Big Manga

Chapter 940: Choice

Three days after Meng Huo returned to Ninghai, Li Qin also returned home from Suhua.

That night, when Meng Huo walked into the house carrying a box of jelly, the inside was brightly lit. Li Qin's return made other manga assistants also come to visit.

"Teacher, I'll help you." Seeing the box in Meng Huo's hand, Tomato immediately ran over to help him move it in. The others looked over curiously. This was the first time Li Qin saw Meng Huo carrying the box back. Home: "What are these?"

"Jelly, Qingpu Company's new product." Meng Huo said with a smile: "Everyone will eat it later, and you can put forward any comments."

"Qingpu?" Hua Meng was taken aback, "Is it the flavor food company Qingpu Company?"

Meng Huo nodded. This company is one of the most well-known food companies in China, specializing in the production of snack foods with various special flavors. Jelly is one of its main businesses, and it is also a brand that Qin Ya likes very much.

The assistants became curious: "Teacher, why did you buy jelly from Qingpu on purpose?" Wang Yanmeng couldn't help opening the box, but just after unpacking, she exclaimed in surprise: "This is an elf! "

Li Qin and the others looked over and found that the jelly in the box was different from the jelly they had seen before. There were various patterns of elves printed on the packaging, and even many jelly boxes were made of different elves. Appearance: Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Squirtle...

"It's so cute!" Wang Yanmeng's eyes lit up: "It's the first time I've seen such a cute jelly, where did you buy it, sir?"

Meng Huo laughed: "I didn't buy it, it was a gift from them. Many people in the company have it—these jellies have not yet been released. They are the "Little Fairies" series of jellies jointly developed by Qingpu and our company. It’s still a few weeks before it’s available.”

He encouraged: "Everyone eat and eat, the taste is quite good."

However, in fact, Meng Huo didn't need to encourage him. The others couldn't wait to take out the jelly and eat it. They were surprised to find that the taste of the jelly was more surprising than the appearance, and even those who were not interested in the jelly praised it repeatedly. I ate seven or eight in a row.

"Teacher, can I take some back?" Wang Yanmeng said greedily, "This is amazing. Why did you develop such a cute jelly!"


Meng Huo nodded. In fact, this jelly is just a part of the new strategy of "Little Fairy". It was originally a series of new jelly products that had already been developed. Qingpu Company found a cooperation with Phoenix Company and used the image of the elf to promote it.

This is a good thing for both companies.

"You will often see this type of product in the future."

Meng Huo said with a smile, after working for a few days, the general direction and scale of the surrounding expansion have been determined. In the future, there will be many elf-like products on the market, not just food. There are all kinds of other supplies, and there will be elf dolls in all famous playgrounds in China.

After the return of "Little Fairies", the TV station will often hold various surprise programs and activities, jointly organized by Phoenix, TV stations and corresponding companies, to promote all kinds of little elf products.

There are also some offline activities that go deep into the society, which are already planned. This time the animation returns, and the popularity of "Little Fairy" will become even stronger.

At the same time, while Meng Huo was busy with the work of "Little Fairy", on the He Xi Family forum, the voting for the two animations was progressing smoothly. Although the gap is not big, "Your Lie in April" is at an advantage.

However, this situation changed unexpectedly the night Meng Huo moved back to Jelly.

The origin of this change is not in Phoenix. It was at a shareholder meeting held by Zhongxia Company. Because of the impact of the return of "Little Fairy", the shareholders of Zhongxia Company were very restless.

The shareholders' meeting played from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., and the conclusions drawn on the response to "Little Fairy" were not optimistic. However, after the conclusion of this topic, shareholders also had a lot of opinions on He Xi's two new works.

"Mr. Dong, how much influence did "Your Lie in April" have on Qin Ya's "Legend of the Galaxy Diva"?"

Someone asked Dong Ding, but this is a difficult question to judge. According to the usual practice, He Xi is making a certain type of animation. It tends to increase the ratings of other similar animations - He Xi's works always make people feel 'hungry*thirsty', so they can look for alternatives.

As a short musical. He Xi's "Your Lie in April" will naturally make many of his fans also favor other music animations at the same time, but how many of them will convert to the audience of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva". This is subject to many factors.

"It is inevitable to have an influence." Dong Ding finally replied: "But how much influence will depend on the quality and similarity of the two animations."

"This... how can this be good!"

"The return of "Pokemon" is troublesome enough, how can we allow "Legend of the Galactic Diva" to become popular!?"

There was a commotion among shareholders, dissatisfied with the status quo,

""Legend of the Galactic Diva" is also a potential animation, no matter what, now we must try to reduce He Xi's influence on it, so as not to make it more popular - it is best to let "Your Lie in April" fail! "

"Mr. Dong, how could you make such a big mistake in girl animation!"

"A missed opportunity!"

After Phoenix Company announced the production of "The Legend of the Galactic Diva", the shareholders immediately became an afterthought, regretting that they did not develop a national-level girl animation in advance.

But Dong Ding smiled wryly amidst doubts: "It's not that we haven't noticed the opportunity of girl animation, but there are no works that can be popular."

Zhongxia's investment in the girl animation market is no less than that of Phoenix Company, but it is not a simple matter to create a national-level girl animation work, and it is much more difficult than juvenile animation.

First of all, Zhongxia Company does not have any original shoujo comics comparable to "Legend of the Galactic Diva", and it is almost impossible to find original novels that can be used for adaptation. There are very few novels written by Chinese women, and the popularity of novels is not high.

This is mainly because most of the works aimed at girls are mainly emotional, and women don't like to read novels. Moreover, romance works do not inherently have the potential for long-form descriptions. Even in TV dramas, dozens of episodes are considered very long. This is different from the male-oriented works of various novels.

Strictly speaking, "Legend of the Galactic Diva" is the only full-length shoujo manga, and its core is not emotion. It is the struggle of girls. This comic tells the story of a girl who pursues her music dream and becomes a beloved singer in the universe. The emotional scene is much smaller than other girl stories.

And there are basically few stories of the same type in China, and even if there are, they don't have the popularity and space to be adapted into national animations.

In addition, in addition to the works, the production of national-level animation also requires an excellent team, which is not easy-under so many constraints, it is not that Zhongxia Company does not want to seize the opportunity, but they simply cannot grasp the opportunity.

If Phoenix is ​​willing to postpone the production of "The Legend of the Galaxy Diva" for two years, maybe Zhongxia can find a solution. But now they are really powerless.

In fact, the "Blue Love Song" launched by Zhongxia a while ago is already the most popular animation they can find for women. Originally, they also wanted to make it a national-level girl animation, but the current situation is not particularly optimistic.

The TV audience of "Blue Love Song" passed away a lot when it was transformed into an animation audience. Although the current animation popularity is very high, there is still a big gap from the level of "national animation".

"Legend of the Galaxy Diva" is much more convenient in terms of reader conversion rate. Manga readers generally watch animation, and the subject matter is good and the length is also long. With the high popularity of its original work, it can easily surpass "Blue Love Song".

Dong Ding was very helpless, and the shareholders listened to his explanation. I regretted another thing.

"That's still your fault. I didn't expect Qin Ya to be so powerful."

"You shouldn't have lost her in the first place."

"I'm not the one who lost her."—Dong Ding thought to himself, it shouldn't be taken for granted. He also had to explain: "Qin Ya was able to create "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" by accident, and this comic is inseparable from He Xi—"The Legend of the Galaxy Diva" can be said to be He Xi and Qin Ya results."

He didn't have any concrete evidence, but it was obvious—why did Qin Ya have the first full-length girl manga in China? And just after she jumped ship to Phoenix Company?

Qin Ya is a very stubborn girl. It is almost impossible for her to transform herself and create "Legend of the Galaxy Diva".

Moreover, "Legend of the Galactic Diva" has a strong color of He Xi. In this comic, there are Gundam-like fighters and divas, especially the status of divas is raised to a high level. This view of the universe is almost unique. Only He Xi Xi's science fiction works have this kind of color.

Qin Ya and He Xi worked together. There have always been rumors that many stories in "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" came from He Xi's suggestion, as the first full-length comic. Qin Ya can control the plot so well, there must be He Xi's supervision.

Moreover, Phoenix Company prepared a studio for "Legend of Galaxy Diva" as an exception, and many songs were composed by He Xi himself—all these show how much He Xi values ​​this work. Even ghosts wouldn't believe it if they didn't intervene.

"...Speaking of which, I've heard about it too."

"If He Xi provided ideas, it would not be surprising that "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" has come to this day."

The shareholders easily accepted He Xi's participation in the production of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva", but this made them even more nervous.

"In this case, "Your Lie in April" is even more dangerous. We can't let it help that animation!"

"That's right, He Xi will lead fans to "Legend of the Galaxy Diva", this is not allowed!"

"Mr. Dong, can you handle this matter?"

Dong Ding frowned slightly, he understood what the shareholders thought - they planned to cheat on the vote.

"It's a bit difficult." He said: "Many managers of the He Xi Family Forum seem to be from the Hacking League Red League. It's not easy to deceive them."

"What's so difficult about this? Isn't it just a group of hackers, if it's not dark, it will be revealed, it's just a little more money!"

"This..." Dong Ding stopped, thought for a while, and finally shook his head: "I don't think it's good to do this."


"Even without "Your Lie in April", I don't know what the situation of "Rozen Maiden" is." Dong Ding said: "This kind of fantasy work, He Xi always has unexpected performances. The past "Magic Girl" Just an example."

""Magical Girl" is just an exception, it cannot appear every time!"

"If he had this kind of confidence, he wouldn't have taken it out and put it together with "Your Lie in April"."

"If you don't want to do it, leave it to me!" A shareholder* suddenly said, ""The Rozen Maiden" is less threatening than "Your Lie in April". If I make a mistake, I will be responsible. Does everyone have an opinion?"

The rest of the shareholders nodded immediately, and they were happy to see the success of the work.

Dong Ding frowned. He actually didn't like shareholders interfering in the company's actions, which was not a good sign. But in this case, if he defends "Your Lie in April" and makes "Legend of the Galactic Diva" soar, then the responsibility is on him.

Since this is the case, it is better not to say anything, and the shareholders can do whatever they want, since the responsibility is not on him anyway.

The mid-summer shareholder meeting ended just like that. In the next few days, the number of votes for the two animations on the He Xi Family Forum began to approach slowly—this sign did not arouse the suspicion of Phoenix Company, and it should have been reached through reasonable voting methods. purpose.

"But fortunately, their votes are not much different..."

Dong Ding looked at the process of this change and thought, if the vote gap between the two works is as big as the first day, then the actions of shareholders will arouse Phoenix's suspicion. He has a convenient operating range.

But is it really necessary to choose "Rozen Maiden" because of worrying about the popularity of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva"? Dong Ding felt that this judgment was too arbitrary, but except for He Xi, no one knew the specific situation of "The Rozen Maiden". No matter how worried he was now, it was nothing but worrying.

Dong Ding withdrew his attention.

A few days later, the number of votes for the animation was released, and the votes for the two works were finally decided with a gap of only 2,000——"Rozen Maiden" won with 327,000. Its victory did not attract anyone, including Phoenix Company and Doubts from all voting members.

Of course, Meng Huo didn't know about it either.

Almost everyone thought that this number of votes was the result of a normal vote, and only Dong Ding and Zhongxia's shareholders understood that there were man-made manipulations. However, whether this operation is good or bad, and what kind of results it will bring to Zhongxia and Phoenix, no one knows yet.

Subsequently, Phoenix Company officially announced the animation of Rozen Maiden. (to be continued)

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