Big Manga

Chapter 933: Big but not strong

Meng Huo has been very concerned about the copyright issues of comics, animations, games, and even novels of animated films. In fact, publishing houses and novel companies have been looking for him to cooperate, but Meng Huo is unmoved—because he knows that Long Teng also interested.

There is no better partner for novel copyright than Longteng Company. With its channels, author resources and marketing capabilities, the novel adaptation of all Meng Huo's works can achieve the maximum effect, and can attract a large number of readers to read comics.

"If the adaptations of Mr. He Xi's works can be sold as well as "Wukong Biography", maybe the world will change their views on comics as a new thing through novels."

At the end of the discussion, Li Ming said this. He is indeed qualified to say this. Chinese people love to read novels, and Longteng's novels are the benchmark. If Meng Huo's novelized works can be a big success, it will indeed make people re-examine comics.

However, Meng Huo did not expect that. "The Legend of Wukong" is a very special case, and all he wants is to expand the copyright, and he does not expect those works to reproduce the glory of "The Story of Wukong" after being adapted into a novel.

It is very difficult to adapt the status of comics with the help of novels, but Meng Huo is not worried about this at all. Compared with a few years ago, the image of comics in the hearts of the world has changed drastically.

Huaxia is rapidly accepting comics and paying attention to comics, which can be done without resorting to novels.

"Then it's decided like this." Meng Huo signed his name on the agreement, put down his pen, and said, "From now on, the novel publishing rights of all my works will be given priority to Long Teng under the same conditions, and the condition is that you use the best resources. Go pack it."

Li Ming nodded: "This is no problem, but Mr. He Xi, do you really want us to send a novelist to help?"

Before tonight's discussion, Longteng Company was already mentally prepared to send first-line novelists, but what surprised Li Ming was that Meng Huo gave up this generous offer in exchange for greater support from Longteng Company in terms of marketing.

Li Ming was very happy about this. Novelists have their own independent works, and it is not easy to persuade first-line novelists to adapt them. It is naturally best for Phoenix Company to provide the original novels. Longteng only has the right to publish and sell. I'm not really interested in editing.

"There is no need to go through so much trouble, I will set up an adaptation studio by myself."

Meng Huo replied. In his opinion, it is more reassuring to put the right of adaptation in his own hands. Moreover, adaptation is not creation. His works basically have complete manuscripts, and he does not need the help of first-line novelists to tell stories in the form of novels.

He decided to set up a small studio by himself, and recruit some excellent literary geniuses to adapt novel versions-he didn't ask those novels to sell well,

I just hope it can show the original style in an authentic way.

Regarding this point, Li Ming also has no problem. After the agreement was signed, the atmosphere in the private room was very festive. Meng Huo and his party shook hands with Long Teng and his party. Ready to say goodbye.

"After that, I will trouble Teacher He Xi to act quickly." Li Ming said with a smile: "I can't wait to read those novels, no matter which works are good, I hope to release two books this year."

Meng Huo nodded: "Two copies are fine."

He also felt that it was a bit too small. The novels published by Longteng Company generally cost between 100,000 and 200,000 yuan. Except for short works such as "5 Centimeters Per Second", most comics, animations, and games may cost more than 100,000 yuan. It takes several books to finish.

Meng Huo plans to release more than three books in the second half of the year.

While he was talking to Li Ming, on the other side, several editors surrounded Qin Ya, trying to persuade her to continue writing romance novels.

"Forget it..." But Qin Ya shook her head and said, "The competition in the novel world is too fierce. There is no shortage of me as an author. I think comics are more suitable for me than novels."

She usually looks frivolous, but she is very calm in her heart. He has a clear view of his own path. Qin Ya no longer cares about money, but cares about her 'value' - her value in the comics world is obviously much higher than that in the novel world.

After staying in the comic circle for a long time, Qin Ya found that the development of comics is too fast, it is too fast to breathe, and new authors are springing up like mushrooms. If she leaves now, she will not have the opportunity to become the "first girl cartoonist" in the future. ' identity back.

In fact, if Qin Ya is transforming into a cartoonist now instead of a few years ago, she may have to compete fiercely with the top five girl cartoonists of Phoenix Company and Zhongxia Company-the strength of these cartoonists And popularity has gradually plumped up.

Qin Ya has no regrets for this kind of talent that transcends the times. He may lead the talent of the comic era in the next ten or decades, but Qin Ya only has five or six years. A girl cartoonist five or six years later. There will be people who are not inferior to Qin Ya in strength.

However, Qin Ya is the pioneer, and her popularity is increasing day by day. No matter how good the future manga artist is, she believes that within ten years, she will still be the king of shoujo manga. And twenty years later, until she puts down her pen, she will still be a popular cartoonist, and her existence will have a huge impact on the entire industry.

"I want to stay at Phoenix Company." She said, "I don't want to hand over the popularity of girl comics to other people, of course..." She glanced at Meng Huo and muttered, "Teacher He Xi is an exception."

Meng Huo is a freak, he is more popular than Qin Ya in girl comics, but strictly speaking, when people talk about He Xi, he will be more described as a 'myth', and not many people will compare him with ordinary people. Cartoonists put together for evaluation.

Qin Ya is now recognized as the number one girl cartoonist. And compared to novelists who live in seclusion and do their own thing, Qin Ya finds that the cartoonists sitting in the studio are more in line with her preferences. Her friends in Phoenix Company are much more than that in Longteng Company.

Her attitude was so firm, naturally, Long Teng's editors had no choice but to give up and stop persuading her.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Qin Ya, Meng Huo, and Shen Jie returned to Manga Island in Alice's Porsche. Qin Ya was already a little drowsy, but Shen Jie's question in the car lifted her spirits.

"Meng Huo, why don't you publish your own novel?"

Shen Jie asked, with the current financial strength and scale of Phoenix Company, it is too easy to publish novels by itself. Even if there is no physical bookstore like Longteng Company that spreads all over China, Phoenix Company can easily publish novels as long as it relies on the channel of comic magazines.

This is no small business. There are so many works and the original works are all very popular. It can be seen that the adaptation of Meng Huo's works into novels is a big market cake. Phoenix Company can even use this to establish a new department!

Qin Ya was also extremely curious. Looking at Meng Huo: "Yes, Mr. He Xi. Why did you give them money for nothing?"

Meng Huo laughed: "I just want to give it to them."

"Teacher, you must be out of your mind." Qin Ya complained unceremoniously.

"Meng Huo's mind is good, Qin Ya..."

At this time, Alice who was driving said: "Our company has passed the most difficult stage. Now we are getting bigger and bigger, but we are not strong, and there are more and more hostile eyes. Phoenix wants to be recognized by everyone. The company now must release some resources and make more friends.

This is the only way for enterprise development. When weak, grasp all resources to climb up, but when it is strong, this method will lead to danger. Strong but not strong, Phoenix is ​​at this stage, facing pressure and attention from all sides.

Compared with a few years ago, now every move of the Phoenix Company is under the spotlight, and the rapidly growing scale has attracted the jealousy and envy of many people, as well as many ambitious eyes, and too many people want to trouble them. If the Phoenix company wants to become a cultural giant, it must show kindness and kindness now.

"Don't look at our company's development in the past two years. But in private, the company's top management is also terrified and cautious about everything." Alice said. The Phoenix Company has achieved today's results precisely because they are aware of the risks, and they have done a lot of goodwill actions in the past two years.

In fact, the situation of Phoenix Company in the past two years is very dangerous, because it has developed too fast and its foundation is not stable. Once there are some key mistakes, it may cease to exist now.

The Phoenix Company came over without incident, and the process became smoother and smoother, mainly because of its good image. There are not too many enemies created because of too fast development. The reason for this is precisely because Phoenix has made many compromises. Share your interests with others.

The most striking example is that they shared their comics with other animation companies, and Phoenix Company focused on He Xi's works. There are no restrictions on the copyright of other cartoonists, and at the same time, it provides voice actors to other animation companies, which makes Phoenix Company have many friends.

In the past two years, the sales volume of Phoenix's comics has been able to compete with the Zhongxia Division. This is because their comics are not only related to Phoenix, but also related to the source of the original animation works of the entire industry-other animation companies have the same interests as Phoenix. Tied together, they will actively promote the sales of Phoenix's comic magazines.

This is because the stronger and more popular the manga magazines of Phoenix companies are, the more popular the animations produced by these companies will be.

And this situation is also very different from Zhongxia Company. Zhongxia Company's self-produced and self-sold model, with the help of star voice actors, deviates from the expectations of other peers. This is why Zhongxia Company can't get rid of Phoenix Company anyway. The essential reason—there are countless people behind Phoenix.

"The power of kindness is great."

Meng Huo said with a smile: "Although some small companies seem insignificant, their combined power is enough to compete with any big company... We have gradually gained a firm foothold now, and now few people can destroy us."

Once the Phoenix Company is wiped out, it will not only be the Phoenix that will be wiped out, but the entire animation circle and many companies—this is also quite troublesome in the eyes of the government.

But if the Phoenix Company had taken the same action as Zhongxia at the beginning, it must have been a betrayal by now, and the malice of other people will increase as the Phoenix becomes stronger. From media news to social individuals, many people will not be like now. I love Phoenix so much.

Even if Phoenix is ​​not wiped out, it must be struggling now, and every step is being watched.

After hearing Meng Huo and Alice's words, both Qin Ya and Shen Jie were terrified. Shen Jie frowned slightly in thought, but Qin Ya felt a little fussing: "Isn't it so sad? Isn't Zhongxia Company alive now? Is it good?"

"That's because Zhongxia is different from us." Alice replied: "Zhongxia is not a new company, its foundation is too strong."

Why Zhongxia can be so righteous, because strictly speaking it is not a new company. Zhongxia was born out of Longteng, with strong capital, extensive contacts, and an extremely large force behind it-such a company has been a hegemon since its birth.

Now the media and entertainment circles have a positive effect on Zhongxia - mainly relying on the network behind Zhongxia, those connections are destined to its authority, while Phoenix needs time and friends to truly stand firm.

"But they have such a strong foundation, and we are still catching up with them now..." Meng Huo continued: "It is not wrong for them to act in order to maximize their interests. They don't worry about public opinion and social perception, but their approach still deviates from the industry. The current state of development ... so they are doomed."

Comics are not handed over to other companies to produce, and hiring stars that others cannot afford to dub has caused tremendous pressure on other animations, and many new voice actor firms have been destroyed-such actions have caused the current Chinese comic circle to be overwhelmed. The favorability of Phoenix Company is obviously better than that of Zhongxia.

In the past year, this trend has become more and more obvious. When He Xi launches a new work, many animation companies will help. However, the resources used by Zhongxia are still the same, and the influence of public opinion is becoming more and more unable to suppress Phoenix.

"Doing business is really complicated..."

Qin Ya scratched her head in trouble.

"It's not that complicated. In fact, it's just like people. The principle is very simple." Alice laughed: "No matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to live alone, especially when he is still standing on top of other people. Jealousy, only those who are generous will be respected and recognized."

It was precisely because of this that Meng Huo handed over the publishing rights to Long Teng. This was an act of goodwill, indicating that they would not reach out anywhere.

"Maybe if we hand over the novel to Long Teng, there will be some good variables in the future." Alice glanced at Meng Huo in the rearview mirror, and Meng Huo closed his eyes slightly: "I just want them not to make trouble." .”

He sold his favor to Long Teng, and now Long Teng's interests are tied to him. If the novel copyrights of those works can indeed bring Long Teng benefits—they won't become the enemies of Phoenix Company in the future, at least they can't blatantly fight with them. Zhong Xia stood aside.

This is very important, quite important, especially when Phoenix is ​​still competing with Zhongxia. (to be continued)

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