Big Manga

Chapter 951: Reckless

After a night of sleepless nights, when Kirishima woke up the next day, his eyes were still red.

But in the end, she followed her manager back to Suhua. After thinking about it all night, Kirishima couldn't make a decision, so she decided to go back and have a look first. If you don't like the new contract, then forget about signing it—it's impossible to force her to sign anyway, right?

"And even if I get stuck, I'm not afraid..." Kirishima thought in the car, she has other places to go now, and she doesn't need to worry about getting stuck with Phoenix Company. And as long as she thought about it, she felt much more relaxed.

However, after returning to Su Hua's office, Kirishima's heart immediately lifted again.

"Why, why are you all here..." She was surprised to see many other voice actors sitting in the meeting room, several of them were supposed to be performing out of town, but they were all sitting here with different expressions at the moment.

"You guys are back, sit down!" Seeing Kirishima and the others come back, several female employees took them to sit down immediately, and said, "Look at the new contract first, and Miss Shen Jie will come to explain it in person later."

Kirishima looked down and saw that the contract documents were already on the table.

"The new voice actors who stayed in Manga Island were signed yesterday." A female employee said with a smile: "Today is your part, and Ms. Real has been notified and will be back in two days."

"..." The manager next to Kirishima was stunned: "Does everyone have to sign?"

"Although it is not necessary, but the time is special now, I suggest that everyone should sign it." The employee said, and Kirishima raised his head: "Why?"

"Because the company is in trouble!" A clear voice answered, but it wasn't the voice of an employee. Kirishima turned around and saw Shen Jie striding into the meeting room with several older women.

Her appearance caused quite a stir in the seiyuu group.

"It's really Shen Jie!"

"She has really become a supervisor. I thought it was a joke before... Isn't she promoted too fast?"

Several voice actors chatted in low voices, and Kirishima was also shaken. But after all, Shen Jie, who is like a monster, surpassed Xia Chuan in popularity soon after her debut, so she couldn't be treated with common sense.

"Shen Jie, what's the deal with this contract?" A female voice actor asked, "Isn't this a mandatory contract?"

Shen Jie stood in front.

Hand ring: "This is not a mandatory contract, but you are right to think that it is a mandatory contract... Whoever does not sign this contract. We will regard her as intending to leave the job, and will not give much care in the future."

"This..." The voice actor was stunned: "Why is this happening?"

"As I said just now, the company is in trouble." Shen Jie said coldly: "We have received news that many companies are poaching you. In order to prevent large-scale hopping, we have to take measures."

After she finished speaking, another female executive beside her stood up and explained: "I think some of you have already been exposed to the temptation of other companies, and this time the situation is more serious than before, and we have to change the contract. "

Another male voice actor asked: "But isn't our company's liquidated damages very high? Why should it increase? Plus other penalties. Wouldn't it be difficult for us to leave the company in the future?"

"Don't worry about it." Shen Jie said lightly: "It is stated in the contract that if there are legitimate reasons, the company will generally not prevent you from leaving after careful review, but you will not be allowed to engage in animation dubbing work within one year of leaving the company."

One year can not be engaged in animation dubbing, this is a non-competition contract! Kirishima couldn't help but raise his heart. This contract must never be signed. Once signed, it is almost impossible to change jobs again—seiyuu can't dub animation, so what's the value?

"Every one of you is a voice actor cultivated by the company, not a dowry for others." Shen Jie looked around the voice actors in the conference room. Many people avoided her in the center of her line of sight. It seemed that many of them had already been in contact with other people's negotiations.

If it hadn't been discovered early, the seiyuu firm would have been wiped out.

Shen Jie's face darkened: "There are many people who haven't read the contract yet. Then I will explain a few points here, and I hope you will consider it carefully."

"First." She paused and raised her voice: "Any seiyuu who leave and join another company will never be hired by Phoenix again, and all of our animation dubbing will not be from these seiyuu choose."

"Secondly, we will withdraw the authorization of the songs. These voice actors will be prohibited from singing the copyrighted songs of Phoenix Company on any occasion in the future, and some exclusive endorsement songs will be handed over to other voice actors."

The faces of Kirishima and his party immediately changed, and the first point Shen Jie said was not unexpected. In fact, when the male voice actors switched jobs last time, Phoenix Company said that they would not hire traitors again. But the second point has a big impact.

Although the most well-known songs of Phoenix Company are responsible for a few top-notch seiyuu, it is because of the large number of animations. Each animation has dozens to hundreds of songs, and most official voice actors will have several unique songs of their own.

They mainly rely on various anime songs and unique songs to express their charm on stage. If they can no longer sing these songs and the dubbing of animation is banned, then their job-hopping will be like suicide, and their popularity will be hit hard. chapter.

"What should I do now..." Kirishima wavered, did she still want to leave now? Although she didn't sign a new contract, she believed that if she chose to leave under such circumstances, Phoenix Company would definitely not be polite to her in the future.

And after hearing Shen Jie's words, Kirishima began to doubt Li Sheng's words. If many companions were poached, then their invitation might not be because they valued her, but because they wanted to deal with Phoenix Company.

That is to say, if he changes jobs this time, he will help other people deal with Phoenix Company.

"Is that really the case?" Kirishima looked around hesitantly. The other voice actors seemed to be thinking about it too. Many of them were hesitant to write—this situation made Kirishima's heart skip a beat. She felt that what Shen Jie said It is not created out of nothing.

If there is no influence from outsiders, everyone here will definitely accept the new contract happily. After all, it is a good thing that the salary has increased, and there is no seiyuu firm with more development potential than Phoenix Company in the outside world.

The fact that so many people are hesitating at this moment means that they must have a better choice—that is, someone has already sent them an invitation.

"Kirishima..." Just as Kirishima was thinking this, the agent next to her patted her hand: "What are you thinking about. Hurry up and sign it!"

The agent had already signed the contract, and Kirishima looked at her and asked hesitantly, "Why don't we just sign it? If we leave in the future..."

"I believe in the company." The agent said with a smile: "Actually, our company's contract is already very good. And...Let me tell you, I used to be the agent of other star companies."

"Yeah." Kirishima nodded. She knew that many agents of Phoenix Company came from other star companies.

"You may not know that this new contract is actually the most lenient in the entertainment industry." The agent said, "Your remuneration and share will not be half a cent lower than other star companies, and the various treatments are also good. As for the resigned Punishment - those star companies are even more serious, you see..."

She pointed to the front, and Kirishima looked up, only to see that several female voice actors had already signed new contracts and were confirming with Shen Jie in front of her.

"Seniors like you are people who know something about the entertainment industry. They signed the contract very simply. Although this new contract is a bit harsh, it is considered loose in the industry..." said the manager.

Kirishima hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head and flipped over the new contract.

"I won't sign it anymore." Just as she was looking at the contract carefully, a male voice actor stood up and said, "The conditions are too harsh, I want to keep the old contract."

The whole meeting room fell silent, and Kirishima looked at Shen Jie a little nervously. She thought that Shen Jie would be angry, but she didn't expect that Shen Jie just slightly raised the corners of her mouth. Said: "Whatever, if you don't want to sign, go back to the dormitory and rest."

The male voice actor was taken aback, as if he didn't expect Shen Jie to give up so easily. But still gritted his teeth and turned around to go out. Shen Jie didn't even look at him, and continued to look around at the others: "Is there anyone else who doesn't want to sign? If you don't want to sign, just leave together. I won't force you."

Kirishima looked back, and sure enough, another five or six people stood up and walked out.

"...idiot." Hearing the agent's sigh, Kirishima looked back, and the agent urged: "Hurry up and sign, now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Even if those who left just now don't leave Phoenix Company, they won't be in the future." How will it be reused?"

Although Shen Jie didn't stop the seiyuu from leaving. But she has made it very clear from the beginning that she will regard those who do not sign the contract as leaving. It will definitely not be reused in the future.

"..." Kirishima sighed inwardly, gritted his teeth and wrote his name on the contract.

After finishing writing, she suddenly felt that she had figured it out. In fact, yesterday's invitation was originally a trap. Even with Shen Jie's harsh words, there are still so many people leaving, it is conceivable that the invitation conditions for these people will definitely not lose to their own Dashengdao.

No one is a fool. After Shen Jie told the truth about the situation, many voice actors knew in their hearts that they had become someone else's pawn. But the temptation of others is real, and being a pawn is also valuable-but Kirishima feels that it is too risky to change jobs.

Even if the other party will provide you with a better environment and conditions, can you really succeed? Kirishima finally chose Phoenix, but this is related to her personality. Other more ambitious voice actors may not choose her path.

Shen Jie watched coldly as the voice actors changed their contracts one after another. Although some people left the stage, the number was still under her control.

The new contract has successfully shaken the minds of many people. As long as the number of resignations does not exceed the standard, Shen Jie has no idea of ​​​​preventing others from leaving-although Alice may prefer to keep everyone, Shen Jie is more willing to let the disobedient people leave. remove first.

She has a way to keep more people, but it's meaningless. Those who barely stay may have problems in the future, so it's better to make a clean break.

Although the new contract can be regarded as an Overlord's Treaty, this is the best way for Shen Jie. Taking it out so early may make some voice actors angry, but it's better than taking it late. If the situation develops further, when the wooing of those star companies is more effective, there will not be so many people signing the same contract.

Now that the voice actors have not wavered, it can minimize the disturbance. Of course... this is just the beginning, the next thing Shen Jie has to do is to show the outside world that the voice actors of Phoenix Company will not be poached again and again.

She believes that only a clear backlash will bring others back.

Therefore, Shen Jie quickly started the next step - she asked people to announce this incident on the official website of Phoenix Company, the official website of the seiyuu firm, and He Xi's home forum, and warned certain companies anonymously Don't overdo it.

When Alice heard the news, she was dumbfounded.

"What are you doing?" She quickly called Shen Jie: "Why did you tell the matter?"

"Isn't this better?" Shen Jie asked back, she exposed the matter, and things were much easier to handle. When the fans noticed this, who else would dare to blatantly poach the voice actors of Phoenix Company? What voice actor dares to leave?

Shen Jie found the initiative to reveal the truth before the matter was fermented. In this way, under the watchful eyes of everyone, if any company dared to continue poaching people, it would be tantamount to seeking death. Angry public opinion is enough to suppress them—after all, Phoenix Company had a victim experience before, and many fans were still deeply impressed by the male voice actor’s job-hopping. Phoenix's side of the truth.

The voice actors will also choose more carefully at this time. Shen Jie has already explained the matter clearly. Whoever quits at this time is tantamount to publicly swearing betrayal. Do they have the guts to do this in front of their past fans?

From these two aspects, Shen Jie's approach is indeed correct, but...

"Don't you think you are provoking the other party?" Alice had a headache. Although she asked Shen Jie to be tougher, this method was too reckless—although it can indeed produce good results, the negative effects are also serious.

Originally in the commercial competition, although these actions of the other party were excessive, there was no need to announce them. Publishing this information online is a taboo, and it is undoubtedly blatantly provocative while taking the initiative.

The other party is not a company. Once this kind of large-scale action is torn apart, the possibility of backing down is even smaller. Phoenix Company's announcement in this way is equivalent to threatening them to give up poaching, but how can the other party compromise?

"You are too reckless." Alice frowned distressedly: "Now the situation has to expand, and the net will be broken!"

She absolutely does not believe that those star companies will back down because of this, if so, they are too cowardly. Phoenix Company wiped out their face and majesty with a single warning. If they don't fight back forcefully, many people will have to laugh at them as a bully in the future. (to be continued)

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