Big Manga

Chapter 950: The Vortex of Choice

"Teacher, I heard that you have prepared a new comic?"

"You know it so soon?"

In the evening, Meng Huo, who had just arrived at the door of the studio, received a call from Ye Xiong. He was a little surprised that news of "Natsume's Book of Friends" spread so quickly. But Ye Xiong said that he got the news from Wang Hui, and the others didn't know about it.

"Teacher, are you being too biased?" Ye Xiong said, "Why don't you give us that manga, we are the juvenile manga!"

"Natsume's style is more in line with girl manga..."

"No matter what style it is, as long as the protagonist is a boy, it can be placed in "Weekly Boys"!"

Ye Xiong was a little excited. After he got the news, he regretted not being able to learn about "Natsume's Book of Friends" before Wang Hui, otherwise he would definitely get it. The classification of comic style may be important to other cartoonists, but it has little influence on He Xi.

As long as it is He Xi's manga, no matter what the style is, "Natsume's Book of Friends" can be published in juvenile manga magazines, and the sales will definitely not be bad.

But at this time, Meng Huo had already handed "Xiamu's Account of Friends" to Wang Hui, and he didn't intend to get it back. Ye Xiong fought for a long time without any results, and finally had to give up. But he didn't get nothing, Meng Huo promised to prepare a juvenile manga for the next manga.

Although he didn't know when Meng Huo's next comic would be released, Ye Xiong did feel better.

After hanging up the phone, Meng Huo pushed open the door of the studio, but as soon as he opened the door, he saw several women inside scattered from the door in a panic, and ran back to their respective painting desks like chickens and dogs. , 'As if nothing had happened', he started painting.

"..." Meng Huo walked into the studio with a helpless face, and after sitting on his painting table, he said, "Don't tell me what happened just now."

The air in the studio froze. Then the voices of female cartoonists echoed quickly.

"I see, Teacher He Xi!"

"I definitely won't say too much!"

Qin Ya and three female assistants immediately reassured them that they found Meng Huo calling outside the door just now. Out of curiosity, I hid behind the door and heard the conversation between Meng Huo and Ye Xiong, so I also knew about the new comics.

The new manga hasn't been released yet. It is still a secret, Qin Ya and the others certainly know how to measure it.

But even so, these women still seemed quite curious. From time to time at work, they wanted to find out the content and news of "Natsume's Book of Friends" from Meng Huo, but they were all simply dismissed by Meng Huo.

At 10:30 in the evening, after the work on "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" was completed, the three female assistants left one after another, while Qin Ya stayed and Meng Huo continued to finish "The Soul of Chess". When there are only two people left. Qin Ya relaxed a lot, and asked: "I said teacher, you are opening a new manga again, won't you be tired?"

She thought that Meng Huo would behave as usual without any pressure, but unexpectedly this time Meng Huo shook his head.

"It's still a little stressful." Meng Huo quickly finished drawing the last picture under his hand, and said, "But the impact of having one more copy is not very big, Qin Ya, I want to borrow someone from you."

Qin Ya was taken aback: "Who?"

"Bai Han."

Meng Huo mentioned the name of an assistant who had left just now. From the moment they met, he was very optimistic about Bai Han's strength. In this series of "Natsume's Book of Friends", it would be much easier if she could be brought in as an assistant.

And it just so happens that the work location coincides with "Legend of the Galaxy Diva", so Bai Han can work an extra hour or two in the studio every day during the day.

"Sure enough. Teacher, you have been eyeing her for a long time!" After Qin Ya realized, she showed a wry smile on her face, but she didn't show much surprise. Bai Han was her best assistant, and she had long felt that Meng Huo was not good enough. Will let her go.

"But... this matter is really difficult... I don't want to let her go."

Qin Ya showed embarrassment. If it had been a few months ago, she would have agreed to Meng Huo. But the situation is different now. After the animation production of "The Legend of the Galactic Diva" started, the help of several assistants in the animation is also indispensable.

If Bai Han is allowed to serve as Meng Huo's assistant in the new comics. She had to withdraw from the animation production of "The Legend of the Galactic Diva".

"Isn't it possible?" Meng Huo looked at Qin Ya.

Qin Ya frowned slightly, her eyes met Meng Huo's. Soon he couldn't help but glanced away: "Okay, you won. Who told me to owe you!"

Thinking that Meng Huo had helped her a lot, whether it was comics or animation, Qin Ya really couldn't bear to refuse. And once she agrees, there is no need to worry about Bai Han's wishes—there is no cartoonist in Phoenix Company who can resist the temptation to be an assistant.

In fact, after getting the news, the female assistant was so excited that she couldn't fall asleep all night. And at the same late night, when many people were falling asleep, in a hotel in Yanjing, there was a young girl sitting in front of another middle-aged man with anxiety.

"...Don't worry, we will be responsible for all liquidated damages. After you come to our company, your treatment will definitely not be lower than that of Phoenix Company." The man is the director of a well-known entertainment company, named Li Sheng, and he spoke calmly Soothe the girl.

"Miss Kirishima, our company will prepare a bigger stage and a more professional team for you, and train you into a first-class star."

Li Sheng took out a stack of documents from his bag and put them on the table, then pushed it in front of Kirishima. Kirishima picked up the document a little nervously, she was very nervous, this was the most nervous time she had been since she signed up for the seiyuu interview that year.

Kirishima is a voice actor affiliated to Phoenix Company. It has been two years since she joined the company. Although she is not a super popular voice actor, she has at least gained a certain reputation. Because she often participates in animation dubbing, many people know her when she walks on the street. .

She opened Li Sheng's file, and just read two pages before her eyes widened: "This, this is..."

"This is the training plan we prepared for you." Li Sheng smiled, and there was a very detailed training plan in the document. As long as Kirishima agrees to switch to their company, they will train and promote her according to the plan, hold concerts, various activities, and even have two movie actors in the document.

Kirishima couldn't help swallowing, her heart was beating fast, she had no intention of quitting when she first met this man. But seeing this detailed plan, Kirishima began to be moved. With such careful consideration, the other party obviously values ​​him very much.

"Why, why do you value me so much? I'm just a second-rate voice actor, right?" After resisting the urge to immediately agree. Kirishima asked.

"You are not a second-rate voice actor, your talent is just buried!" Li Sheng stood up. He said a little excitedly: "Since your debut, we have been paying attention to you. Your performance on stage is impressive. You are a talented person. As long as you go through professional training, you will definitely become an important star. "

He started to persuade Kirishima proficiently. What Kirishima didn't know was that Li Sheng had already used these words very skillfully, but it didn't mean that he was really optimistic about Kirishima.

Although he kept praising Kirishima from his mouth. But Li Sheng was very disapproving in his heart. He doesn't think that Kirishima can become a big star at all. In fact, this girl's ability is similar to other third-tier stars, and she won't have much development if she leaves Phoenix Company, and it's not worth their company to make plans for her.

The reason why she would get the attention of the company, and the reason why Li Sheng wanted to visit in person to express his sincerity—in fact, it was just to ensure that she could be successfully excavated from Phoenix Company.

This is a large-scale "capture" operation. Several large star companies joined hands and joined hands with ten small companies, planning to "sweep out" the voice actors of Phoenix Company, so that the voice actor agency can never turn around again. .

Due to the bright future of the Phoenix Company, the price of "arresting people" is not cheap. Li Sheng and the others have to pay each seiyuu more than their worth to convince them-but it doesn't matter, anyway, it is not their company that is acting.

And after things work out. The seiyuu market will be reshuffled, and the seiyuu recruited are not useless, and besides... those big companies also promised to give them some benefits to these small companies afterwards.

Kirishima was almost persuaded by Li Sheng's rhetoric. Such a big man came to see me with such a detailed plan. If he was not talented, why would the other party do this?

"Could it be... can I really become a big star?"

The girl thought with a little joy.

Seeing her heartbeat, Li Sheng said persistently: "Miss Kirishima, please think carefully, you have absolutely no development in Phoenix Company."

"Phoenix Company's lineup of top-notch voice actors has already formed. They are pressing on your head, and you can't go to the next level—but if you join our company. Even if the dubbing cannot surpass them, there will be other channels for improvement. Maybe it will become more popular than them!"

In this regard, what Li Sheng said makes sense. Phoenix Company mainly uses dubbing as an upward channel, and it is difficult for a voice actor without distinctive dubbing to become a top idol. However, other star companies are more diverse. They can cultivate different stars according to different types.

"I...I..." Kirishima almost agreed, but before she agreed, she suddenly hesitated again: "Can I think about it?"

"Of course..." Li Sheng didn't refuse, he already had the chance to win the Rebirth Supreme Linglong Daughter. Years of experience told him that Kirishima has already been persuaded, and it would be bad to force her too much: "Well, how about you give me an answer tomorrow?"

Kirishima nodded, seeing Li Sheng's tolerant attitude, she felt that she should promise him.

"After we go back, let's talk to the manager..." When seeing off Li Sheng, Kirishima thought: "If she is willing to leave with me, maybe Minister Li will agree."

The manager was still in the room, and she was looking for an excuse to sneak out to meet Li Sheng without telling the manager.

If the agent agrees to change jobs with her, she can leave, but if the agent disagrees, Kirishima has no intention of backing down—anyway, the liquidated damages will be borne by Li Sheng and the others, and Kirishima is not worried about punishment.

She walked slowly back to her room, took a breath of courage at the door, and opened the door.

"Kirishima! Where have you been!?" As soon as he walked in, the agent walked over with a cold face: "Didn't I tell you not to run around? Why did you disappear after taking a shower without notifying the bodyguard next door?" !"

Kirishima shrank her head: "I'm sorry, Miss Rei, I just... just want to go for a walk."

She was suddenly a little afraid to talk about job hopping. This sister Li would be terrified for hours if she got angry, so let's wait until she calms down. But to Kirishima's surprise, this time the manager just taught him a few words, and his face quickly calmed down.

"Forget it, it might be because I usually restrict you too much." The manager suddenly became reasonable, and even put on a smile: "By the way, Kirishima, do you want to hear some good news?"

"Good news?" Kirishima wondered, "What news?"

"Our salary has increased!" The agent said with a smile all over his face, "A new supervisor came in today, and she ordered that the salary of the seiyuu and us agents be increased, and the rate is not small!"

Kirishima's eyes widened in surprise: "Increase salary?"

"That's right, it's a surprise!" The agent said with a smile: "Guess who this supervisor is? You must not have imagined it - I was frightened by this person when I first heard the news, and I never thought that she would become our supervisor. supervisor."

"Yes... who is..."

"Shen Jie." The manager stretched out his hand to Kirishima's head and said with a smile: "It's Shen Jie from our firm. She was appointed by the vice president as the new director of our firm. She has the same status as the minister and the others. scared?"

"Senior Shen Jie?"

Kirishima was indeed frightened, but at the same time she felt her head was in a mess. Why did Shen Jie become the supervisor? Why another raise? And... so she can still change jobs?

Suddenly thinking of this, Kirishima became nervous and asked, "Salary increase, do you want to change the contract?"

"Of course." The manager nodded and said, "We just went back tomorrow and changed the contract. It is said that the new contract has many new benefits and training plans. If you change earlier, you will get the benefits faster."

"New treatment and training plan?" Kirishima felt strange why it was somewhat similar to the plan that Li Sheng showed her, and it happened at this time. Could it be a coincidence?

"Anything else?"

"Others? I don't know much about the others. I won't know until I go back." The agent thought for a while and said, "But I heard that the liquidated damages have also increased a lot. Is there any legitimate reason to resign and change jobs?" There will be some special punishments..."

She smiled: "But it doesn't matter, you won't leave the company anyway."

Kirishima's face turned pale, and she realized that she had entered a whirlpool of choices. (to be continued)

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