Big Manga

Chapter 949: Natsume's Book of Friends

But Alice wasn't joking, she really planned to let Shen Jie handle the voice acting.

But strictly speaking, she didn't want to hand over all the power of the firm to Shen Jie, but to add another Shen Jie to the existing management staff of the firm. The daily management remained the same, except that there was a new person added.

Meng Huo doubted whether Shen Jie, who had been in office for less than half a year, could take on this role. However, after Alice's confident assurance, he still agreed to let Shen Jie try it - as long as the two of them nodded, Xu Jing would naturally not interfere.

The next day, Alice called Shen Jie to her face and told her about it.

"Can I hold... such an important position?" Shen Jie was also terrified. Hearing the news suddenly, she instinctively decided that she must not be able to do the job well: "It's too sudden. Be careful..."

"It doesn't matter." However, her lack of self-confidence was interrupted by Alice: "This position seems very important, but I also consider that it is very suitable for you. If it is another position of the same level, I will definitely not give it to you. , do you understand what I mean?"

Shen Jie shook her head in bewilderment.

"Because you know everyone in the firm." Alice could only add that she didn't make this choice completely impulsively. The key point is that she felt that Shen Jie had a great advantage working in the firm—that is, being familiar with all the senior management. .

As the top voice actor of the firm, Shen Jie often communicates with the firm's top management, and everyone is familiar with it. In fact, not only her, but Xia Chuanzhen is also the same. The senior executives of the firm value important voice actors very much, and no one does not know them.

Alice had observed it a long time ago, and she knew that Shen Jie had a good relationship with the current supervisors, and Shen Jie's communication skills could not be said to be very extensive. She has few connections in other departments. But in the firm, there are almost no unknown senior executives, and Shen Jie's character is also well recognized.

"I understand..." Shen Jie nodded. She knew that it was a great advantage for her to work in the firm, but she still frowned: "But... I still feel that I can't do such an important job."

"You don't need to do complicated work." Alice smiled: "After you go, you don't want to snatch their jobs. They are still in charge of the firm's affairs, and you don't need to take care of them for the time being. You just need to prevent the outside world from taking the voice actors Just dig it out."

"It's an exercise."

Alice also said that this is a key assessment for Shen Jie, and Alice hopes that Shen Jie can take the opportunity to prove herself. If Shen Jie wanted to become Meng Huo's important helper in the future, it would be impossible to keep doing trivial things.

Definitely have to accept this difficult experience.

And this position will not be handed over to Shen Jie 100%, Alice wants to observe her performance this time. If the performance is poor, she will step in to help, and after this incident, Shen Jie's position will also be revoked, and she will start from small things again.

But if Shen Jie proves herself, then Alice can rest assured that she will be further trained. She can gain a firm foothold in the firm, start to learn how to deal with the real affairs of the firm, and gradually develop into a powerful department. director.

"...Okay then..." Shen Jie nodded after listening to Alice's explanation. This is a pie and an opportunity that fell from the sky. It would be foolish to say no.

Alice breathed a sigh of relief: "I will notify you later, and you can report over there in the afternoon." She paused, and then said, "This time. You can act tougher...I think you can be more willful , don’t care too much about other people’s opinions.”

"..." Shen Jie looked at Alice in surprise: "Are you sure?"

"Of course." Alice nodded: "This situation requires tough measures, whether it is internal or external, we need your willfulness now."

Shen Jie was stunned for a moment, then slightly raised the corner of her mouth: "You said this, then I will not be polite!"

She bid farewell to Alice, then turned and left in a happy mood. With Alice's promise, Shen Jie became more confident.

And looked at the back of her leaving. Alice also smiled - she was looking forward to seeing Shen Jie's countermeasures, she wanted to see Shen Jie appear in front of the outside world in a different 'posture' from herself and Meng Huo.

all the time. Phoenix Company's actions are very 'hide your strengths and bide your time', whether it is Alice or Meng Huo. Although neither of them is a disadvantaged person, neither of them is too tough on the outside world, and the decisions they make are also conservative. Not to mention Xu Jing, he is a complete defensive strategy.

But perhaps because of this appearance, the Phoenix Company seemed very passive at special moments, and it couldn't even avoid such a thing this time. Alice found that the company needs a stronger representative, especially after Phoenix grows day by day, they have enough confidence, such a person is needed even more.

She pinned her hopes on Shen Jie. Shen Jie has an independent personality and is also welcomed by fans, so her tough performance will not cause great conflicts, and will not interfere with the actions of Alice and Meng Huo. Even with this bad face, Alice and Meng Huo will have more bargaining power with the outside world.

Although a bit selfish, Alice did have the idea of ​​using Shen Jie. Shen Jie must have noticed this soon, but she certainly wouldn't care about it. Compared with Alice's mild approach to accidents, the obviously tough approach would be more to Shen Jie's taste.

"We can each take what we need..."

Alice thought so, but she still had to see if Shen Jie had the strength to represent the company.

At the same time that she was dealing with this matter, Su Hua's Meng Huo had already put aside the matter of the seiyuu, he noticed the problem and told Alice, then he didn't need to worry about the rest.

Meng Huo's main work is creation.

In the morning, he came to the editorial department of "Weekly Girl" with a thick document bag, and the female editors greeted him with great surprise, but Meng Huo looked around, but he didn't see the editor-in-chief: "Your boss! Where is it, I want to meet her."

"The editor-in-chief is reviewing manuscripts in the office." A female editor smiled and said, "A lot of "Detective Conan" adaptation submissions came today, and everyone is helping."

Meng Huo opened his eyes wide in surprise, "Are you going to help review the manuscript?"

"you do not say!"

"The enthusiasm for submission is too high, teacher, it's only been a day!"

The female editors complained that the enthusiasm for adapting the novel was too high, and thousands of submissions were submitted in just one day. Now several editorial departments have to help review. In fact, Phoenix Company puts a lot of emphasis on this novel adaptation, and the selected writers must be unanimously approved by the male and female editorial departments.

"After all, this is a great way to expand your original comics and animations, Sensei. No one dares to relax."

"The influence of novels is amazing. An excellent team can make your works more successful in the novel market, and can also add a lot of new readers to our department's magazines."

The editors chatted with Meng Huo. As they surrounded her, they arrived at the door of the editor-in-chief's office. An editor had already gone in to inform her, so when Meng Huo arrived, the female editor-in-chief just came out in a hurry.

"Teacher He Xi, I'm really sorry..."

Apologizing, she led Meng Huo into her office and drove the other female editors away.

When Meng Huo first met the editor-in-chief, he was slightly taken aback because his face was a little strange. But he quickly remembered. This is the new editor-in-chief of "Weekly Girls". The original editor-in-chief returned to Ninghai a while ago and served as the manager of the two girls' manga departments.

During the transformation of Phoenix Company this year, the personnel changes in the comics department were also big. Although it was very unfamiliar, Meng Huo had a good memory, and he remembered the name of the new editor-in-chief.

"Miss Wang, did you disturb you?" Meng Huo greeted her after sitting down.

Wang Hui smiled: "How could it be? But it would be great if you could let me know in advance, Mr. He Xi. See, I haven't prepared anything now... Please, this is water. I don't have any other drinks here."

She poured Meng Huo a glass of water: "What are you doing here this time?"

"Yeah." Meng Huo picked up the document bag and put it on the table: "I have a comic that I want you to read."

"Comics!?" Wang Hui was about to sit down, but jumped up when his butt touched the stool: "New comics!?"

"Yes, new comics."

Meng Huo smiled. Although it's been a long time since a new comic was released, he never expected that Wang Hui's reaction would be so big.

Wang Hui couldn't wait to pick up the file bag, but opened it very carefully, and took out several stacks of manuscripts inside. Each manuscript was individually wrapped, and the name and number of comics were written on the paper sleeve.

"Natsume... Book of Friends..." Wang Hui frowned slightly, the name of this manga was so strange, she asked, "Friends mean friends, right?"

"Yes, and Natsume is the name of the protagonist."

"Natsume's Book of Friends". Meng Huo painted for two consecutive days during the holiday after the carnival, and it has been a month now. But to be precise, he may have been preparing this comic for longer. It has been several years.

This is a manga that tells stories about monsters and people, which is very healing. Meng Huo had always considered bringing it over. However, because the types of monsters in the original work are too narrow, it should be said that they are too limited to the Far East, so he has not drawn them.

In the past few years, Meng Huo has read a lot of Chinese monster legends, looked through some monster illustrations, and finally decided to write it out when he felt that it was almost the same. Compared with the original works, there are more types of monsters in the comics he drew, and they are also familiar monsters to many Chinese people.

The story of the comics is also arranged in the Chinese mainland, and the comics focus on a larger perspective.

Wang Hui took out the first chapter and read it, but after reading two pages, she was dumbfounded: "Teacher, did you get the wrong editorial office? Isn't this a boy manga!"

The hero Natsume in "Natsume's Book of Friends" is a beautiful boy, not a girl at all, shouldn't this be a shonen manga?

Meng Huo sipped his tea and said with a smile, "I didn't take it wrong. I think it's more suitable for girls' read it first. If you think it's better for juvenile manga, I'll bring it to Weekly Magazine." juvenile"."

Wang Hui frowned, and then patiently read it slowly. The manuscript was very thick and seemed well-prepared, with seven chapters in it. She was addicted to it immediately, and was attracted by the unusually fresh comic content.

The hero Natsume in "Natsume's Book of Friends" was born with powerful spiritual power and can see monsters. Because of the death of his parents, he has been tossed among relatives who shirk their responsibilities all year round, and has been bullied by his peers. At the same time, he was affected by his ability, until the beginning of the story, he never had a deep friendship with anyone, resulting in a withdrawn personality.

But Natsume is a kind boy, he never complained about his own misfortune. After being adopted by a new couple, Natsume was chased by a monster and broke a monster's seal, and then involved her grandmother's relic "Book of Friends".

This is a contract book that records the names of many monsters. Natsume decided to return the names of the monsters in the account of friends to the monsters. And "Madara" who became interested in the account of friends made an agreement with Natsume to guard his life in exchange for the ownership of the account of friends.

Accompanied by "Madara", Natsume began to experience strange, sad and nostalgic stories related to monsters...

Meng Huo watched Wang Hui's eyes turn red as she read the manga. When she put down the last chapter of the manga, he asked, "How is it? Do you still think it is suitable for juvenile manga?"

Wang Hui wiped her eyes. Although there were only seven chapters, she was moved by the content of the manga: "No, I think you are right, teacher. It is suitable for shoujo manga."

Although logically speaking, the gender of the protagonist of "Natsume's Book of Friends" should be placed in the juvenile manga, but the classification of manga is not so simple.

In addition to gender, manga style and content are also important. Shonen manga tends to tell stories of dreams, struggle and hard work. On the other hand, shojo comics are mainly for female readers, and most of them tell romantic and emotional stories.

"Natsume's Book of Friends" is not a manga about the relationship between men and women, but the touch and romance in the manga are no less than that of love manga. Natsume's sad past, kind heart, handsome appearance, and touching stories one after another are all things that will poke the hearts of female readers.

This manga is indeed a shoujo manga, a unique shoujo manga, of course it can also be placed on "Weekly Boys", but Wang Hui thinks that its performance on "Weekly Boys" will definitely not surpass that on "Weekly Boys" Appearance on Weekly Girls.

"Leave it to us, Teacher He Xi!" Wang Hui became a little excited, He Xi finally released a new manga, and it was a girl manga, how could she not be excited!

She wants to take down "Natsume's Book of Friends", otherwise if the editorial department of "Weekly Shonen" finds out, it is very likely that they will take this manga away - the editorial department of the youth has a much greater say in the Phoenix Company than the editorial department of the girl few.

Fortunately, Meng Huo made a clear choice this time. (to be continued)

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