Big Manga

Chapter 938: Three People One Day

Zi Wan, a classmate of the heroine Mizuho in "A Girl in Love with My Sister", discovers Mizuho's identity as a boy on the first day she transfers to school, and then establishes a friendship with Mizuho. She is the only daughter of a noble family, she has a dignified personality, but sometimes she will startle the words and scare Mizuho.

In the game, Ziwan appears calm and mysterious. In the past, she was selected as elder and r because of her excellent grades and elegant manners, but she was repeated for one year due to illness, which also made the elder and r positions vacant last year and blamed herself endlessly, so I have always supported Mizuho's elder activities as compensation, and in the game, I always help Mizuho when she needs it.

However, this young lady has a painful background behind her dignity. Not only does she have a congenital lung disease, she often goes in and out of the hospital, she even sells her future for the sake of her family and parents, and makes a marriage contract with someone she doesn't like.

The story of Aster Line revolves around this girl, discovering and solving her hidden sadness...

"Although Ziwan is very attractive, in terms of character, I like Ruisui more." In Meng Huo's apartment, Shen Jie ate quickly and without losing her image, and said: "He was at Ziwan's house with Ziwan's The way the parents say they are willing to do everything they can to protect Zi Wan is so handsome!"

Although Mizuho's image is similar to that of a beautiful girl, his actions are that of a man who dares to protect the woman he likes.

Alice was also sitting next to Shen Jie, she ate much more slowly, and when talking about the topic of games, she just asked a simple question: "I like the happy ending of the Zister line, and the same goes for other lines. ?"

The ending of the Aster line is that Mizuho gave up the idea of ​​upgrading for Aster, and she and Aster repeated the study for a year. Finally got married.

"The endings are all good." Meng Huo nodded. Every character in "A Girl in Love with My Sister" has a happy ending, and there are shady scenes in the process. But the colors of these shady scenes are light and will not bring unpleasant feelings to the players.

This is a daily and relaxing text adventure game. Ordinary people can just play around, but Meng Huo doesn't suggest that Alice and Shen Jie continue to play like crazy.

"It's a rare vacation. Don't put yourself in the game. If you're really interested, just finish the Takako Line after completing the Aster Line." Meng Huo smiled and said, "These two lines are the most important routes. Other character lines can be played or not."

Alice nodded: "We originally planned to get through the Takako line, but we didn't expect to get through the Aster line first."

Takako is the president of the student council in the game and is very popular. Because of Mizuho's transfer. It had a great impact on her, even the identity of the elder was snatched away by Mizuho.

She often stands in the opposite position with Mizuho, ​​but she is a serious girl herself, and sometimes she gets into a dead end, which makes the story very interesting.

Moreover, Takako is still a typical tsundere, and even fainted to the ground after accidentally following Mizuho during a performance. Later, when she saw Mizuho, ​​she would blush and panic and wanted to escape——Alice and Shen Jie wanted to escape from the beginning. The one who attacked her did not know what went wrong, and the route was shifted to the Aster Line halfway.

Although the plot of Aster Line is also very satisfying to the two of them, after this accident. They all realized that they were not very good at playing text adventure games.

"Meng Huo, give us a strategy for the Guizi Line later." Shen Jie thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid I'll go the wrong route again when I'm halfway there."

Meng Huo nodded: "This is simple."

The screenplay was written by him. He naturally knows all the character strategies like the back of his hand.

"By the way." Meng Huo suddenly remembered what happened in the morning, and turned to look at Alice: "Your father called this morning." He told Alice about the matter. Although he didn't specifically explain it, he felt that Alice should Will explain clearly.

After lunch, Shen Jie took the initiative to help wash the dishes, while Meng Huo went into the study and picked up a pen to write them a strategy for the noble son. Alice looked at the door of the study, and the computer and some instruments were still turned on inside. With some drawing paper.

"Are you going to paint?"

Alice asked curiously.

Meng Huo was writing the strategy. Nodding at the same time: "It's a rare vacation, I plan to draw comics for two days."

"What comic?"

"It's just an old comic."

A smile appeared on Meng Huo's lowered face. He smiled cunningly, but Alice obviously didn't care too much.

After the two women got the strategy. They immediately walked back to the apartment, "We're going to play games", they said, seeming to be quite concerned about the game - of course, the preparation of dinner fell on Meng Huo again.

Meng Huo was a little helpless, but he still seized the time and spent the whole afternoon on comics. Before preparing dinner, he drew the entire manuscript of the whole episode - this made Meng Huo quite satisfied, and his drawing speed did not slow down at all.

At six o'clock in the evening, Meng Huo knocked on the door of Alice's apartment and dragged the two out of the game.

But unexpectedly, while eating dinner, Alice and Shen Jie whispered a few times, and then said to Meng Huo: "The noble son line has been completed, we want Maria's strategy!"

Meng Huo was startled: "So fast?"

"Because there is a save file, you don't need to read the previous plot."

Alice left a save file before each option in the game, so after getting Meng Huo's strategy, she and Shen Jie could start directly from the middle of the story when they were attacking Takako. In fact, they were as early as five o'clock Takako's strategy has been completed.

However, after completing the Takako line, the two became interested in Maria, who always competed with Takako. Maria is Mizuho's childhood sweetheart, with a personality like a little devil. With the help of Ruisui's grandfather's last words as a shield, he helped Ruisui's women's clothing enter the girls' school, and taught Ruisui all kinds of behavioral norms.

But she is not a good staff officer. She often gives Mizuho random ideas and makes Mizuho go around in circles. Sometimes she does things without thinking about the consequences. She is optimistic, outgoing, lively, and sometimes a little manic. Maria's performance in the Aster line is not outstanding, but she has a lot of roles in the Guizi line.

"You've already played two lines in a row. Forget it!"

Meng Huo felt that Alice and the others could not go crazy.

"No, no, absolutely not, we will definitely sleep after reading this line!" Alice said. Shen Jie followed: "We have a file, and we can finish the rest before eleven o'clock tonight. It doesn't matter."

Although they had a good time, both of them are very controlling people, so they don't get addicted to it. In fact, after playing for one day in a row, they also found that their heads were a little confused, but it didn't matter if they played for another night.

She and Shen Jie planned to get a good night's sleep after clearing the Maria line, and tomorrow would be enough for them to adjust their state.

Meng Huo looked at the expectant eyes of the two, and softened his heart: "Okay. But this is the last..."

He promised to hand over Maria's strategy to them. In fact, there is nothing he can do if he doesn't agree. If the two women really want to play, they can also find the strategy on the Internet. Now, one day after the carnival, the "Girl Falls in Love with My Sister" clearance There should be no fewer players.

Alice and Shen Jie finished their meal contentedly, but this time they were not in a hurry to go back. Their eyes seemed a little tired after watching the game all day, so they sat and chatted with Meng Huo.

Alice remembered one thing: "Is the voting page for your next animation open?"

"It's open today."

"How's the voting going?"

"When I saw it, it was almost one-sided..."

Meng Huo bent down and put two cups of tea in front of Alice. With a wry smile, Shen Jie also took out her mobile phone and logged into He Xi's Home to check the voting results. She was surprised and said, "The enthusiasm for voting for these two animations is really high."

"How many people are there?" Alice looked over curiously.

"A total of 90,000 votes. 50,000 against 30,000!"

Shen Jie took out her mobile phone and showed it to Alice. After one day, the number of votes for "Your Lie in April" has exceeded 50,000, while "Rozen Maiden" has not yet reached 40,000. The number of voters is indeed very enthusiastic. But the vote was also one-sided.

"It seems that everyone is looking forward to your piano!" Alice said with a smile: "You can't run away this time."

Meng Huo frowned slightly, and said, "I guess I won't play the piano for the animation "Your Lie in April"."

These words surprised both Alice: "Why?"

"Because the standards don't match." Meng Huo said: "My piano is not suitable for this animation."

The protagonist of "Your Lie in April" is a piano genius, but he is just a junior high school student at such a young age. And in the plot, the piano was abandoned for a few years. Very good among his peers, but that's about it.

In this animation. Even at the end of the day, the protagonist has to work hard towards a high school with a strong music school, and this level is theoretically impossible to surpass some famous music university students. Meng Huo's level may not be suitable for playing the piano in animation.

Meng Huo's current piano level is considered top-notch in the Huaxia Conservatory of Music. After years of running-in, Meng Huo's current piano is definitely not at the level of a middle school student. in front of.

How could he play for "Your Lie in April"?

Of course—this does not mean that Meng Huo is unwilling to play the piano for the animation. If it is good for the animation, he is of course willing to play a few songs in "Your Lie in April", but his piano is only bad for this animation. no good.

There are many young pianists and violinists in "Your Lie in April". This is a story about junior high school students with their youthful musical dreams. The actor’s piano must also match the music of other characters. If Meng Huo were to play the piano, his piano playing would make the piano and music of other adolescent children in the work appear too dim, which obviously does not conform to the animation. plot.

"Anyway, if I play the piano, the rest of the music in the anime will have to keep up with me—it's not easy to hire such a group of musicians."

Meng Huo had to invite musicians of the same level to appear. Considering the cost, this was obviously not a good idea. And all of them are well-known musicians. Can "Your Lie in April" still be called a teenage animation?

It was clearly already a luxurious musical——Meng Huo wanted to write it more realistically, and the best way would be to invite some relatively raw pianists and not appear on stage himself.

After listening to his explanation, Alice and Shen Jie suddenly came to their senses: That's right, this animation is not about the music of the protagonist alone, but his music has to be matched with other people, reflecting the troubles and worries of that age. Struggle, how can you adopt a mature pianist?

"But... this is troublesome. If you don't play, the audience will definitely not give up." Alice has a headache. The overwhelming votes on the forum are definitely because many fans expect Meng Huo to play the piano in person. If When it turns out that there is no such thing, they must feel that they have been cheated.

Shen Jie turned her head: "Meng Huo, can't you lower your level on purpose and play a little bit greener?

"It could be, but I believe it won't work."

Meng Huo said that it is not difficult for him to lower his level to cooperate with others. The problem is that fans know his level, and deliberately playing young will disappoint the audience-how could their teacher He Xi play so ordinary? If it was such an ordinary piano, then the previous expectations would be meaningless.

And as far as this kind of thing is concerned, Meng Huo doesn't want to deliberately play in the direction of youthfulness on the piano. When he plays the piano, his hands will move naturally, and deliberately controlling the youthfulness is better than asking him to play a difficult piece. More trouble.

Alice and Shen Jie immediately became frowning.

"Up to now...the only thing I can do is tell the story."

After being quiet for a while, Alice sighed: "There is no way, animation is more important than reality, and to show the characteristics of that age, it is not good to have a piano that is too mature...Now the voting has just started, Meng Huo, please make your thoughts clear , don't let the fans have unnecessary expectations, I think they will understand."

Voting has been going on for a day, and suddenly I found out that this matter is indeed a bit difficult.

But now, Alice believes that her opinion can be said to be the best. Even if the fans who voted today will be angry, as long as Meng Huo can explain the matter clearly today, the matter will not make a big fuss-there will be more Six days of voting time is also enough for more fans to think carefully.

"But what about the current gap?" Shen Jie is very worried about the current gap in votes: "If the gap in votes is not big, and "Your Lie in April" wins in the end, wouldn't the people who voted for "Rozen Maiden" feel the same? unfair?"

If "Your Lie in April" wins by a narrow margin, then "Rozen Maiden" will definitely feel that it is because Meng Huo failed to clarify the "piano" thing early, which made "Your Lie in April" a lot more false. ticket. (to be continued)

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