Big Manga

Chapter 934: April and Rose

On the last day of the carnival, Xu Jing arrived late from Ninghai.

The first time Meng Huo met him, he asked, "How is Madam's condition?"

"No problem, it's almost better now." Xu Jing replied: "But I still let her stay in Ninghai."

He then smiled at Meng Huo: "I also saw it in Ninghai. "The Rebellious Lelouch" was an unprecedented success. Its ending was as amazing as the original "Magic Girl Madoka", but it was more exciting than Madoka. popular."

In terms of audience size, "The Rebellious Lelouch" undoubtedly far exceeds "Magic Girl Madoka Magica", Xu Jing is very satisfied with its success.

But this made Meng Huo curious: "You heard about it in Ninghai?"

"How could I not have heard of it? There is a lot of commotion outside." Xu Jing said: "The comments and controversies of "Rebellious Lu Luxiu" occupied the Weibo homepage for several days, and all the media in Ninghai responded strongly——Dong Kanae also congratulated me."

"So that's the case, I don't even know, it's too busy here..."

Meng Huo shook his head slightly. He was so busy these days that he didn't notice the situation of "Lelouchu the Rebellious" outside. However, Xu Jing's words also proved his guess that the surge in tourists to the carnival was indeed due to the ending of "The Rebellious Lelouch".

"I heard from Alice that the matter of the novel has also been discussed?" Xu Jing then asked.

"Yes." Meng Huo nodded: "As planned, I will form a team to complete the novelization work, but the publishing rights will be handed over to Long Teng."

Xu Jing heaved a sigh of relief, he didn't care about the loss of the novel's publishing rights, and the settlement of the novel's matters would undoubtedly be of great benefit to the promotion of Meng Huo's works: "In this way, the carnival will be the last thing left."

The last thing refers to the announcement of the two new animations that will be launched immediately after the end of "Wine of Eternal Life" and "Lelouch of the Rebellion".

In the entire carnival, He Xi's new work announcement is undoubtedly the most important. This year's event is divided into two parts, one is the new games announced on the first day of the carnival, and the other is the new animations announced on the last day.

There are no new comics announced at this carnival. This disappointed some fans, but they did not lose interest in the new anime.

The event is arranged to be held at the largest clubhouse in Manga Island. The time is in the afternoon, after the performances of the voice actors - the entire reveal event will be filmed,

And live broadcast on the Internet and forums. Before the live broadcast, there are already countless people waiting.

However, for the first animation to be revealed after the live broadcast started, it was not Meng Huo who took the stage, but the members of Ninghai Animation Studio. At this moment, Meng Huo accompanied Xu Jing to negotiate with some partners, and he didn't come to the club until the announcement was almost halfway through.

On the way to be quietly taken backstage by the staff. Meng Huo saw the excitement at the venue, and the fans sitting in the auditorium were full of excitement, but not because of Meng Huo, but because of the animation content discussed by the artists above and the various new elves revealed.

"Little Fairy" - this is the first announced animation, as the successor of "Wine of Eternal Life", its return to Ninghai not only excited the painters there, but also excited the fans and reporters who heard the news.

Meng Huo stepped onto the stage at the moment when the atmosphere was at its highest, and at the end of the press conference of "Little Fairies". His appearance set off another wave of screams—of course. Meng Huo was already immune to these screams.

The host in charge of the stage was a beautiful host from Suhua TV Station. Seeing the crazy scene of fans, she couldn't help laughing and said, "To be honest. I'm very envious of this popular screaming."

Meng Huo joked: "Then it's better if you are my secretary. From now on, every time I go on stage, you will follow behind and help pass the little note." , I am afraid that instead of enjoying the screaming, I will be killed by the sight of your female fans."

There was a burst of laughter from the audience.

"Okay, Mr. He Xi, tell us what the second animation will be announced?" After the joke, the hostess immediately changed the topic: "As far as I know, the production of "Rebellious Lelouchi" "The island studio of "is your most demanding animation studio, this new work should not be bad, right?"

Meng Huo nodded, he never brought bad animation over.

"Then let me guess." The hostess didn't get any information beforehand. However, she guessed with great interest: "If you want to talk about excellent works, the best one now is naturally "One Piece". This comic has been serialized for many years, and it still occupies the throne of the most popular comic. The animation is naturally There is no obstacle—has Teacher He Xi considered making "One Piece"?"

When this question was asked, the fans below the stage were not too surprised. The animation of "One Piece" has always been the focus of attention of the world. This question is always indispensable in every interview of He Xi, but Meng Huo has never admitted it , it will definitely be the same this time.

However, it was completely unexpected that this time Meng Huo suddenly changed his words: "Yes, I have considered it."

In an instant, the entire venue fell silent, and then there was a gasp in the auditorium: ""One Piece" is going to be animated!?" The hostess was also dumbfounded, and hurriedly confirmed: "Mr. He Xi means, The next animation is "One Piece"?"

"I didn't say that." Meng Huo shook his head with a smile, and the audience immediately became cold again. Many fans sighed and felt that their happiness was in vain.

"However, all the conditions for the animation of "One Piece" are mature. Although the next animation is not it, I think it is almost the same." It must have been on TV."

Now, the fans experienced what is called a roller coaster mood: from excitement to loss, within a few seconds, they suddenly heard this sentence - people who reacted slower were dumbfounded, while those who reacted faster were excited screamed.

We can see it at next year's carnival. Doesn't this mean that within a year, "One Piece" will be animated! ?

This news is too shocking, although it is not yet, but at least the time has been limited, the fans at the venue were too excited to calm down. It took more than ten minutes for the host to successfully lure the topic and the fans' attention to the new animation again.

And this temptation still relied on a decision suddenly made by Meng Huo.

"Teacher, have you prepared two animations?" The hostess was also terrified by his decision: "Then we will decide which one to produce?"

"Yes, I leave the decision to everyone. But it's not everyone present, but the animation fans in China..." Meng Huo said: "After the carnival is over, we will start voting on the two animations online. Members of the real-name authentication forum can choose their favorite works, and we will give everyone a week to vote."

Voting for animation was Meng Huo's sudden idea. Moreover, the illustrators of Manga Island had just finished "Lelouch the Rebellion" and were going to help out at the carnival, so they just took advantage of the voting time to let them take a vacation.

Of course, when it comes to voting, it is natural to let everyone know which two animations it is - Meng Huo's preparations are quite simple, and he has some prepared drawing boards placed on the stage. Then first introduce the names of the two animations.

"This is the first choice. It tells the youth story of talented middle school boys (pianists) and girls (violinists) who work together and grow up." Meng Huo revealed the first drawing board. Silhouette of a boy playing the piano.

"Your Lie in April, the name is really strange..." The hostess looked at the title on the drawing board and asked the fans, "Is this a school-themed music work?"

"That's right!" Meng Huo nodded, "But I think it's more like an inspirational message to tell your dreams..."

Before he finished speaking, several voices of inquiry suddenly came from the auditorium: "Mr. He Xi, do you play the piano in this animation?", "Is this a piano play?"

Meng Huo glanced at the excited female fans sitting in the front row of the auditorium, and said with a smile: "I won't answer this question, the questioning session has not yet come, please calm down first. Let me reveal another animation option."

The drawing board on the stage was divided into two sides, and Meng Huo walked to the other side, revealing the first drawing board here: the girl in a black gothic loli costume with blood-red pupils on the drawing board was impressive.

"This is……"

The hostess felt that this drawing board was more beautiful than the other one. But there is no animated title on it.

"...It seems that our staff was not careful enough and put the drawing boards in the wrong order." Meng Huo smiled wryly. This is a character in the new work. It was originally introduced later, but it seems that someone accidentally placed it in front of the animation title.

"Mercury lamp."

But when things were like this, Meng Huo could only follow this order.

"Her name is Mercury Lamp, and she is a puppet." Meng Huo introduced: "The animation here is called "The Rozen Maiden". It tells a fantasy story about several dolls fighting around an 'Alice Game'."

He began to introduce "Rozen Maiden", and revealed the character designs of different dolls-of course, there will be the character designs and detailed introduction of "Your Lie in April". Which anime Island Studio chooses to produce will be decided by readers voting online.

after an hour. The animation reveal event is over, and the carnival will close after the evening's seiyuu performance. But Meng Huo's work came to an end here. After the carnival ended, the manga island would continue to be lively for at least half a month, but Meng Huo didn't have to worry about these things.

His stress disappeared, and he returned to the apartment briskly.

"Teacher He Xi, teacher He Xi!" But on the way, Qin Ya found him out of breath, and said to him, "Thank you for the new animation!"

"Why thank me?" Meng Huo raised his eyebrows.

"I found out just now - the reason why "One Piece" is not produced immediately is because of me?" Qin Ya said, she knew that the desire of "One Piece" for Phoenix Company was no less than that of outsiders. The idea, the company will definitely push him to produce it, and it is impossible to delay it until next year.

Meng Huo delayed the animation of "One Piece" because of Qin Ya's "Legend of the Galaxy Diva". The animation studio of "Galaxy Diva" will start producing animation next month, and Meng Huo avoided "One Piece". Competition with "Legend of the Galactic Diva".

The popularity of "One Piece" has been the number one manga in recent years, even far surpassing "Detective Conan". Everyone knows that once it is animated, it will be a nightmare for all other animations in the same period.

Although "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" and "One Piece" are not of the same kind, both are long-form animations. If they are broadcast at the same time, there will definitely be comparisons and competitions—and "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" has no chance of winning .

Because of this, Qin Ya is very grateful to Meng Huo.

But for Meng Huo, this is not a big deal, and there will be no loss if "One Piece" is delayed. He hoped that other cartoonists of the Phoenix Company could also show their charm, and the most promising one was Qin Ya. Her "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" was expected to turn her into an existence that could not lose to angels.

Meng Huo has this kind of expectation for her, and the comics of "The Legend of the Galaxy Diva" also have many of his ideas, including some traces of works such as "Macros". This animation will definitely be popular in half the sky.

"And..." However, Qin Ya's gratitude is not limited to this, she also has doubts about Meng Huo's new work: "Teacher, are you just writing "You Are a Lie in April" just to help "Legend of the Galaxy Diva"?" "Into the options?"

The short "You Are a Lie in April" will not endanger "The Legend of the Galaxy Diva". "You Are a Lie in April" is a story of piano and music, and it is also an animation full of music. It's a Lie" can guide some of He Xi's audience to watch Qin Ya's "Legend of the Galaxy Diva".

"You think too much. "You Are a Lie in April" was originally in my plan..." Meng Huo smiled and said, "And I think "The Rozen Maiden" will win, so don't be happy in vain."

"How is it possible!" Qin Ya obviously didn't believe it: "The winner will definitely be "You Are a Lie in April". I just heard your female fans in the auditorium talking about this animation and your teacher. piano."

Although Meng Huo offered two animation choices, it was unfair in Qin Ya's eyes.

This is mainly because of the pianist status of the protagonist in "You Are a Lie in April", and the most talked about thing about Meng Huo is his piano talent. Many female fans are excited to say that Meng Huo will definitely play in this movie. Playing the piano in the animation—even saying that the protagonist of the animation is the original form of Meng Huo.

Of course, this is just the speculation of fans, but compared to "Rozen Maiden", "You Are a Lie in April" is more topical and attractive, and the chances of winning the vote are much higher. (to be continued)

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