Big Manga

Chapter 939: It's Time

That night, Manga Island and He Xi's Dessert Shop were full of girls as usual.

This dessert shop has become a special scenic spot in Manga Island. During the annual carnival, a large number of female fans will gather here offline, which even caused it to appear in some tourist guides as "boys are prohibited".

However, compared to the past few days, the dessert shop is not so crowded now. The girls sat and played together, only inadvertently, they were suddenly shocked by something and jumped up.

"Extraordinary, please look at the forum, Teacher He Xi won't be playing the piano in "Your Lie in April"!"——Accompanied by such a girl's cry, all the girls in He Xi's Dessert Shop They all took out their mobile phones and logged into the forum, and then saw the statement Meng Huo had just released.

The content of the statement is very simple, it is to dispel the rumor that he will play the piano in the new animation.

After seeing this statement, there was an uproar in the dessert shop.

"why is it like this……"

"Isn't that making me vote for nothing? Teacher He Xi is going too far!"

"If I had known that Teacher He Xi didn't play the piano, I might as well have voted for "The Rozen Maiden"!"

Some girls complained on the spot, but many people thought this statement was very good.

"It turns out that Teacher He Xi didn't say he wanted to play the piano, right?" Someone said, "What you're looking forward to is your imagination. Now that Teacher He Xi can come out and explain this matter, I think he is very polite."

"That's right, the matter of playing the piano was passed on by the fans themselves...Mr. He Xi has never said this."

"And the reasons in this statement really can't be faulted."

In his statement, Meng Huo explained his reasons for not playing the piano, which were the exact words he had explained to Alice earlier. his piano.

"Besides, Teacher He Xi also gave you the chance to vote again, which is already very good."

statement. Meng Huo ordered the voting data to be cleared, and those who had voted could vote again. Although it feels a bit troublesome, this is the best solution. The data before the statement is too empty.

"Then what should we do now?" After calming down, the girls frowned: "Which one should we choose now?"

"Your Lie in April" and "Rozen Maiden" - although the introduction and character design of these two animations have been made public.

But the spoiler information is very limited. In fact, apart from the manga adaptations of He Xi's animations, no one can know what it will look like before the other animations are broadcast.

It is really embarrassing for the girls to choose a work from the limited information. There was a rumor before that could drive them to vote for "Your Lie in April". There is information and your own preference type to judge.

""Your Lie in April" is an animation for campus and daily life. Teacher He Xi is very good at making this kind of animation." A girl struggled: "But the teacher's fantasy animations always have unexpected surprises. Really tough choices."

"The daily life on campus is generally more cheerful, right?"

"But there are a lot of campus-oriented animations now. This kind of fantasy and fantasy is relatively rare... The mysterious atmosphere of "Rozen Maiden" is very good."

It is also difficult for other girls to make a choice. In fact, it would be great if it is the work of a different animation studio, at least you can choose from the screen. But now the characters of the two animations are very beautiful, and they are produced by Shima Studio. Before more information is revealed, their various conditions are very similar, no matter which one you choose, it seems to be the same.

There are only two elements that can be clearly distinguished, one of which is the genre: one is the campus daily orientation, and the other is the fantasy fantasy orientation. Another element is the length, the length of the two animations is not the same.

""Your Lie in April" has more than 20 episodes, and "Rozen Maiden" has only a dozen episodes. From this point of view, is it better to choose "Your Lie in April"?"

"Stupid, Mr. He Xi's short animations are wonderful. And no matter whether it is long or short, the work of Island Studio will continue... If you choose "Rozen Girl", then in the broadcast of "Your Lie in April" In the deadline, we may see two animations."

"But "Your Lie in April" has more than 20 episodes, watching it is more enjoyable!?"

The contention of space also has different preferences due to different people. Even the animation fans who are most familiar with He Xi are now in trouble - but anyway, after this statement, the fans have calmed down. Start choosing between the two animations without bias.

What no one actually knows is that there were actually two seasons of Rozen Maiden. If the two seasons were produced together, it would be longer than "Your Lie in April"-Meng Huo did not announce this news. This is because he doesn't know if he will produce a second season of Rozen Maiden.

The "Rose Maiden" prepared by Meng Huo is an improved "Rose Maiden" based on the first season and the comics, which will contain the original ova. However, "Your Lie in April" is the same as the original work, and the length is not much different.

After the new voting started, the disparity between the two animations did not appear before, but there was no reversal of the situation. Even if the rumor of the piano disappeared, "Your Lie in April" still had more votes than "Rozen Maiden" a little.

However, Meng Huo didn't care too much about this matter anymore. After two days of drawing cartoons, work came again.

The island studio of Manga Island is still on vacation, and the vacation will last until the animation voting is over, so his work is not in Manga Island, but Ning Hai—he has to prepare for the return of "Little Fairy".

Compared with the new animation, the return of the national animation "Little Fairy" has obviously caused a greater sensation. In the past two days, Meng Huo has seen news about it on TV no less than five times, and even twice CCTV reports.

"It's the first time I've seen such support from CCTV." Shen Jie, who was sitting in the same carriage as Meng Huo, said with a smile: "It called the return of "Little Fairies" the biggest surprise for the children this summer, so good It seems that they haven’t even gotten their own animation, right?”

The comments given by CCTV were indeed unprecedentedly high, but Alice was not surprised at all.

"You don't know how excited they are!" She smiled and said to Shen Jie: "On the day the news was just announced, CCTV called and invited Meng Huo to produce a special program to celebrate the return of "Little Fairies", but Meng Huo didn't Make sense."

Shen Jie opened her eyes wide: "Is that so?"

"Yeah." Meng Huo nodded: ""Little Fairy" is different from other animations, it deserves this treatment."

Not only "Pokemon", but also "Detective Conan". These two animations are super popular works that can support the animation ratings of several TV stations on their own. No matter how much CCTV spends on promoting it, they will benefit from it.

"Some TV stations can't get "Little Fairy" even if they want it!"

Alice continued to laugh. The return of "Pokemon" is also a big event for Phoenix Company, which makes the company's fighting spirit rise all at once-because of the return of this animation. It will represent Phoenix regaining its position as the leader in the animation industry.

According to the plan a year ago, "Little Fairy" will be broadcast on Suhua, Tokyo and CCTV after its return, while Ninghai TV, which was the first broadcast before, will lose the opportunity. This will be a milestone event.

"If Zhongxia Company can't launch an animation similar to "Flame Boy" during this period, they will have no chance." Meng Huo said that the return of "Little Fairy" will bring great pressure to Zhongxia, but He is really looking forward to seeing Zhongxia's Jedi counterattack and release an amazing work.

However, this possibility is very small. Although Zhongxia Company has released one animation after another in the past few years, among them, like "Blue Love Song", it is claimed to be an animation alongside "Flame Boy", but in fact - it still has a certain relationship with "Flame Boy" gap.

The peak of Zhongxia was in "Fire Boy". After this one, Meng Huo didn't have that amazing feeling.

"You think too highly of Zhongxia, they can't show "Flame Boy" again." However, Alice did not recognize Meng Huo's 'opportunity' and said that she felt that Zhongxia was no different from a loser: "The energy of the angels has been dispersed. , They have not yet been able to match your painter."

There are several key conditions for the release of "Flame Boy". The voice actor lineup can be reproduced. However, there is basically no choice for the same work now. The most important thing is that the angel who made "Flame Boy" is no longer the angel who was light in the past. They are working on several animations concurrently, traveling between two places, it is difficult to go all out to produce a new masterpiece.

"Moreover. Even if a miracle happens, don't forget that we still have "Legend of the Galactic Diva." Alice thought of Qin Ya, and couldn't help but praised: "We didn't expect her to go this far, you picked it up." A good baby."

With the announcement of the animation, the popularity of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" in shoujo manga has broken records, even surpassing several of Meng Huo's works. As a long serialized manga, "Legend of the Galactic Diva" has already built up its foundation. Its status in shoujo manga is the same as that of "One Piece" in juvenile manga, and it is destined to be popular for several years.

But at the beginning. Whether it was the Phoenix Company or the Zhongxia Company, no one thought that Qin Ya would be able to make it this far. Although Qin Ya was a top girl cartoonist at that time. But it gives people the feeling that there is no one above, and it will never be possible to catch up with Angel and He Xi.

Did not expect a few years later. Now relying on the animation of "The Legend of the Galaxy Diva", Qin Ya has the aura of "taking off". Some people already predict that if the animation of "The Legend of the Galaxy Diva" is a big success, it will be enough for Qin Ya to stand on the same level as the angel .

"Qin Ya is indeed a very talented person."

Meng Huo nodded. The full-length girl animation is still blank. Because of this, it is possible for Qin Ya's "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" to 'make her into a god', resulting in an extraordinary effect-because Qin Ya has no opponent at all. Well!

The current feature-length animations are either for children or for teenagers. Once a purely female-oriented full-length animation like "Legend of the Galactic Diva" is launched, it will be the most hungry animation for girls, and it will definitely create half of the country.

Thinking about it now, Zhongxia Company missed a great opportunity. If they can produce a feature-length animation targeting female audiences before "Legend of the Galaxy Diva", they may still have a chance to compete with the Phoenix Chamber.

But to miss is to miss, and now they have no chance, Phoenix has a firm foothold in the two types of boys and girls, and it is already invincible.

At noon, after returning to Ninghai, Meng Huo took over the preparatory work for "Little Fairies".

The returning animation plot will start in the middle of the Chengdu League. The original plot of "Little Fairies" has already progressed to the Chengdu League. This volume is quite long. When the original Chengdu League ended, it was episode 275. Counting from the first episode of the first volume, there were fifty-three episodes a year, which would take more than five years.

Meng Huo planned to complete the plot of the Chengdu League within two years. He picked out some important plots and put them up, and left most of the rest to the painters to create freely——"Little Fairies" was originally created around elves. The animation of the story, and as early as a few years ago, Meng Huo set up an independent team to build the story for the elves.

Another reason why this work is so popular is that they will accept contributions and suggestions from readers—some readers will provide very good stories, and then make it through Phoenix Company, which will make the audience feel that the animation is more close to the people.

In addition to the preparations for the animation itself, Meng Huo also met with representatives of many companies and enterprises when he came back this time-they all came for "Little Fairies".

Among all the animations in China, the commercial activities of "Little Fairy" are at the forefront. Familiar dolls such as Pikachu have now appeared in playgrounds in many cities, and even in shops around junior high schools and primary schools. You can see products related to it.

Elf stationery, elf dolls, candies, cards—there are many such products, and there are dozens of enterprises that cooperate with Phoenix Company to develop these products, with tens of thousands of practitioners, and the number is still growing.

After hearing the news of the return of animation, these companies are undoubtedly the most excited. Their representatives came to the Phoenix Tower early, looking forward to reaching new cooperation and agreements. "Little Fairy" is very popular in the world, and this comeback is also a period of product explosion.

This is a very important thing, and the promotion of the comeback has also become easier because of the positive actions of these companies. Of course, these matters did not need to be handled by Meng Huo himself, and Zhou Qian was always in charge, but this time he personally contacted and entertained many people, showing that he attached great importance to the commercialization of "Little Fairies".

This time, Meng Huo felt that it was time for him to redefine the animation industry! (to be continued)

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