such thing as 'novel' or 'light novel' in this world, so in Shen Jie's opinion. It is very difficult to adapt most of Meng Huo's works into novels. The best-selling novels on the market have different formats and styles from Meng Huo's.

"I think it's very suitable." Meng Huo replied: "There may be a little difference in the way of expression, but the roots of novels, comics, or word adventure games are all-good stories, which can exude charm on any carrier."

"I agree with this." Qin Ya clapped her hands and said with sympathy: "I have struggled in both novels and comics. In my opinion, no matter whether it is a novel or a comic, the story and the characters are fundamental. As long as they cooperate way of expression. Any work can be used universally.”

Shen Jie seemed to understand, but she didn't understand these professional skills. Regardless of the "good story", she can still understand it. If Meng Huo's works can tell the story well in the novel, then naturally there is no need to worry.

"But what a surprise...Meng Huo didn't intend to give up novels..." Immediately afterwards, another wave of joy burst into Shen Jie's heart. Although it sounds like Meng Huo did not do it himself, it indirectly proves his objective attitude towards novels.

Shen Jie is still obsessed with "The Legend of Wukong", and maybe one day she will be able to read the novel written by Meng Huo himself.

The place where I was invited was a hotel, which seemed to be for concealment. This is not a very luxurious hotel, the location is relatively quiet, and the environment inside the hotel is also very conservative and strictly guarded.

"Mr. He Xi, welcome to come!" The two chief editors of Longteng Comics and their subordinates welcomed the four people at the door. One of them was Meng Huo's old acquaintance Li Ming, who was the one who made "Wukong Biography" come true. The biggest contributor to publishing.

Li Ming and the others brought Meng Huo to the hotel, opened the door of a private room, and just as he opened the door, there was a commotion inside. The male and female editors gathered together in groups, chatting with melon seeds, Laughter from time to time.

"Cough, cough! Be quiet!" Li Ming's face turned cold, and he coughed to quiet down the people inside.

When the editors saw their arrival, there was a moment of silence in the private room, and then there was a panic immediately. The male and female editors lined up and stood obediently, just like the students who saw the teacher get angry.


Qin Ya couldn't help laughing, there were several editors she was familiar with, their faces turned pale with fright, it was so funny.

"This... Teacher He Xi, they were a little rude just now, please don't pay too much attention to it." Li Ming turned his head and said to Meng Huo, but Meng Huo looked at a tea table in the room: "That is... "

Li Ming looked over, there was a beautiful box on the coffee table, his face darkened, an editor ran out immediately, and quickly put away the box: "This is the game I just bought today, the name is... ..."

"Girl Falls in Love with My Sister, right?" Meng Huo smiled and said, "It's a good thing you can buy it."

He saw the cover of the game box clearly, and of course he knew everything about his game.

Li Ming found that Meng Huo was not angry, so he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. He immediately smiled and said, "We visited Manga Island today. This game is really hard to buy. You have to wait in line for four hours."

Meng Huo looked over strangely: "You bought it too?"

Li Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and his expression became a little embarrassed: "Well, I played it for a while, and I was curious about the content, so I just..."

He did buy one too. At first, he heard that the male lead was disguised as a woman, so he tried it for a while out of curiosity. Then I was quickly conquered by the graphics and music in the game, and queued up with other editors to buy a copy.

"I said editor-in-chief, I didn't expect you to be a warrior!" Qin Ya laughed at the side: "You dare to play Teacher He Xi's game."

This is a joke, but in fact, He Xi's games have always made people "frightened". Every game is notoriously tear-jerking, causing many fans to hate and love at the same time. Dare to play for the first time.

"It's okay this time..." However, Li Ming has a different opinion about this word adventure game. He said, ""Girls Fall in Love with My Sister" is a warm and healing work, no—Mr. He Xi, you said it right. ?"

Meng Huo nodded happily. It seems that these editors have been in Manga Island for more than a day, ""Girls in Love with Sister" is a warm and healing work", this is what Meng Huo said at the game conference yesterday, because of this sentence , After the game was released today, the buying enthusiasm of the entire Manga Island was very high.

"Okay, sit here, the food will be served soon..."

Li Ming led Meng Huo to the dinner table. It was not easy to invite Meng Huo over this time. He was bound to win the right to adapt those works!

The reason why Longteng Company took the initiative to invite Meng Huo was mainly because the value of his works was so high that no one could ignore it. If Longteng Company doesn't get the adaptation right as soon as possible, and other competitors take the lead, the loss will be too great.

Moreover, it was really not easy to invite Meng Huo this time. Li Ming cherished this opportunity very much. He wanted to get the right to adapt Meng Huo's works a long time ago, just because there was a Zhongxia between the two companies. Only then has not started.

The shareholder structures of Zhongxia Company and Longteng Company are similar, and the interest entanglement is very deep. In addition, the competition between Zhongxia Company and Phoenix Company has become increasingly fierce. In the past period of time, the senior management of Longteng Company has been carefully avoiding "helping He Xi to expand its influence" To offend Zhongxia with all his strength, Li Ming also had more than enough heart but not enough strength.

But the situation has changed in the past six months. Zhongxia Company has gone to cooperate with Phoenix Company to produce "clannad". The popularity of animation has made both companies happy. Now the situation has gone a step further, 'Angels' are all showing up at the Manga Island Carnival, so Long Teng naturally has nothing to worry about - you can all shake hands and make peace, why can't we cooperate with Phoenix Company? (ໝ਴౔೮૩ᦉ..)

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