Big Manga

Chapter 945: Overture

"The Rozen Girl Prelude" will be broadcast in the second week at nine o'clock on Monday night. This time was originally a popular TV series, but just happened to be the end of a TV series. "The Rozen Maiden Overture".

Moreover, a one-hour animation is not only unprecedented in the history of animation, but also exceeds the length of an episode of TV series. In order to ensure the smooth broadcast of "The Rozen Maiden Overture", Suhua TV Station also removed the commercial time in the middle.

Meng Huo was very grateful for their cooperation, but still worried about the broadcast time.

But the situation may not be as bad as he thought. Most of the animation fans got the news before the animation aired, so Zhaozhao sat in front of the TV and waited. The one-hour animation was very curious, and everyone wanted to Know what this prelude is about.

Li Chunqiu began to wait from 8:30, and his wife was amazed by this.

"After you went to Manga Island once, everything changed." She said: "Didn't you dismiss animation before? Why did your attitude suddenly change after you came back?"

Li Chunqiu was the one who held a meeting with Xing Boxiang in Manga Island during the carnival. Before going to Manga Island, he seemed very unhappy, but his attitude changed after he came back. Not only brought back a lot of animation DVDs and peripherals, but even started to catch up with animation on TV.

For his own behavior, Li Chunqiu would answer every time: "It is necessary for work." Of course, his wife has no idea why he needs to watch animation for work, and only he knows whether it is for work or not.

But his wife could tell that Li Chunqiu had been looking forward to the news of "The Rozen Maiden Overture" this time, and he even searched for information about "The Rozen Maiden" on the computer several times.

"Like it if you like it, there is nothing to hide."

The wife thought so. Then she also sat beside Li Chunqiu and waited with him—although she was not interested in animation before, she saw her husband like this. She was also a little curious.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the animation aired on time.

It started with exotic music. The title of "Rozen Maiden" appeared on the TV. Then the music started to speed up, and a sharp, shining mercury sword pierced the title. The title was like a rose, and large pieces of rose petals were smashed and fluttered in the air.

Among the rose petals all over the sky, the back of a man who couldn't see his face appeared on the screen, and then a calm narration sounded:

"In the 18th century,

There are more and more people in Europe making dolls and alchemy. Their appearance has brought more ways for the entertainment of the upper class. In 1743, at a gathering of the upper class in Paris, France, a mysterious puppeteer appeared..."

This is the introduction of the story, just like the music at the beginning, and the screen is also full of exotic fantasy. The story of a beautiful doll named Rozen Maiden.

"Is this animation about puppets?"

His wife was surprised, but Li Chunqiu didn't answer. "Rozen Maiden" is of course about dolls, and this opening introduction appeared on the official website before the animation was broadcast. He was not surprised at all, what he wanted to see was the next plot.

After the introduction of the narration, a cabinet full of doll parts appeared on the TV. Inside the cabinet, there was a doll with silver hair whose upper and lower body hadn't been connected yet.

"Mercury lamp? Isn't it really red?"

Li Chunqiu was a little surprised, he remembered that the first heroine of "The Rozen Maiden" was Zhenhong, but why did Mercury Lamp first appear?

But then, through Mercury's red eyes, he saw other dolls. These dolls seem to have not yet come to life, and their 'father' walks around each Rozen Maiden, combing hair and putting on hats for each doll. Finally, he picked up the blonde-haired doll and placed it on the chair. And put a pin with his own head on it for her.

This blond doll is really red, and the treatment of the heroine is really different. However, Li Chunqiu did not feel joyful, because the music at this time was quite sad, and when the fathers of the dolls were dressing up the other dolls, Mercury Lamp could only watch helplessly from the side. When her father was about to leave, she stretched out her left hand to him with difficulty, tremblingly wanting to call out to Mr. Father, hoping that she could be hugged by him like other sisters.

However, the father's figure gradually disappeared from the eyes of the mercury lamp, and the upper body that had not been connected to the mercury lamp also fell from the cabinet and fell to the ground. She once, twice... supported her body with her hands feebly, clasped the floor, He crawled forward hard, and gently tried to call his father to stop, but no one heard him.

"Father... my lord..."

Even though Mercury Lamp kept shouting, no one heard it. Her body is not yet complete, nor is the purple dress prepared for her, compared to other perfect dolls. Mercury Lamp's tears flowed down, and she stretched her hands forward, struggling to reach the dress with the Rozen Maiden logo.

"Father... my lord..."

There are not too many words, only sad music and the girl's shouts, but the beginning of the plot in just a few minutes made Li Chunqiu and his wife feel pity for the mercury lamp in their hearts.

"This puppet is too pitiful."

The wife said sadly, Li Chunqiu nodded, the treatment of Zhenhong and Mercury Lamp is also very different. Zhenhong has the most perfect dress, and has also obtained her father's needle, and is loved more than other Rozen Maidens.

But the mercury lamp was an unfinished work, as if it had been forgotten by her father. From this point of view, the mercury lamp should be the protagonist instead.

However, when the screen changed, the protagonist was still really popular. The next story is the Alice game, which is about the disappearance of Rozen, who made seven doll girls. The seven living girls firmly believe that as long as the Rose Goddess in the bodies of all the sisters are merged, they can evolve into Alice. Si, that is, the most perfect girl in their father's mind.

In order to meet their father, the dolls signed contracts with different humans and started a fratricidal battle, and the name of this battle was called Alice's Game.

However, the Alice game in "The Rozen Maiden Overture" seems to be without the participation of Mercury Lamp. It was not until the end of Alice's game, accompanied by a mournful song, that the mercury lamp appeared again.

She made an appearance in one night. In the really red room, he climbed out of the mirror in the domain of n with difficulty. At this time, Mercury Lamp had already put on her clothes. But her physical defects can still be clearly seen. In fact, she can only crawl forward with the support of her hands.

Zhenhong looked at this silver-haired beautiful doll in surprise. After the mercury lamp came out, I saw true red.

"Father... my lord!"


"Father, where is it?" Mercury Lamp grabbed onto Zhenhong's shoulders, shouting like a poor child looking for a loved one. "Father... Where is Father, please tell me, please!"

However, she was pushed away by the startled Zhenhong and fell to the corner of the wall, and the mercury lamp began to cry.

"Father, where are you?" The combination of the sad voice and the bleak music can make everyone's heart ache. "Father, why do you keep me here. Father..."

Zhenhong walked over: "Who are you?"

"Mercury Lamp... Rozen Maiden, the first puppet!"

"Number one?" Zhenhong looked at the feeble and crying puppet on the ground, feeling very complicated: "She is the number one puppet!"

Rozen Maiden's first doll turned out to be a defective product. Zhenhong was surprised. But in the subsequent plot, Li Chunqiu and his wife sympathized with Mercury Lamp even more. It turned out that this unfinished doll got her clothes after countless attempts, and then came out to find her father.

Her weak and pitiful appearance moved the audience, and it also made Zhenhong in the animation extend a hand of friendship to her.

The development of the plot made Li Chunqiu feel strange. He remembered that Mercury Lamp and True Red should be sworn enemies in the animation introduction. However, in this prelude, the relationship between the two is obviously not bad. Zhenhong took in and took care of the broken mercury lamp, and taught her various things including walking. Live together like closest sisters.

Looking at Mercury Lamp, who was smiling because of the real red brewed tea. Li Chunqiu couldn't imagine that these two people would become enemies.

However, the happy plot will always come to an end, and Zhenhong participates in Alice's game without telling Mercury Lamp. But Mercury Lamp overheard this incident. When she came to N Realm through the mirror, she saw Zhenhong fighting another doll, Cangxingshi.

Mercury Lamp didn't understand why they wanted to kill each other, but after hearing that Mercury Lamp was the first puppet, Cang Xingshi split the body of Mercury Lamp with scissors. Cangxingshi was surprised to find that she had no belly, no Rosary Madonna, Mercury Lamp was different from other girls.

And Zhenhong also expressed her true thoughts: "She is not the Rozen Maiden, she is just an unfinished puppet... I am afraid she just acted by thinking about her father. Poor child, there is no Rosary Maiden, A child who will disappear sooner or later..."

Zhenhong blamed Mercury Lamp for why she followed her into the realm of n. She spent so much time thinking that she just wanted Mercury Lamp to live as an ordinary doll.

However, before Mercury's death, he still didn't believe that Zhenhong would deceive him, and asked her for help: "Liar! Don't! Zhenhong, save me! Zhenhong! Zhenhong! Help me!" Of course——Zhenhong didn't save her, Let the desperate mercury lamp fall into the endless abyss.

However, Mercury Lamp did not die. When she was on the verge of death, a puppeteer suddenly appeared and gave the rose crystal to Mercury Lamp, so that she could be revived. The revived Mercury Lamp surprised Zhenhong. She didn't believe that Mercury Lamp had become Rozen Maiden, and she still said that she was an unfinished doll.

And until this moment, Mercury Lamp understood Zhenhong's true intentions for him.

"Your tenderness to me and the hand you stretched out to me are just pity for me?" "Looking down on me from a high place, are you satisfied?" "You are at the top, and you are loved by your father. You are Think like this, and then come and mock me?"

She asked three consecutive questions, but Zhenhong couldn't deny it. For Zhenhong, Mercury Lamp may just be an existence that can reflect her value. She has never regarded Mercury Lamp as a Rozen Maiden equal to herself.

And it was this discrimination that angered Mercury Lamp: "The annoying woman is just lucky enough to be made... It is impossible for a puppet like you to become Alice, who can become Alice... yes I, love my father more than anyone else!"

On Mercury Lamp's body, because of her anger and longing for her father, a powerful force erupted. She grew black wings, snatched the real red needle and broke it, and also angered the real red.

The two turned their faces and fought, but just after the battle, the end of the Alice game of that century came, and the angry two were forced to sleep, waiting for the start of the next round of the Alice game...

"The Rozen Maiden Overture" - that's the end.

The one-hour animation, from the beginning to the end, is almost in the blink of an eye. Its beautiful painting style, distinctive dolls, and twists and turns of the plot firmly attracted everyone's eyes. Li Chunqiu didn't even feel the passage of time. .

Rather than saying this is a prelude, it is better to say that this is a complete story. The setting of "The Rozen Maiden" is clearly explained in the prelude. The process of acquaintance and coexistence between Mercury Lamp and Zhenhong, and the mutual hatred at the end is very real and shocking. Touching people's hearts.

"It's... very beautiful! This episode of animation!"

Li Chunqiu's wife said in surprise that she suddenly understood why her husband liked animation. At the same time, "The Rozen Maiden Overture" successfully aroused their interest among the people watching this animation in various parts of China.

"It's so enjoyable, I've never seen such a classic animation overture!", "Chasing, I must chase "Rozen Maiden", "This doll is just like a real person! It's so cute!", " Strongly urge Teacher He Xi to make Mercury Lamp the heroine!"

At the same time as interest gushed out, Mercury Lamp's popularity soared as it was told from the perspective of "The Rozen Maiden Overture". On the He Xi Family forum, many people even began to jointly ask Meng Huo to make Mercury Lamp the heroine.

Although Meng Huo had expected this to happen, he never expected that it would be far beyond his imagination——

By the next morning, the number of co-signers in the forum had exceeded 90,000. Meng Huo was delighted and surprised to be able to collect so many co-signatures in one night. The joy is the speed and enthusiasm of this joint name. The number of people who watched "The Rozen Maiden Overture" last night will definitely not be less than his previous animation.

Surprisingly, while Mercury Lamp's popularity skyrocketed, True Red's popularity dropped a lot compared to before the animation started—she is the official heroine of the "Rozen Maiden" animation. (to be continued)

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