Big Manga

Chapter 944: Unpopular time

In the end, Qin Ya agreed not to disturb all the voice actors' songs.

This kind of "willful game" can be played properly, but if it is played too much, it will arouse the disgust of the audience of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva". This animation is of great significance to Phoenix Company, and Meng Huo also attaches great importance to it .

Before the animation was broadcast, Phoenix Company held a series of promotional activities for "Legend of the Galactic Diva", and the scale was even larger than that of "Rozen Maiden", which was released immediately afterwards. This is the first time that a cartoonist's work can receive more treatment than He Xi in Phoenix Company.

Of course, this is also related to the long and short positioning of the two animations. If "Rozen Maiden" is also a feature-length animation, Phoenix's investment in it will definitely not be less than "Legend of the Galaxy Diva".

The time soon came to the second week of September. When the excitement of starting school in various parts of China began to cool down, "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" premiered on TV Tokyo. The reason why the premiere TV station chose Tokyo instead of Suhua is because Suhua TV already has more premiere rights, and as a work similar to Gundam's world view, Tokyo TV is obviously more active.

The Gundam series has always been premiered in the Far East region. It seems that because of this reason, TV Tokyo has a strong interest in any Gundam series and animations with a near-future world view. Moreover, "The Legend of the Galactic Diva", as an animation with women as the main audience, is also very suitable for the social environment of the Far East.

There is an obvious gap between the view of family in the Far Eastern District and that of China. There are more women staying at home. Women-oriented TV or animation are very popular in the Far Eastern District, and the ratings are much better than other places.

It is with this factor in mind. When Meng Huo asked Qin Ya if she would like to premiere "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" on TV Tokyo. She agreed without hesitation—even though it meant she would fly to Tokyo to promote the anime from time to time.

Two days before the premiere. Qin Ya rushed to Tokyo and began to prepare for the premiere of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva".

Before the animation was broadcast, Meng Huo saw a special interview report for Qin Ya held by TV Tokyo during the break time at the island studio. The hostess respectfully called Qin Ya a princess. This title comes from "romance princess", which is not surprising. , but still caused a burst of laughter in the department.

"Princess, I really forgot if she didn't mention it."

"If the host sees Qin Ya's usual appearance, I don't know if he will feel shattered."

Although Qin Ya is very popular in the island studio, many of her daily performances, such as eating snacks without any image, really make it impossible for the painters to associate her with the famous "Romance Princess". .

However, apart from this episode, Qin Ya's performance on TV is indeed remarkable.

The subsequent broadcast of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" also received unanimous praise from the artists of the island studio. When he said it, Meng Huo knew that his judgment was correct.

"Legend of the Galaxy Diva" was a big success - its success came earlier than Meng Huo expected. Just after the first episode was broadcast, Phoenix Company received inside information from Suhua TV. All the data presented during the broadcast were excellent.

"The total data of this episode may have caught up with Ninghai TV's "Blue Love Song"!"

Director Sasaki said something surprising. Is this just the first episode, "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" can catch up with the ratings data of "Blue Love Song"? Although Meng Huo thought it was impossible. But the TV station will not lie without reason, and he made a decision immediately.

After calling Xu Jing, the two decided to increase their investment in "The Legend of the Galaxy Diva" and further increase their expectations for it. Even if the final data of the first episode of this animation fails to surpass "Blue Love Song", it will not be too far away. As long as it is given some time, it will be able to surpass it sooner or later.

China's most popular girl animation,

At present, it seems that "The Legend of the Galactic Diva" will soon get this honor.

So on the next day, Qin Ya flew back to Ninghai from Tokyo. She signed a new long-term contract at the headquarters of the Phoenix company. The proportion of copyrights such as comics and animations has been further increased, but she must also limit herself more. In Phoenix.

Of course, Qin Ya signed it without hesitation. She didn't have the slightest idea of ​​changing jobs again, so she was naturally willing to accept the key training of Phoenix.

"From today onwards, you are the most honorable cartoonist in our company besides him." After signing the contract, Alice held out her hand to Qin Ya: "Congratulations, all your works in the future, if you need anything, we will give it to you." You provide the utmost assistance."

Qin Ya shook hands with Alice: "I will definitely create better works in the future—by the way, do you have any financial planners to introduce?"

Alice was taken aback: "Don't you have a financial planner?"

"Yes." Qin Ya nodded and said with a dry smile, "But the income from "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" scares me a bit. I think I should change to a financial planner. The old one can't manage so much money."

After revising the contract, Qin Ya simply calculated her income, and she was also taken aback. After the animation of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva", the remaining four months of this year brought her more income than the past few years. As a feature-length animation, its value will continue to grow in the future.

Qin Ya never thought that her income would be so high after animation. Now she just wants to find a reliable and powerful financial planner. She thinks that Alice, who was born as a young lady, can give her some advice.

"No problem." Alice nodded: "Our company has had good cooperation with the bank in recent years. The bank really wants to do financial management work for cartoonists. I will help you find it and introduce it to you after a while."

Qin Ya nodded gratefully, and then asked curiously: "Is Teacher He Xi's contract the same as mine?" Alice smiled: "No, his share is much lower than yours. Among the family members, they should be the ones who enjoy the lowest treatment."

Meng Huo's income is not low, but as far as the contract is concerned, his share is far less than that of Qin Ya. Even less than the average cartoonist. Meng Huo is simultaneously serving as the original animation, director, and music creator. His percentage of income in each animation is comparable to that of other cartoonists.

"Why is this happening?" Qin Ya was greatly surprised. She also serves as the producer and assistant director of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva", and her income is not small. If music creation is added—that is, He Xi's equal work, Qin Ya's income may be more than doubled.

"Then I... just don't sign this contract..."

Qin Ya suddenly felt that the contract in her hand was very hot. She wanted to hand it back to Alice, but Alice stopped her with her hand.

"It doesn't matter, Meng Huo's situation is different from yours." She said: "He is the largest shareholder of our company, and the company's income is his income. We also planned to increase the price for him, but he refused."

In Meng Huo's eyes, he and Fenghuang have become one, living together and prospering together, even if there is no extra income. In fact, he still had the idea of ​​not getting too much money, but Alice and Xu Jing stopped him in fright. If Meng Huo really did this-how would their father and daughter have the face to face others?

However, even though Meng Huo's share is low, his works are very popular and his income is also outstanding. Alice knew that his net worth was already an astronomical figure, just the daily expenses of Meng Huo and Li Qin. It may not be enough to spend ten lifetimes.

Qin Ya felt better: "So it's like this..." But she admired Meng Huo more and more, even though that guy was also a good Mr. Qian. But being able to hand over his own interests to Phoenix Company shows that he really wants to develop the company.

"By the way, you just said you were going to Meng Huo's house?" Alice rang. Before signing the contract, Qin Ya said that she wanted to visit Meng Huo's mother.

"En." Qin Ya nodded, and said: "The vice president of Sakura Company heard that I was going back to Ninghai last night, so he gave me some special gifts, please give them to my wife."

"Mr. Takashima?" Alice was puzzled for a while, frowning and wondering whether Mr. Takashima had any purpose in giving Li Qin a gift.

"It's just an ordinary specialty product." Seeing Alice's doubts, Qin Ya explained: "Mr. Gao Dao said that this is an ordinary human relationship. He seems to have known Mr. He Xi and the others before he joined the Phoenix Company. Every year, we send some gifts to each other, but Mr. He Xi hasn't been to Tokyo for a long time recently, so please ask me to do this..."

Alice's eyebrows loosened. It turned out to be like this, so it's no wonder. She had heard about the acquaintance between the Takashima couple and Meng Huo, and Shen Jie still remembered those things. The reason why Meng Huo bought the Sakura Company was actually because he knew the Takashima couple.

"Then I'll arrange for someone to take you there." Alice turned around and made a phone call in the office. Not long after, a person walked in.

However, this choice made Qin Ya a little surprised: "Shen Jie?"

"Yes, let her take you there. She knows the route very well." Alice picked up a bunch of keys from the table and threw them out. Shen Jie caught them. Alice smiled and said, "Here are my car keys. You use it first, send her there and come back later."

Shen Jie nodded: "OK."

She took Qin Ya to the outside, and Qin Ya looked at her in surprise along the way: "You still hold this kind of job?" To use it, you must be surprised.

However, Shen Jie usually doesn't know how to do this job.

"If you go to other places, Alice won't ask me to send you off."

She glanced at Qin Ya, Shen Jie's pick-up work was limited to when it was related to Meng Huo's family, Alice wanted her to see Li Qin—but obviously Qin Ya didn't fully understand the truth, and she showed a serious face Confuse.

However, when she arrived at the parking lot and saw Alice's Porsche, Qin Ya was suddenly taken aback, and her doubts immediately dissipated.

"I remembered!" She suddenly opened her eyes wide: "Shen Jie, don't you have a driver's license yet?"

She seemed to have heard from Meng Huo a while ago that Shen Jie was going to take the driver's license test - judging by the time, she probably hasn't got it yet! Is it possible that I want to take a car driven by a driver without a driver's license?

"Don't worry, I have already got my driver's license." Shen Jie smiled, opened the car door and said, "I just got it two days ago, I will drive slowly, get in the car!"

She had indeed obtained her driver's license, but it was less than a month after the end of the carnival, and it was impossible to get it so quickly according to the normal order. It's just that Shen Jie is very talented, and learning to drive is as easy as playing for her. In addition, she spent money to speed up the progress of the test, so she got a driver's license in a short time.

Qin Ya got into the car with some doubts, but when Shen Jie started the car, she was not at all as skilled as a rookie driver, which made Qin Ya feel relieved.

The next day, when Qin Ya returned to Suhua and told Meng Huo what had happened, Meng Huo was taken aback.

"She got her driver's license so quickly?" Although he knew Shen Jie's physical ability was very strong, Meng Huo was still a little surprised. Of course, compared to Qin Ya, this surprise was nothing.

The final data of "Legend of the Galactic Diva" has not yet been released, but TV TOKYO has already obtained rough data, coupled with the results of some investigations and studies, Phoenix Company can almost determine that the ratings of its first episode surpassed that of "Blue Love Song" " up.

"Blue Love Song" is also a popular work that has been on the air for several months. "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" surpassed it in the first episode. Girl animation has made a big difference and has become a thriving girl animation in China.

As a celebration, Meng Huo earnestly drew color pictures and wrote blessings for the serial comics of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva", which will become the cover of the next issue of "Weekly Girl".

"This picture is so beautiful!" Qin Ya looked at the color picture and couldn't put it down. She was the first person to receive He Xi's congratulations, and the congratulations were in the form of a comic magazine cover. .

Every coloring book of his is something that fans snap up and collect. In recent years, even his own works have rarely appeared, let alone drawing for others. After the next issue of the manga magazine is released, I don't know how many readers will be brought to "Legend of the Galactic Diva"!

"Teacher, thank you!" Qin Ya is very grateful to Meng Huo. From the birth of "The Legend of the Galaxy Diva" to the animation, Meng Huo has never reduced his support for her. Qin Ya's heart is full of luck.

"If you want to thank me, just help me finish "The Rozen Maiden"!"

Meng Huo said with a smile that while the success of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" brought him joy, it also brought him a lot of pressure—this animation is so successful that "The Rozen Maiden" will start airing next week. Will he be hit badly?

Because of the space, the broadcast time of the prelude of "Rozen Maiden" has now been confirmed in the evening, which is quite an unpopular time. (To be continued..)

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