Big Manga

Chapter 946: When the net is collected

But even so, Meng Huo didn't modify the animation because of this matter-even though someone suggested that he do so.

But it is impossible for Meng Huo to temporarily change the heroine of the animation. If he does so, the entire story of "The Rozen Maiden" will have to be rewritten. It's not all bad either.

In the following week, the first episode of "Rozen Maiden" was broadcast on time.

The first episode of the animation took place after "The Rozen Maiden Overture", telling the story of entering the modern society. The hero in the animation is a middle school student who does not want to go to school and stays out of the house for a long time. He is keen on online shopping. One day, he receives a letter claiming to be the artificial elf Holier, which only says "wind up, Driven by curiosity, he chose the option of "won't wind up", and then a mysterious cardboard box with beautiful dolls appeared.

That doll was the fifth Rozen Maiden, Zhenhong. After awakening, Zhenhong signed a contract with middle school students and started a new Alice game...

Compared with the prelude, the plot of the first episode of "The Rozen Maiden" is not as rich, but it represents the beginning of a new story, and it still aroused widespread response from the audience-the situation that Meng Huo was most worried about did not happen, although Many viewers also complained about why the protagonist is not Mercury Lamp, but after this episode, Zhenhong's popularity has also increased a lot.

The rising popularity of Zhenhong means that the impression she gave the audience in the prelude is not particularly bad. The plot of her awakening in the first episode is well portrayed, and Rozen Maidens are all beautiful girls, so they are naturally very popular.

However, the airing of the first episode of "Rozen Maiden" did not reduce the popularity of Mercury Lamp. On the contrary, for some reason, after this episode aired. The popularity of Mercury Lamp, who never appeared on stage, became even stronger, and even made Shen Jie's popularity much stronger.

"Now, I really should be jealous."

Alice even laughed at Meng Huo on the phone.


Meng Huo was a little strange.

"It's such a simple thing. Haven't you discovered it yet?" Alice asked with a smile, "Who is the voice of the protagonist of "The Little Fairies"?"

"Shen Jie!"

"Then who is the voice of the heroine of "Dragon and Tiger"?"


Speaking of Koko Takashima,

Her recent popularity made Meng Huo, who didn't pay much attention on weekdays, look at her with admiration. Since the carnival show. Coupled with the popularity of "Dragon and Tiger", Koko Takashima is now like a pearl, with the rising feeling of Shen Jie and Xia Chuanzhen a few years ago.

"That's it, "Little Fairy", "Dragon and Tiger", plus "Rozen Maiden", "Legend of the Galactic Diva", the four animations that our company is serializing, none of which has a real protagonist."

Alice explained that the protagonists of three of the four animations are voiced by Shen Jie. One is Takashima Koko. Although Xia Chuanzhen also has a slightly inferior character, compared with Shen Jie who is at the same level, there is naturally a big gap.

If this incident happened in the past, it would be fine, but today's Shen Jie is no longer the Shen Jie of the past, she has already "half graduated" from the voice actor industry, and basically does not attend events on weekdays, but she is the leader in animation dubbing— —If it were someone else, I would definitely feel very uncomfortable.

"So... you'd better find a way to balance your true psychology."

Alice finally said, but Meng Huo didn't take it seriously: "It's nothing like that. You are worrying too much. Although the truth is weak on the outside, she is not someone who will be disappointed because of this."

He knew the truth about Xia Chuan. From seeing her training and knowing the reason for her debut when we first met, Meng Huo knew that she was a person who was weak on the outside but strong on the inside. The dubbing of the period is lost.

"...Maybe you're right."

Alice was silent for a while, and unexpectedly agreed with Meng Huo. However, she just paused, her voice changed again, and she continued, "But even if it's true that she doesn't mind, you shouldn't ignore the thoughts of her supporters."

The reason why she mentioned this matter was not because she saw Xia Chuan's truth. Instead, she felt the dissatisfaction of her fans. Some fans feel that the arrangement of Phoenix Company is really unfair to Xia Chuan, she is a very hardworking person. Unlike Shen Jie who left the stage, Xia Chuan really deserved more opportunities.

"I recently saw rumors on the Internet. It is said that Phoenix Company intends to refrigerate Xia Chuan's truth." Alice added: "I think it would be better to appease those fans a little bit."

Meng Huo frowned slightly. He hadn't thought about refrigerating Xia Chuan's reality at all. The seiyuu arrangement of the four animations is not deliberately biased towards Shen Jie, but the role just happens to be suitable. Are those fans too sensitive? In other words, someone is still deliberately spreading rumors secretly?

"I see."

Although he was still a little puzzled, Meng Huo saw that Alice was so persistent, and knew that it was necessary for him to comfort her in the current situation, otherwise she would not continue when Meng Huo refused.

"But what should I do?"

However, Meng Huo still doesn't understand what he should do now. Now that the animation has already aired, it is impossible to change the voice actors, and they are still a few months away from the end. It may also be that the distant water cannot quench the near thirst.

"It's very simple." But Alice already had a countermeasure: "Take time to prepare two songs for Zhen Zhen, and sing them for her alone."

It cannot be changed from the animation, so show the importance of reality on the stage. Alice told Meng Huo that she will also take better care of the reality in terms of stage coordination and performance location selection. Meng Huo only needs to prepare for her. Song will do.

The matter was very simple, and Meng Huo immediately agreed. After agreeing, I don't know if he was too sensitive or something, but he felt that this matter was very strange, so he came to the game department and asked He Qian if he had heard about the fact that Phoenix Company wanted to refrigerate Xia Chuanzhen.

"Ah, I've heard about it!" Just as Meng Huo expected, He Qian really knew about it, and everyone in the game department knew about it—because there were so many people on the forum talking about.

He Qian didn't think it was a big deal at first, there were always rumors and gossip about various voice actors on the forum. She is used to it. However, after hearing Meng Huo talk about her doubts, she was also a little confused.

"That being said, there seem to be too many real rumors recently..."

she said so. A forum administrator from the game department chimed in: "After the carnival, more than half of the rumors were related to Miss Real. I thought it was just a coincidence. Is it true that someone is pretending to be mysterious?"

He Qian was taken aback for a moment, and immediately stood up: "All administrators stop working first, and investigate this matter!"

As soon as they heard that someone might be framing Xia Chuanzhen behind the scenes, the administrators of the game department were all indignant, and immediately began to investigate these rumors.

"Our department also has many real fans." He Qian smiled at Meng Huo. She asked Meng Huo to wait for a while, and the results will come out soon.

He Qian poured Meng Huo a glass of water. Said: "Teacher, you came at the right time. We just posted the page of the novel adaptation competition on the forum this morning."

"A novel fast!?"

Meng Huo was taken aback. This so-called novel adaptation competition was actually his plan to form a novel adaptation team. Before, Meng Huo planned to select directly from the group of writers, but after working hard for a while, the result was not very satisfactory.

Ye Xiong gave him a trick last week, since he only needs an 'adaptation writer', why not try to mobilize his fans?

The cartoonist He Xi has a huge number of fans, what kind of talent would he not have, why would he go find a writer by himself? Just run a contest. It is a breeze to let fans adapt his designated works into novels, and finally select an excellent adaptation team.

This game has many benefits, not only to mobilize the enthusiasm of the fans, but also to strengthen the contact between Meng Huo and them. It’s also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for talented fans—if selected, they will have a stable and prestigious job.

There are too many works of He Xi, and there will be more in the future. Just adapting novels, those fans will not worry about having nothing to do.

There were a total of seven rounds in this competition, of which the first five rounds were online screenings - fans adapted some chapters of a work selected in each round into novels, and after passing five rounds, they would have the opportunity to meet Meng Huo.

The last two rounds were personally reviewed by Meng Huo, and they were all written on the spot. In the end, a dozen fans were selected as their own exclusive adaptation writers. Established a studio for novel adaptation.

The first five rounds of screening were jointly reviewed by the editors of the game department and the comic editorial department. Meng Huo handed over the work to them and they completed the competition page in less than four days. This surprised him very much.

He Qian took Meng Huo to look at the competition interface. The title of the first round was an episode of the adaptation of the animation "Detective Conan". The page is full of fan comments, and the enthusiasm for participation is very strong.

"Does this select good writers?"

However, at this moment, Meng Huo was still a little worried.

"No problem." He Qian said with a smile: "Teacher, you have too many fans. I saw many fan authors, college students majoring in literature, and some writers left messages saying that they would participate and be able to enter the sixth grade." The people who are in the wheel must be geniuses."

What she said was not unfounded. According to Ye Xiong's original words, the enthusiasm of He Xi's fans for contributing articles may be much higher than that of Longteng Company, and the selected writers will not be bad.

Meng Huo felt relieved. In fact, his selection this time was indeed lower than that of Longteng Company. He chose the writing style and style, while Longteng Company chose authors full of imagination - there are many people with writing skills, anyway, it is just an adaptation of the work, Meng Huo does not need a real creator.

After staying in the game department for half an hour, the administrators' investigation results came out.

Just as Meng Huo guessed, someone was indeed deliberately spreading Xia Chuan's true rumors, and it was still expanding. It was no wonder that Alice became vigilant. But the opponent's purpose is not to frame Xia Chuanzhen, on the contrary...

This is because someone wanted to use rumors to separate Phoenix Company and Xia Chuanzhen, so as to poach this outstanding voice actor away - but when Meng Te learned about this, he couldn't help but sneered at the corner of his mouth.

These people underestimate Xia Chuan's reality too much...

On the same day, Dong Ding was receiving a guest at the headquarters of Zhongxia Company in Ninghai.

""Rozen Maiden" has been aired for two weeks, and the average daily search index exceeds 70,000... This is just the beginning, and the next dozen episodes are simply unimaginable." The sixty-year-old male guest sighed: "Dong Ding, look Come on you're right, this anime is more dangerous than Your Lie in April."

"That's not necessarily true. If it's "Your Lie in April", the situation may still be the same!" Dong Ding thought while pouring tea. Compared with animation, the answer cannot be too sure.

Maybe "Your Lie in April" will become even more popular when it airs...

Dong Ding had such thoughts, but he didn't say it because it was meaningless.

The old man was still sighing: "When I came here, I heard from the driver that there is a saying in the animation industry that female audiences are chasing "Legend of the Galaxy Diva", male audiences are talking about "Rozen Maiden" and "Dragon and Tiger", and children are chasing "Legend of the Galaxy Diva". Chasing "Little Fairy", and older audiences are also watching "ad"... These works are almost inseparable from He Xi."

Dong Ding nodded silently. He didn't know if there was such a saying in the animation industry, but he knew these words—why, because he asked the driver who greeted the guest to say these words, and the purpose was... …

"I've decided to withdraw."

The old man said suddenly, Dong Ding put down the teacup with a thought.

"Has Mr. Li made up his mind?"

"Well, although Zhongxia is a good company, it is far from what I expected at the beginning." The old man nodded and said with emotion: "At first I thought I could witness the birth of a giant, but now it seems that Zhongxia will It is almost impossible to beat Phoenix."

Dong Ding didn't reply. This is a fact, and more and more people in the shareholders' meeting have realized this. The current Zhongxia may be the strongest Zhongxia, and a year later, when the Phoenix distances itself from them, Zhongxia's living space will be even narrower.

The old man glanced at Dong Ding and continued: "Recently, I have valued a new company. It has strong profitability and good prospects - I want to get the funds back. If you want, I can do it in Zhongxia's The shares will be transferred to you."

Now that there is no expectation for Zhongxia Company, it is better to sell the shares now, and the old man can make other more valuable investments. Dong Ding frowned, he drank tea slowly, seemed to be thinking carefully, but what the old man didn't know was that he was smiling in his heart.

"It's time to close the net..." (to be continued)

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