Big Manga

Chapter 935: The Last Banquet

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At ten o'clock in the evening, after the grand fireworks, the carnival ended. ( )

After the carnival ended, most of the shops were closed, and most of the tourists left Manga Island by taking the last cruise ship and bus—only a few tourists staying in hotels in Manga Island did not leave, and they were able to enjoy the last carnival.

Starting at eleven o'clock, Manga Island will hold an open-air concert. Almost all familiar voice actors will be present. This concert is held to thank all the employees of Phoenix Company and the businessmen of Manga Island for their hard work during the carnival. Tickets are not required.

The concert was very lively, and Liu Yi and the others didn't have to work, so they came to the scene early.

"Good evening." Meng Huo, dressed up, mingled in the crowd like an ordinary person, and found them on the phone.

Liu Yun laughed and said, "I said, Teacher He Xi, you don't perform on it, but hang out with us here, okay?"

"It's really weird to hear you say the word He Xi." Meng Huo laughed. This was the first time Liu Yun said Teacher He Xi to him. Although he knew it was a joke, it still sounded weird, but he still answered. Liu Yun's question: "If I go up to perform, I won't be able to be quiet tonight."

Of course he is also willing to perform on stage, but that is an irrational behavior. If he knew that cartoonist He Xi would still perform on this stage, there would be many tourists and reporters staying behind—in fact, there are quite a few now◎▽ It was troublesome enough for people to stay on purpose because of Shen Jie and the others.

After briefly explaining the reason, Meng Huo asked curiously, "Why didn't you come to the meteor shower two days ago?"

The expressions of the four little friends suddenly became strange. They deliberately gave time to Meng Huo and Shen Jie - but this matter can be told to Shen Jie. But he couldn't explain it to Meng Huo.

It was no secret that Shen Jie was chasing Meng Huo. But Meng Huoxi didn't like Shen Jie. Now the four of them couldn't be sure, so they didn't want to tell the truth. It would be bad if it aroused Meng Huo's disgust.

Liu Yun immediately took the lead in answering that she was too busy with work, and the other three had the same reason, but this reason was seamless, because Carnival was already very busy.

Meng Huo quickly put the matter aside, and as an apology for not being with these four people the previous two days, he found a seat with Liu Yi and the others to sit down and watch the performance. The scale of this concert attended by dozens of seiyuu is no smaller than any carnival.

Liu Yi handed Meng Huo a bottle of water,

Meng Huo thanked him, and then asked, "Which voice actor do you like?"

"Xia Chuan is real."

Liu Yi answered without hesitation.

"Boys seem to like her more." Liu Yun's tone was a little sour. Xia Chuanzhen has a weak temperament on her body, and her long-term singing style has added a touch of sadness to her. This kind of soft and sad Women have always been very attractive to men.

"Shen Jie is no less popular among boys than her."

Han Xuan added that among male fans, Shen Jie's independence and strong feeling are also very popular. She is really different from Xia Chuan, Shen Jie always has a lot of momentum. He is always the most dazzling person on the stage, so he is frantically sought after by many male fans who like strong girls.

"So, to read the latest chapters of this book, please go to 800 Novels Network ( You girls should like Qingfengmingyue?" Meng Huo asked with a smile. The boys in their mouths like female voice actresses. This is in line with the principle that opposites attract, and the fans of voice actors are generally of the opposite sex.


But for Meng Huo's question, Han Xuan and Li Yu's answers were a bit ambiguous. Qingfeng Mingyue is very popular, but Meng Huo obviously didn't bring himself in - the most popular voice actor who is most popular with girls now is obviously It was Meng Huo. After the animation of "The Rebellious Lu Luxiu" was released, many girls were poisoned by his voice.

However, Han Xuan and Li Yu, who were somewhat shy, did not dare to tell this fact.

For Liu Yun, her answer was a bit surprising: "I think Xiangzi is very good." She said: "I didn't pay much attention to her before. After watching her tell ghost stories a few days ago, I suddenly felt that She's cute."

"Takashima Koko?" Meng Huo was stunned for a while, and at this moment, Liu Yi also agreed: "That's right, that's right, I watched the video, and she looks cute when she tells ghost stories."

Li Yu followed suit and giggled: "Miss Xiangzi has always acted like 'I'm amazing', which usually disgusts some people, but on the stage a few days ago, when she was forced by the host to tell ghost stories , the character is completely exposed, and the heart is unexpectedly fragile!"

"This is called Tsundere." Han Xuan said on the side: "After that time, everyone understood why she was chosen as the heroine of "Dragon and Tiger". It's quite scary, if you listen to it too much, you might be really scared..."

Meng Huo understood that it was Takashima Koko who was really forced to tell ghost stories.

"Alice really did it." He was a little amused. He thought it was a joke, but he didn't expect that Alice actually asked Takashima Koko to tell a ghost story unexpectedly, and it seemed that the effect was unexpectedly good.

After the open-air concert ended, it was already half past twelve in the evening.

The five of them walked back, and Meng Huo asked, "Are you going to get up early tomorrow?"

"That's right..." Liu Yun yawned and said, "Although the carnival is over, Manga Island will not be free for the next half a month... We can only rest when school starts."

Han Xuan walked beside Meng Huo and laughed: "But this kind of hard work is not bad, and you can earn tuition fees. I like working here..."

"There's no harm in working hard for a while, just exercise your abilities." Meng Huo said with a smile: "When our company is recruiting people, we will definitely give priority to those of you who know Manga Island. I will not be unfamiliar with the place."

He was quite satisfied with the performance of these four friends. Although Meng Huo had expressed that he would let them work in the company before, it seemed that even without his own help, they could break through with their own strength.

Meng Huo had inquired about the situation of these four people. They all performed well in school and were very active in various activities. He is very suitable for the needs of Phoenix Company. Meng Huo was relieved by this. In the past, he was a little worried that his promise would kill these people. Four years wasted in vain.

"By the way, you'd better think about what jobs you want to do in the future." Meng Huo said, "Phoenix Company will be in the period of business reorganization and expansion in the next few years, and there will be a huge shortage of personnel. We will recruit excellent interns in advance every year. Students, you can come to practice as early as next fall, if you can determine the direction of work, it will be great."

Time always passes by inadvertently, after this summer vacation. Liu Yun and the others are junior students, and they will enter the senior year next fall. The internship period in some schools in the university town is a full year of senior year, while in some schools it is half a year.

However, every autumn starting from this year, Phoenix Company will select some of the best students from the university town and recruit them for internship in advance. These people were arranged in the manga island in the early stage, so that it would be convenient to go back and forth without delaying their studies, and in the next semester, they would all be sent to other departments for internships.

After a year of training, each of the students will be a very good employee, and they are more valued by Phoenix Company than normal recruitment.

However, it is not easy to obtain this qualification. In addition to excellent personal qualities and conditions, clear work goals are also necessary. The personnel director of Phoenix Company is quite picky. In his report to Meng Huo, he once said that he would give priority to "people with clear work goals", because such people are happier, more active, and more self-motivated at work.

If a college student who meets all the requirements for recruitment cannot clearly express what job he wants to do and what department he wants to develop in, the Personnel Department will never take them as a key target and train them in advance.

However, it seemed that Meng Huo's four friends already had their own ideas.

"I've made a plan. I'm going to the business department." Liu Yun answered first. She was still the same, always very clear about what she wanted to do. The business department she was talking about was the peripheral and product development and sales department led by Zhou Qian. This department is very busy and needs to cooperate and communicate with many companies, as well as people who are good at communication and execution.

Meng Huo felt that this department was very suitable for Liu Yun. She has a cheerful personality and strong communication skills. Zhou Qian should like her.

"What about you?" he asked the others.

"I want to choose the game department. If not, then the youth editorial department..." Liu Yi answered hesitantly. He likes games, but the game department does not require many people other than painters and programmers.

Despite this, Meng Huo nodded encouragingly: "I know you like games. This department has challenges for you, but if you are prepared, it is not impossible."

It is no problem for Liu Yi to enter the general department, but the game department depends on how hard he can work. If he really has such an obsession, Meng Huo doesn't mind helping him out--Liu Yi was a game fan in his previous life, although he is not A game designer, but he has unique ideas for many games, and his vision is also very accurate.

Meng Huo felt that he had such a talent, and that he might be able to provide some ideas for Qin Ya and the others' game development.

"I'm going to the Personnel Department." At this time, Han Xuan continued the topic: "I'm majoring in business management, and I don't have anything else that I'm good at. The Personnel Department should be suitable for me."

"I heard from Shen Jie." Meng Huo said, "You worked as an accountant for the student union in high school, right? And you did a good job."

"She is also working in the student union now." Li Yu on the side heard this and added: "Han Xuan is very good. She joined the comic club, but she is also the secretary of the student union... After the school starts, she is very hopeful to become Student president."

Meng Huo was really surprised this time. He glanced at Han Xuan in surprise: "Then you will definitely be able to enter the Human Resources Department. They like employees like you the most."

"What about you?" Meng Huo finally looked at Li Yu. Li Yu had the most conservative personality and his usual performance was not outstanding, but Meng Huo did not doubt her intelligence at all. There was not a single girl trio in Ninghai No. 1 Middle School. Girls are dumb.

"I want to be an editor." Li Yu blushed slightly, and said softly, "But I have already obtained the internship qualification, and I will start working next fall..."

This girl who has always been quiet, suddenly uttered something that shocked everyone else. Meng Huo was stunned, while Liu Yi and Liu Yun were stunned.

Liu Yun shouted: "Liu Yun, don't scare me, how did you do it! When did it happen?"

Han Xuan, who has a close relationship with Li Yu, seems to have known about this for a long time, and she helped to answer at this time: "Li Yu has been a loyal reader of Phoenix Company's girl comics since high school, and she sends back postcards attached to the magazine every week. , Give back your thoughts and comments on the comics.”

"There was a comic event in June. Li Yu met with the editors of the girl editorial department. The editor seemed to like her very much. After the event, he invited her to do an internship next year."

After Han Xuan explained, Meng Huo was even more surprised. This is really amazing—Li Yu turned out to be such a die-hard manga fan, but there are quite a few readers who return postcards every week. Li Yu can be favored by the editor-in-chief. It was because Li Yu had the ability to be an editor.

What an editor needs is the vision and experience to evaluate a comic. Li Yu's postcard must have given a lot of valuable opinions-plus her own conditions are really good, so the editor-in-chief made an exception and gave her a promise.

"I was really taken aback, Li Yu, you are hiding it too deeply..." Liu Yun patted her chest and said enviously, "Usually you are quiet, but I didn't expect you to be the most powerful among us."

Liu Yi also looked at Li Yu enviously. Among the four, Li Yu walked the fastest—but Li Yu was still so shy. She blushed and stammered, "It's not that powerful... Also by chance."

"You don't have to be modest." Meng Huo laughed: "If you don't have the ability, there is no chance."

Moreover, the editorial competition of Phoenix Company is very fierce. The most core comic department, each editorial department is the most popular place to work in Phoenix Company. Hundreds of editors are dismissed every year.

"Okay, let me invite you to have supper..." Meng Huo clapped his hands, and the four of them had clear goals, which made him very happy: "Just to celebrate Li Yu's successful breakthrough, maybe my future comics will still To be published through her!"

Li Yu's face turned even redder, and she was about to refuse, but Han Xuan held her hand and said with a smile, "Let's go, the future editor, it's rare for him to treat you, and I happen to be hungry too."

Hearing the invitation, Liu Yun and Liu Yi were naturally elated, and Li Yu was dragged away by the others without any chance of refusing.

On the way, Meng Huo also received a call from Shen Jie after the performance, and she also ran over. In the summer night, six young people enjoyed what might be the last banquet called 'Youth'. (To be continued..)

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